The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 436: Witch girls are quite open!

  Chapter 436 Witch women are quite open!

  The great wizard Wu Zhe gave a light oh, looking at Li, who looked calmly in front of him, a smile flashed in his eyes, and said:

  "The Witchs have not been a guest from the Central Plains for hundreds of years. Would you like to follow me to the Witchs?"

  Mo Li's brows wrinkled slightly, and he meditated a little, and said: "Okay!"

  The Great Wizard Wu Zhe smiled slightly, pointed his hand forward, and said, "How about going to that place first?"

  Mo Li looked up, suddenly startled, and saw that the place where the Great Wizard’s finger was built on a stone platform halfway up the mountain, frowned, and said: "Altar?"

  The great wizard nodded with a smile: "Yes, it's the altar."

  Mo Li muttered silently, vaguely vigilant in his heart.

  At this time, the Wu Clan was not friendly to the Central Plains people, and the place where he went was a strange altar of the Wu Clan, so he had to meditate.

  After all, the altar has a special significance here in the Wu Clan of Southern Xinjiang.

  Although it is the first time he has come to the Wu Clan in Southern Xinjiang, he still doesn't understand the customs here, but he still knows the five clans of the Zhuang, Miao, Tu, Li, and Gaoshan that were separated from the Wu Clan in later generations.

  There is a corresponding introduction in the original work.

  The five ethnic groups are divided into land and have their own gods and religions.

  But they all have one characteristic in common, that is, an altar dedicated to offering sacrifices to the ancestors of gods.

  The altar has a lofty status among the tribes in southern Xinjiang. In the eyes of most tribes, it is a tool for communicating with the gods.

  In such a sacred place, the great wizard wants to take him there. Why does it really mean?

   was silent for a long time, and Li Li did not understand the meaning, so he had to ask: "That is the altar of the witch clan. Is it suitable for me as an outsider?"

  The great wizard Wu Zhe smiled faintly when he heard the words, and said softly: "Little friend, the witch temple has been rushed just now, do you still care about the altar of the witch tribe?"


   Li is indifferent.

  The old guy was very bad. Knowing that he hadn’t succeeded in entering, he ran on verbally.

   is really hateful.


  This is a place where people can't afford to be presumptuous.

   faintly glanced at the great wizard Wu Zhe, expressing his dissatisfaction, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, and he said:

   "Let's go, since you have said so, if I don't get past, I will look too petty!"

  Although I don’t know who the old man is, looking at his powerful cultivation base and the self-confidence radiating from his expression, his status is certainly not low among the Wu Clan in Southern Xinjiang.

  Moreover, he hasn't shown any hostility to himself for the time being, so let's go and take a look.

  If you are hostile, you should be able to leave here by your own means.

  The great wizard Wu Zhe smiled, looked at Li with interest, and smiled lightly: "Let's go!"

  Mo Li glanced at him, did not speak, and walked directly towards the altar in the middle of the mountain.

  Mo Li knew that this place was where the talented Qilidong was.

  As they continue to move forward, more and more Wu people have been seen.

  All of the Middle-earth people that the great wizard Wu Zhe had showed curiosity, and some showed a little bit of hostility.

  Going all the way, the two have no words.

  About half a cup of tea.

  They walked to the foot of the high mountain of the altar.

  The Great Wizard Wu Zhe stopped, and went straight up without Li Li.

  It's not that they don't want to, but that there are people guarded by the Wu clan who are stationed here, and they will not be allowed in when they are not stated.

  At the same time, the great wizard said with a smile: "Little friend, do you know where this is?"

"do not know!"

  Mo Li shook his head.

  He didn't figure out the meaning of the great wizard Wu Zhe leading him, he would never say that he knew it.

  After all, this is one of the supreme sacred altars of the tribe.

  "This is Qilidong, the place where the **** of dogs is enshrined"

  The great wizard Wu Zhe is like a conversation, constantly telling things about the dog god, and knowing these things, Li Qi had to pretend to listen to the unknown in order to cover up what he knew.

   Soon, two sturdy and burly men came over, and they could be seen by looking at their attire. These two men should be the head guards here.

  Although they were wearing ordinary witch costumes, they had wooden armor made of tough wooden vines on their chests. They were not holding the long-handled spears used by soldiers, but a slender machete.

  Two brawny Wu clan came to the great wizard Wu Zhe, looked up and down at the side of Li Li, and then said loudly: "Chili Chili Hululu, Qila La La Lulu Hu..."

   "Gah la gah la Lulu Hu, Ji Li Jia Li Hu Lulu..."

  The Great Wizard Wu Zhe also replied loudly.


   Mo Li frowned, her face showing a trace of helplessness.

A language like    is a foreign language to him, and he doesn't understand it at all.

  Even if the Great Wizard Wu Zhe sells him, there is no move.

  Who can't understand foreign languages!

  After a while.

  Two men in hardcover witches turned and left, and gestured to let them go.

  The wizard turned his head to look at Mo Li, smiled and said, "Let’s go, little friend, I will show you around Qilidong."

  Mo Li nodded.

  At this time, he somewhat understood the helplessness of later generations, Guili.

  I don’t understand the language here, it’s simply hard to move.

  He ran around for Baguio, looking for the whereabouts of the Black Witch Clan.

  Unfortunately, more than ten years was wasted because of language barriers.

  Mo Li followed the great wizard, secretly making up his mind to learn the wizard language in the future.

  In this way, it will be easy to communicate with them in the future.

  On the way.

  The witch women around, some of them glowed when they saw Li Li, as if they saw something delicious.

  In groups of three or five, the voices of squeaking and screaming one after another.

  I don’t know what to talk about.

  However, the smile from the corner of the wizard Wu Zhe’s mouth to the ear is definitely not a good thing.

   Halfway through the journey, seven or eight strong witch warriors came down the mountain road, surrounded by an old man who seemed to be in his early fifties.

   After seeing Wu Zhe, he respectfully salutes, his voice is like thunder: "Big brother, this kid is the one that the wizard **** said?"

   After finishing speaking, walking out of the crowd, he came to Li and looked up and down, his eyes were sharply aggressive, and Li frowned.

  This old man is quite tall. Although he has gray hair on the corners of his hair as he grows older, he is extremely vigorous.

  The eyes are piercing and piercing, and there will be bursts of cold light from time to time.

   "Not bad!"

  The Great Wizard Wu Zhe nodded.

  A large number of old men who were in the mood for a while, suddenly spoke, but this time they used witch language, saying: "Chilijilihululu, qualaqualaluluhu?"

  Wu Zhe is also: "Chili Chili Hululu, croak croak laluluhu"

  Mo Li was taken aback, it seemed to be similar to what the two heads asked just now. I think it means the same thing, right?

  After a while, the old man left with seven or eight young brawny men.

  When I passed by Li Li, he smiled and said: "Boy, you are very good, I like it!"


  Don’t stay away for a while.

  There is a plan to beat the old man.

  What does the old man like?

  Old paper hobbies are normal, OK?

  (End of this chapter)