The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 300: The bait

  Chapter 300 The wisher takes the bait

   "Wish the bait!"

  Mo Li didn't turn around, still looking at the muddy river water. When Han Fei reached his side, there happened to be a koi biting on the straight hook in the water.

  Seeing this, the corners of Li Li's mouth rose slightly, and a faint arc rose: "The fish is on the bait!"

   "There is such a silly fish, really"

  Han Fei felt unbelievable. He stopped abruptly after half of his words, and looked at Li Qi with shocked eyes.

  He is the famous Han Feizi in the future. He is naturally a talented and intelligent person, otherwise he would not be appreciated by Ying Zheng.

  Throughout the life of Yingzheng, there are very few people who can enter the eyes of other people, and there are only a few people.

  Han Fei’s appreciation of Ying Zheng, who can enter, shows his greatness.

  At this moment, Han Fei understood that the young man in front of Jinyi was not fishing at all, but him.

   "Dare to ask Xiongtai Gao's name?"

   Han Fei asked.

   "Gao dare not bear his name. I am just a lost book boy in the world. I can't leave my name."

  Mo Li pulled the koi on the straight hook out of the water and looked at the churning koi, with an intriguing arc rising from the corner of his mouth.

  "Oh, hello, Lord Mo, Han Fei in Xia is a student who has returned from a study tour."

  Han Fei made a friendly etiquette. He felt that Li Li was extraordinary, so he wanted to test his purpose here.

   "Han Fei? Good name, it's the same name as the sixth son of Han country, not bad."

  Mo Li put away the premonition, threw the koi in his hands back into the river, turned around and looked at Han Fei with a slightly surprised expression, and said slowly.

   "Huh? You know me?"

  Hearing Li's words, Han Fei's expression changed, and he became more curious about Li's identity.

   "I don't know each other, it's the first time you and I have met, how can I know the truth?"

  Mo Li frowned slightly, pretending to be puzzled.

   "Then your Excellency said that my name is the same as the name of the sixth son of Han, don't you know the sixth son?"

  Han Fei asked tentatively.

   "I don't know him, I only know that he is a young man in the country of Han, who has outstanding ability and can learn from many people. He is a genius child."

  Mo Li gave a compliment.

  To be honest, he didn’t know Han Fei, he didn’t know what Han Fei looked like, and he had never seen Han Fei.

  If it were not for the help of the system, he would never know that the man in front of him was the famous Han Feizi in history.

  "Your Excellency Liao liked it"

  Han Fei smiled slightly.

   "It turned out that it was Han Fei in person, and he was rude, and I hope to forgive him!"

  Mo Li quickly put down the fishing rod in his hand, and paid a half-bowl to Han Fei next to him.

   "Mr. Mo, I think you are here to wait here specifically, right?"

  Han Fei turned sideways and did not accept Li's salute, but instead revealed a hint of doubt.

   "Yes, I am really waiting for Liu Gongzi."

  Mo Li nodded and admitted that she did not hide her purpose.

"wait for me?"

  Han Fei nodded thoughtfully. He returned from a study tour but few people knew that he was back at this time.

  And Li Qiye actually knew that he had come back, and he had mastered his whereabouts, which was a bit scary to be true.

   "I don't know why you are looking for me?"

  Han Fei was puzzled, thinking secretly about the origins of the unknown, and what is the purpose of finding himself?

   "Liu Gongzi, how do you think the general trend is going down today?"

   asked Mo Li.


  Han Fei was taken aback, his eyes were a little surprised and he looked at Li Li, he didn’t expect Li Li to ask such questions: "Young man, how old are you, why are you asking?"

   "Can't we discuss the general trend of the world at a young age?"

   Mo Li asked rhetorically.

   "Well, since you, a teenager, want to know the general situation of the world, and I happen to be in no hurry to go back, then tell you about the general trend of the world, which can be regarded as a kind of fate when you and I met."

  Han Fei was taken aback, and Li Li was indeed right. Age is not the reason. When he was young, he often discussed the world with his fellow students, and he was not old at that time.

"What do you want to know?"

   Han Fei asked.

  "The treacherous ministers of Han country are now in charge. If you are, how can you solve the current situation?"

  Mo Li asked for a moment.

  He also wanted to see how Han Fei, who was favored by the First Emperor Yingzheng, cracked the current situation.


  Faced with this question raised by Li Li, Han Fei's expression changed, and the current situation in Han country was rather chaotic.

  Ji Wuye alone is in power. The Manchu civil and military has basically turned to him except for a few neutral people. It is undoubtedly difficult to regain power from Ji Wuye.

  "This matter requires a long-term discussion, not careless."

  Han Fei sighed.

   "Is this problem difficult?"

  Looking at Han Fei's melancholy look, Li Li's face rose for a long time, and he felt that he looked at Han Fei somewhat.


  Han Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly. If the situation in Han country was really so easy to solve, he would not stay away from studying abroad.

  "In my opinion, the situation in Han country is very easy to resolve. It depends on whether you Han Fei has the courage!"

   Li Li said indifferently, with a trace of self-confidence in his expression, as if the situation in Han country was really well resolved.

   "What's the solution?"

   Han Fei asked.

  "After you return to Han country, you only need to do a few things.

  First, unite the country to open the ground, let him openly choose to support you, and you can get the allegiance of the forces behind him;

  Second, to force Han Wangan to abdicate, and you will be the master of Han country;

  Third, use thunder means to kill the general Ji Wuye, and at the same time use the open protégé to quickly take over the army and the court.

  As long as the above three points are completed, the domestic worrying situation will naturally be solved.

  Of course, if you want to complete the above three, everything depends on the courage of your sixth son. "

  After finishing speaking, Li Li looked at Han Fei directly, wanting to see this future Han Fei or how to choose?

  The first and third can be completed, but the second is absolutely impossible. Han Wang An is his father, no matter how much he does, he will not do such a big rebellion.

  Han Fei naturally knows why Li Li would say that he would force Han Wangan to abdicate, because once he completes the other two, then he will inevitably force Han Wangan to abdicate.

  Otherwise, those who openly support others will inevitably choose to leave, thus making them lose their supporters.

  After all, the reason these people support him is very simple, it is nothing more than to make a profit.

   And if Han Fei chooses to give up when he is about to complete, these supporters will never give up.

  At the same time, after Han Fei took over the military and political power, Han Wangan would never sit idly by. He could not fight Ji Wuye, but he could fight his son.

  At that time, not only will the country of Han not come into contact with its own crisis, but it will also face new internal worries and struggles.

  Of course, if Han Fei chooses to let go of the power in his hands and go straight to death, naturally there will be no infighting in Han country in the future.

   But these are obviously impossible!

  Let’s not say whether Han Fei would do that, but said that the open ground that supported him would never allow such a thing to happen.

   "It seems that Han Fei, you still can't let go of the affection in your heart. Even if you get rid of Ji Wuye, you are not suitable to be the monarch of Han country, because you are not ruthless enough!"

  Mo Li shook his head and sighed.

  When I first saw Qin Shimingyue, Li was thinking why Han Fei was so talented, why didn't Han Fei use thunder means to quickly take over the power of Han country and become the king, so as to save Han country from the water and fire.

  Now it seems that the reason still appears in Han Fei. He is only suitable for being a minister, not a man.

  I can’t even do the most ruthlessness, how can I be a competent king!

   "Yes, I'm really not ruthless enough!"

  Han Fei did not refute, but nodded to admit his shortcomings.

   "Since the internal worries can't be resolved, Han Fei, do you think that Qiang Qin's invasion can be resolved?"

   asked Mo Li.

   "What do you mean? Qin is about to invade Han country again?"

  Han Fei's face changed, and he looked at Li Qi in amazement, wanting to see something from his face.

  Unfortunately, all he saw was a firm look and nothing else.

   "Yes, Qin is about to invade Han, but this time Qin is on the side of justice, and Han is indeed on the unreasonable side."

   Li Li said lightly.

   "What do you mean?"

  Han Fei asked again, he was not clear about the affairs between Qin and Han, and did not understand why Li Li said that Han was an unreasonable party.

  "A few days ago, the son of Qin State traveled to the city of Xinzheng in Han country and was attacked by Ji Wuye. His whereabouts are still unknown.

  When Qin received the news, he sent a large army to the frontier. If Han cannot hand over Qin's son in time, then Han will face the invasion of Qin's army. "

  Mo Li slowly said, "However, we still need to see whether Han country can hand over Lord Qin!"

   "What? Ji Wuye attacked Young Master Qin, is his head sick?"

  Han Fei was shocked after hearing this, his complexion continued to change and finally turned into anger.

The   han country has always been cautious in the face of Qin’s oppression over the years, for fear that it will cause dissatisfaction with Qin and will be destroyed by Qin.

  Now that Ji Wuye is doing such a brainless thing, isn’t this typical of pushing the country of Han into the abyss?

  No, I want to go back and find Young Master Qin. I can’t let the Qin army come over, otherwise everything will be over.

   "Mr. Mo, there is still something going on, don't let it go, let's talk next time!"

  After speaking, Han Fei turned around and walked away.

   "Han Fei, it's useless for you to go back now, because Qin's envoys have arrived in Xinzheng this morning and issued an ultimatum to Han. If Qin cannot be handed over today, then Qin will directly choose to invade."

   Mo Li said in a deep voice.

   "What? So fast?"

  Han Fei thought there would be time for him to deal with, but after listening to Li's words, he felt that his thinking was a little too simple.

  "Of course, Han Fei, in fact, you know in your heart that even if there is no disappearance of Qin's son, Qin will choose to attack Han, because the world has long been revealed, and the seven kingdoms will be returned to Qin.

  I think that when you come back from this study tour, you want to change the fate of Han country through your own efforts.

  But you forgot, the general trend of the world cannot be stopped by manpower at all! "

  Mo Li finished speaking, the whole person slowly turned into a black shadow and disappeared directly in front of Han Fei, just like disappearing out of thin air, without leaving a trace.

  Actually, what Li Li just used was the Taoist magic earth escape technique, the purpose is to let Han Fei know that the fate of Han country is immutable.

  After he saw Han Fei's appearance, he knew that Han Fei had believed what he said, so naturally there was no need to stay.

  He came here this time just to see Han Fei, he did not directly identify himself, nor did he say that Han Fei should seek refuge in Qin.

  Mo Li knew that even if he said Han Fei, he would not agree.

  If a person like him had no way to go, he would never choose to seek refuge in Qin.


  Looking at Li Li who suddenly disappeared in front of him, Han Fei's expression changed, and he stared at the place where Li Li had disappeared for a long time.

  He knew that what Li Li had just said was not wrong at all. This is the general trend of the world.

  As Qiang Qin's neighboring country Han, Qin country will not be blocked by them.

  If you want Han country to survive, there is only one way to choose, and that is to choose to surrender at the feet of Qin country.

  Can make Han country surrender, is it possible?


  Han will not choose to surrender to Qin, but in the face of a powerful Qin invasion, do they have the ability to resist?



  Han Fei sighed, turned and walked in the direction of Xinzheng, looking a little lonely from his back.

  On the other side, Xinzheng.

   "Zhang Xiangguo, I don't know where my son is? Why did you encounter an attack in your Xinzheng city, and it was still a member of the army participating?"

  Looking at the open ground beside him, Sima Yi asked lightly.

   Although he was not present last night and did not know the specific situation, the scheming Sima Yi was naturally able to guess why.

  Mo Li used these moves, he had already used them when he was in Three Kingdoms, and used them more than once.


  The color of the ground changed when he opened his eyes, and he glanced vaguely at Ji Wuye beside him, and hated him not to want it.

  "There may be some misunderstandings in this. I think it is impossible for the army to participate. It must be some Xiaoxiao pretending to persecute the friendship between Qin and Han!"

   smiled openly.

  He knew that Sima Yi came to be unkind, but he did not expect that Sima Yi would ask straightforwardly, but after all, he assisted the five generations of Han Dynasty kings, and the political methods were naturally not weak.

   "Oh, is that right? But as far as I know, those Xiaoxiao you mentioned use military crossbows. You must know that these things can only be owned by the military."

   Sima Yi sneered, looking at Ji Wuye with some mockery.


  Ji Wuye snorted coldly, and did not reply.

  "Mr. Sima, you may not know that some time ago when a small group of troops from the Han country was patrolling outside, they encountered an attack. All the personnel died, and all their clothes and equipment disappeared.

  I think it must have been robbed by those nasty thieves, and what happened yesterday must have been done by those thieves. "

  Opened the ground and explained calmly.

  I have to say that the open ground is worthy of an old fox, and his ability to tell lies with his eyes open is not much worse than Sima Yi.

  If it weren’t for Sima Yi, who had known what happened a long time ago, perhaps he would really believe the nonsense that opened up.

  (End of this chapter)