The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 309: Identity?

  Chapter 309 Identity?


   Mo Li was taken aback, but she didn't expect this charming woman to be so aggressive, she just glanced at it and scolded it, what would it be like if she was molested.


Seeing that Mo Li didn't even turn his gaze back at all, the tall and strong man beside the charming woman suddenly yelled, his bell-big eyes glared at Li Li, and the strong killing intent on his body burst out, and he slammed toward Li Li. And Ximen Chuuxue rolled over.


   Feeling the weakness of the strong man, Ximen Chuuxue's face suddenly fell cold, and a terrifying sword intent rose from behind and turned into an invisible sword and pressed against the strong man fiercely.


  The brawny man let out a painful snorting, a trace of red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his body shook involuntarily.

The charming woman beside her felt the invisible scary sword intent and the senran killing intent. Her complexion changed suddenly. Knowing that she should not provoke someone, she instantly pulled out the long sword that was placed aside and looked at Simon with a vigilant look. Blowing snow.

   Not only the charming women and a few people were on guard, but the six-fingered black man of the Mo family felt the terrifying sword intent and their expressions changed. After looking at each other, they stared at Ximen Fuxue tightly.

  This sword intent, this killing intent, this powerful coercion, without the realm of celestial beings can never be matched with it, or the realm of celestial beings may not be able to match it.

  "Giant, this man is sword intent"

  Jing Ke's face was dignified, his eyes fixed on Ximen Chuuxue, and the war intent in his heart was instantly suppressed, and he wanted to compete with such a swordsman.

  "This person is not your enemy, temporarily avoid it!"

  The six-fingered black man shook his head and signaled Jing Ke not to provoke easily.


  Jing Ke nodded.

   "Well, Simon, take back your horrible sword intent, if you scare the beautiful woman, it won't be good!"

   Seeing the charming woman desperately resisting the sword intent, her body kept trembling, a layer of fine sweat appeared on her forehead, and her complexion became a little pale.

  You must know that Ximen Chuuxue’s ruthless sword intent is not something ordinary people can resist. It is mixed with his perception of kendo and his killing intent to kill the enemy for many years.

  Don't say that charming women can't resist, even the six-finger black man can't easily resist it. This is the horror of Ximen Chuuxue.

  If he launches the ruthless kendo with all his strength, that power is absolutely terrifying.


   Ximen Chuuxue heard the words, glanced faintly at Li Qi, and silently retracted the terrifying sword intent around him, and immediately made the depressed atmosphere around him disappear.

  "Girl, this friend of mine is a bit cold, didn't it scare you?"

  Mo Li stood up from her seat and walked to the front of the charming woman, her tone of voice a little kind.

  "Who is Your Excellency?"

  Looking at Ximen Chuuxue withdrawing the terrifying killing intent because of Li's words, the identity of the young man in front of him was obviously unusual.

   "Is this important?"

   Li Li asked lightly.

  The charming woman had no words, her beautiful eyes stared at Li Li, wanting to see who this person is?

   "Beauty, don't lose your temper to others at will in the future, otherwise it will easily cause unnecessary trouble!"

  Mo Li said a word, then turned around and came to the Six-Finger Black Xia no one. Without paying attention to their eyes, they just sat down in the empty seat: "Mo family giant, I wonder if I can sit here?"


  Six-finger Hei Xia and others felt a little speechless for a moment, you are all sitting here, and you are asking for our meaning, really hypocritical.

   However, they, who had faintly guessed the identity of Li Li, would naturally not hide the dissatisfaction in their hearts. At this time, they did not want to offend Li Li.

  Even Yan Dan had to hide the hostility in his heart. The terrifying sword intent of Ximen Chuuxue just now let him know that he can't act rashly now, otherwise not only will he die, but even the Mo Family will not be well.


  Six-fingered black man said lightly.

  "The son, from Qin?"

   glanced at Ximen Chuuxue who was sitting next to him, the six-fingered black man groaned slightly, looking at Li Qiye and asked softly.

  Gao Jianli and the others saw the six-finger black man asking about Li's identity, and they all cast attention to see if their guesses were correct.

   "I think it's better for the giant not to know my identity, otherwise you and me will not sit together so friendly, do you think?"

  Mo Li had a smile in her eyes, and looked at the giant on the opposite side playfully, and said with a chuckle.


   Hearing Mo Li's laughter, the six-finger black man's face changed. He had already heard the meaning of Mo Li's words. Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning of the words was self-evident.

   "I am the author of the way"

  The six-fingered black man quickly reacted, with a smile on his face, concealing his embarrassment.

  "Don’t you introduce these people around you?"

  Looking at Yan Dan and the few people beside him, Li Li said to the Six-Finger Black Xia.

   "I am Gao Jianli!"

   Before the six-finger black man could speak, Gao Jianli took the lead to speak.

   "Gao Jianli? A good name, it will be famous all over the world in the future"

   Thinking of Gao Jianli's assassination of Ying Zheng in the future, Li Qi could not help but show a sneer at the corner of his mouth.


  Gao Jian was a little surprised in his renunciation, and he was a bit inexplicable about Li's words. Although his strength was good, it was still too early to become famous.

"Who is this?"

  Mo Li glanced at Jing Ke several people, finally turned his eyes to Yan Dan, and asked with a smile.

   "Under the Mo family, Mo Dan!"

   Yan Dan put down the wine glass in his hand and slowly raised his head, looking at Li Li who was looking at him in front of him, with a cold expression on his face.

   "Mo Dan?"

  Mo Li said a few words lightly, and a faint smile flashed in his eyes. The name was fake when I heard it, that is, Yan Dan would come up with such a name: "The name Mo Dan is very meaningful, not bad, not bad!"

   "You're polite, it's just an ordinary name, I shouldn't be praised by the son!"

Yan Dan said calmly.

  Looking at Li's smile, he assumed that he hadn't seen it, and there was no atmosphere at all.

  "In Xia Jingke, I have seen your Excellency!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to change, Jing Ke hurriedly stepped forward to introduce himself, distracting from the conversation between Mo Li and Yan Dan.

   "Jing Ke, famous for his ten-step lore, and Ganie’s hundred-step flying sword, was one of the two great karma at that time. I wonder if I’m right?"

   Mo Li said.

  For Jing Ke's name, he can be said to be like Lei Guaner. Now there are not many people in the world who know him, but he became famous after he assassinated King Qin.

"You're welcome!"

  Jing Ke clasped his fists in both hands.

   "Pirate extension!"

  In a brief introduction, there is not much language.

   "All the important members of the Mo family are here. If you stay here, will the Mo family inheritance be cut off from you?"

  Mo Li's mouth raised a slight arc, looking at the six-fingered black man on the opposite side, and said.

   "The son is joking, how could the inheritance of the Mohist school be cut off because of my waiting"

The Six-Finger Black Xia smiled awkwardly: "Besides, the top ten propositions of Mohist school are "Universal Love", "Non-attack", "Shang Xian", "Shang Tong", "Tian Zhi", "Ming Ghost" and "Fei Ming". ", "Fei Le", "Festival Funeral", "Festival Use", these have no conflict with the world, and will not be an enemy of anyone."


  Mo Li nodded with a sneer. He found it ridiculous that the six-finger black man said that he loves his life, all beings are equal, and so on.

  There is no such thing as equality in today’s society. People here are divided into poor and lowly, divided into noble, and divided into classes. If you can't get rid of all of these, then you can't change it at all.

  In the original work, after Qin ruled the world, Mohist finally united with some remaining forces of the six nations to fight against Qin on a small scale.

  If they really did it for the rest of their lives, they would not do such a thing.

  "The teachings of your Mohist school are good, but it's a pity"

  Mo Li shook his head, did not say the next words, but all the expressions on his face showed a look that was endless.

  "Your Excellency disagrees with the teachings of my Mohist school?"

  For Li's disdainful eyes, Gao Jianli couldn't help but speak immediately. In his opinion, even if Li's status is noble, he can't be rude to their Mo Family.

   "Gradually leave, don't be rude!"

  The six-finger black man yelled, but he glanced at Yan Dan vaguely. He knew that among these people, only Yan Dan had the greatest ambition, and was the one who was the most persistent in the teachings of the Mohist school.

   Jing Ke frowned after hearing this, and secretly pulled Gao Jianli's clothes. The identity of the man in front of him was not simple. In addition, the scary white-clothed swordsman behind him was not a waiter. If they played against him, they probably had no chance of winning at all.


  Gao Jianli glanced at Jing Ke, not speaking.


   Mo Li snorted coldly, and took a deep look at Gao Jianli. He was indeed a brainless person, otherwise he would not be so embarrassed after meeting Ying Zheng in the future. This character is really not good.

   "As the leader of the Mo family, I hope you can stand in the team in the future and don't push the Mo family into the abyss"

   Mo Li said lightly, then turned around and returned to his seat, and had a drink with Ximen Chuuxue.

  Through the simple conversation just now, Li Li could already see that the Mo Family would not follow them all the way, and would definitely stand on the anti-Qin road in the future.

  Because of the existence of Yan Dan, this is inevitable.

   "Who is this person?"

  Looking at Li Li's calm look, the charming woman showed a look of curiosity. The conversation he had with the Mo family just now was not deliberately hidden, and every word was clearly heard.

   "What are you looking at? Yan Lingji."

   asked a strong man next to him. Although he deliberately lowered his voice, his rough voice clearly conveyed to the ears of people around him, attracting some people's attention.

   "Han Ling Ji?"

  Don’t move in eccentricity. He didn’t expect this charming woman to be Yan Ling Ji, but what made him a little strange was that Yan Ling Ji should be in Baiyue, why did she appear here?

  Han Ling Ji comes from Baiyue, a mysterious woman who is tender and passionate.

When I was a child, a big fire destroyed the home of Yan Ling Ji and her family was destroyed. One of the younger brothers was unclear because of his talent and proficient in fire spells, he was good at performing fire attacks. Later, he was attracted by the "Red Eyed Dragon Snake" who liked to attract strangers "Income under the command.

   Become one of the fear killers and begin to take revenge on Han country, wanting to help Tianze regain the country.

  Manipulate fire magic, can use flames to make people hallucinate, and can also enter the memory of others.

  Weapons: Fire spirit hairpin (internal force is released to form a slash-type arrogance), fire shield, fire sword, etc. (transfiguration flame as you like)

  Since she is the Flame Fairy, the strangers beside her must be Wushuanggui and the Exorcist.

  Unexpectedly, I met a few of Tianze's men at once. Interesting, really interesting!

   noticed that Li Li had been looking at Yan Lingji and the others, Ximen Buxue also looked over. After seeing the people of Yan Lingji, Ximen Bixue frowned, revealing a trace of doubt.

  But he did not ask, but waited silently for Li Li, waiting for him to give orders.

   "Ximen, how can you subdue those people?"

  For a long time, Li Li slowly retracted his gaze, turned and said lightly.


  Ximen Chuuxue was taken aback. He didn't expect that Li Li would ask such a question, but he still groaned slightly and replied: "If it doesn't hurt his life, it takes three tricks to subdue everyone;

  If I want to kill it, I am confident that I can kill it with one move! "


  Mo Li nodded, then glanced at Yan Lingji's direction again, and kept thinking about how many people should I take down?

  You must know that the tall bodies of Wushuanggui and several people, if placed on the battlefield, would be an absolute murderous thing, with a powerful deterrent.

   But thinking about it, I gave up. Several people are loyal to Tianze. If Tianze is immortal, they will not surrender to the other person.

   "Ximen, are you ready?"

   asked Mo Li.


   Ximen Chuuxue nodded.

   "You stare at these people, I'll go upstairs!"

  Mo Li turned and walked upstairs after speaking, but after passing by the counter, after vaguely showing the above things to the shopkeeper, he turned and left.


  The shopkeeper looked at the Governor's token in Li Li's hand, his eyes narrowed involuntarily, and the restaurant under the Xuanniao Chamber of Commerce naturally knew what Li Li was holding.

  He did not directly follow the two of Mo Li, but when Mo Li disappeared behind the stairs, the shopkeeper called a cashier to stand at the counter for him, and he walked towards Mo Li’s room through the kitchen stairs.


   Soon, the shopkeeper appeared outside the door of Li Li's room, raised his hand and knocked gently three times.

"Come in!"

   Li's voice came from the room.

  The shopkeeper looked around, saw that no one noticed it, opened the door and walked in, but before closing the door, he looked outside again.

  After checking that no one noticed, he closed the door gently and walked towards the room.

   "Subordinate Jin Yiwei Qianhu Zhang Xuan, I have seen the governor!"

   Seeing Li Li sitting at the table, Zhang Xuan immediately bowed and said, and at the same time said his identity.

   "Get up!"

   Mo Li said indifferently.


   Zhang Xuan answered, standing aside respectfully and waiting for Li's words.

   "How many Jinyi guards are there, what kind of position are Zhao Guo's in?"

   asked Mo Li.

   "Return to the governor, in addition to the Xuanniao restaurant, there are also 308 Jinyi guards here. They are in different positions. Some are in the army, some are in the grocery store, and some are in the city lord’s mansion."

  Zhang Xuan introduced in detail the situation of the guards in the city.


  Mo Li nodded after hearing this. He didn't expect Jin Yiwei to be in an important position in the city, but he just liked him.

   Originally, he thought Zhang Xuan was just an ordinary shopkeeper under Shen Wansan, but he did not expect that he was actually Jin Yiwei Qianhu. It seems that the cooperation between Jin Yiwei and Shen Wansan is quite close.

   "Now move the Jinyi guards in the hidden city quickly, so that they can figure out the deployment of the army, the number of people, the food and so on.

  At the same time, collect the information of important people in the big households in the city, and wait for my order! "

   Li Mo Li gave an important command in one breath.


  Jin Yiwei Qianhu Zhang Xuan wrote down the things Mo Li explained one by one, and did not dare to sloppy.

   "Again, send people to pay attention to the situation of Mo Family and others, and Yan Ling Ji and others. If there is any abnormality, when will you report it!"

  Mo Li just wanted Zhang Xuan to retreat, he thought of the Mo Family, Yan Lingji and others, and hurriedly told Zhang Xuan to pay attention to their movements.


  Zhang Xuan nodded and wrote down.

   "Okay, you go down, there is nothing for you now!"

  Mo Li waved back Zhang Xuan, looking at the sky outside the window, lost in thought.

  Now Mohist, Yinyang, Guigu, and Confucian people have appeared in the world, and the rest of the philosophers of the Hundred Schools will come out sooner or later. It seems that my own plan is about to begin!

  On the other side, the lobby!

  Looking at the figure of Li Li's sudden departure, Gai Tuo looked at the Six-Finger Black Xia thoughtfully, and asked, "Giant, who is that man from Qin?"


   Six-finger Black Xia frowned upon hearing this. Although he also guessed that Mo Li's identity was the son of Qin, that noble and proud temperament was not possessed by people of hundreds of families.

  But he is not sure if it is the son of Qin, because he is not familiar with the son of Da Qin.

   "Although his identity cannot be determined, he is a member of the royal family after all, so it is uncertain which son he is!"

  Six-fingered black man slowly said.

  "Yingchen's heir?"

  Jing Ke nodded thoughtfully. He knew more or less about the people of the Qin royal family. After all, his woman is now in the Qin royal palace!

   However, when he was a little surprised, it was really a bit surprising to be able to meet the people of the Qin State in the border land of Zhao State.

  Keqin’s royal family appeared here, for what?

  Does Da Qin want to destroy Korea, and continue to attack Zhao Guo?


too frightening!

   "What's wrong with Jing Ke?"

  Noting the change in Jing Ke's expression, Gao Jianli asked in confusion.

   "I was thinking that the son of Qin State suddenly appeared here, it must not be that simple.

  Will he be innocently attacked by the people of Zhao, like Han country, and cause disputes between the two countries! "

  Jing Ke guessed.

   "Huh? What do you mean?"

  Gai Tuo asked.

   "You mean"

   Yan Dan's expression changed, and he thought of Qin's plan for a moment.

   "What kind of a riddle, can't you tell it directly?"

  Gai Tuo asked reluctantly.

   "Don't ask, see Qin Guo's ambition is not small, let's leave here quickly."

  The six-fingered black man looked at Yan Dan beside him, and said thoughtfully.


Yan Dan nodded silently.

  He also saw the meaning of Lord Qin’s presence here, so naturally he didn’t want to stay here any more.

   "Let's go!"

   said the six-finger black man.

  Then a group of people checked out and left.

  (End of this chapter)