The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 371: The origin of longevity!

  Chapter 371 The Origin of Longevity!

"is it wrong?"

   "No, I'm right!"

  "All I did was for the prince to help Su"

  Meng Wu shouted, looking very arrogant, as if he was mad.

"Ha ha"

Ying Zheng laughed angrily. It is unforgivable to die without repentance at this time. The killing intent in his eyes is already strong to the extreme. After watching Meng Wu gloomily for a long time, he slowly said: "Take the old general Meng , Remember that outsiders said he was mad, no one is allowed to see him"


  Suddenly two black-clothed warriors appeared in the main hall, and directly set up the crazy Mengwu and walked outside, without any concern that he was Daqin's third father.


  After they left, Ying Zheng's complexion suddenly changed, her body trembled suddenly, and a mouthful of blackened blood was spit out from her mouth.

  Cough cough

  Forcibly enduring the physical discomfort, Ying Zheng's eyes became a little bleak, and his body was really getting worse every day.

   But it doesn’t matter!

  My plan is almost complete. When everything is ready, it is time for you to perish.


  Vertical sun, early morning!

  The battle report from the front line spread throughout Xianyang in an instant, and countless people knew the news that Meng Tian and the Golden Fire Cavalry had died in battle.


  This news is undoubtedly like a bolt from the blue, and countless people who have been bombed are dizzy.

   is too shocking

   "Why are the Golden Blazers destroyed? Isn't this true?"

   "Damn the Huns!"

  "What about the other armies of Daqin? Didn't it say that the Huns were defeated by the Huns? Why did General Meng Tian still die?"

  "How about the other army, why is there no news from them?"

   "I want to join the army, and I want to avenge the golden cavalry!"

  Countless old Qin people were very angry when they heard this news. Some young and strong people even clamored to join the army and seek revenge from the Huns.

  Some people started to cry bitterly after hearing the news of the demise of the Golden Fire Cavalry

  For the invincible Da Qin army, such news is too unacceptable!

  The news of the demise of Meng Tian and the Golden Fire Cavalry was as strong as the news that the Loop City was destroyed.

  Only compared with the latter, the news of the former soon reached Xianyang and let them know soon!

   But the disappearance immediately shocked everyone, that is, after hearing the news of Meng Tian’s murder, the old general Meng Wumeng was unable to withstand the blow of the bereavement and directly got mad.

  Now, in order to prevent the old general from hurting others, His Majesty has ordered that no one approach is strictly prohibited!


  Faced with such a news, everyone was sympathized by the old general Mengwu.


   Another news came out that His Majesty decided to send troops to the Huns prairie to solve the existence that threatened the security of Daqin at this moment.

  At the same time, His Majesty has ordered to build the Great Wall in southern Xinjiang to resist the intrusion of foreign enemies.


Government orders were issued one after another from the palace, shocking all the people in Xianyang.

  Because this happened when Daqin had not unified the world.

  At that time, government orders were often passed from the palace like this.


  Da Qin, this huge machine, once again showed its powerful side, which shocked and surprised the people of Old Qin on the left and right.

  Da Qin is still the Da Qin they are familiar with, and it has never changed!

  The Daqin who made countless old Qin people proud.

at this time,

  The imperial palace, outside the side hall, ticking footsteps sounded, making Yingzheng who was sitting alone on the dragon chair meditating couldn't help being taken aback.

   He stared at the direction from the footsteps, and there was a gloomy breath all over his body.

   Soon, a man wearing a hat and a mask walked in.

   "What are you doing?!"

  Ying Zheng was puzzled.

  His tone was a little surprised, obviously he did not expect this person to come here suddenly!

  This person ignored Ying Zheng, but looked at the fallen table in front of him and the blood stains on it that had already dried.

  Ying Zheng looked at this person quietly, without words.

  The visitor smiled slightly, raised his head underground, and looked at Ying Zheng with a gloomy complexion. He slowly said, "It seems that there is a problem with your body?"

   "Come and see my joke?!"

  Ying Zheng said coldly.

  "Don’t dare, how can I look down on the Lord of the World"

  The man shook his head, but the words were frivolous, and he was mocking Yingzheng at first glance.

   said that he, the lord of the world, was really useless, and he would make people move their hands and feet on his own body.

   "What's the matter here?"

  For the ridicule of the man in the hat, Ying Zheng did not take it seriously.

  "What can I do for this? I have heard someone say that someone has a problem with his body. Come and see if I can save it."

  Dougan man looked at Ying Zheng, his eyes deepened.

   "Oh, have you seen the problem?"

  Ying Zheng heard this, a glimmer of expectations flashed in his eyes.

   "See something!"

  Man with hat smiled and nodded.

   "Can there be a solution?"

   Ying Zheng asked.

  "Yes! But it’s a bit troublesome to organize."

  Douli smiled and nodded.

   "How troublesome?"

  Ying Zheng frowned.

  "The problem with your body is not as simple as being poisoned, but someone is using a secret technique to break your dragon vein in Daqin!

  Otherwise, how could such a situation occur in the body of your destiny son! "

  The man in the hat said with a gloomy expression.

  When he didn't see Yingzheng, he was still not quite sure where the problem was. It can be seen that after Yingzheng, many problems were immediately seen from Yingzheng.

  This is not to kill Yingzheng alone, but to ruin the luck of the entire Daqin.

  The person in the dark can be extremely damaging to the heart.

  To do such a utterly conscience, isn't he afraid of being bitten by the dragon veins?

  "Speaking of the main point, you should know that I don’t want to hear these things"

  Yingzheng's eyes flickered and said gloomily.

  The man with hats heard the words, smiled and shook his head, and said: "Your temperament is still the same as before. It's really speechless!"

  The words come out.

  Yingzheng became silent for an instant, and a trace of recollection appeared in his eyes, as if he was thinking back to the past.

  After a while, Ying Zheng smiled bitterly and said, "If I change, will it still be me?"

   "Also, if you really change, it is indeed not you!"

  Dou Li Nan also sighed.

   "Okay, let's talk about the solution, my body can't tell me more time"

  Ying Zheng shook his head, and said in a heavy tone.

  "The solution is troublesome, but it is actually very simple to solve. There are many ways to solve it!"

  The man with the hat turned straight, his expression became solemn, and said: "First, find the caster, get rid of him, and you can get rid of it.

  But this method is the most difficult! "

  "Second, as far as I know, there is a tribe of remnants of the witch tribe in the mountains of the southern border of the Great Qin Dynasty, and all the people of this tribe practice witchcraft.

  Contemporary witch saint witchcraft is even more powerful than the entire witch tribe. If you can invite her to Xianyang, you will solve your physical problems. "

   "Third, there are immortals in the Penglai fairy mountain of the East China Sea. If you can find the traces of immortals and seek the technique of longevity, you can naturally solve your own problems."

   "The above three points, satisfy any of the problems that can touch your body."

  Man with hats said a lot in one breath.

  (End of this chapter)