The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 308: The weirdness of the blood cloak, arrive

  Chapter 308 The weirdness of the blood-cloth castle arrives in the Kingdom of Zhao (4D update!)

   Soon, a group of people exuding blood and evil spirits appeared in front of the two, saying that they had some praise for these people, and they were completely half-human and half-monsters.

  The eyes of these ‘people’ are filled with the meaning of blood killing, there is no trace of human emotions, and they are all born for killing.

  "My son, these people"

   Ximen Chuuxue was startled, seeing these people in front of him were not people at all, but monsters.

  "They have been refined into blood corpses, and their bodies are full of severe corpse poison. Don't let the poisoned blood get on your body."

   Mo Li exhorted.


   Ximen Chuuxue nodded. Although he encountered such a weird creature for the first time, he was a top swordsman after all, and he naturally had a way to deal with them.

   "Do it!"

   Mo Li gave a low cry, and the Zhuxie Peach Wood Sword automatically appeared on his right hand, and his whole body mana circulated, and his arm acted on the Peach Wood Sword.

  The blood evil people around   After Li took out the mahogany sword, they stopped one by one, as if they had encountered a nemesis.

   "Hmph, the evil thing is the evil thing, and you can't go to the big beach."

   Mo Li hummed coldly, he didn't care about these blood fiends at all. You must know that he is a real Taoist expert.

"go to hell!"

  With a movement, the whole person quickly swung the peach wood sword in his hand in the dark environment, constantly cutting and killing the blood evil people around, which seemed extremely relaxed.

Next to   , Ximen Chuuxue was not as relaxed as Li Qi, but with his powerful sword aura, he kept separating the people of the blood evil spirit, thus losing his original life.

  In the dark.

  "Damn, how can these two people be so weird"

  Bai Yifei looked at the blood fiends around him who were constantly beheaded by the two of Mo Li, his face suddenly became gloomy.

  You must know that these **** people are his greatest support. They are those he refined through countless secret methods. Only a hundred blood-clothed soldiers can choose a suitable **** person.

  Every person of the blood evil spirit is refined through various precious medicinal materials for seven or forty-nine days.


   Bai Yiye saw fewer and fewer people seeing the blood evil, and suddenly roared, those who heard the blood evil began to retreat, and finally all fell into the darkness.

   "Bai Yifei, it seems that your methods are not very good, if you only have this ability, then you might die once today!"

   Mo Li mocked.

   "Unexpectedly, the dignified Young Master Qin would know Taoist methods. It's really not easy!"

  Bai Yifei took a deep breath, and the two of Mo Li, who were stubbornly opposite, had extremely lunar expressions in their eyes, and the blood evil spirits around them had already reached the extreme.

  Looking at the **** evil people around Li Li, Bai Yifei knew that he had miscalculated, so he shouldn’t provoke Li and the others.

  Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, and there is a price to do anything.

  The best way now is to escape from this place and find Mo Li and others for revenge after safety.

   can make Bai Yifei give up his base camp, he is a little bit reluctant.

  Besides, he felt that his body was locked by an aura of aura, even if he wanted to escape, it was obviously impossible.

  From the faint sword intent on the breath, we can know which terrifying white-clothed swordsman the owner of this breath comes from.

   "Who stipulates that the people of Qin can't understand Taoism?"

   Mo Li asked rhetorically.

   "What do you want to do?"

  Bai Yifei's eyes flashed, and he asked in a low voice.

   "I don't want to do anything, I just want you to die"

   Mo Li sneered, and the cold voice slowly spread out, causing Bai Yifei on the other side to shake his body.

  It can be seen from Li Li’s words that at this time he was determined to kill him, and no matter what he said, it was no longer helpful.

  If he wants to survive from Mo Li's hands, the only way to leave here is the right way, but if he wants to leave the current situation, it is obviously a bit difficult.

   "If this is the case, then you go to die!"

  Bai Yifei gave a loud roar, and the **** people who had just retreated into the darkness reappeared, one after another, they besieged and killed the two of Mo Li, completely suicidal charge.

   "Simon, watch Bai Yifei and don't let him run away!"

   Mo Li shouted.

   Then there was no unnecessary nonsense, the azure peach wood sword swayed quickly, and the flying fairy stepped out continuously under his feet, continuously beheading the blood evil people around.

   "Where to go!"

   Ximen Chuuxue saw that Bai Yifei wanted to escape, and kicked his feet on the ground, and directly greeted Bai Yifei.


  The two swords collided, and Bai Yifei's body shook. A huge force came from the sword itself, and a hole appeared in the tiger's mouth, and a trace of black blood flowed out.

  Looking at Ximen Chuuxue on the opposite side, Bai Yifei stepped heavily on her feet, and she suddenly wanted to retreat behind her to get away from Ximen Chuuxue.


   Ximen Buxue snorted coldly, and moved quickly towards Bai Yifei to chase him. If Bai Yifei was allowed to run away under his nose, then there would be no need to mess around.

   "I really thought I was a bully"

Seeing Ximen Chuuxue chasing him, Bai Yifei immediately stopped his figure, his eyes flashed sharply, and a layer of blood evil aura suddenly appeared all over his body. With a kick on his feet, his body rose directly into the air, and the terrifying sword aura cut directly from the long sword. Out.

As soon as the **** sword aura appeared, it immediately illuminated the surrounding darkness, showing a bleeding red.

   Terrifying energy fluctuations spread from Jian Qi, blowing snow towards the west gate with a slaying force.


Ximen Chuuxue's eyes narrowed, with a long sword in his hand, looking at the **** sword aura that appeared in front of him, the long sword in his right hand suddenly lifted, and quickly swung three seven twenty one swords, a huge white sword aura suddenly appeared. , Instantly hit the **** sword energy.


  The two swords collided with each other, and there was a loud noise. Numerous small sword qi rushed to the surrounding area. Several people of the blood evil were pierced by the sword qi, and they died instantly.

  White did not change his face, and was directly shaken back by the force of the explosion, and stopped after hitting the wall.

  Looking at the big hole blasted out of the ground, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes.

   Opposite, Ximen Chuuxue's body was shocked, and there was some surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect Bai Yifei to have such strength. It was really unexpected for him.

   "It's not bad, but it's a pity that you can't fight the sword. After all, it's a lot worse!"

   Ximen Chuuxue sighed.

  For Bai Yifei's swordsmanship, he felt a little pity. If he was really sincere with the sword, his future achievements would definitely not be low.

  Unfortunately, there are too many distracting thoughts in my heart, and I can't play to the extreme of swordsmanship.

  After that, Ximen Chuuxue slowly raised the long sword in his hand, and in Bai Yifei's horrified eyes, quickly swung a few swords, and suddenly a white sword pillar was formed in front of him.

  The terrifying energy fluctuation made a slight noise, and at the same time it brought a small breeze. After Ximen swung his last sword, the terrifying white sword pillar quickly moved towards Bai Yifei.


  Looking at the white light blasting from the front, Bai Yifei's eyes condensed, his body was like a spiral, and his swords were quickly swung out in both hands.

  The powerful sword aura emanated from the long sword, and went directly towards Ximen Fuxue’s attack, looking at the terrifying energy exuding, it was no weaker than the white sword pillar.


  The red and white sword pillars met in the air instantly. The two did not emit violent explosions as imagined, but blended with each other and confronted each other, constantly emitting a strange light, which was truly beautiful.

  Unfortunately, such a beautiful scene did not last long. A few seconds later, it suddenly exploded, and the terrifying energy instantly moved in all directions. Suddenly, terrifying cracks appeared on the ground, and countless rubbles splashed around.

  The remaining blood evil people around were directly shocked by the terrifying energy, and they lost their breath before reaching the ground and died invisible.


   Feeling the horror of this energy, Li Li's figure quickly retreated back to avoid being impacted by the energy.

  In the field.

  Bai did not feel the horror of energy. He wanted to retreat, but found that there was nowhere to go. Behind it was a wall made of huge rocks.

  Seeing the shock wave generated by the explosion getting closer, Bai Yifei quickly swung several swords, forming countless sword qi in front of his body to defend himself.

  Unfortunately, he miscalculated the power of the explosion. In his shocked eyes, the terrifying energy collided with the countless sword energy in front of him, and instantly destroyed the sword energy defense and directly hit Bai Yifei.


  Bai Yifei's heart was as if he was violently hit by a sledgehammer. The blood from his mouth spurted out, and that terrifying power was directly installed on his body.

Opposite   , Ximen Chuuxuefei stepped out quickly, and the whole person flew behind him like an immortal, so as to avoid the impact of energy.

  All this happened between the electric light and flint, from Bai Yifei being injured by the force of the explosion, to Ximen Chuuxue getting out of the way, just a blink of an eye.

  Looking at Bai Yifei, who was kneeling on the ground, Mo Li couldn't help but shook his head. He wanted to benefit from Ximen Chuuxue's hands, even if he was as strong as a heavenly man, it would be difficult for him to do it.

  If Ximen Fuxue used his ruthless kendo with all his strength, even those old monster-level existences would be unbearable, not to mention Shiro.

   "Bai Yifei, don't make senseless resistance, you have no chance to survive under Simon"

   Li Li said lightly.


  Bai Yifei looked at Li Li coldly, without the slightest intention of surrendering, and the hatred in his whole body was so strong.

   "Kill it!"

  Looking at Bai Yifei's appearance, Li Li said coldly.


   Ximen Chuuxue immediately let out a cold drink, dragging his long sword directly towards Bai Yifei, and exuding a strong chill.

  Looking at Ximen Chuuxue slowly walking towards him, his eyes suddenly narrowed. He knew how terrifying Ximen Chuuxue’s swordsmanship was.

   Feeling the chill radiating from Ximen Chuuxue's whole body, he knew that his chance of surviving was very slim. If no accident happened, he might lose his life this time.

   "You are a good opponent, but unfortunately you don't want to be tomorrow, you are destined to end like this"

   Ximen Chuuxue said indifferently: "I pay tribute to you, and I will end your life with the long sword in my hand."

  The words fell, and the right hand slowly raised, without any fancy, the long sword went directly towards Bai Yifei's throat.

  The speed of swinging the sword was not fast, but Bai Yifei felt that it was so fast that he couldn't get out of it at all.


  At this moment, a sharp sword light suddenly shot from the outside, directly hitting the Ximen Fuxue Longsword, deflecting it away from the original trajectory and saving Bai Yifei, who was about to die.

  However, Ximen Chuuxue is a top swordsman after all. Although the long sword deviated a bit, it still pierced Bai Yifei's shoulder.


  Bai Yifei's shoulder was wounded and his body was shocked. A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person was directly blasted out by the force from the sword.

  It hurts.

  It hurts!

  At this moment, the severe pain from the shoulder made Bai Yifei feel unhappy, and the unspeakable suffering flashed in his eyes.

   "Ying Gao, the general who killed my court in Han country, don't you take our Han country seriously?"

  Han Fei's voice suddenly came from the door, and his tone seemed a little cold. Although Bai Yifei was ambitious, he was from Han country after all, and even if he wanted to kill, it would be impossible for outsiders to do it.

  "Han Fei, you should know that this is not the place you should come to"

   Mo Li said coldly, his eyes became cold when he saw Han Fei and others appear.

  "This is Han country, I can go anywhere."

  Han Fei said coldly, and then followed Wei Zhuang past Mo Li and lifted Bai Yifei from the ground: "It's okay!"

   "No problem!"

   Bai Yifei said, watching Han Fei and others appear a little surprised, he did not expect that the person who came to rescue him would be the sixth son who had just returned.

  You know, there is no intersection between him and Han Fei.

   "Han Fei, do you know the consequences of doing this? Although I admire your personality, this is not the reason for your presumptuousness"

  Looking at Han Fei and others who were standing with Bai Yifei, a cold light flashed in Li Li's eyes, and the killing intent appeared in his heart.

   "Ying Gao, don't say so noble. As the second son of Qin, you are now in Han country, and you are still deploying troops for Qin. Do you think I need to be polite to you?

  I, Han Fei, as the son of Han country, naturally I have to think about Han country. "

   Looking at the miserable Bai Yifei next to him, Han Fei said lightly.

  As he said, although Bai Yifei was an ambitious existence, when faced with the invasion of the Qin Dynasty, Han Fei had the obligation to unite all the forces of the Han country to resist the invasion of the Qin country.

  I have to say that although Han Fei is not as ruthless as a monarch, he is definitely a qualified existence as a courtier.

   "In that case, there is nothing to talk about"

  Looking at Han Fei's resolute appearance, Li Qiye knew what Han Fei meant, and naturally didn't want to talk nonsense.

  After all, this is within the territory of Han country. If Ji Wuye is disturbed, and his army is aroused, then the two of them can only choose to run away.

  "Young Master"

   Ximen Chuuxue took the long sword two steps forward, pointed at Han Fei and the others with the tip of the sword, his eyes were full of ruthlessness.

   "Ximen, kill Bai Yifei with all your strength, if others call me, it's okay."

  Mo Li finished speaking, the whole person turned into a flash of lightning and rushed directly towards Wei Zhuang and Han Fei.

  At this moment, he really had a killing intent towards Han Feizhen, and he never had any kindness towards the enemy, Li Li.

  At the beginning, he thought that Han Fei was an individual talent, and after the demise of Han, he could be drawn into the camp of Qin, so as to serve for Qin.

   But now that Han Fei chooses to be his enemy, Li Qi is naturally not polite.

   "Han Fei, be careful, this person is not something you can deal with!"

  Weizhuang twitched the shark-tooth long sword, and quickly greeted Li Li. He had a deep understanding of Li Li's horror, and naturally would not choose passive defense.

  Han Fei glanced at Bai Yifei next to him, and said coldly: "If you have a chance, I will choose to escape from here."

  The words fell, Han Fei also rushed towards Li Li with the long sword from his waist. Although his cultivation base was not as good as Wei Zhuang and others, it was also a peerless cultivation base.

"Ha ha!"

  Looking at Han Fei and Wei Zhuang who were at war with Mo Li, Bai Yifei smiled bitterly. He had no chance of surviving Ximen Chuuxue who rushed over.

  He has a deep understanding of the few collisions just now.

  Bai Yifei has never been afraid of death. He even has a reason to pay it back sooner or later.

  After all, the strength is not as good as that of a person, and it is common to be killed by someone.

  But he is really unwilling. If he can give him a month, even if he does not attract Qin's army, he can quickly master Han country.

  Because he had planned everything a long time ago, the general Ji Wuye was also a **** in his plan, and he could squeeze to death at any time.

  Unwilling, complicated, but not angry.

  The king of Han is right in front of him. If there is no such person as Mo Li, his plan can be successfully implemented, but unfortunately

  "Say goodbye to this world, don’t be an enemy of the son in your next life, you don’t have that qualification for you yet"

   Ximen Chuuxue said coldly, he knew that Bai was not suitable to be the master of Han country, but it was a pity that Li Qi would not give him a chance at all, nor would he make him a great enemy of Qin country.

   Therefore, Bai has no choice but to die. There is no other choice.

"rest in peace!"

  The long sword in Ximen Chuuxue's hand swung out like lightning, and instantly sank into Bai Yifei's throat.


  Bai Yifei coughed out two hard times, his eyes turned a little gloomy, and a deep unwillingness appeared in his heart. The final destiny of Han country could not be changed, and he was really unwilling.


  Blood spurted out of his mouth, and Bai Yifei slowly fell towards the back, and there was no sound.

  In the distance, Han Fei, who had just been flew out by Mo Lizhen, happened to see the scene where Bai Yifei was pierced through his throat by a long sword, and his expression suddenly changed: "Dead?!"


  Wei Zhuang Xuhuang moved directly away from the battlefield, looking at Bai Yifei who had lost his breath, his face suddenly changed. Without any hesitation, he pulled up Han Fei, who looked a little dazed, and ran towards the outside.

  Looking at the departure of the two, Li did not choose to intercept. They came here to kill Bai Yife. Since the goal has been achieved, naturally they will not stay here.

   Besides, there is Wei Zhuang here, even if he wants to kill Han Fei, it will take some time.

  Besides, this is the hinterland of Han country after all, and they cannot stay for long.

   "Let's go"

  Mo Li took a deep look at Bai Yifei on the ground, and directly stepped forward to extract Bai Yifei's soul from his body with contemplation to prevent Bai Yifei from waking up again.

  At this point, there is no strong man in the world.

  Ximen Chuuxue had no words. In his eyes, Hou Bai was not able to be his opponent, so he didn't care anymore.

  Not long after the two of Mo Li left, Ji Wuye's army appeared in the field, and a glimmer of shock flashed in his eyes as he watched the mess around him.

  However, when Ji Wuye saw the red figure on the ground, his face suddenly changed.

  He wouldn't recognize that person. It was Bai Yifei who had just been buried. He didn't expect that the dead Bai Yifei would appear here, and he would be beheaded. It was really a surprise to him.


   Ji Wuye's figure moved, she came directly to Bai Yifei's side, looked at Bai Yifei, who had been silent on the ground for a long time, and muttered to herself: "How could this be?"

  Resurrection from the dead, or surrogate death?

  Ji Wuye is a little confused, but it is undeniable that the two blood-clothed Hou Bai Yifei were both beheaded, and their deaths were relatively miserable. Obviously, they had just experienced a war.

  Looking at the death of Bai Yifei, who had been hostile to him, Ji Wuye didn't feel any joy at all. He knew well that facing the powerful Qin State, Han State needed Bai Yifei to exist.


  Ji Wuye took a deep breath, and said to a lieutenant around him: “Block the news here, don’t know anything.

  At the same time, send people to quickly result in a blood-robed army, if someone resists, kill it on the spot! "


  The lieutenant led out and walked out.


  At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded outside.


  Ji Wuye's eyes were cold, and she looked straight towards the door, and looked a little surprised after seeing the person coming: "Why are you coming back here?"

   "Why can't I come?"

He said coldly, he didn't take Ji Wuye's question seriously. The soldiers who had passed the guards walked straight in, looking at the blood-stained ground and Bai Yifei, who was covered in scars. Shaking his head: "It's a pity!"

  He knows better about Bai Yifei. He is a very courageous being. He didn't expect to die in his base camp.

   "It's no pity to win or lose!"

   Ji Wuye said coldly, he was not too surprised by Bai Yifei's end, after all, he would have to pay it back sooner or later.

  "Do you know who did it?"

   looked at Ji Wuye deeply, and asked.

  "The people of Qin!"

  Ji Wuye is not sure who it is, but at this time, the general who killed the country Han will not be anyone else except Qin. You must know that he has also been assassinated recently.

   got some clues from these killers, which proved to be people sent by the Qin State.

  "A man of Qin State? It seems that my heart will not die when Qin State is destroyed!"

   Hearing the words openly, he looked a little worried and sighed: "Is there a way to deal with Qin's army?"


  Ji Wuye shook his head, a trace of helplessness appeared on the bearded face, which is a very rare thing.

   "Let's go, go back and discuss with the king to see how to deal with the next thing?"

   said openly.


  Ji Wuye nodded, he was naturally clear about the open words. When Han is alive and dead, he hopes that he can give up fighting for power with Han Wangan and choose to unanimously.

   Otherwise, they have no chance at all in the face of Qiang Qin, and they will soon die out in the face of absolute strength.

  Even if Ji Wuye was unwilling in his heart, he had to temporarily choose to cooperate with Han Wangan. He knew that Han Wangan was still in charge of a powerful force, otherwise he would have overthrown Han Wangan's rule.

  "Clean up here and prohibit anyone from approaching!"

  Ji Wuye ordered, and then walked towards the palace openly.

  After Ji Wuye and the other two left, a black shadow appeared silently in the dark, looking at Bai Yifei, who was silent on the ground, her eyes widened and tears dripped unconsciously.


The black shadow is the tide banshee. After seeing Bai Yifei's death, he couldn't help the sadness in his heart. He immediately roared and pierced his heart, his voice constantly echoing in the huge blood-clothed castle, suddenly causing panic among the surrounding soldiers, thinking it was. There are ghosts.

  On the other side, Li and Ximen Chuuxue have already left the territory of Han, heading for the next country, Zhao Guo.

  After all, they have already made such a big movement in Han country, if they don’t leave, they will definitely be surrounded by the army.

  His identity has been exposed, and at the same time he beheaded Xueyihou and offended Ji Wuye and others, so naturally he could not stay here.

  As for why I went to Zhao Country, of course I went there for sabotage.

The demise of Han Kingdom is only a matter of time. Even if Ji Wuye and Han Wangan temporarily put aside their prejudices, they would not be able to resist the powerful Qin Kingdom.

  If they want to find a way out, they can only ask for help from other countries, and the first among them is Zhao and their neighbors, which is also the most powerful country besides Qin.

  And Li Li chose to go to the country of Zhao to destroy the country’s request for help and prevent the country of Zhao from sending troops.

  On the way, Li and the others did not pay attention to anyone. They had replaced the whole body with ordinary knight costumes, and quietly approached Zhao Guo.

   "Ximen, when the seven nations are unified, what are your plans?"

  Hurrying is a boring thing. In order not to let yourself get bored, Li Qiye asked Ximen Chuuxue next to him.

  "Try the world of swords, understand kendo, and set foot on a higher level"

Ximen Chuuxue said coldly.

   "Haha, try the sword world, a good idea"

   Mo Li said.

  The scene became cold again. For the icy existence beside him, Li Li was really speechless. If he had known that he would bring Wanwan's pistachio over, at least he wouldn't be boring.

  Unfortunately, Wanwan has long been in the Daqin area now, and it is impossible to appear here.

  As the two went all the way, they soon moved away from the Han country and appeared in the Zhao country.

  Compared with Han country, Zhao country looks a lot more atmospheric, and the soldiers in the border city are very vigorous, obviously a soldier of a hundred battles.

  After paying the city gate tax, the two of them easily entered the border city of Zhao State. They came along the way and they could be said to have been in the dust. They had long wanted to find a beautiful inn to take a hot bath, and then sleep again.

  "Xuanniao Restaurant."

  Looking at a tall restaurant in the center of the city, Li Li smiled slightly. He didn't expect that there would be a restaurant established by the Xuanniao Chamber of Commerce. It seemed that it was the right choice to summon Shen Wansan, a businessman.

  At the beginning, he was given the task of establishing the Xuanniao Chamber of Commerce in a large city among the Seven Kingdoms. Unexpectedly, there will be restaurants in such a small border town. It seems that Shen Wansan has not been idle for these years.

   "Let's go, Simon, this is it!"

   Mo Li said.

"it is good!"

   Ximen Chuuxue is still cold.

  Mo Li and the other two heard the shop Xiaoer’s voice as soon as they entered the door: "Guest officer, are you staying or eating?"

   "Stay in and eat!"

   Li Li said indifferently, he did not reveal his identity, and there are so many people in the hall now that it is inconvenient.

   "Two guest officers, please follow me!"

  Dian Xiaoer walked towards the counter with Li Li. The check-in procedures were similar to modern ones, except that there was no high-tech.

   asked for two rooms next to each other, Li and Li took a hot bath first, changed into clean clothes, went to the hall, found a place by the window and sat down.

  "Little brother, two pots of sake, two catties of soy sauce, four buns"

  Mo Li starts to order.

  "Two pots of wine, two catties of sauced meat, four buns."

  Dian Xiaoer yelled towards the counter, then turned around and smiled at the two people beside him and said, "You guys, wait a moment!"

   Then walked towards the kitchen, obviously to prepare food for Li Qi and them.

   "My son, there are many martial arts people in the restaurant, and their cultivation skills are not low!"

Ximen Chuuxue looked around and reminded in a low voice.


  Mo Li nodded. He also discovered the situation in the restaurant. Judging from the breath of the whole body, these people should come from different forces.

  Originally, he wanted to go directly to the Daqin border and participate in the battle against South Korea, but then he gave up this idea after thinking about it.

  Han country did not resist here in the face of Da Qin at all. He will not change anything if he goes there. It is better to come directly to Zhao country to destroy it, so as to help the next attack on Zhao country.

  At this moment, the conversation of the guests at the next table attracted the attention of Mo Li and Ximen Chuuxue, and they cast their attention.

   "I didn't expect Qin to send troops so suddenly. Although the Han army tried to block it, it could not resist the Qin army at all. According to the current situation, it took only a few days for the Qin army to invade Xinzheng."

   "Yes! Who would have thought that Ji Wuye would be so incompetent, facing Nei Shiteng without the slightest strength to fight back, really."

   "By the way, another blood-robed Hou from the Han military seems to have disappeared, and he didn't even appear on the battlefield. It's really strange!"

   "Hey, according to my gossip, I heard that Bai Yifei was assassinated in the **** castle, and then Ji Wuye blocked the news, so now there is no news of him."

   "No, as far as I know, Bai Yifei should have been beheaded outside Xinzheng city. It is said to be related to the abnormal sound of heaven and earth."

  The conversation voice at the neighboring table was not deliberately lowered, and it successfully attracted everyone around.

  Mo Li and Ximen Chuuxue looked at each other, and followed their voices. These contents were things they didn't know.

  But when Li Li saw the table man next to him, he was a little surprised, because these people are all famous people in the future.

  One of them was wearing sackcloth, holding a strange long sword in his hand, and exuding sword intent all over, it was Jing Ke.

Next to    is a man wearing a hood, which makes it impossible to see his face. However, one finger on his right hand can guess his identity. It is the Mo family giant's six-finger black man.

  And another young man with extraordinary temperament, Li Qiye could not guess his identity.


  The six-fingered black man seemed to feel something. He noticed the eyes of the two of Li Li and suddenly turned his head to look in Li Li's direction.

  Although he was wearing a cloak, which made it impossible for people to see his face, the sharp gaze hidden in the cloak could not be blocked by it, and it instantly met Li's gaze in the air, making a violent collision.

   Ximen Chuuxue glanced at the Six-Finger Black Man, he clearly felt the cloak man’s body shake, and in his opinion, it was a bit overwhelming to look at Li Qiye.

   Cursed his mouth and turned his gaze elsewhere.

   "Mohist six-finger black man, interesting!"

  For a long time, Li Li smiled slightly and directly derived the identities of several people.

"who are you?"

   Six-fingered Black Man asked.

  Because Li and Ximen Chuuxue deliberately concealed the reason, the Six-Finger Black Xia did not guess who they were.

  However, he could feel the noble aura from Li Li, obviously his identity was not simple, so he sent out a question.

  As for Ximen Chuuxue next to Mo Li, he is even more unfamiliar. He is familiar with anyone in the Six Kingdoms who has cultivated such kendo skills, but he has no impression of Ximen Chuuxue at all.

   "Mo Li!"

   Mo Li said lightly, directly using the modern name.


   Ximen Chuuxue glanced at Li Li beside him, the color of doubt flashed with doubt.

   "Mo Li?"

  The six-finger Black Xia trio then showed a puzzled look. They were really unfamiliar with this person's name. People of the Seven Kingdoms had very few surnames, and there were even fewer teenagers with extravagance.

  The three looked at each other, and they all saw the doubts in each other's hearts.

   "Master Mo, are you a local?"

   Six-fingered Black Man asked tentatively.

   "The giant doesn't need to be tested, I'm just a man of the mountains, I don't belong to any country!"

   Mo Li said, for the six-finger black man's temptation, he didn't care to point it out directly.

   "Giant, here we are!"

   At this moment, two men walked outside, walked straight to the six-finger black man, and said loudly.

   "Gao Jianli, Pirates are back!"

  Jing Ke said with a smile.


Gao Jianli nodded, glanced around, and whispered: "Giant, we got news from the Han country just now, the second son of Qin Kingdom appeared in Han country, and they took their men to kill the blood-clothed castle and kill the blood-clothed. Hou Bai is also missing afterwards."

"what's the situation?"

   Jing Ke asked.

  "It is said that the mysterious second son of Qin brought a swordsman in white. Han Fei and Wei Zhuang intercepted them, but they failed in the end.

After   , Xueyibao was taken over by Ji Wuye's army, but then a mysterious woman suddenly appeared and took away Bai Yifei's body directly in front of the soldiers. "

   Pirate Tuoxu said.

   "Two people killed Bai Yifei?"

  The young man asked in surprise.

   "Yes, it is said that the swordsman in white clothes is very terrifying. He killed Bai Yifei with just a few tricks. If you encounter him in the future, don't be an enemy.

  This is an existence even more terrifying than Gane! "

  Gao Jianli continued.

  "The second son of Qin, a swordsman in white?"

  The six-finger Black Xia said two silent sentences. He always felt that the two people mentioned by Gao Jianli were a bit familiar, as if they had met somewhere.

  Suddenly, the six-fingered Black Xia had a flash of inspiration, and his eyes could not help but turn to the two of Mo Li who were aside, with an intriguing meaning on his face.


  As soon as the mysterious young man wanted to inquire, he saw a large number of Mo Li and Ximen Fuxue constantly, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, he also looked over there.

  Jing Ke and Gao Jianli also looked at them, and the atmosphere on the scene instantly became very weird, because the image of the two of Mo Li unconsciously merged with the image in their hearts.

  Li Moli smiled and nodded to the six-finger black man and the others, and then picked up the tea on the table and drank.

  And Ximen Chuuxue did not look at a few people from beginning to end, but kept looking at the long sword in his hand, as if the attraction of the long sword was much greater than that of them.

   "Giant, I am afraid that these two people are"

  The mysterious man whispered.


  The six-finger black man nodded thoughtfully, he had already guessed more or less the identity of the two of Mo Li.

   "Yan Dan, speak carefully!"

Gao Jianli reminded.


  Yan Dan nodded, and then stopped talking, but the light of his eyes kept peeping at the two of Li Li.

  "My son, there is a person who feels murderous to you, do you need me to take it down!"

   Ximen Chuuxue moistened the five people on the opposite side, and whispered.

   "No, for the time being, we have no conflict with the Mohist school, so ignore them!"

  Mo Li shook his head.

   But what made him a little strange was why the Six-Finger Black Xia and others appeared here. At this time, shouldn't they be helping Yan Dan in the country of Yan?

  Among these people, the only one that could be seen by Li Li was the Six-Finger Black Xia, and the rest couldn't get into his eyes at all.

  Even Jing Ke, who would assassinate Yingzheng in the future, seemed a bit immature in Li Qi's eyes now.

  The six-finger black man's cultivation base is in the realm of heaven and human, and he is the strongest person apart from those old monsters.

  It can be said that the six-finger black man is worthy of being the giant of the Mo family. It is really not easy to have this strength, but it is a pity that the brain power is not enough and it is finally used by Yan Dan and becomes a tragedy.

   "Giant, how could they appear here?"

  The thief looked at the two of Mo Li vaguely, and asked suspiciously.

  "Speak carefully, these two people are not easy, especially which swordsman in white clothes actually gave me a death threat!"

   Six-fingered Black Man said with an ugly face.


  Gao Jianli swallowed. He knew the power of the six-fingered black man better than anyone else, and now he even said he could not beat any white swordsman. One can imagine how terrifying the white swordsman is!


  Jing Ke stared at Ximen Chuuxue, he himself was a swordsman, and his ten-step lore was a must.

  But he had a hunch in his heart that if he were to fight against this white-clothed swordsman, he would most likely die in a single move.

  This kind of feeling, he had only felt in Ganie, and now he felt it in Ximen Chuuxue, which made him feel very surprised.

  Gai Tuo’s attention has been on Li Li. He felt curious about Li Li’s identity and said in his heart: “I hope I won’t be enemies with him in the future.”

   "Well, avoid them for now!"

  Six-fingered black man said lightly.


  Several people replied, just at this time the food sent by Xiaoer, they quickly ate.


  Mo Li smiled slightly, and withdrew his gaze, and began to eat the wine and vegetables sent by Xiao Er.

  In a short while, a few fierce and evil people came in the Xuanniao Restaurant. Among them was a very seductive woman. There was a big gap between her dress and the Central Plains, as if she came from the wild.

  A few people came in. First, they patrolled the hall with their eyes. When they saw the two of Mo Li, their eyes brightened. They didn't pay attention to the shop, and went straight to the table next to Mo Li to sit down.

  Mo Li was naturally attracted by their movement and looked at them. When she saw a charming woman among several people, the corners of her mouth rose.

   "Boy, staring at my grandma, just dig out your eyeballs"

  The woman embroidered her eyebrows and scolded with an unhappy expression.

   [PS: Xiaobai, upon request from book friends, will try to keep 4D in future updates. I hope you can support me! 】

  (End of this chapter)