The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 437: Black Tiger Appears

  Chapter 437 Black Tiger Appears

   "What did you talk about just now?"

  After the old man left, Mo left his mouth and asked.

  The Great Wizard Wu Zhe shook his head and smiled, and said, "It's nothing, let's go!"


  Seeing that the great wizard didn't want to say anything, Li Qiye didn't ask any more.

  Just like that, stop and go.

  Finally in the evening, the two of them finished shopping in Qilidong.

  When returning to the foot of the mountain, the crowd gradually dispersed, and the surroundings returned to calm.

   "Old man, where do you take me next?" Li Qi asked.


  The great wizard untied a big bag made of animal skins from his waist, threw it over to him, and found a flat place to sit down.

  Mo Li reached out his hand to catch the bag and sank.

  There is a cork at the mouth of the bag. Without any hesitation, Li Li directly pulled out the cork, and a strong aroma of wine overflowed.


  The fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, perhaps this is the explanation.

  This is a bag of spirits.

   can reflect the hobbies of the witch men.

  I have been in this world for more than ten years, and Li Li hasn’t really drunk much.

  Now that the alcohol addiction in the stomach of spirits is naturally hooked, I put the wine bag to my mouth and took a big sip.


  As soon as I entered the mouth, there was a pungent air in my abdominal cavity.

  I was unprepared for a while, and still felt quite uncomfortable.

  His expression fell in the eyes of the great wizard Wu Zhe, and he couldn't help laughing.

  I think it was the same when he drank this spirit for the first time.

  However, it’s better to drink for a long time!

  As the two of them continue to communicate, they drink more and more drinks.



  Two muffled sounds.

  Mo Li and the Great Wizard Wu Zhe fell to the ground.

  Southern Frontier, Qilidong.

  Miao altar.

   Deep in the dark and silent hall, the Great Wizard and Mo Lishui are sweet, and they are still snoring.

  Only the pile of burning flames make a crackling sound from time to time.

  In addition, in the quiet altar, there is a strange sound.

  On weekdays, Li Li never snored in sleep. It seems that the spirits of the Wu clan are really extraordinary.

Ten miles to the east of Qilidong surrounded by mountains, there is a rolling mountain.

  On one of the hills, two people are standing, looking up at the fertile land among the mountains in the distance.

  "Qilidong is ahead!"

  The person standing in the front whispered, with deep emotion, anger and longing in his tone.

  Under the moonlight, it can be clearly seen that this person is an extremely strong and tall man, with his upper body naked and his lower body made of trousers made of beast skins.

  All of his skin showed a strong bronze color because of the wind and sunshine all year round.

  On the muscled body, there is a bear head tattoo on the chest.

  In addition, huge and criss-crossing scars can be seen everywhere on his body. It is not difficult to imagine how many terrifying beasts he has fought.

   "Yes, elder."

  The one who answered him was a man standing one step behind him: "That is Qilidong."

  His dress is similar to the one in front of him, but besides the beast leather pants, he also wears fur clothes on his upper body.

  This person looks much smaller than the burly man in front of him.

  At this moment

  He seemed to have a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, looking forward, and slowly said: "There, he has ruled southern Xinjiang for hundreds of years.

  Our town's artifact was suppressed under the statue of the evil **** and evil dog in front of the Qilidong altar.

  The purpose we have to do is to get the artifact back! "

   "Not bad!"

  The brawny man said bitterly: "It's been more than four hundred years!"

  The voice is not loud, but he talks to himself as if he is roaring.


   Four hundred years ago, it was their evil great wizard who cursed our warrior to death with a vicious demon method.

   robbed us of the artifact we worshipped and drove us to the poorest place in southern Xinjiang, where we lived the most miserable life for hundreds of years. "

  The person behind, with cold words, faintly said unshakable hatred.

  The two of them were just one of the few who followed the Beast God back then.

  The strong mountain wind blows on the elder's mountain-like body, like a knife, but he has no response.

  At this moment, in his eyes, there is only the hot land surrounded by mountains in front of him.

   "Without the miracle, we cannot resurrect ‘God’!"

  The person behind him is still talking.

  "Yes, the purpose of our coming this time is to defeat the evil wizard, regain the artifact, gather the other four artifacts, and resurrect our great god.

  In this way, the gods will take care of us again and lead us to occupy the best land in southern Xinjiang, so that our people and descendants will live here for generations. "

Elder   's voice was very loud and excited, and said: "This time, you only need to succeed, not to fail!"

   "Yes, elder, Black Tiger understands!!"

   Black Tiger said viciously.

  The elder calmed down his emotions, turned his head, and said: "All the personnel have arrived at the designated place, right?"

  Black Tiger nodded and said, "Yes, elder!

  The personnel are already in place, waiting for your order! "

The elder    heard the words, his eyes radiated hot eyes, but he was not a foolish fool. After the initial excitement, he fell silent.

Then he turned and stared at the black tiger behind him, and said: "Black tiger, it is said that the evil Miao wizard has lived for quite a while. His demon technique is the most terrifying power in southern Xinjiang. You can really deal with it. he?"

  Heihu heard this, a mysterious smile appeared on his face, and said: "Elder, don't worry.

  I have now mastered the magic that the **** taught me, plus the Pokémon in my hand, the Great Wizard is definitely not my opponent! "

Elder    looked at him for a while, and finally nodded heavily.

  In fact, the shadow of the great wizard has always been a dark cloud covering his head, and it is even a lingering nightmare for him.

  He fought against the great wizard Wu Zhe, and finally failed miserably.

  And the guy Heihu is very mysterious. He was the closest person to follow God back then. He was extremely powerful, even stronger than his elder.

   "Hundreds of years of hatred, we will report tonight!"

  The elder revealed these words from between his teeth.

   heralds that the killing is about to begin!

  The moon shines on his body and Heihu’s body, reflecting two phantoms, which are extremely gloomy

  On the hillside behind them, countless tall warriors appeared, with solemn and stern expressions, and everyone was so strong.

  And on their chests with interlaced scars, the hideous and strange tattoos seem to be roaring in the wind!

   Soon, these tall warriors slowly walked towards Qilidong.

  The pace was very light, and the voice attracted the attention of the Qilidong Wu Clan.

  Elder and Black Tiger did not go forward with these fighters, but chose another route to fly.

  At their level, there is no need to walk at all.

  At this moment

  The Wu people of Qilidong are in a dream, and they don’t even know that the danger is approaching.

  【Zhou Xian may be a little boring in the early stage, but it is all for the preparation of the following articles, I hope that all book friends will be able to do so! 】

  (End of this chapter)