The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 278: Sima Yi appeared, ruling a big country l

  Chapter 278 Sima Yi appears, ruling a big country like cooking a small fresh


   Hearing this, Ying Zheng’s heart suddenly moved. He knew that the person recommended by Li Li was definitely not easy. It was he who told the Jingxuan and Xuanyi three years ago that he was able to let Ying Zheng control a part of the snare.

  However, Yingzheng’s expression remains the same, as calm as water, making people unable to see what he is thinking?

  The performance of Yingzheng now is that the Taishan collapse does not change its color, and the elk is thriving at the left without blinking. This is a necessary quality for a king.

   glanced around, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, as if he was talking to the surroundings?

  Afterwards, Ying Zheng changed the trajectory of his steps without a trace, and his figure turned back again. At the same time, he walked to Li Li and lowered his voice: "Come in!"

  Although Ying Zheng's voice was suppressed very low, Li Qi still heard a hint of excitement from it.

  For Ying Zheng, what he lacks most now is talents.

  As long as there is a steady stream of talents coming, he can realize his lofty ambitions.

  After all, he still has the right to be in charge of Da Qin.

  I heard that there is a wizard here who wants to introduce him to Yingzheng, and Ying Zheng is so happy!

  He has a deep understanding of Li's magic.

  Now that Li Li said that he would recommend talents to him, it must be the forces behind Li Li that began to contribute in order to help him seize the Qin Kingdom.


  Mo Li nodded, and followed Ying Zheng towards the house.

  He knew that Ying Zheng entered the house by himself in such a hurry, and wanted to see not himself, but the wizard he was talking about.

   "Where is the Wizard, let him come out?"

  As soon as he entered the house, he heard Ying Zheng’s majestic voice sounded, with a hint of urgency in it.

  Obviously, at this time, deep down in Yingzheng's heart, she wanted to meet the genius of Mo Lishuo.

  However, soon this eagerness will not be hidden from the government, and it has returned to a calm state again.

  Yingzheng’s concealment was not to guard against his own son, Li Li, but because of the emperor’s nature of Yingzheng, and fear that the wizard was in the palace at this moment, and that man despised him, King Qin.


  Mo Li bowed to Ying Zheng, then tilted his head slightly, and said in a calm voice: "Zhongda, come out!"


   Accompanied by the falling of the voice of Li Li, a voice rang in the dark, and soon a figure turned from the corner of the temple.

  This person is Sima Yi. He quickly came to a place five steps away from Li Li and Ying Zheng, listened to it, and bowed to the two of them.

   "Caomin Sima Yi, pay respect to King Qin, pay respect to son!"

  At the moment Sima Yi came out, Ying Zheng's eyes lit up.

  He can see this person's extraordinary at a glance.

  People in high positions naturally have their own talents for judging people, besides, they are the emperor Qin Shihuang.

  At this moment, Ying Zheng’s eyes flashed with a gleam, and he faintly saw in Sima Yi a feeling of being a hero in the world.

  Especially that of Sima Yi's wolf gaze, which made Ying Zheng very happy.

   "Sir, please sit down!"

   Ying Zheng said.

  He did not rush to have a deep/in-depth conversation with Sima Yi, but first invited Sima Yi to take a seat.

   "Thanks, King!"

   Sima Yi gave a small thank-you gift, then moved away from the side, and sat down opposite Shi Yingzheng.

  After Sima Yi sat down, the scene instantly became extremely silent, and no one spoke.

  Ying Zheng kept looking at Sima Yi, wanting to see how extraordinary he is?

   And Sima Yi also looked at Ying Zheng, wanting to see this emperor who was praised by the world.

  Mo Li smiled and said nothing.

  Situations like this came to mind when he introduced Sima Yi to Ying Zheng.

for a long time.


   The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and there was a feeling of sympathy in their eyes, and there was a kind of this is the person I was waiting for.

   "Mr. taught Ying Ying very well, thank you for being here."

  Ying Zheng slightly bowed to Sima Yi.

  This worship is not a fake, but a heartfelt thanks to Sima Yi.

  After all, while Ying Zheng was the King of Qin, he was also his father.

  As a father, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing his son become a talented person.

   "The King's words are heavy."

  Sima Yi replied.

  Although he came from later generations, he still understands the etiquette of the Qin Dynasty.

  In this era, etiquette is not only about the courtiers worshiping the emperor, but the emperor also worships the courtiers to show etiquette and respect.

   However, the appearance of the two of them coming and worshipping made Li Li look a little contemptuous: "Hypocritical, really hypocritical, really are people who have been emperors."

  Mo Li knew that the two did not directly enter the subject, but were testing each other.

  Yingzheng is exploring Sima Yi's real purpose, and Sima Yi is looking at whether Yingzheng really needs him.

   "Father, Sima Yi is a rare talent, so cherish it!"

   Mo Li reminded in a low voice.

  The appearance of the two being chirping, Li Li really couldn't stand it, so he directly picked out the words and let Ying Zheng directly rush into the subject.


  Ying Zheng frowned, Yu Guang glanced at Mo Li, pondered slightly, and looked at Sima Yi again.

  At the same time, Sima Yi also looked at Ying Zheng, and the two of them faced each other, creating a crackling spark.

  However, Ying Zheng saw the frankness in Sima Yi's eyes, which made the doubt in his heart go away.

  And Sima Yi saw the color of trust in Ying Zheng's eyes, which made him feel like he wanted to graze the ground.

   "Sir, how should Da Qin move forward?"

  Ying Zheng asked this question tentatively.

  The question he raised is not simple. When it gets bigger, it is how Daqin can dominate the world; when it gets smaller, how should the situation in Daqin be solved, and how should the widow break the situation?

  No matter from which point of view, it is impeccable, there is no flaw, but it can be used to test Sima Yi in depth.

  After all, as long as Sima Yi answers such questions, he can get a glimpse of Sima Yi's thoughts and aspirations.


  Sima Yi smiled slightly, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. For him, who was once an emperor, the question that Ying Zheng raised was the same trick in pediatrics.


   Lightly coughed twice, and Sima Yi said in a deep voice: "To govern a big country is like cooking small fresh food."

   "Huh? What's the answer to this?"

  Ying Zheng was taken aback, he did not expect that Sima Yi would directly say such a sentence.

  "The first principle of'ruling a big country is like cooking small fresh food' is to govern the country righteously.

  Lao Tzu said in the "Tao De Jing": "Govern the country with righteousness, govern the soldiers with strangeness, and take the world with nothing."

  Governing the country with "righteousness" means to be fair and honest, and not to engage in crooked ways;

  While governing the army to be "odd", it requires surprises and attacks on the unprepared.

   "A man who is the king, long rituals obeys the virtuous and the king, the law and the people are hegemony, the **** and the deceit are in danger, the plot to overthrow the dark is to perish."

  Power tactics, once rampant, will bring the country into disorderly chaos.

  In a country like this, internal friction will inevitably increase, and management costs will also rise suddenly. When it becomes impossible to cope with it, it will naturally go to extinction.

  At present, Daqin is like this. If the king wants to solve the problem, he can only cut the mess with a quick knife.

  Specifically, to govern the country with righteousness means that there must be a set of benign rules to ensure the spontaneous operation of the state apparatus, and this rule can be consistent, not be abolished by people, and stop by events.

  Once the decree is unblocked, the country’s organizational system will function healthily and automatically adjust without the need for excessive intervention by managers.

  From the Spring and Autumn Road, the princes of all walks of life have changed their methods for self-protection, but few have succeeded in the transformation.

  The main reason is that the new law has been fettered by too many personnel and powers in the process of implementing it, so that it is anticlimactic and has a beginning and no end.

  During the Han Zhaohou period, Shin Buhwa used to be in power in South Korea.

  He broke the shackles of blood kinship, reused talents, determined to reform, and brought the weak South Korea into the ranks of "the power of today".

  However, Shin Buha has an older brother who wants to use his brother’s relationship to find a job in South Korea.

  So, Shen Buhu pleaded with Han Zhaohou.

  Yes, Han Zhaohou refused Shen Buhui’s request and said, “The selection of talents in an eclectic manner is what you originally advocated.

  And now, you are here to run a relationship for your brother again. Isn’t this a contradiction? "

  It can be seen that when the country’s reform policy conflicts with their own interests, the people who advocate the reform cannot adhere to the principles themselves, and the effect of the implementation of the new law can be imagined.

  The only successful reformer is the new law that Shang Jun promoted in Daqin. (Know it is Shang Yang, so don't worry about the name.)

  Shangjun’s new law, although there are currently mixed reviews, it is "positive".

  Among them, merit is rewarded, and if there is a penalty, they are all carried out transparently in accordance with the provisions of the law, and never play power or black box operations.

  The most important thing is that rewards and punishments can be honored in a timely manner and never lose faith in the people.

As far as Caomin knew, when Shang Jun first started the reform, the decree had been formulated in detail but had not yet been announced. He was afraid that the people would be unbelievable, so he set up a three-foot-long wooden pole at the south gate of the market in the capital, and ordered that If you can get it to the north gate, you will be rewarded ten gold.

  The people felt that this matter was strange, and no one moved it.

  Shangjun said again: "I can get the past fifty gold rewards."

   So a man dubiously took a wooden pole to the north gate.

  Shangjun immediately ordered someone to reward him with fifty gold.

  At this time, Shang Yang ordered the promulgation of the reform, and finally won the trust of the people.

  Governing the country with righteousness, rewards and punishments with trust, is the key for Daqin to stand out in the smoke of gunpowder.

  Shangjun is harsh in his usage, but in troubled times and rampant deceit, he can still keep his faith in the people.

  On this basis, it is enough to rule the world and level the world.

   Therefore, Da Qin's laws are the foundation of Da Qin's prosperity. "

  Sima Yi throws out the first point.

   "Mr. Continue"

  Ying Zheng's eyes lighted up, he clearly heard the key point, and didn't want Sima Yi to stop there. At this time, most of the doubts in his heart had disappeared.

"Ha ha!"

  Sima Yi smiled slightly and thought about it for a while and said: "The second principle of governing a big country like cooking small fresh food is to select the talents and ability.

  This is a seemingly ordinary, but superb leadership ability.

  Specifically, it is to place the right people in the right place and give full play to their role, rather than intervening in specific affairs.

  A great master of the Legalist school once put forward the view that "the ruler does nothing, the minister does nothing" under the influence of Laozi's thoughts.

  (This is the viewpoint put forward by Han Feizi, and I was borrowed by Sima Yi here. I hope you will not be entangled.)

  In his view, the monarch, as the top administrator, does not have to do everything himself, but learns to give the initiative to his ministers and give full play to their enthusiasm.

  In the opinion of the Caomin, the responsibility of the king boils down to the formulation of the general strategy and the use of personnel.

  As long as the king grasps these two points, he will also grasp the foundation of being a kingdom.

  In the Spring and Autumn Period, Wei Wenhou and Confucian Tian Zifang once enjoyed drinking and enjoying together.

  Wei Wenhou said to Tian Zifang: "I feel that the sound of the chimes is not very coordinated, and the left side is a little high."

  Tian Zifang laughed after listening.

  Wei Wenhou asked: "What are you laughing at?"

  Tian Zifang said: “I heard that the monarch knows how to appoint music officials, and you don’t need to know music. Now that the monarch is proficient in music, I am worried that you will neglect the duties of appointing officials.”

  Wei Wenhou was enlightened.

  As the king of a country, Wei Wenhou only needs to select good music officials to manage the country well, instead of always caring about trivial things like "The Bells Are Not Comparable".

  Caring too much about trivial matters, it is bound to be confused about big things.

  Therefore, Tian Zifang criticized him for “examination of sound and blindness to officials”.


  At this point, Sima Yi stopped the second point. He knew that Ying Zheng understood the meaning.

  In fact, Sima Yi didn't say something in his heart, that is, his old opponent Zhuge Liang, no matter what he does, he will be exhausted in the end.


  Ying Zheng nodded thoughtfully when he heard this.

   "The old fox is the old fox, this eloquence is really no one!"

   Li Li exclaimed.

  "The third essence of governing a big country like cooking small fresh food is doing nothing.

  Inaction is the core point of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching.

This thought is often regarded as negative by many kings or capable people. In fact, Lao Tzu’s "do nothing" is not doing nothing, but advocate a dialectic of "doing nothing", that is, in conformity with the laws of things themselves. Make a difference under the premise.

  Lao Tzu once said, “Man follows the earth, the earth follows the heaven, the heaven follows the law, and the Tao follows nature.”

  In his view, the operation of the avenue has its own rules and regulations. Once human intervention and compulsory action, it will fall into alienation and cannot extricate itself from it.

  Specifically, when it comes to state governance, it is to give the initiative to the people, and take a closer look at the people’s hearts and opinions, instead of making decisions based on feelings, so that government orders are frequently issued and changes are made.

  The king should not have his own selfishness and prejudice, but should take the opinions of the people as his opinions.

  After all, it is the world of those who win the hearts of the people. "

  Sima Yi spoke out what he was thinking, but he was talking about the general direction at the moment, and he didn't have words to deal with Lu Buwei's affairs.

  The purpose of what he said was to let Ying Zheng understand that hegemony does not keep Qin strong, and it requires the combination of king and hegemon.

After all, in history, although Ying Zheng wiped out the six countries and unified the world, he later did not know how to rest with the people. He always interfered with the normal life of the people through various policies. At every turn, he would arrest strong men to repair graves and dig canals. , Building the Great Wall, conquering the north, fighting the Nanban... but the result was counterproductive.

  Later Liu Bang and his heroes participated in the Peasant War in the late Qin Dynasty, so they paid great attention to learning the lessons of the demise of the Qin Dynasty, and the idea of ​​“doing by doing nothing” was also carried forward in the Han Dynasty.

  Han Gaozu and his successors all implemented the recuperation policy, reduced land rent, encouraged farming, promoted thrift, and reduced penalties, which greatly restored and improved the production and economy of the Han Dynasty.

  In the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, when the Huns repeatedly invaded the northern border, the Han Dynasty completely defeated the brutal and powerful Huns cavalry, and even drove the Huns to Europe today.

  Doing something, not doing something, when doing nothing, it is like a virgin, when there is something, moving like a rabbit.

  This is the mystery of the dialectic of "doing nothing".

   is also the reason Sima Yi wants to express.

  (End of this chapter)