The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 400: Did you participate in things ten years

  Chapter 400 Did you participate in the events ten years ago?

Fu Nian pondered a little, straightened out the thoughts in his mind, and said: "Presumably some of you should have heard more or less about the East China Sea on the way here. Now I don't know how many philosophers and families are hiding in the dark. Or the existence of other forces.

  In this faction, our strength can only be regarded as medium. Even if we add three old friends, we can’t change the difference in strength between each other.

  Furthermore, even if we take the initiative to attack Shi Huang Yingzheng, at the same time we have to guard against those who are hiding in the dark.

  These people seem to have come to the first emperor to win politics, but no one knows what their true purpose is.

For example, the current Yin-Yang family, when they started from the Yin-Yang family residence, they once said that they would fight Daqin to death and death, but now there is no stance of arrogance, but the leader of the Yin-Yang family, Dong Huang Taiyi, was invited by the first emperor Ying Zheng Arrived in front of his frame.

  No one knows the content of the conversation between the two, and the specific attitude of the Yin-Yang family is also very unknown. Therefore, in future operations, I hope that several of you can be more vigilant and not be attacked by others."

   Fu Nian said a lot, basically speaking of the current situation in the East China Sea very clearly, which force is hiding in that direction, there are too few people in total, who are high-level personnel, and everything.

  The four Yan Lu frowned after hearing Fu Nian's account. They didn't expect that there would be so many people hidden in the East China Sea, and they all existed with names and surnames in the world.

   Just as Fu Nian said, even if a few of them are added, it will not affect the situation in the East China Sea, because none of the hidden forces are weaker than them, and some forces are even stronger.

  For example, yin and yang house, farm house, etc.

  If they want to achieve the ultimate goal, they should really deal with it carefully.

  After a while, the bald guys of the Shi family took the lead in breaking each other's silence, and said, "Actually, the three of us came to the East China Sea this time by coincidence. It was not the first to discuss it.

   met each other at a distance of several miles away from here, and later met Yan Lu, so they came together.

  Now I heard you talk about the situation in the East China Sea, it is indeed more complicated than we thought, but if we plan properly, it is not impossible to complete. "

   Glancing at the bald man, the middle-aged swordsman at Jianmen then said: “This time, I came here to help my old friend get rid of the tyrant Shi Huang Yingzheng;

  Secondly, if our plan is successful, how will we face Da Qin’s crazy revenge?

  Thirdly, I wanted to ask Fu Nian’s old friend, if chaos has sprung up today, the major anti-Qin forces are ready to move, and some forces are more active and very powerful. How will Confucianism deal with it in the future? "

  Funian turned his gaze to the novelist Kong Danqing, who was aside, and asked: "Old friend Kong, do you have other different questions?"

  The novelist Kong Danqing smiled slightly: "I don't have any problems, but I want to ask if Confucianism was involved in the Hetao City incident?"


  Funian's face suddenly became a little unnatural when he heard that, with a slight strangeness between his eyebrows, he whispered: "For these East China Sea operations, all of our Confucian high-level personnel have chosen to participate.

  As for dealing with Daqin’s revenge after the incident, we Confucianism do not have a very good way to deal with it. At that time, it can only be determined by the situation. After all, our power can only be regarded as relatively weak.

  Even if Da Qin wanted to retaliate wildly, he would attack those who are more powerful in advance, such as farmers, so the three of them don't have to worry too much about it.

  I did not participate in the matter about Loop City ten years ago. "

  At the end, especially when talking about the Loophole City incident, Fu Nian's tone obviously paused, as if thinking about how to answer.

  The few people present here are all human beings. Where can't I hear the meaning of Fu Nian's words, he said that he did not participate in the Hetao City incident ten years ago, but this does not mean that Confucianism did not participate in it.

  It can be seen that ten years ago, the Confucianists must have participated in the affairs of Loop City. It just made a few people more curious. Why is the novelist Kong Danqing interested in this matter?

   Perceiving the surprised gazes of several people, the novelist Kong Danqing smiled slightly and said softly: "You don't have to be so surprised about this. I asked about the Hetao City ten years ago just to provide material for my new work!"

  Funian and several people heard the words and looked at each other. No one continued to investigate this issue. Kong Danqing has already explained the reason. If they continue to ask, they will embarrass each other.

Jian Cangtian, the master of Jianmen Sect, looked at the atmosphere a little dull, looked at Fu Nian beside him, and whispered softly: "Old Fu Nian, I heard that you recently accepted two disciples with excellent qualifications under your door. I wonder if there are any this time. Bring them here?" (Note: Jianmen exists, fictitious!)

Fu Nian smiled when he heard the words, glanced at Yan Lu beside him, with a trace of blame in his eyes, and said: "The ears of my old friend are really amazing. I don't know anything!"

  Sword Cangtian smiled when he heard the words, and said: "Funian old friend, you laughed, there is no outstanding disciple in our Jianmen.

  It's a bit shameful to say that, for so many years, I have been looking for an existence in the world that can inherit my mantle, but unfortunately I have not found it yet. "

  After speaking, he still showed a disappointed look.

After hearing this, Shi Yongyan, the master of the Shi Family Sect, said: "My old friend, it is meaningless to say this. Who knows that you have found a natural sword-bone sword practicer some time ago. Now that you say this, do you want to hide? Private?

   Even if you don’t talk about your new disciple, let’s say that your swordsman has been famous for a long time, Liu Xuanyi, his swordsmanship is not comparable to ordinary people.

  As far as I know, since he left the sword gate, he has built a great reputation in the arena with his superb swordsmanship.

   is now even more respected as a swordsman, a knight of the sword! "

  The novelist Sultan Qing Wenyan even echoed: "Old friend Yongyan is right, I have also heard of Liu Xuanyi of Jianmen, especially recently his reputation is even more impressive!"

Yan Lu smiled when he heard the words and watched several old friends keep exposing each other’s old friends. He said, “A few old friends, if you continue to say this, I’m afraid the old friends in the martial art will be exposed. That’s it. Stop this topic, let's discuss what we should do next!"

   Fu Nian nodded and agreed: "Yes, our purpose is to eradicate the tyrant Yingzheng, not to discuss each other's disciples, so we can study how to act in advance!"

"it is good!"

  The other three families nodded slightly when they heard this, and they had to admit it in their hearts.

  It's really not suitable to talk about the disciples of the sect.

  Da Qin was able to destroy the Six Nations by virtue of its powerful strength, which was simply not something they could deal with.

  If it hadn’t been for Ying Zheng’s east tour this time, they wouldn’t have any chance at all.

  In the following time, everyone repeatedly expressed their opinions. Unfortunately, in the end, no one could come up with the best way. They could only observe the current situation first.

  (End of this chapter)