The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 315: Zhang Zifang arrives at Tiger Pass

  Chapter 315 Zhang Zifang arrives at Tiger Pass

   Li Xin's expression became a little ugly when he heard this. He didn't expect that the second son of the empire would be so cruel and vicious, and he would use whatever means to achieve his goal.

  Compared with Li Li, he is not like a man from the military family. On the contrary, Li looks like a real heir to the military family.

Soldiers who, deception also!

  Now Li's thoughts are completely consistent with this.

What Li Xin didn’t know was that Li Xin was staying in Wang Jian’s barracks at the age of three. In just two years, he trained a group of powerful special operations teams. You must know that these people can easily kill the blood jackets. Hou Bai is not the blood-clad army below.

  The blood-clad army can normally be worth one hundred, but the special personnel trained by Li Li can completely abuse the existence of the blood-clad army.

  From this we can see the power of these special personnel.

  However, this group of special personnel are currently serving as training instructors in Wang Jian’s army. They cannot be assembled on the battlefield for the time being, otherwise they will definitely become the enemy’s dream.

  "My son, I suggest that you still think about other strategies. After all, after you conquer Han country, everything will belong to Daqin."

  Li Xin persuaded again.

   "Haha, General Li doesn’t need to be like this. I just made a joke with you. If you really don’t talk about others, even if the father knows it, he won’t forgive me."

  Mo Li suddenly laughed. General Li Xin is indeed a good general. The series of things mentioned above are all trying to test Li Xin's personality.

  Although he had heard about General Li Xin, the rumors were sometimes not credible. After all, he knew people and didn’t know his heart.

Now through this short temptation, he has already understood that Li Xin is a man, he is a general who loves his people like his son. Although sometimes a bit pedantic, not resolute enough, and not decisive enough, these are all considered for the sake of Da Qin, and it is completely sensible. The original thing.


  Li Xin was a little confused for an instant, and he didn't understand why Li was doing this. There was a short circuit in his head. Li Li also accused him of being kind, and suddenly the style of painting changed and he came directly to a joke, which made him a little bit dumbfounded.

  However, Li Xin is the future handsome talent after all. He quickly calmed down. He looked at Li, who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Second son, Xin is timid, so don’t make this kind of joke in the future."

   "Haha, good, good, stop joking with General Li!"

Li Xin smiled slightly. He saw that Li Xin was about to be broken by himself. He quickly reduced his playful mentality. He sat up slightly, his face solemnly: "Get back to business, Han Fei, Han Wangan's sixth son, has always been at odds with Han Wangan. , Leaving Han country to study Confucianism since childhood.

  I met him some time ago. After a short exchange, I found that his ability should not be underestimated.

  This time Han Wang An Neng chose to appoint his most despised son as the commander-in-chief of the three armies. Presumably, the Han Dynasty is already in a unified external situation.

  And Han Fei is not alone, the Confucian standing behind him.

  Although most Confucian scholars are scholars, these scholars are not just talking about things on paper. I hope that General Li will not be careless.

Right now we can’t take the plan to break the embankment, and there are tens of thousands of Korean troops above the Tiger Pass. Although our number is four or five times as many as theirs, with the danger of the Tiger Pass, we are fully capable of resisting it as long as we command properly. The offensive of the gate army. "

   Li Moli briefly analyzed Han Fei's situation, and at the same time talked about the situation of the Tiger Guards.


Feeling the solemnity of Li Xin's tone, Li couldn't help but tremble in his confidence. He found that he really despised his opponent a bit. He was invincible in the direction of the soldiers along the way, and he did not encounter any resistance, which made Li Xin from his heart. I don't think the Han army can do it. The Han army has no generals who can recruit good warriors.

  Now after Li Xin’s reminder, Li Xin knew that he was a little proud. The lion still needs to use his full strength to fight the rabbit, and he can be careless.

  Now it is a battle between the two armies. If it is because of his pride and self-satisfaction that causes the loss of soldiers, then he is the sinner of Qin.

  "General Li, you have to know that Han Fei is not as simple as you imagined. Although others are a little unfocused, they are very smart and talented.

  You need to know that he and Li Si, the prime minister of Daqin, are brothers, so how could it be easy for someone to be admired by Li Si! "

   Seeing the change in Li Xin's face, Li Li directly pointed out the relationship between Han Fei and Li Si, with the purpose of letting Han Fei not be careless.

   "Believe, some people despise the world!"

  Li Xin sighed.

   Noting the change in Li Xin's expression, Li Xin nodded with satisfaction. He knew that Li Xin had heard the words in his heart. If he really despised that inconspicuous Han Fei, it would really happen.

   "Han Fei turned out to be the prime minister's younger brother. It's interesting. It's interesting to fight against such a person!"

  Li Xin suddenly laughed, and a strong fighting spirit rose up all over his body. This was the feeling of encountering an opponent.

   "I look forward to you defeating Han Fei. You must know that my father admires Han Fei very much!"

  Mo Li said with a smile.


   Li Xin was shocked when he heard the words, looked at Li Xin in amazement, and suddenly felt a little confused in his heart. Li Xin told him the meaning of the news was obviously not simple.

  If he defeated the person that Qin Guo fancyed, wouldn't it mean that he was stronger than that Han Fei, and Qin would definitely reuse himself by that time.

   While Li Xin was thinking about getting into trouble, Mo Qili couldn't help but think to himself: "Han Fei, he will be the commander of the three armed forces. This is simply a stinking move."

  Han Fei has the ability, but his main ability is above government affairs, and he is not good at military affairs.

  But Han Wangan chose Han Fei as the commander-in-chief. Obviously there were things he didn’t know about. Could Wei Zhuang help him?

  No, Wei Zhuang would never use the technique of Ghost Valley when he didn't decide the victory or defeat with Gai Nie.

  Who would it be?

   "Could it be him!"

   Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in Li Li's mind, and a man in Tsing Yi appeared. He was the one who stayed with Han Fei at the beginning, that is, the one who killed Bai Yifei's army in the suburbs.

   "Zhang Liang?"

  Mo Chengdi couldn't help but appear this name. Except for him, Li couldn't think of who it was. After all, Han Fei had so few friends.

  Furthermore, when Zhang Liang is verifying what he has learned at this time, he will certainly not miss such an opportunity.

   "Perhaps, the Han army commander is someone else!"

  Mo Li muttered to herself.

   "My son, what did you say?"

   Li Xin looked surprised when he heard the words.

   "Now it's just a guess, let's try it out!"

  Mo Li stood up from his seat and slowly walked to the side of the sand table. He couldn't help but smile and said.


  Li Xin nodded thoughtfully, and went to the sand table to check.

   Ximen Chuuxue felt a little boring, glanced at the two of Mo Li, and silently walked out of the Chinese Army Camp.

the other side.

   Tiger Pass, Military and Political Hall.

  Han Fei stood at the entrance of the hall, and looked at the empty hall with a bitter expression on his face. From the initial meeting with Ying Gao to see that he became the commander-in-chief of the three armies, it was really unpredictable after only a few days.

  If half a year later, Han Fei is absolutely capable of resisting Qin Jun’s resistance, but the time is too short, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, it will not help.

   Soon, a white-haired person appeared beside Han Fei silently, looking at the heavy-faced Han Fei, and whispered, "What do you plan to do next?"

  The visitor was Wei Zhuang, and he didn't agree with Han Fei as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, but for Han Fei's understanding, he knew that even if he blocked it, it was useless.

  In his opinion, the current country of Han simply has no ability to withstand the attack of the Qin army. It is only a matter of time before the city breaks, and Han Fei may lose his life here.

  He does not have many friends. Han Fei, who is inconspicuous, is one of the few. He doesn't want this friend to lose his life, so he comes here and waits to save him in the last moment of crisis.

   "What else can I do, and what can I do now?"

  Han Fei smiled bitterly. Regarding the current situation, even if he is resourceful and capable, nothing can be changed!

  In front of Qin Jun's absolute strength, no matter what conspiracy and tricks are, they are all clouds.

  Furthermore, with regard to the current situation in the Han country, what if the Qin army is blocked here at the Tiger Pass?

  Where Ji Wuye frequently heard news of failure, this resourceful Han Fei has long been exhausted physically and mentally.

  Furthermore, only 400,000 soldiers are now attacking Han, which is one-fifth of the total strength of the Qin army.


  Weizhuang sighed slightly in his heart. He felt the helplessness of getting the fee, but the current situation cannot be changed by one or two people.

  Furthermore, this time Qin State sent troops to attack Han State completely because of Ji Wuye's troubles, even though they knew all this was Qin State's conspiracy.

  The things that can be encircled and suppressed are facts, and the country of Han cannot deny it at all.

  Now the Qin Army Division is well-known, and the reason is very simple. It wants Han country to find the murderer.

  Actually, handing over Ji Wuye now won't let the Qin army retreat, because Qin had long been willing to destroy Han, so how could such an opportunity be let go now?

   "I can only fight back, maybe there will be a turnaround!"

  Looking at Han Fei beside him, Wei Zhuang said solemnly.


  Han Fei nodded.

  As the son of Han country, no matter what the final outcome is, he has to contribute to Han country.


   At this moment, a messenger suddenly ran in front of Han Fei and said loudly: "My son, there is someone outside, saying it's your friend."

"my friend?"

  Han Fei was taken aback, looking at the messenger in confusion and asked, "What is his name?"

   "Zhang Liang!"

  Lingbing recalled it, and slowly said two names.

   "What? The ovary is here!"

  Han Fei ran to the outside directly after hearing this. He didn't look like the son of Han country at all.

  Weizhuang took a look and followed.


   Soon, Han Fei's figure appeared outside the military and political hall, panting, looking at Zhang Liang, who looked calm, and said in surprise: "Ovary, you are finally here, it really makes me wait!"

   "Grandfather's order, I have to come, and I can't watch you lose his life innocently!"

  Zhang Liang smiled slightly.

In fact, he was also very surprised about Han Fei's appointment as the commander of the three armies. Just when he returned home, he encountered the open ground after the meeting was over, so he told Zhang Liang the news and asked him to come and help Han Fei. .

  The grandfather's order was impossible, and he now needs actual combat to verify the theory in his mind, so Zhang Liang had to come over.

  "The prime minister's order?"

  Han Fei frowned, and said in his heart: "It turned out to be the prime minister's order."

   "Hey, Wei Zhuang is here too!"

  Looking at Wei Zhuang who appeared behind Han Fei, Zhang Liang’s eyes flashed with surprise. He did not expect that the proud Wei Zhuang would take this trip to the muddy water, which was really unexpected.

   "You can come, why can't I be here!"

   Wei Zhuang asked rhetorically.


  Zhang Liang smiled without words. He has a deep understanding of Wei Zhuang's temperament. Even if he is eloquent, he can't ask for anything in front of Wei Zhuang.

   "Han Fei, won't your kid just let me stand here forever?"

  Although Zhang Liang didn't want to talk to Wei Zhuang, he really had no scruples about Han Fei.

   "Oh, come on, please inside!"

  Han Fei slapped his head and immediately said with a smile.

   "Haha, you kid"

  Zhang Liang smiled and shook his head, then walked inside.

   "Maybe this is an opportunity!"

  Looking at the back of Zhang Liang and two of them entering, Wei Zhuang muttered to himself.

  He didn't expect Zhang Liang to appear here at this time. Although it was a little unexpected, it was an opportunity for Han Jun.

  You should know that Han Fei is not suitable for commander-in-chief, but Zhang Liang is definitely suitable. He can definitely make full use of in the Han army.

  In the war between the two countries, sometimes it is not the number of people, but the ability of the commander.

  Since ancient times, there have been countless examples of winning more with less, so Wei Zhuang felt that there was a chance.

  Although Qin State is strong, pointed by its soldiers, and invincible, he is not invincible.

  In history, the Qin Army was defeated at its peak, so this time it might be able to defeat the Qin Army. .

  Soldiers are also tricky, the way to use soldiers lies in ever-changing and unexpected.

  Military and political hall, several people sat one after another.

  Zhang Liang looked at the silent two, tapping his fingers on the table non-stop, making a ‘clang clang’ sound, but his mind was running fast, thinking about how to relieve the current situation.

  Qin is indeed not invincible. After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly and everything can happen. As long as you seize the opportunity, then Han has the hope of victory.

  However, the only thing that worries Zhang Liang now is that although there are countless theories in his mind, he has no experience in leading troops, and some worries that there will be problems in command.

  Furthermore, the commander of the Qin army outside the Tiger Pass is Li Xin. This is a well-known general of Qin State. Although he is not old, he is a well-versed existence.

  It can be said that in the entire Qin State, those who can freely beat Li Xin in the art of war and command can be counted with one slap.

   Li Xin, whether it is experience or other, is not comparable to him.

   However, Zhang Liang is a genius after all. Even if he knew that the general opposite was Li Xin, Qin's general, he was not afraid.

  Quickly converging his mind, his face straightened, he glanced at Han Fei and Wei Zhuang in front of him, and said solemnly, “Han Fei, how do you think the current situation should be solved?

  (End of this chapter)