The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 381: Farmhouse is like scattered sand

  Chapter 381 Farmhouse is like scattered sand

  Farm house, resident.

  At this time, just like the Taoist Tianzong, it is under intense discussion.

  However, unlike Taoist Tianzong, they discussed whether to participate in the first emperor’s east tour.

  After all, most of their disciples are farmers, who are the most suffering people in the world, and should not participate in these disputes.

  Because this has something to do with the farmer’s creed. They respect the ancient Shennong family, are proficient in the art of grains, and follow the creed of "the earth will bring everything to life, and Shennong will never die".

  At the same time, because the peasant disciples are all over the world, and the ranger hermits are tired of the past, they hide in them.

  However, the farm disciples are not all rangers and hermits. They will also choose their character. If they are upright and chivalrous, they will be taken in by them, otherwise they will not.

  Because these people have long hidden in the field market, they do not want to hear from the princes, and their whereabouts are very unpredictable.

  At the same time, because most of the peasant disciples came from poor people, they are the most numerous disciples among the hundreds of scholars.

  The farmhouse is divided into six halls-Kuiweitang, Chiyoutang, Lieshantang, Siyuetang, Gonggongtang, and Shennongtang.

  The relationship between the six churches is not kind, and it can be said that they do not give in to each other.

  Among them, Lieshan Hall Master Tian Meng and Shennong Hall Master Zhu Family are the strongest, and Kuiwei Hall Master Tian Mi is the weakest (the hall master is not sure whether it is weak or strong when he wins seven times).

  Tian Ci, the second son of Lieshantang, who also holds the famous sword, is called "the top master of the farmer."

  The hanging beads on the members of the farm family are a status symbol, but they do not represent absolute strength.

  The most symbolic ability of the peasant family is that it is not invaded by poisons, which is not possessed by other forces.

  Among them, in the six farmhouses, the clothing worn by the Tian clan and the foreign surname forces are different. The Tian clan’s disciples wear blue clothing, and the foreign surname forces wear brown clothing (not very sure).

   There is a saying in the farmhouse: "There is no two days, there is a tiger in the field!"

  The Tiger refers to the two brothers Tian Meng and Tian Hu.

  Of course, if you want to become one of the six elders of the farm, you must be the best person in each hall recommended by the hall masters of the past generations, and finally be selected after many levels of experience and tests.

  Because they are all the existence that will inherit the essence of peasant cultivation in the future, which is related to the millennium plan and cannot tolerate the slightest sloppy.

To become an elder, you must abandon your gang position and secular life and live a secluded life. Not only are the six sages responsible for the inheritance, but there are also six faculties.

  The six sages are the masters who are in charge of killing soldiers, the teachers who are in charge of calendars, the king of medicine who is in charge of herbs, the **** of valley is in charge of cultivation, and the Yutu who is in charge of water conservancy and the Xianzong who is in charge of music.

  The six faculties are to calculate the calendar, observe the movement of the stars and comprehend the footwork;

  The overbearing swordsmanship created by the art of condensing soldiers to kill;

  Taste all herbs, be familiar with pharmacology, and have a physique that is non-invasive;

  The swift knives that I felt when harvesting grain with a sickle; water dripped through the stone, permeable, resulting in uncircular broken palms;

  Acupuncture skills created by comprehending **** in the banjo.

  At the same time, the six elders of the farm family have another purpose of living in seclusion, which is to run the six martial arts into the ground formation and raise the formation to a new level.

  There is also a legend about the farming family, that is, in the old days of Banquanzhiye, Shennong's six resolutions made peace with the Yellow Emperor.

   Chi You Jieya, unwilling to obey, and left the tribe.

  Ran Yandi has a kind heart, and in order to persuade him to turn around, he left a rule: any disciple who loses his identity as a farmer will have a chance to regain his identity.

  In fact, if the farmer’s Xia Kui were here, there would be no big noise in the six halls.

  Unfortunately, the farmer Xiakui was killed by a mysterious master during the Chen Sheng Wu Guang uprising.

  Nowadays, there is no leader in the farm family, and no one agrees with each other. They all want to become the new chivalrous leader and command the entire farm family.

It just so happened that the matter of Shi Huang’s east tour brought the six farmhouses together again. At first, the content was always about whether to participate in the Shi Huang’s east tour. In the end, it turned out to be the topic of choosing a new Xiakui. The atmosphere of dissatisfaction ignited.

  To the end, the six elders came forward to end the farce.

Seeing that the scene returned to calm again, Kuiweitang Tian Mi took the lead. After scanning for a week, everyone looked at him, smiled slightly, and said: "As everyone knows, the relationship between Da Qin and my farmer has changed because of the Chen Sheng Wu Guang uprising. It's a little bit intolerable.

  Now, the first emperor’s east tour is nominally going to the East China Sea to find immortals, but in fact he appeared with the Canglong Qisu. It must be to lead those who are on the Canglong Qisu to the East China Sea. The purpose is not to say anything. You can also know.

  Wait until the first emperor Yingzheng really implements his plan successfully and wipe out those people in one go, who will they target the Bingfeng at the end?

   must be our farmhouse!

  By then, how will you face Daqin’s millions of troops? "

  At the end, Tian Mi's voice became louder. Everyone who spoke was lost in thought, and began to think about whether Tian Mi's words might happen?

Seeing that everyone around him was lowering his head and thinking, and no one responded to his words, he continued to speak: "I know you are all considering the authenticity of what I said. You don't have to doubt this, because every sentence I say The content came from the palace"

  In order to increase credibility, Tian Mi directly told everyone the source of the words.


  The other five hall masters all showed doubts, their eyes cast on Tian Mi, thinking about the truth or not of what he said?

   "What? Hall Master Tian has someone in the palace. Is it really not easy?"

   "Yeah! That's amazing!

  Now, no one knows that the Daqin Palace is a forbidden place for every family. It’s amazing that Hall Master Tian can insert people into it! "

   "Hmph, don't believe what he said, these are just his empty words!"

   "Yes, now our relationship with Da Qin is like this, and it is completely caused by the two people under his hall!"

   "No, if it weren't for those two, how could we have fallen to where we are today!"

  "It’s shameful that I’ve come out and pretend to be good now"

  In an instant, the farmhouse meeting hall turned into a vegetable market, with all kinds of noisy sounds, some of them believed Tian Mi's words, some took a wait-and-see attitude, and some others directly ridiculed

"Ha ha"

  Listening to the discussion around him, Tian Mi didn’t say anything whether it was good or bad, but just smiled faintly, as if these things had nothing to do with him.

  In fact, this is not the case. At this time, he has already had a killing intent in his heart. If it hadn't been because of his lack of strength, he would have killed these people who opposed him. How could these people make him so satirical.

   "Can there be evidence?"

   Chi Youtang Hall Master Tian Hu asked.


  Tian Mi nodded with a smile.

   "Okay, I believe you about this matter for the time being, and then talk about your plan. If it meets everyone's wishes, then we will follow your intention. If it doesn't, then we can only give up!"

   Tian Hu's expression did not change at all, he said solemnly.

  (End of this chapter)