The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 401: Planning the East China Sea

  Chapter 401 Planning the East China Sea

  Donghai, on the official road.

  Bingzhou Langqi was resting in a temporary camp in the mountains and forests, while Li Li was sitting under a big tree, looking at the intelligence gathered from all over the country with a gloomy expression on his face, with an extremely indifferent expression on his face.

  On the way to the East China Sea, through numerous clues, Li Qiye had already figured out his father, Emperor Yingzheng’s mind, that he wanted to use himself as a bait to attract all the anti-Qin forces in the world to the East China Sea, and then wipe them out.

  Have to live, Shi Huang is still the same Shi Huang, the Shi Huang who can swallow mountains and rivers and cover Haoyu with anger, he will use himself as a bait in order to achieve a certain purpose, this kind of bravery is really impossible for ordinary people to learn.

  But when Shi Huang did this, he seemed a little rash in Li Li’s eyes

  He didn't oppose Shi Huang's strategy, but it would be too risky to put himself in a dangerous situation. You must know that there are countless capable people and strangers in the world, and they should not be underestimated.

  Ten years ago, he was self-consciously powerful, intelligent, and a hero in the world like nothing.

  In the end, he almost killed his life because of this.

  Now the emperor chooses to use Canglong Qisu to lead everyone to the East China Sea. Those people who know it is the conspiracy are still heading towards the East China Sea one by one.

  No other

  The temptation to kill the first emperor Yingzheng and obtain Canglong Qisu is too strong, even if they know that the trip to the East China Sea is full of dangers, they will go there.

  This is an arrogant plan designed by Shi Huang Yingzheng, and I will tell you

  I, Shi Huang Yingzheng, is using myself and the Canglong Qisu as bait to catch you and go to the East China Sea.

  And these ghostly forces have to choose the past.

  It can be said that at this moment, Shi Huang Yingzheng used his own ingenuity to play with the people of the world in applause.

  Awesome, really amazing!

  At this time, several generals of Li Li were all standing beside Li Li, looking calmly waiting for his life.

  Come here for a while

After reading the letters sent by the spy in his hand, Liu Xuanhu's internal force set out from his dantian and went through the whole body, and finally acted out from the palm of his hand, directly shaking all the letters in his hand to pieces.

Turning around slowly, looking at Lv Bu, Yuhuatian, Ximen Chuuxue, Sima Yi and others standing behind him, a faint smile appeared on their faces: "Now that the Emperor Shi Huang has attracted all the forces of the world to the East China Sea, there must be ten of them. The murderers who conspired against the Loop City years ago, and our goal is to kill all these people.

  But there is one thing you need to pay attention to. This time the East China Sea has brought together all the celestial masters in the world, and there will be some old monsters in it.

  And your mission is to protect the life of my father, even though it was a murderer ten years ago, you know? "

   "Yes, son, I will wait for the guarantee to complete the task!"

  Lu Bu and others said in unison.

Li Li's eyes swept over everyone, and finally stayed on Lu Bu's body, and slowly said: "By the way, Lu Bu has the heaviest task this time. You need to lead all the wolves to ride at the beginning of the war. Time to quickly defeat the teams that are small at night.

  Can it be done? "

  After finishing speaking, Li Li's eyes were filled with doubts, and he wanted to see if Lu Bu would answer his question.

  Lu Bu heard the words, his expression did not hesitate at all, and he directly promised: "Don't worry, son, cloth, promise to complete the task!"

  For him, a powerful general in the army, he is not afraid of how strong the enemy is or how many enemies there are, but he is afraid that he will not be able to fight happily.

  They agree to sleep on horseback every day, and they don’t want to be at ease in the gentle countryside.

  Furthermore, Lu Bu is a militant himself. Hearing that there is a fight to be fought, it is natural to behave well.

   Hearing Lü Bu's promised words and his firm look, a smile rose from the corner of Li Li's mouth and said, "Okay!"

  Although only one word was said, the meaning of praise in it couldn't be clear.


Li Li's gaze shifted from Lu Bu's look to the Jinyiwei four envoy who had disappeared for ten years, and he whispered softly: "Qinglong, the four of you have a big mission. You will immediately activate all the Jinyiwei personnel that are hidden by the major forces. Let them give a fatal blow to these people who do not still doubt at a critical time."

  Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu heard the words, and said in unison: "Please rest assured, my son, I will promise to complete the task, and I will not fall into the name of Jin Yiwei."

   Mo Li nodded when he heard the words, and said softly: "Okay, in that case, then you go and prepare!"


  Qinglong four nodded, turned around and left here, heading towards the East China Sea.

  The remaining generals all turned their eyes to Li Li, with a hint of expectation. Now Lu Bu’s Bingzhou wolf ride has a task, and Jin Yiwei also has a task, but a few of them have not been assigned a task, and they are a little anxious for a while.

  However, the most calm person among these people was Ximen Chuuxue, who didn't care about whether there was a mission at all, because he knew that there was bound to be a big battle in the East China Sea trip, even if there was no mission, it didn't matter.

   Soon, when a few people were waiting a little anxious, Li Li's hoarse voice came: "Yuhuatian, you immediately summon the people from the East Factory, hide on the shore of the East China Sea and wait for my instructions!"

   Yu Huatian heard the words, his expression flashed with surprise, finally it was my turn, and hurriedly said: "Yes, son, the subordinates will do it!"

  As soon as the voice fell, his figure turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of Li and the others.

  Just as Yuhuatian was leaving, Wanwan, who was standing by, suddenly asked, "Master, what do the slaves do?"

   Mo Li heard the words, glanced at Wan Wan in surprise, and meditated and said, “You don’t have to do anything, just stay with me and listen to my dispatch at any time.”

After listening to   wanwan, the corner of her mouth curled, she knew it would be like this, every time she was in danger, she would either stay by her side or send her to another place.

  The same is true now, Wan Wan was really upset, she snorted coldly at Liu Xuanhu, and then turned her gaze angrily to other places, not looking at Li Li here.

Liu Xuanhu and the others who watched the behavior of Wanwan smiled slightly, and then turned their eyes to Sima Yi who was aside, and said: "Zhongda, when Donghai is in charge of the overall situation, I hope I can see the demeanor of your tiger!"

  Sima Yi's dark face was full of confidence, and said: "Don't worry, son, Zhongda has no other skills, and there is no problem dealing with these Xiaoxiao!"

   Mo Li looked happy after hearing this, and praised: "Zhongda deserves to be Zhongda, this spirit of swallowing mountains and rivers is really not comparable to ordinary people."

Sima Yi shook his head with a smile, and glanced in the direction of the East China Sea. He said indifferently: "My son, now the situation in the East China Sea is unpredictable. The safety of Shi Huang is extremely important, because Yi decided to go to the East China Sea one step now. I hope you can approve it!"

   Mo Li was taken aback after listening, looked at Sima Yi in amazement, then hesitated and said, "Be careful!"

   "Yes, son!"

  Sima Yi turned and left, heading in the direction of the East China Sea.


  [Uh-huh, it's time for Xiaobai to ask for votes again, everyone, don’t be stingy with the tickets in your hand, give it to me]

  (End of this chapter)