The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 336: Backlash

  Chapter 336 Backlash

   "Evil Bone Warrior!"

Seeing the strange soldiers attacking him, the man in black's complexion changed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Unexpectedly, the soldiers of the Zhenzong who controlled the corpse sect back then were in your hands. I now treat you. The identity is really becoming more and more curious!"

  The words fell, the figure of the man in black flickered, like an eagle soaring for nine days, the whole person suddenly went out of thin air and stopped three feet away from the void, and an ink-colored long sword appeared in his hand.

  Flicking his right hand quickly, he swung ninety-nine-eighty-one swords in an instant, and a strong sword aura appeared in the air, shaking the ground and dusting the ground, and a sudden domineering aura instantly descended from the sky.

  The black-clothed man looked at the scared blood-clothed woman on the ground with an indifferent expression. The ink-colored long sword in his hand suddenly stood up, and proudly said: "Come and not be indecent, and **** attack!"

  I saw the long sword in the hand of the man in black lightly swung down, and the sword aura that stayed in front of him was like a torrential rain, falling down instantly.

   Suddenly, ninety-nine and eighty-one sword auras with a harsh whistling sound, forming a terrible sword rain, rushed to the two people on the ground.


  The blood-clothed woman looked at the attack of the black-clothed man, her complexion suddenly changed, and her heart became very vigilant.

  Through the confrontation between the two just now, she knew how powerful and strange the attack of the man in black was. It was simply not something she could contend with.

  Can face the attack of the black-clothed man. The blood-clothed woman is unable to dodge, and the surrounding dodge space is surrounded by this sword-qi attack.

  There is only one way to face such a situation, and that is to choose to deal with it head-on, and there is no other way.

  Looking at such an attack, if you deal with it head-on, the final result must be that you are seriously injured and lose your combat power.

  But instead of choosing to deal with it head-on, she can only choose to wait for death. Instead of this, it is better to face-to-face confrontation.


   Just when the blood-clothed woman was about to confront it head-on, the blood-clothed man standing beside her suddenly roared towards Jian Yu and directly chose to use his body to fight against it.




  In an instant, the man in blood, who was known as invulnerable, had no resistance at all when faced with the sword rain attack of the black man, and his body was directly penetrated by the sword qi.

   Suddenly, there was black blood flowing out of the wound on the blood-clothed man, dripping on the ground and making a corroding sound.

  It can be seen how toxic the blood of the blood-clothed man is.

"Do not"

  Looking at the blood-clothed man being pierced by sword qi and falling heavily to the ground, the blood-clothed woman suddenly roared, glaring fiercely at the black-clothed man who was three feet away.

  She promised that if the man in blood had any accident, she would definitely make the man in black pay the price.


  The black-clothed man gave a soft voice. He did not expect that this unconscious blood-clothed man would use his body to block his attack at such a critical juncture, which really surprised him.

  Know that his sword aura attack is not so easy to take, even a powerful poisonous corpse can't do it.

  However, his complexion suddenly changed when the half of his blood-clothed man's face was exposed, because he was so familiar with this face, he had had a lot of encounters with him.

  If the two are not in a hostile relationship, they might become good friends.

  "Are you a banshee?"

  The black-clothed man landed silently from the air, looked at the blood-clothed woman beside the blood-clothed man, and asked.


  The blood-clothed woman suddenly raised her head, and she was shocked when she heard the black-clothed man surrender her name. The monster face was full of surprise, and she didn't expect the black-clothed man to recognize herself.

  "Who are you and why do you know of my existence?"

  The tide banshee asked.

   "A man of revenge!"

  The black-clothed man's eyes flickered, and he slowly said it after a long time.

  “As for why I knew you existed, it’s very simple. I knew it from him!”

  The black-clothed man pointed at the blood-clothed man on the ground and whispered softly.


  The tide banshee frowned, her eyes turned to the blood-clothed man on the ground, and found that most of the blood-colored cloth strips wrapped around his face had disappeared, which was obviously caused by the sword rain attack just now.

  "Who are you and why do you know that he is saved?"

The face of the tide banshee changed.

   "Hehe, who doesn’t know, who doesn’t know the blood-clothed man of Han, the world-famous country?"

  The black-clothed man laughed on the spot and shook his head at the tide banshee.

   "Since you don't say anything, then I only need to take you down and then interrogate!"

  The tide female demon slowly stood up, her eyes looked a little weird, and suddenly said a thoughtless word.

   "Really? I'm waiting for you to interrogate me!"

  The black man laughed endlessly, obviously he didn't take the words of the tide banshee seriously at all.

   "Hehe, since you don't believe me, then I will show you what is called real corpse control!"

  The tide banshee sneered, glanced in the distance with a sharp gaze, and then began to utter unintelligible words again in her mouth.

  The man in black did not stop, but stood there waiting for the arrival of the tide banshee.


  Looking at the black-clothed man despising himself so much, the tide banshee hated him, and decided to show him a good look later.

  As she continued to chant, and with the cooperation of the evil soldiers in her hands, a faint yin air began to appear around her, which made the face of the black-clothed man on the opposite side change involuntarily.

   "Necrotic Control!"

  At this moment, the black-clothed man finally knew what tactics the tide banshee had to use. He wanted to use the corpse control technique and the evil soldiers to control the dead Daqin soldiers and Huns on the battlefield.

  If she really makes her cast successfully, it must be an extraordinary disaster.

  The dead corpses controlled by the corpse surgery, they don’t know the pain, they don’t know the exhaustion, they only know the attack.

  In the face of such an existence, even the extremely powerful Bianzhou wolf rider has to retreat.

  Because of the battle against this group of dead bodies, it is entirely a death-seeking existence.


Before he could think about it, the black-clothed man suddenly put away the ink-colored long sword, his whole person was like a different person, his expression was full of seriousness, and there was no golden light flashing between his eyebrows.

  At this moment, the man in black's overall aura is changing, becoming very majestic.

After he shouted loudly, the sound wave rushed towards the opposite banshee. The terrifying and magnificent voice directly overwhelmed the sound produced by the banshee’s evil soldiers. Broken spells.


  The tide banshee turned red, and a blood arrow was spit out from it, and then her complexion became gray, and her body couldn't help but began to shake. Obviously, the secret method was interrupted, and she received a serious backlash.

   "I didn't expect you to know Taoist secret techniques, **** it."

  The tide banshee scolded.

  She feels that she has no resistance at all in front of the man in black. She is not as good as martial arts. Now the corpse control technique has also lost its effect, and she is completely eaten by the man in black.

  Just like a natural enemy encountered, there is no power to fight back at all.

  (End of this chapter)