The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 386: Those people back then

  Chapter 386 Those people back then

  "Unable to distinguish"

  Lü Bu shook his head. For those in black, he didn't know which force he came from, because the whole body was wrapped in a black shape, that is, the weapons in his hand were the most common weapons.

  "Go, go over and take a look, if it is an enemy, destroy it on the spot!"

   Mo Li ordered.

   "Yes, I'm going to call brothers!"

  Lü Bu said, then turned to the resting place of Bingzhou wolf riding.

  After a while.

   Bingzhou wolf rider assembled and appeared behind Li Li. Although his face was tired, he heard enemies appear in front of him, and they all showed eager eyes.

  Since the Xiongnu battlefield ended, they have not experienced a war for a long time, and it is undoubtedly uncomfortable for those who come down on these battlefields.

  Now that I hear such news, how can I not be excited!

"set off!"

   Mo Li shouted, then turned on his horse and headed in the direction pointed by the distant scout.

  It is worth mentioning that each person in the state wolf ride is not only a war horse, each of them has at least two war horses, so as to ensure strong maneuverability.

  Speaking of ten miles away, you can’t get in, and you’re not far.

  For cavalry like Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, it can be reached by galloping in ten minutes.

  At this time, people in black gather in the place.


  The leader, a large number of cavalry was found five miles away, the number was about 5,000, all wearing black armor, with a long bow across the back, not Daqin's army. "

  Suddenly, a man in black ran over and reported the situation of Li and the others.

   "Cavalry? How can there be cavalry in the hinterland of Daqin at this time?"

  The black-clothed leader was full of doubts and felt very puzzled by the cavalry the spies were talking about, but he relaxed a little after hearing that the army was not Da Qin.

   "Go, send a few people out to make contact to see which force this cavalry comes from, and is it our friendly army?"

  The black-clothed leader pointed to a boss next to him and ordered.

   "Yes, boss!"

  The boss nodded, then pointed at the men next to him, and said loudly: "You guys come with me"

   Then, with a few of his subordinates, he headed for the way that Li Li and the others must pass in the distance.

On the official road, the black-clothed leader has retired from his black clothes and changed into a set of more gorgeous costumes, and the subordinates who followed him have also changed into the costumes of the subordinates one after another, as if they have become a deputy. The appearance of a servant traveling.

After a while, Li Li's army appeared in the sight of several people. The black-clothed leader cast a wink at the next man next to him. The man readily understood, waved his hand with a smile, and responded to Li's team. At the same time, he kept calling: "Dare to ask where the general comes from? Is it the brother of the Allied army?"


   Mo Li frowned, he heard the call of the person in front clearly, allied forces? What the hell? Are they from anti-Qin forces? Or is it from a hundred schools of thought?

  All kinds of thoughts appeared in Li Li's mind instantly, but no matter what kind of thoughts they were, they had a great relationship with Li Li.


   A cold light flashed in Mo Li's eyes, and he whispered a command to Lu Bu next to him.

  He knew that the person in front of him was just one of them. He certainly didn’t know much. Instead of wasting time with him, it’s better to go to the group of people in black to find out.


   Hearing Mo Li's order, Lu Bu showed a bloodthirsty smile on his mouth, and drove the horse towards the man, but it seemed that he wanted to communicate with him.

  The person across from him watched Lu Bu come out with a smile, and his expression was a little bit of joy. It really was from the Allied side.

Unfortunately, the joy on his face quickly disappeared, but instead was a deep fear and incomprehension, because Lu Bu’s Fangtian painted halberd had penetrated his chest and threw him out. All kinds of smashed to the ground.

   "No, this team is not an allied army, go and tell the leader"

  The man in black looked at Lu Busi without a chance to speak, and instantly understood that Lu Bu and others were not from the Allied forces, and quickly asked his men to report to the leader of the man in black.

  Unfortunately, his thoughts are good, but under the power of Lu Bu sitting down on the red rabbit horse, it seems impossible to tell the news.




As Fang Tian’s painted halberd waved, the men in black fell to the ground one by one, and no one could withstand Lü Bu’s blow. Even the powerful leader of the men in black could not accept Lu Bu’s Fang Tian paintings. The halberd was broken by a blow, blood stained on the spot.

But the person who ran out first saw that Lu Bu did not chase, thinking he was safe, and ran towards the man in black station without looking back, to pass the news that Lu Bu and others were enemies to the leader of the man in black. A black arrow feather came down as fast as lightning, and it whizzed through his body in an instant.

  "Arrow Feather"

  The black man looked at the arrow feathers in his heart, and his eyes flashed in disbelief. Lu Bu's distance is already three hundred meters, why can he still shoot?

  Unfortunately, until his death, he did not come out to explain the reason to him.

  Watching the man in black fall down, Lü Bu kept his lips curled: "I want to run in front of me. I really can’t help myself!"

  "Okay, don't behave, hurry up and check if there are status symbols on these people"

  Mo Li drove the horse over, just like Gao Lu Bu's voice was pretending to be loud, and couldn't help giving him a sideways glance.


  Lü Bu nodded, and quickly called a few Bianzhou wolf riders, let them dismount, search for the identity of these people, and see if there is any identity.

  The several Bianzhou wolf riders beside him took the lead, jumped down from the horse, and began to squat on the dead to search repeatedly, looking for anything suspicious.

  Unfortunately, except for the boss who was lazily cut off by Lu Bu and found a token on his body, the others did not have any identification.

  Then, the person who found the token gave it to Mo Li for identification.


  Mo Li took the token, and found the token by the moonlight in the sky, engraved with a few large characters: "Death, eighty-six."

Lu Bu next to    also saw the numbers above, his eyes condensed, and he was shocked: "Master, what does this mean?"

  "The Dead Man's Token"

  Mo Li’s eyes were deep, half-squinted, as if he was reminiscing about the past and he seemed to be thinking. After a long time, he slowly said: "It seems that people back then are not willing to be lonely!"


  The words come out.

  Lü Bu's body couldn't help but shook violently, and an incredible identity flashed in his eyes.

  He has been in this world for ten years now. He is not the original Wu Xia Amon. He has a detailed understanding of what happened back then.

  "My son, do you think these dead men were from ten years ago?"

   Lü Bu doubted.

  (End of this chapter)