The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 337: Meng Yi fell? (Seeking subscription, see

   Chapter 337 Meng Yi fell? (Seeking subscription, seeking votes!)

   "Hehe, I have so many abilities, how can you know it!"

  The man in black smiled all day long.

  For the tide banshee, he didn't put it in his eyes at all. If he didn't want to know the things of the year, how could he talk so much nonsense to her and kill her directly long ago.


  At this moment, the swordsman in white appeared beside the man in black, glanced at the tide female demon opposite, and said slowly.

   "Well! That is the leader of the Huns, Man, you take his head to rescue Meng Yi, don't let him die here!"

  The black-clothed man nodded, pointed to Man Shanyu, who had lost his breath on the ground, and ordered the white-clothed swordsman to do it.


  The long sword in the hands of the white-clothed swordsman for a while, an invisible sword aura quickly chopped off the head of Tou Mandan Yu, with a chuckle, and his head separated.

   With a vigorous wave of his left hand, a huge suction force appeared, and he immediately sucked the head of Tou Mandan Yu in his hand, nodded slightly at the man in black beside him, and quickly moved towards the Huns.

  From beginning to end, the banshee watched the operation of the swordsman in white, but she did not stop it.

  At this time, it was very unfavorable to her situation. The poisonous corpse made from the body of Hou Bai in blood had no effect at all in front of the man in black, and was directly beheaded by a single move.

   And he was seriously injured at this time. If there is no miracle, the final result is death.

   "Tide banshee, tell me the people behind the scenes who participated in the design of Loop City, I will let you leave safely, otherwise you will go and accompany Bai Yifei!"

  The man in black suddenly appeared in front of the tide banshee, his sharp eyes were like two sharp swords, and the hanging banshee did not dare to look directly at him.

  "Don’t think about it, even if I die today, I won’t tell you what happened back then, you live in the unknown! Haha"

The tide banshee laughed wildly, she didn't care about her own life or death at all, or she didn't care when Bai Yifei died ten years ago.


  The man in black frowned. He didn't expect the tide banshee to be so strong. In order to prevent himself from knowing what happened in the past, he could choose to be dead to guard it.

   "If this is the case, then you go to die!"

The black-clothed man yelled, and suddenly swiped the ink-colored long sword in his hand, and a crescent-shaped sword aura went directly towards the banshee’s throat. If it was attacked by the sword aura, even if the banshee had more skills, Will die.

   can make the black-clothed man a little surprised, the tide banshee did not dodge in the face of her sword-qi attack, but closed her eyes directly, waiting for the arrival of fate.


   Sword Qi passed through and hit the ground directly, and a purple-black blood arrow overflowed from the heart of the tide banshee.


  Looking at the banshee falling down on Xueyihou, she slowly closed her closed eyes, with a smile on her mouth.

  The man in black didn't feel anything about the banshee's death. A beam of light on his right hand flew out and fell into the body of the banshee, and suddenly a transparent soul body slowly floated out of her body.

   "Soul Search!"

  The black-clothed man suddenly shot two light beams from his eyes, directly on the soul of the tide banshee, and began to perform the Taoist taboo method of searching for souls to check the memory in the tide banshee's soul.

   Soon, the black-clothed man's complexion changed, and there was not much in the soul of the tide banshee from the Hetao City ten years ago.

  At the time, although she was involved in the behind-the-scenes design of Loop City, she didn't know who was the main person who designed Loop City back then?

  I only knew that when the Huns began to attack the Hetao City, a man in black suddenly approached her and promised Bai Yifei's revenge for killing the second son of Da Qin, and the Chao Banshee chose to cooperate with her.

  As for who the man in black was, she did not ask, because after Bai Yifei's death, she had only one thought in her heart, that is, to kill the people of Daqin who participated in the siege of Bai Yifei.

  Ten years ago, Hetao City was in ruins, and those who participated in the siege of Bai Yifei were also beheaded by the Huns as they wished.

  Some time ago, the man in black reappeared that year and told her that there was a fish that slipped through the net in Loop City. It was in Gaocheng not far from Loop City.

  After learning the news, the tide banshee set off overnight and felt the border of Daqin, with the purpose of killing the fish that slipped through the net in Hetao City.

  But when she arrived here, she found that Tou Mandan wanted to tell the remnants of the Loop City that year, how could she let such a thing happen.

  So, there was something about her suddenly beheading Man.

  “It seems that things are more complicated than imagined”

  The man in black then destroyed the soul of the tide banshee, turned and left on the battlefield.

the other side.


  "General, be careful"

  Du Wei Qin Mu noticed that a spear pierced Meng Yi in front of him, but Meng Yi didn't notice at all. He desperately slammed Meng Yi away, and went to watch the spear pierce through his body.


  Qin Mu was directly nailed to the ground with a spear, and a smile appeared in his eyes as he watched Meng Yi safe and sound.

  "Qin Mu"

  Meng Yi stood up from the ground, looked at Qin Mu who was pierced by the spear, let out a roar, and slashed over the Huns holding the spear.

  Looking at the spear on Qin Mu's body, Meng Yi's eyes became moist. If it hadn't been Qin Mu's rescue just now, it was him who fell to the ground at this moment.

   "Qin Mu, why are you so stupid?"

   Meng Yi roared.


  Qin Mu coughed violently as soon as he was about to speak. With a ‘Wow’, a mouthful of blood came out from his mouth, making half of his face flushed.

  "General, Qin Mu can't follow you in the battle anymore, I have to go one step ahead"

   Qin Mu said with difficulty.

   "Qin Mu, you shut up Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu does not allow you to die, you have not followed me to kill the Huns' hinterland"

  The tears on Meng Yi's face didn't think it had become popular, and it dripped on Qin Mu's face who fell on the ground, making him smile.

   "General, listen to me to finish."

  Qin Mu strenuously grabbed Meng Yi's arm, and immediately caused a violent cough, which didn't heal for a long time.

  "Qin Mu, lie down without moving, I will take you to the doctor"

  Looking at Qin Mu's appearance, Meng Yi shouted.

  "General, don’t waste your effort, Qin Mu knows his own situation, cough cough"

  Qin Mu coughed out a mouthful of blood, his face was a little gloomy, and he looked at Meng Yi, and a double image appeared: "General, don't move, Qin Mu is a little dizzy"


Just as Meng Yi wanted to say that I didn’t move, he saw Qin Mu’s hand stretched towards the left side of his body and said: “General, there is another son in Qin Mu’s family. If you can return to Da Qin, please tell him. 'S father is a"

  "What is it?" Qin Mu did not say, because he had closed his eyes and lost his breath.

  "Qin Mu"

  Meng Yi shouted.

  He really can’t stand the brothers next to him falling down one by one

  He wants to avenge Qin Mu

  He wants to kill these hateful Huns

  Ten years ago.

  The most admired Young Master Qin stayed in Loop City forever, but he chose to live for ten years, hoping to avenge his brothers in Loop City.

  Ten years have passed. Not only did he fail to avenge his brothers back then, he was also anxious by Gaocheng who was beaten by the Huns.

  If it weren’t for the appearance of the Avengers and the Golden Fire Cavalry, perhaps the Gaocheng had already been broken at this time.

  Now, the brother Qin Mu who followed this year, in order to save him, also lost his life.


  Meng Yi has never felt so useless.

  Back then, he was placed in the cellar by Li Qiye and escaped.

  Now, he is rescued by Qin Mu again.

  Is Meng Yi really so useless?

Do not!

  I want to avenge them.

  I am not a useless person


  Meng Yi reacted. He stood up from the ground and shouted to the only remaining Daqin soldier beside him: "Vengeance for General Qin Mu, kill!"


  The few Daqin soldiers surrounded by Meng Yi all roared and followed Meng Yi to kill the Huns in the distance.

  They want to avenge Qin Mu;

  They want to avenge the dead Gaocheng defenders;

  They want to avenge the people who died in the high city;

  Although the number of them is not large, and each of them is more or less injured, none of them chooses to back down. It is completely unsuccessful and benevolent.

  One time.

  Unexpectedly, the Huns around who were really killed did not dare to step forward, and retreated one after another.

   Ke Mengyi and others are fighting with passion after all, and their combat power is not that strong. Soon the Huns will be besieged in the middle and become the turtle in the urn.

   Noting that there are fewer and fewer Daqin soldiers next to him, Meng Yi showed a tragic smile: "Qin Mu, your last words may not be conveyed, and I hope that you will not blame the general when you arrive at the Yin Cao Netherworld!"

  With the passage of time, all the Daqin soldiers beside Meng Yi died in battle, and he was the only one who was fighting hard.

  But how long can this situation last?

One minute?

five minutes?

   or ten minutes?

  Perhaps in the next moment, Meng Yi will fall, because he has no fewer than dozens of injuries on his body. If it were not for the killing intent in his heart, perhaps he would have fallen long ago.

this moment.

  Looking at Meng Yi who seemed to be unkillable, the Huns no longer dared to step forward!

  They were scared of being killed by Meng Yi, really scared!

  Unkillable play, unkillable existence.

  The corpse of the Huns resembling a hill remains under the feet.

  Everything is the cause of their fear.

  Who could have imagined that a Daqin man all over the world could kill so many Huns of them.

   "Hahal wait for the rat generation, come here come"

  Meng Yi laughed and looked at the Huns who dared not go forward, but even shouted: "Come here."

  At this time, Meng Yi's whole body was stained red with blood, with two huge wounds on his face, like an evil spirit coming out of hell, scared the Huns around him to retreat backwards unconsciously.

too frightening.

  This is not a person at all!


   Just when Meng Yi wanted to shout again, his body suddenly shook violently, a mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth, and the whole person fell straight towards the back.

   "Kill, he can't do it anymore"

  Looking at Meng Yi, who fell backward, the Huns around him reacted instantly, rushing towards Meng Yi, trying to kill him.

  (End of this chapter)