The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 321: The way to deal with Confucianism

  Chapter 321 Ways to Deal with Confucianism

  On the way south, Ximen Chuuxue's reluctance to speak many times was naturally noticed by Mo Li. He knew what Ximen Chuuxue asked?

  However, he wanted to see if Ximen Chuuxue would take the initiative to ask it out. You must know that Ximen Chuuxue was a cold and arrogant person.

  It is obviously very difficult for such a person to take the initiative to speak out what he thinks.

  The two walked for a while, and Ximen Chuuxue finally couldn't bear to say what was in his heart: "My son, since the Korean army has been defeated, why kill the prisoners?"

   "Haha, Simon, you finally asked, I thought you would hold this idea in your heart!"

  Looking at Ximen Chuuxue's frosty face, Li Li smiled slightly: "Since you want to know, then I will tell you.

  The hatred between Qin and South Korea has existed since history. When Qin was weak, it was often made difficult by Han. Therefore, the hatred between them can only be lifted with blood.

  There is no undead in war, there is never a benevolent side.

  You must know that the Qin army will continue to march into the Han country next, and the tens of thousands of soldiers will inevitably send guards, which is obviously impossible without tens of thousands.

In this way, the army will inevitably separate out a few troops to watch the guards and soldiers. At that time, the pressure from the Han country will undoubtedly increase a lot. At that time, Daqin’s soldiers will lose countless more people. This is extremely for Daqin. unfavorable.

   Again, this time the army did not bring too much grain and grass. The surplus grain and grass were simply separated to supply the soldiers. When the time comes, the soldiers will cause mutiny because there is no food.

  At that time, in order to suppress these pawns, they had to be killed!

  Speaking of this, you may ask, why not let them go? "

   Seeing that Ximen Chuuxue's expression changed slightly, Li Qixue smiled slightly. He knew that Ximen Chuuxue already knew why he ordered the **** to be killed.

"If tens of thousands of pawns are released, they will become members of the anti-Qin forces in the near future. In order to avoid such a thing from happening, as the son of Da Qin, I have the responsibility to stifle this kind of crisis in the cradle. ."

  Mo Li continued.


Ximen Chuuxue nodded.

  In fact, even if Li Qi did not talk about these things, he understood it, but the idea of ​​fighting in the army was the first encounter, and he felt a little unbearable.

   "Are you afraid of Confucian troubles when you kill Zhang Liang?"

   "Hey, Simon, I find that you have a lot of words today. It's really strange."

   Li Qiye is different.

  Looking at Ximen Chuuxue, whose face remained unchanged beside him, Mo Li couldn't help but glanced twice, wanting to see what happened to this guy today?

  Unfortunately, Ximen Chuuxue's face was always an expression. Li Qiye hadn't seen his thoughts after watching it for a long time, and finally had to give up.

  "The power of Confucianism is naturally not small. It can be said that the scholars in the world are basically their disciples. If it becomes a troublesome thing, it is really troublesome.

However, for me, the power of Confucianism is terrible, but it is the same. If you want to deal with them, it is very simple, as long as you train some scholars of your own, and then develop a few things, Confucianism will not be enough. For consideration. "

  Mo Li smiled mysteriously. The reason why Confucianism is difficult to deal with is because they have mastered a large number of literary classics and controlled many outstanding talents. As long as these things are popularized, Confucianism will be self-defeating.

  It is very simple to popularize culture. Li Li had already thought about it a long time ago, which is to use papermaking to deal with Confucianism.

  Papermaking is an important invention of the working people in ancient times. It has two forms: mechanism and handwork.

The    mechanism is continuously carried out on the paper machine. The pulp suitable for paper quality is diluted with water to a certain concentration, and it is initially dehydrated in the wire section of the paper machine to form a wet paper sheet, which is then dewatered by pressing, and then dried into paper.

  Handwork is a lot more cumbersome. It requires a frame with bamboo curtains, polyester nets or copper nets. The fibers dispersed in water are made into wet paper, which is pressed and dehydrated, and then dried or dried into paper.

The biggest difference between   mechanism and hand-made paper is that because hand-made paper uses manual beating, the fibers in the pulp are well preserved;

  Machine-made paper is beaten by machine, and the pulp fibers are broken.

   makes handmade paper much better than machine-made paper in toughness and tensile strength.

  The machine-made paper has uneven fiber distribution in the vertical and horizontal directions due to the difference in the speed of the pulp web, and the hand-made paper does not have the uneven distribution of fibers in the vertical and horizontal directions, which is especially reflected in the paper for painting and calligraphy.

  Furthermore, the emergence of paper is something that crosses the ages. The most commonly used items in modern daily life, whether you read books, read newspapers, write, or paint, you have to come into contact with paper.

  Even in the production of industry, agriculture, etc., it is inseparable from paper.

  If there is no paper in modern times, it would be unimaginable.

  At the same time, paper is a powerful tool and material in exchanging ideas, disseminating culture, and developing science and technology and production.

  Furthermore, according to historical records, China was the first country in the world to invent paper.

  However, according to archaeological findings, paper already appeared in the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC to 8 AD).

  But the texture is rough, the quantity is small, the cost is high, and it is not popular.

  At this time, cultural exchanges were mainly through bamboo slips, wooden slips, silk books, silk paintings and other physical objects.

  Oracle bones are not easy to obtain, gold stones are bulky, silk fabrics are expensive, and bamboo slips take up a lot of space and are not easy to use.

   Therefore, Li Li felt it necessary to take out the paper.

  Of course, paper is not enough to deal with Confucianism. It also requires the emergence of printing. Compared with paper, printing is much simpler. You only need to place the engraved font on the printing plate.

  With these two things, it will be much easier to deal with Confucianism. At that time, a "Daqin Daily" will be produced to inform the whole world about what happens every day and control some public opinion directions.

  These three are carried out at the same time, and the threat of Confucianism to Qin will be ignored.

  Of course, compared with the huge reading group of Confucianism, Qin may be slightly weaker, but in these years, under the pre-arranged arrangement, a large number of talents have been cultivated, which can supplement the vacancy of Qin's future talents.

  Of course, there are the achievements of pinyin, which has accelerated the learning speed of Qin characters by several times.

  It can be said that all of these things are something that Li Li started planning ten years ago, but these things were all left to Shen Wansan of the Xuanniao Chamber of Commerce.

  This guy can't do anything else, he has money.

  No matter in which era, as long as you have money, it is much easier to get started.

   "Since the son has a plan, Simon is relieved!"

  Ximen Chuuxue said, and immediately remembered that Li Li had let Wei Zhuang away, she couldn't help but ask: "Wei Zhuang is very strong, why didn't the son subdue him?"

   "Wei Zhuang's strength is indeed good, but it is impossible to subdue him at this time, but he will cooperate with me in the future!"

   Li Li said lightly.

  Actually, he just thought about beheading Wei Zhuang on the spot, but whenever he had this idea, there would always be danger in his mind.

  Mo Li knew that this must be the old ghost of Guiguzi, otherwise this would not happen.

  This is the reason why Wei Zhuang was released.

  (End of this chapter)