The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 420: Elixir?

  Chapter 420 Longevity Medicine?

   "Just admit it!"

  Mo Li's expression was cold, and his murderous eyes looked straight at Zhai Yi, and his voice was extremely cold and said, "You were the master of Hetao City back then?"

   "Not bad!"

Although Zhai Yi was surprised at Li Li's appearance, he did not deny what he had done back then.

   Mo Li's eyes were half-closed, two cold lights flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Calculate me first and poison my father again. You can't keep it today.

  Quickly explain what last words, if it is not for a while, you will have no chance! "

   "The yellow-mouthed child is going to be rampant, just because you want to kill me, I will practice for a hundred years." Although Zhai Yi was angry, there was nothing unusual in his heart, and his tone was full of disdain and contempt.

   Mo Li ignored Zhai Yi when he heard the words, turned around and handed something to Ying Zheng, and said lightly: "Father, if you take this thing, the toxins on your body can be relieved."


  Yingzheng did not hesitate, and took the ball handed over by Li Li directly into his mouth.

  He knew that Li Qi would not harm him.

  Furthermore, the things that Li Li took out were extraordinary, and it has always been like this.

  The ball melts at the entrance, dissolves into a warm stream, enters the abdomen, and then flows all over the body.

  Yingzheng waited for a while, but nothing changed.

  "Gao'er, this thing is"

  Just wanted to ask what this thing is?

  A huge energy suddenly rose from his body, interrupting his questioning instantly.

  This energy is very huge, with an aura of majesty and grandeur inside, it constantly wanders through the meridians, and the toxin pieces that hit it will not stay and eventually swallow it.


   Immediately after, layers of light burst from the body, and the breath began to gradually become stronger.

  Yingzheng faced such changes and had to sit on the ground to resolve the problem.


  The brilliance became stronger and stronger, and finally it completely enveloped Yingzheng, making it impossible to see the situation in the brilliance.

  The changes in Yingzheng immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

  Ji's family's complexion showed greedy eyes.

  Although I don’t know what Mo Li gave out?

  But from the physical performance of Ying Zheng, it must be a peerless authentic product, otherwise such a vision would not appear.

  There is only shock and satisfaction in Yingshi's eyes.

  Shocked because there is such a strange thing in the world, and I am gratified that Mo Li has such a treasure that will be used by Ying Zheng, and he values ​​family affection so much.

  You said: "There is no family affection in the emperor's home!"

  You can't see the ruthless side in Yingzheng and Mo Li, some are just family affection.

  Zhai Yi's complexion became extremely gloomy. He didn't expect that what Mo Li took out could save Yingzheng, and he was shocked and angry.

  The poison he gave to Yingzheng was obtained from a remnant prescription from the ancient times and refined from the most precious medicinal materials in the world. There is no solution in this world.

  The things Ke Mo Li took out can actually relieve the poison in Ying Zheng's body. Is it a longevity medicine?

  Pill prescription has a welcome note, which is not a longevity medicine.

   thought of here

   A trace of enthusiasm appeared in Zhai Yi's eyes, and his whole body trembled slightly, and said, "The elixir you gave Ying Zheng just now?"

   "Longevity medicine?"

  Ji Guang and Ying Shi were instantly attracted by these three, their eyes turned to Li Li, and there was a hint of eagerness in their eyes.

   "Longevity medicine?"

   Mo Li muttered softly, a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes, and smiled: "Although that thing is not a longevity medicine, its function is no different from that of a longevity medicine."

   "What? Is it really a longevity medicine?"

  Ji Guang and the three people exclaimed one after another, looking at each other, their strong greed burst out unconcealed, and instantly turned into streamers and rushed towards Li Li.

  At this time, they don’t care if they agree or not!

  As long as you can hold Liqin and get the elixir, no one in the world can check them!

   "Er Gan"

  Yingshi roared, and suddenly a black long sword appeared in his hand, with a sense of grandeur.

   Flicked his wrists, and instantly issued three sword aura attacks, flashing a faint strange light and rushing towards the three of Ji Guang.

   "Hmph, win the stone, you alone can't stop the three of us!"

  Ji Guang burst out, and a long sword gleaming with light green light appeared in her right hand, giving people an evil and gloomy feeling, and the hand also emitted three light green sword auras.

  Two sword qi of different colors met in mid-air instantly, looked at each other for a second, and exploded. The terrifying airflow dissipated around the three explosions.

  Where the air wave passes, everything is gone, the dust is flying, with a brilliant brilliance.

   Although Ji Guang blocked Yingshi's sword qi attack, the three figures also passively stopped moving forward, stopping at a distance of three feet away from him.

  In the field.

  The figure of Yingshi has appeared in front of Mo Li, blocking the gaze of Ji Guang and others, and roared: "Old man Ji Guang, you are here today, you never want to hurt Ying Gao."

  Ji Guang's expression was full after hearing this, a sneer rose from the corner of his mouth, and said: "Ying Shi, do you think you can withstand the attack of the three of us?

  As long as I entangle you and let both Ji Mu and Ji Yu capture this kid, what can you do with me? "

  Zhai Yi's face became cold, and now that he can't see it, Ji Guang, the old guy, simply used him as a pawn.

  Use it when it's useful, and kick it away when it's good. Is it really a soft persimmon?

   But Zhai Yi also knows that this is not the time to turn his face.

  Wait until Ji Guang, Ying Shi and others fight to the death, that's when he starts.

   After trying to understand, Zhai Yi's expression returned to its original state, not paying attention to Ji Guang and the others, but turning his gaze to Li Li.

  I want this Yingshi descendant to see through.

  What a pity

  No matter how he explored Mo Li, he was still unable to see clearly, as if there was a kind of thin mist blocking his exploration.

  This situation makes him puzzled.

  Since becoming a master of Broken Realm, this phenomenon has rarely happened.

  Even though they are somewhat unsightly, they are all old guys who have been famous for a long time, and there shouldn’t be any younger generations like this here.

  But that is the case.

  He couldn't find out the details of Li Li.


   Ying Shi let out a cold snort, his expression turned gloomy, and angrily said: "Ji Guang, you are right. I can't resist the three of you at the same time, but I can desperately pull one of you as a backstop, right?"

   "Win Stone, do you think the three of us will give you this opportunity? If you really have such an idea, then the three of us have to kill you now!"

  Ji Guang frowned. He didn't expect that the old fellow Yingshi would be so cruel that he would die with them.

   secretly transmitted to Ji Yu and Ji Mu, saying: "Ji Yu will go with me to stop Ying Shi, Ji Mu, you go and take down the junior from the Ying family, are you ok?"

"no problem!"

  Himemu nodded.

  "Wait for my order!"

  Ji Guang continued to spread the voice.

   "Hmph, Ji Guang, then you can try and see if I can blow you up!"

  Ying Shi shouted.

  【Recommended new book: "Heavens and Demons". Xiaobai’s new work, you can check it out, the quality is guaranteed! 】

  (End of this chapter)