The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 338: The Huns retired? (Seeking subscription,

  Chapter 338 The Huns retired? (For subscription, two chapters, six thousand words)

   is still going to die after all

  Young Master, Meng Yi is incompetent

  Your hatred, Meng Yi still doesn’t know who is behind the scenes?

  Now that I have come to the end of my life, I am really unwilling!

  Under Jiuquan, how should I face the son?

  Looking at the scimitar swung in the hands of the Huns, Meng Yi was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do!

  Now that you can’t even lift a finger, how can you block the Huns’ attack?

  Young Master, Meng Yi is here to accompany you


  A trace of blood was scattered on Meng Yi's face, making him stunned, then opened his eyes and closed his forehead, and found a person in white clothes standing in front of him with his back to him.

  This back

  Meng Yi is a bit familiar, but not too sure for a while

  Because the swordsman in white clothes who fought alongside him was attacked on the way to Xianyang to report the letter, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

at this time.

  Meng Yi's mood is very complicated.

  He hoped that this man was Ximen Fuxue, the swordsman in white back then, the comrade-in-arms who fought alongside him, but he did not want him to be Ximen Fuxue.

  Hope is because if Ximen Chuuxue is alive, he is sincerely happy for this former comrade in arms.

  No hope is because this is a battlefield, full of Huns everywhere.

  Ximen Chuuxue’s swordsmanship is superb, few in the world can match it, but after all, this is a battlefield for hundreds of thousands of people, and personal force cannot change anything!

   "Touman is dead, leave and surrender, or else kill him!"

  The white-clothed swordsman raised the head of Man's head high. Under the blessing of true Qi, his strong voice instantly spread throughout the battlefield, causing countless people to look at him.


  Tou Mandan is dead?


  That head is definitely not the only one

  At this time, the Huns in the distance did not believe that the white-clothed man was holding the head of Touman. They felt that this was an illusion created by the people of Daqin in order to restore the defeated situation.

  The purpose is to make them lose their combat effectiveness and be defeated by Sergeant Daqin

  "Really headed to Mandanyu"

  "This swordsman in white clothes has killed the head Mandanyu"

   "Tou Mandan is dead"

this moment,

  The Huns nearby could see clearly that the swordsman in white clothes was holding their respected head, Mandanyu, and there was nothing wrong with it.

  Among the Huns, you don’t need to know who your parents are, but you definitely have to know Shan Yu, or you will be decapitated.

   "What? The head that the man in white holds in his hands is really Tou Mandanyu?"

   "Did you read it wrong!"

   "It can't be wrong, that person is Tou Mandan Yu"

   "Ah, Shan Yu is really dead?"

   "No, I don't believe it"

   "Shan Yu is dead, what should we do?"

  In an instant, the news of the death of Touman quickly spread among the Huns' army, from near to the middle, and then from the middle to the whole army.

  Everyone looked at the white-clothed man in the distance at this moment.

  They couldn’t believe that the god-like head Mandanyu would be beheaded.

  This news is like a yin wind from hell, blowing the entire Huns into numbness, and it keeps trembling.

   Shanyu is dead!

  What do they do?

  Continue to fight against the Qin Dynasty, or withdraw to the Xiongnu Prairie?

  All kinds of doubts appeared in the hearts of the Huns, so that they consciously confused their positions and became a little at a loss.

   "What? Tou Mandan died?"

  Abu Da, who was commanding a large army to besiege Binzhou wolf riding, suddenly became horrified. You must know that the Huns are not a whole, but are composed of multiple tribes.

  There is a single existence of Touman, and they will twist into a rope.

  But, if Touman is gone, then their seemingly huge Huns will instantly become torn apart and become scattered sand.

  Ten years ago.

  The three hundred thousand Xiongnu army failed in this way in Hetao City.

  After the death of Mao Dundan, the remaining 150,000 army fell apart in an instant, fighting on their own, and finally being broken one by one by the Golden Fire Cavalry, and chasing them to the depths of the prairie.

  If it were not for the fact that the front line was too far drawn and the supply of grain and grass was insufficient, perhaps the entire Huns army would be wiped out by them.

  Now that Tou Mandan is beheaded, then the Huns will inevitably move towards disintegration.

  If it is really like that

  The Huns will inevitably fail again!

Do not? ! !

  As the commander of the Xiongnu army, we must not allow this to happen.

Abu Da's face turned hard, he glanced at the Bingzhou wolf ride that was about to break out in the distance, and immediately shouted at the army in front of him: "The whole army is obedient, Tou Mandan is not dead, he is with me now, Abu Waiting on the chariot behind Da.

  The head in the hands of the white-clothed man in front was nothing more than a Xiongnu soldier who looked a little like Shanyu.

  Now, I, Abda, as the commander of the three armies, command you to attack the whole army and give me all my strength to stop the man in white. Go and don’t let him stand up! "

  Looking at the Xiongnu army, there was not much reaction. Abda couldn't help but feel anxious, and immediately issued an order to the guards beside him, asking them to shout together with him.

  "The whole army obeyed the order, Tou Mandanyu is not dead, he is now waiting on the chariot behind me, Abda.

  The head in the hands of the white-clothed man in front was nothing more than a Xiongnu soldier who looked a little like Shanyu.

  Now, I, Abda, as the commander of the three armies, command you to attack the whole army and give me all my strength to stop the man in white. Go and don’t let him leave! "

  "The whole army obeyed the order, Tou Mandanyu is not dead, he is now waiting on the chariot behind me, Abda.

  The head in the hands of the white-clothed man in front was nothing more than a Xiongnu soldier who looked a little like Shanyu.

  Now, I, Abda, as the commander of the three armies, command you to attack the whole army and give me all my strength to stop the man in white. Go and don’t let him stand up! "

  The shouts of hundreds of Huns guards, and the terrifying sound wave after wave, with Abu Da as the center, instantly spread throughout the battlefield, so that countless Huns can hear it.

  "Is it true? Tou Mandanyu is really not dead?"

   "Didn't you just say that you have been beheaded, why are you still alive now?"

   "Whose words are true?"

  The Huns couldn't believe their ears at this moment, especially those who were not far in front of the swordsman in white, they couldn't believe their ears.

  Ming Ming Shan Yu’s head is in the hands of the swordsman in white, why does Abu Da say that Tou Man Shan Yu is not dead?

  Does he want to become Shanyu of the Huns after Tou Mandanyu's death?

Do not?

  Our Fierce Tooth tribe disagrees, we will never obey Abu Da’s orders, and will not approve of his position as a single player.

   "Tou Mandan is dead, and his head is in the hands of the man in white.

  Abu Da is lying. He wants to be the leader of the whole army after Tou Mandanyu's death. Don't believe him! "

   "Tou Mandan is dead, and his head is in the hands of the man in white.

  Abu Da is lying. He wants to be the leader of the whole army after Tou Mandanyu's death. Don't believe him! "

   "Tou Mandan is dead, and his head is in the hands of the man in white.

  Abu Da is lying. He wants to be the leader of the whole army after Tou Mandanyu's death. Don't believe him! "

  At this moment, the Huns of the Fierce Tooth tribe standing in front of the white swordsman were unwilling. Even when they roared, the sound instantly overwhelmed the voice of Abda's guards and successfully spread throughout the battlefield.


Abda heard the roar of the Fierce Tooth Tribe, he was vomiting blood in an instant, and he was stricken by Lu Bu's strange power. At this time, he could not stand on the chariot. After shaking it twice, he straightened towards He fell behind, and at the same time he kept roaring: "Moore Tooth Tribe, you are the sinners of the Huns"

   "Brothers, don't believe in Abu Da, let's leave here quickly, otherwise Abu Da will never let us go!"

  The leader of the Fierce Tooth tribe shouted, and the Huns from his tribe ran out of the battlefield one after another, regardless of the feelings of the other Huns.

  But it doesn't matter when they run, the entire Huns also ran away.

  The scene is extremely spectacular.

  The Huns all over the mountains ran towards the distance, like a flock of sheep descending the mountain.

This scene.

   instantly shocked Meng Yi, shocked the Golden Fire Cavalry in the distance, shocked the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, and shocked all those who resisted the Huns.

  How can they not think of it?

  The Huns who had the absolute upper hand would fall apart in an instant because of the death of Touman, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

  What does defeat mean?

  This is it!

  Typical cases.


   Meng Yi shouted.

  Unfortunately, his injuries were too serious, and the sound he shouted was like the sound of mosquitoes flying, and it was impossible for people to hear him.

  The white-clothed swordsman glanced sideways at Meng Yi beside him, pondered slightly, and then headed towards Hetao City with the head of Touman.

  He wants to place this head on the ruins of Hetao City, as a way to comfort the soldiers and civilians who have died in Hetao City.

  "Wait a minute"

  Meng Yi, lying on the corpse of the Huns, looked at the swordsman in white who was walking towards the distance, and wanted to stop him.

  Unfortunately, the speed of the swordsman in white clothes was too fast. Before Meng Yi could speak, he disappeared in front of Meng Yi's eyes.

  Is it he? ?

   When the white swordsman was sideways just now, Meng Yi just saw his profile face, making him doubt the identity of the white swordsman again.

  Just as he wanted to ask, the swordsman in white had already left.

  However, Meng Yi secretly decided in his heart that when this incident is over, he must go to investigate the identity of the swordsman in white.

  At the same time, he will also go to the Hetao City in the distance.

  Being here in Gaocheng for ten years, Meng Yi has never been to the ruins of Hetao City.

  It is not that he is unfeeling, but that he dare not.

  In other words, he was speechless to face the soldiers and civilians who died in the Loop.

  Ten years later, he did not find any clues about the black hand behind the scenes, and he was unable to avenge these dead soldiers and civilians.

   Self-blame, guilt, distress

   Wait, he is not allowed to visit the ruins of Hetao City!

  (End of this chapter)