The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 272: Hu Hai

  Chapter 272 Violent beating of the bear child Hu Hai

  Time passed in a hurry, and three springs and autumns passed away quietly.

  Mo Li has been in the barracks for three years.

   "My son, do you really want to go back to the palace?"

  Wang Jian asked, looking at the little adult in front of him, he didn't dare to look down upon it.

  One year ago, Li Li saw Wang Jian’s training soldiers repeatedly swinging swords in the army, and so on. There was no physical training at all, so he proposed to Wang Jian to reform the training.

   However, Wang Jian refused.

  Although he knows that Li Li is smart and precocious, he has his own opinions on everything he does, but don’t forget that he, Wang Jian, can be a soldier.

  For training soldiers, he thinks he has never served anyone!

  Even if Li Qi was the second son of the empire, he did not give him the slightest face in regards to training soldiers.

  Wang Jian felt that Li Li was just talking about soldiers on paper and didn’t understand training at all.

  So far, the two have argued.

  Unfortunately, no one can persuade anyone, so in the end, they had to make a bet agreement.

  Mo Li selected a hundred people from the army to conduct special training according to the method he set up for a period of three months, after which the results were checked and accepted.

  In this way, Li Li became the smallest military leader in the history of Daqin.

  'S words reached Lu Buwei and others' ears, and it turned into a joke, so that they stopped paying attention to Mo Li at all.

  In their eyes, Li Qiye was just a boy.

  Ying Zheng heard it, smiled, and said nothing.

  But what these people don’t know is that after March, Li’s training team of a hundred people successfully captured the barracks’ commander, vandalized the food, and destroyed ordnance and equipment.

  Since then, Wang Jian really admires the second son of the empire.

  After Ying Zheng learned of it, he quickly ordered people to block the news, and no one knew what was happening in the barracks.

After   , Li Li was not involved in the army. The training method he designed was completely responsible for passing the entire army through the hundred people he trained.

Of course!

  Mo Li’s training method does not use everyone, and some people are still brushed down and become the logistical support departments such as the fire-head army.

  In the rest of the time, Li Li was busy with his own affairs, practicing Fei Xian Jue.

  After all, this is a technique that includes Taoism, martial arts, and internal boxing, and it can be practiced to the realm of broken void.

  Three years have passed, and Li Li's realm is still innate, but his strength is several times stronger than three years ago.

  As for why Li Li had to return to the palace in a hurry, it was mainly because Lu Buwei and others were very restless recently. As the second son of Yingzheng, he would naturally not stand idly by.


  Mo Li nodded.

   "When will you leave?"

   Seeing that Mo Li had decided to leave, Wang Jian was not persuading him to stay. He knew that what Mo Li had decided would not change.

   "Leave in a while!"

   Mo Li said with a slight hesitation.

   "I will let Wang Li accompany you back and be responsible for your daily life."

  Wang Jiang said.

"it is good!"

  Mo Li nodded and agreed. Wang Li is Wang Jian’s grandson. Although he has no father and grandfather in his life, he is not bad.

  Furthermore, Li Li arranged Wang Li by his side, also in order to cultivate his grandson.

  And Li Li agreed, because he currently has insufficient manpower, and Wang Jian is loyal to the empire and speaks himself personally, so he naturally cannot refuse.

After   , the two exchanged for a while, and Li Li left the barracks with Wang Li.

  In the afternoon, an ordinary carriage drove into Xianyang without attracting anyone's attention.

  Mo Li was sitting in the car, and the groom driving the car was Wang Li in disguise.

  As for why this is so?

   mainly because Li Qiye didn't want to be too public.

  After all, at this tense moment, any bit of trouble will attract the attention of the caring people, which will lead to a series of plans.

   "Master, here it is!"

  Wang Li’s voice came.

   "Well, enter the palace!"

  The immature voice of Li Li from the car.


  Wang Li took out his waist card, verified his identity, and instantly entered the palace.

  The first time that Mo Li returned to the palace, Ying Zheng received the news. It can be said that there is nothing in the palace that Ying Zheng does not know.

  However, Ying Zheng did not summon Li Li. He knew that his second son had always had unique opinions. Since he suddenly returned to the palace, he definitely had a corresponding plan.

  Li Li naturally knew that although he could hide many people, Ying Zheng could never hide it.

   "Woo woo woo"

  As soon as he returned to the place where he had been away for three years, he heard the sound of weeping inside, with a faint complaint.

   "Brother, you said we didn't provoke the eighteenth son, why did he hit you and me?"

  "Who knows? Since the son left, many sons have come to bully us if there is nothing to do with the son, don't you know that these people will be presumptuous?"

   "Ouch, brother, please tap"

  "Stop talking, just put on the medicine"

  Listening to the voice, the two persons who were talking to each other were obviously young, and they should be 14 or 15 years old.

   "Go in."

  Mo Li's voice was a bit cold, causing Wang Li to shiver unconsciously.

  He knew that every time Li Qi was like this, someone would suffer.


Without any hesitation, Wang Li directly followed Mo Li and walked in.

   "When will the son come back?"


  The closer he gets, the more Li Li can hear the dialogue inside.

  He also knows who the conversation is. It is the pair of brothers who were sent to the palace together back then, and the second of the people who took care of Li Qi.

   "Who is bullying Er, etc., quickly speaking, it is for Er and others to call the shots!"

  Mo Li suddenly spoke, and the two of them who were talking inside were taken aback. They turned into joy in an instant, and then turned around to pay a visit.

  "My son, you are back, great"

  The younger brother Zhang Jie and the older brother Zhang He were surprised.

   "Tell me what's going on?"

  Looking at the injuries of the two brothers, Li Qiye's expression was cold, and a trace of murderous intent appeared, causing the surrounding temperature to drop slightly.

  "My brother and I were cleaning the palace yesterday. The Eighteenth Young Master suddenly came here with his left and right attendants. He didn't care about the persuasion of the two of me and insisted on entering the Young Master's study.

  My brother and I kept in mind your teachings, so naturally they couldn’t let people enter. As a result, the eighteenth son ordered the left and right attendants to hang up my brothers and beat them up for a while.”

  It can be seen that Zhang He's heart is extremely suffocated. When he said this, his eyes were full of tears of grief and anger!

   "The eighteenth son also said, son, you have long been out of favor in the eyes of King Qin, and now he is the most favored"

  Zhang Jie thought of the eighteenth son's insulting words, he became angry, and his eyes were very unfair.

  It can be seen from this point that the Zhang brothers are really the center of Li.


  Mo Li took a deep breath, and an unknown fire burst into his heart.

  When telling things through listening to Zhanghe, Li Li knew roughly what was going on.

  After he left, Ying Zheng obviously transferred the love for himself to Hu Hai, making this little kid forget about it.

  It is not difficult to guess that it was definitely Ying Zheng who mentioned himself in front of Hu Hai, so that Hu Hai, the kid, had a rebellious mentality.

  So much so that he came over to find his trouble.

   realizing that he was no longer there, he sent his anger to his subordinates.

  When faced with such a thing, how could Li Li choose to settle the matter, he is not the good old man who resuscitates him, and he must take brotherhood into consideration in everything he does.

  In his opinion, how could the existence of the future ruin the entire Qin country be more important than his own life.

   "Go, take me to Hu Hai!"

  Looking at the tearful Zhang brothers, Li Qiye narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a hint of sharpness, and said coldly.

  Since these two people are so loyal to themselves, how could he not make it to them?

  "Young Master"

  The Zhang brothers did not want Li Li to offend Hu Hai because of the two of them. After all, Hu Hai is now the celebrity next to King Qin.

   "Needless to say, the lonely person, it is not his turn to teach him!"

  Mo Li's words came out, the Zhang brothers were completely stunned, and even Wang Li on the side became a little surprised.

  Although the two brothers complained and prayed that Li Qi would come back to take charge of them, they did not have much hope in their hearts.


  The two brothers looked at each other, their faces rising with a hint of excitement.

  In the last more than a year, Hu Hai took the court ladies and eunuchs with his servants on more than one occasion to provoke the second son's court servants.

  However, the eldest son Fusu restrained the people in the palace to avoid fighting each time.

  This is completely different from the time when Li Li was there.

No one dared to offend when Mo Li was there.

  However, the Zhang brothers were still a little bit disbelief. The Second Young Master would have a head-on conflict with Hu Hai because of their small eunuchs.

  "What are you still trying to do? Don't you want to find the place back?"

  Mo Li pressed the saber around his waist with his left hand and strode towards the outside.


  In the palace, Hu Hai’s residence,

  A domineering child in Chinese clothes is surrounded by a large group of eunuchs and court ladies, with a tendency to hold the moon.

  What is more noticeable for this child is that his eyes are very different from ordinary people. The left eye is golden yellow and the right eye is ice blue. It is a rare heterochromatic pupil.

  It was these pupils that made his whole person's temperament even more maddening.

  In front of these people, a wooden stake was erected, and a small **** was tied to it. His body was scarred, and it was not known how many times he had fainted.

   "Dare to sneak into my son, I really don't want to live anymore!"

   "Come on, throw me up to wake him up!"

  This strange pupil was Hu Hai. He held a small leather whip in his hand, dipped it in water, and struck the little **** body after whip.

  Each time the leather whip is dropped, it will leave a hideous scar on the little eunuch's body.

  It is hard to imagine that a three-year-old urchin could be so cruel.

  At this time, the little **** has no strength to breathe.

  And Hu Hai still pointed out that Sang cursed Huai:

  "Today, at that home where I didn’t know where I was going to die, I was hit by two little eunuchs. After coming back, you, a lifeless fellow, dared to collide with me. You really wanted to die.

  After that, Hu Hai held the whip in his hand again, and drew it heavily towards the little eunuch.

  At this moment, Hu Hai suddenly felt a pain in his wrist, and the whip in his hand had been taken away.

  A cold and indifferent voice sounded beside Hu Hai.

   "Eighteen brother, you are so majestic!"

  The indifferent voice does not carry a trace of emotion, but it contains strong power.

  Hu Hai shuddered. At that moment, he even thought that the speaker was his father Ying Zheng.

  Because of the people Hu Hai knew, only Qin Wang Yingzheng was the only one who had brought such pressure to him.

  However, when Hu Hai turned his head and saw the incoming person clearly, the fear in his eyes disappeared, and he was replaced by a strong anger.

   "Who are you, dare to be presumptuous in my palace?"

  Looking at the stranger two heads higher than himself, Hu Hai yelled.

   "I don't know who the lonely is, I dare to come to my mansion to be presumptuous, who gives you the courage?"

   Mo Li condescendingly asked.

  For Hu Hai, if it wasn't for the fear that Ying Zheng was unhappy, Li Qi would directly slap him to death.

   "Yeah, it turned out to be Brother Er Wang, it's really rare!"

  Most of the children of the royal family mature prematurely. The three-year-old Hu Hai already knows how to fight for power. These are the reasons why Ying Zheng likes him.

  Because Hu Hai is also clever and has a shadow on his body, he is loved by Ying Zheng.

  After understanding who the person is, Hu Hai's weak body, but with a trace of hostility.

  During Li's absence, Hu Hai took the **** and palace maid to his mansion to make trouble.

  As for the arrival of Li Li this time, Hu Hai relied on Ying Zheng’s love and did not take Li Li seriously.

  In Hu Hai's view, Li Li is an out-of-favor existence. As long as he is strong enough, Li Li will only turn big things into small things, retreating again and again.

  After all, it was the eldest son Fusu, who would do this in front of him.

  "Brother Wang, I don’t know what is going to happen to my mansion. If there is nothing to do, don’t delay me from teaching the people?"

  Hu Hai showed a contemptuous smile on his face.

  However, to Hu Hai's surprise, Li did not even look at him.


  The saber was unsheathed at his waist, and the sword cut off the rope tied to the wooden post, and put him down.

  At this time, there were at least seventy or eighty welt marks on the little eunuch's body.

  On his left hand and right wrist, there was an incredibly hideous wound, and even the tendons of his hand were broken.

  When he saw this place, the chill in Li Li’s eyes was even worse. Looking at Hu Hai, his voice was cold and merciless: "You picked off his hand muscles?"

   Facing Li's gaze, Hu Hai shuddered involuntarily and took a half step back.

   Immediately reacted, Hu Hai became a little bit irritated, he felt that backing made him lose face.

   "So what? It's just a slave, who dares to bump into this young man, and breaks his hand muscles are all light, no..."


  Hu Hai's words came to an abrupt end.

  A clear applause echoed in the yard.

  A clear slap print appeared on Hu Hai’s left face, making his originally cute and handsome face visibly swollen.

"there is nothing?"

   Li Li looked down indifferently at Hu Hai, who was a lot shorter than him, and the coercion exuded from his whole body was even greater.

  It’s useless to be reasonable when encountering a bear kid, and it’s over!

   " dare to hit me!"

   Mo Li's slap directly slapped Hu Hai, his tone of voice was mixed with a strong disbelief.

  You must know that Hu Hai’s mother is the most beloved concubine of King Qin, and Hu Hai is also deeply loved by Ying Zheng. No one has ever dared to beat him at his size.

  A terrible fire of shame and anger burned in Hu Hai's heart, and the three-year-old boy's lack of sanity instantly vanished.

  (End of this chapter)