The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 370: East window incident

  Chapter 370 East Window Incident

   "Your Majesty, the veteran thinks that we should send a large army to support immediately, otherwise the front line may be harassed by the army again."

  Wang Jiang hesitated for a moment, and then he reminded everyone to love.


  As soon as he said this, everyone around him looked at Ying Zheng to see if he would agree with Wang Jian's proposal.

   "Who do you think is appropriate to send?!"

   Ying Zheng asked, squinting.

   "My son, Wang Ben!"

  Wang Jiang glanced at Wang Ben beside him, and said in a deep voice.


  Ying Zheng's eyes sharpened when he heard this, and stared at Wang Jian with cold eyes for a long time before he said: "Then let's assemble the army!

  Early tomorrow morning, the army will start! "


  Wang Ben heard the words and bowed to Ying Zheng, then turned and left the side hall and walked towards the big camp outside the city.

   "Li Si, you immediately stop the supply problem, this time I want to let the Huns know that Daqin is inviolable"

  Yingzheng's roar of the lunar calendar.


  Li Si nodded.

   "No, your Majesty, it is not suitable for a decisive battle with the Huns at this time, otherwise it will not be good for Da Qin"

   Hearing that the political leaders of Ying and the Huns were fighting a decisive battle, Nei Shiteng bluntly opposed the decision and disagreed with this decision.

   "What you care about is the survivors of the Six Nations"

Yingzheng's face was gloomy, and his eyes sharply looked at Nei Shiteng, and said: "In this case, then I will order you to immediately lead the army to **** the survivors of the Six Kingdoms to southern Xinjiang, and let them build the Great Wall for Daqin, so that they have something to do. If you do, there will be no time for anti-Qin"

   "Your Majesty, no!"

  Han Fei's expression suddenly changed when he heard it, and he hurriedly came out to stop.

  Unfortunately, his prevention will not change Yingzheng’s decision: “No need to say more, this is the case. If there are any more serious words, cut!”

  The last word ‘Zhan’ carries Ying Zheng’s determination and killing intent, and it does not give Han Fei any room for rebuttal.

   "Wang Jian, you led your army to the eastern frontier, and immediately arrested the hundreds of families. If anyone dares to resist, kill them without mercy!"

   Glancing at Wang Jian, Ying Zheng directly issued the order to the philosophers and families.


  Wang Jian bowed and saluted.

   "Wang Wan, responsible for the **** of the army's grain and grass, there must be no omissions!"

  Yingzheng gave the order again.


  Wang Wan bowed and took his orders.

   "Feng Quji, I order you to immediately lead the army to the Loulan country, and put this small country in the hands of Da Qin!"

   Ying Zheng ordered.

   "Yes, I promise to complete the task!"

   Feng Quji leads his life.

   "The rest are waiting, all awaiting orders!"

  Yingzheng finished his instructions, and said to the few of his Royal Highnesses: "Okay, go down and prepare, Mengwu stay!"

   "The ministers will leave!"

  Wang Jiang and others took the lead.

  Looking at everyone going out, Meng Wu didn’t know why Ying Zheng left him alone, and he kept thinking about various possibilities in his heart!

   "Mengwu, do you know why I left you here?"

  After waiting for a long time, Ying Zheng’s voice slowly came out, making Meng Wu underneath stunned.

   "Chen, I don't know!"

   Meng Wu said.

   "No, you know!"

  Ying Zheng looked straight at Meng Wu, her eyes flickering, with a hint of chill.

   "Old minister, don't know what your majesty meant?"

   Meng Wu frowned, with a faint feeling of bad feeling in his heart.

   "Have I ever sorry you Mengjia?"

  Ying Zheng's voice questioned a little high.


   Meng Wu lowered his head and said.

  "Since never, why did you collude with outsiders to design Daqin?"

   Ying Zheng asked angrily.


  This statement comes out!

  Meng Wu's whole body was like falling into an ice cellar, his body was extremely cold.

  He got it

how can that be?

  How would he know?

  For an instant, countless suspicions appeared in Meng Wu’s mind

   "Your Majesty, I don't understand what you are talking about!"

  Meng Wu shook his head.

   "Huh, do you not understand, or pretending to be confused"

   Ying Zheng sneered, looking at the elder of the Three Dynasties who he once valued in front of him, his eyes were full of mockery.

   "What does your majesty mean?

  The old ministers are bold and loyal to Daqin and you. They have never had a double heart. The sun and the moon can be seen."

  Mengwu hurriedly expressed his loyalty to Daqin.


  Yingzheng sneered, looked at Mengwu who was performing non-stop, and said coldly: "Mengwu, if I didn’t know anything about leaving you here alone, would I say something like this?

  Do you think that what you are doing is really seamless and undetectable?

  If it's not that you have made countless contributions to Da Qin, it is not that I am asking you now, but I want to copy you all the way.

  Now I’m giving you a chance, do you know?

  Are you going to wait until I say everything?

  You have to understand, what I say is different from what you say yourself! "

   Finally, Ying Zheng stood up directly from his seat and glared at Meng Wu.

   "Hehe, since your Majesty knows everything, why do you still ask the old minister, wouldn't it be better to take the old minister down?"

  At this moment, Meng Wu became very calm, without the slightest panic.

  "I want to know why? Why did you do that? Is there anything Daqin sorry for you?"

  Yingzheng said in pain.

   Seeing Meng Wu like this, Ying Zheng was extremely angry and sad. This veteran who had followed him for many years would do such a thing that was not conducive to the development of Daqin, which really made him very sad.

  Yingzheng consciously never felt sorry for the Meng family over the years, and made Meng Tian the foundation of Fusu, and allowed them to form Daqin’s most elite golden flame cavalry. Isn’t this a favor to the Meng family?

  Why do you do something unfavorable to Daqin?

  Is the Meng family still not satisfied with its current position and wants to be one step closer?

   "Why? Haha"

  Meng Wu laughed wildly, as if he had heard something ridiculous, and ignored Ying Zheng’s gloomy complexion.

   "Your Majesty, you have a home for the grace of the Meng family, I know all of these.

  But you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't be so cherish and partial to the second son, now the prince of Daqin is Fusu, and he is the candidate to inherit Daqin in the future.

  And our Meng family is also a supporter of the prince, if you pass the throne to the second son in the future, how should our Meng family deal with it?

  Since ancient times, the struggle for the throne has been full of cruelty. Our Meng family has no choice but to do this! "

   Mengwu roared frantically.


  Ying politically laughed, looking at Meng Wu’s crazy look, her eyes were full of disappointment: "Meng Wu, do you know?

  The position of the prince of Daqin was given by Gao'er to Fusu, and he never wanted to be the prince of Daqin, otherwise how could Fusu be the position of the prince on the spot.

  In the past few years, he has made countless contributions to Da Qin, but I feel that I owe him extremely high, so I chose to support his request without reason.

  I didn’t expect to make you ministers think so."

   "Mengwu, you support Fusu is understandable, but you should not interfere with the throne.

  You have to know that Daqin has the existence of Yinggao, and the people of the Six Kingdoms dare not have any conspiracy at all, because they dare not!

  Available now

  Everything is ruined because of you restless people!

  Mengwu, you are the sinner of Daqin"

  Yingzheng roared, the sound was overwhelmed by waves, and the scolding old Mengwu burst into tears!

   [PS: Recently, some people are very puzzled about Meng Tian's death, and some people's behavior is a little too radical. Here I explain why Meng Tian died?

  First, historically, the Huns were defeated by Meng Tian with crossbows and other bows and arrows in the Hetao area. It was only slightly changed, and the death of Tou Mandan led to the defeat of the Huns.

  Second, as we all know, Meng Tian and Fu Sushi were bestowed to death by the imperial decree of Qin II Hu Hai at the border, and now he was beheaded by the Huns. It is totally excusable.

  Thirdly, as for why the celebrities who appeared before have not appeared now, this is not a spoiler, and I will explain it later.

  Fourth, the Daqin written today is not only the Qin Shi world, it is a composite world, which can be known from the appearance of Meng Yi.


  Don’t say the rest, if you say it, it’s a spoiler! 】

  (End of this chapter)