The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 421: Showdown with Ji's family

  Chapter 421 Showdown with Ji's family

   "Hmph, see if I will give you this opportunity!"

  Ji Guang hummed coldly, turned his eyes to Ji Yu and nodded slightly, and said through the voice: "Hands!"

   His figure moved, his right hand swung out quickly, the light green long sword was shining brightly, and the sword aura full of evil spirit quickly appeared, sandwiching the ear-piercing sword sound, and rushing towards Yingshi frantically.

  Ji Yu is also unwilling to show weakness, his whole body exudes a hot red light, like a fire **** descending into the world.

  The long sword that emits red light in his hand was swung frantically, and the horrible sword aura was flying all over the sky, turning into a rain of fire and attacking towards the winning stone.

  Yingshi roared, and black energy rose from his body, and in the blink of an eye he enveloped his body, transforming into a demon from hell.

  The exercises he is currently performing are the exercises passed down by the ancestors of the Ying clan, Wushenjue, the exercises practiced by the Great Wu Feilian back then.

  The black energy surrounding him seems to be alive, constantly changing shapes around Yingshi's body to protect his safety.

  At the same time, the intensity of the black energy is constantly soaring, slowly increasing with the passage of time, faintly forming a black armor on the body of Yingshi.

  In fact, this is exactly the guardian function of Witch God Jue. These black gases will eventually form a black armor to protect the safety of Yingshi.

  Rigid and soft go hand in hand, taking both offense and defense into consideration.

  This is the power of the witch gods.

  At the same moment

  Ying Shi also started to attack, the long sword in his hand that exuded black light quickly swung, countless black sword aura shot, like thousands of rain, covering Ji Guang and Ji Yu.

The energy carried by the sword qi burst out violently, and it instantly collided with the attacks from Ji Guang and Ji Yu. The sword rain formed by the three-color rays of light was even more ups and downs, and it was really beautiful.

  But under this beautiful light, there are endless dangers and horrors.

this moment.

  The world’s top three masters attacked at the same time. Three sword auras of different colors met in mid-air. The flame sword aura, the witch **** sword rain, and the green demon sword aura collided fiercely.

  In an instant.

   A loud noise and dazzling brilliance broke out.

  More terrifying storms are produced, and countless waves of air move toward the surroundings one after another.

  The terrible power, the destructive breath, the terrifying storm

   Madly devouring everything around him.


  The dazzling red sword aura, the thousands of black sword rain, and the cruel green sword aura instantly dissipated invisible.

  In mid-air, only three shadows attacking each other are left, undulating and erratic with each other.

  Off the court.

   After seeing the three attacking, Mo Li took Ying Zheng, who was still sitting cross-legged, back to the distance, avoiding the storm caused by the fighting between the three.

  As for why Li Li did not go up and help?

  It's not that he doesn't want to, but can't!

  In the Shattered Realm, it is very difficult to kill another person in the battle.

  At the same time, he needs to stay here to protect the safety of Ying Zheng.


  Even if he wanted to go up to fight, Ji Mu and Zhai Yi would not agree.


  Zhai Yi quickly dodged away from the battle center after seeing the battle between the three.

  For such a strong and fierce confrontation, Zhai Yi did not want to be affected.

  As for the final result?

   is not in his consideration.

   And Jimu suddenly disappeared when the three attacked each other, and completely disappeared before everyone's eyes.

   Soon, the three people in the battle showed their figures from the fast movement, and they all hung color on each other, and no one really benefited.

  The three of them stood in the void, their expressions a bit heavy.

The strength of the winning stone comes from the witch gods’ battle, the black long sword, and the determination to die, while Ji Guang and Ji Yu did not have the determination to lay down their lives to accompany the gentleman. Even if the two attacked together, they eventually became evenly matched. phenomenon.

   Therefore, it has what it is now.

  Ji Guang looked at the opposite Ying Shi with a gloomy expression, and shouted in a gloomy tone: "Ying Shi, I advise you not to make fearless struggles, even if you can stop the two of us, what can you do?

  Don’t forget, we still have Jimu and Zhai Yi on our side. If they both shoot at the same time, do you think Yinggao has a chance to survive? "

   Yingshi's complexion changed drastically, knowing that Ji Guang was right.

  But the current situation stopping both Ji Guang and Ji Yu is the greatest help to Li Li.

   After trying to understand, Ying Shi said angrily: "Hmph, I don’t want to use words to confuse my heart and disrupt my fighting spirit. Wouldn’t I see such a shallow strategy?"

  Ji Yu, who has been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, with a very gloomy tone: "My eldest brother is telling the truth. You have no chance to win.

  After Ji Mu has dealt with Ying Zheng and Ying Gao, it is your death date. "

  Ying Shi frowned, his face was gloomy, and his tone was gloomy and said: "The idea is really naive.

  In this case, today we will understand the grievances of thousands of years, and see if you can kill me, or I can pull you back! "

  After finishing speaking, there is no reservation about the winning stone, and the momentum of the whole body burst out instantly, how many times stronger than it was just now, don't you know how many times?

  The entire radius of 100 meters is filled with black gas, which makes people feel like darkness is coming.

  Ji Guang knew that the inability to use words was Yingshi's surrender, and he could only use force to solve it, and said to Ji Yu beside him: "Don't keep it, you and I attack him with all your strength.

  Remember, be careful not to be dying back by him! "

  Ji Yu nodded, and said in a gloomy tone: "Okay, let's kill him!"

  After finishing speaking, Ji Yu moved towards Ying Shi, and there was no extra nonsense at all.

  The red long sword in his hand flew up and down, and countless sword auras madly launched attacks.

   And Ji Guang also rushed over and joined the battle.

  The three of them presented a triangular confrontation in mid-air, and each began to perform their tricks.

  Off the court.

   Mo Li, who was watching the battle silently, suddenly showed a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and moved his body slightly to the side, cleverly avoiding the attack on him by someone in the dark.


  A purple long sword appeared from Li Li's position just now, if it didn't escape, the sword would pass through his chest.

   Soon, the owner of the purple long sword appeared in front of Li Li's eyes, it was Jimu who had just disappeared.

  It turned out that his disappearance was not to leave, but to attack Li, and wanted to subdue him.

  Unfortunately, he overestimated himself and underestimated Mo Li.

  The final sneak attack did not succeed.

  Looking at Li, who had dodged his sneak attack, Ji Mu felt a little shocked, and said in surprise: "How could you avoid my sneak attack?

  You need to know that even the masters of the Broken Realm cannot avoid my attack without a square pen. Why can you? "

   "Huh, you still want to carry out a sneak attack with your vulture skills, don't come out ashamed!"

  Mo Li looked at Ji Mu coldly, with a trace of disdain, and didn't want to tell him what was going on?

  (End of this chapter)