The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 456: The emergence of mysterious forces

  Chapter 456 Mysterious Force Appears

  The sky is getting dark, and it is dusk again.

  In a blink of an eye, another day is over.

  Two figures slowly walked on the vast official road, surrounded by mountains, lush forests and bamboos, the light seemed particularly dark.

  These two people are Li and Xiaobai who are separated from ten thousand people.

  After leaving Xiaochi Town, just like that, one after another, walking aimlessly.

  Looking at Xiao Bai who was exuding a cold air all over, Li Li sighed slightly: "Xiao Bai, are you okay? It's been almost a day since I left."

  Xiaobai stopped, turned and looked at Li Li, looking at his frowning expression, calmly said: "Do you know that ten thousand people went to that kid who killed Xiao Li?"

   Mo Li smiled faintly when he heard the words, and said, “Shouldn't Qingyun and Tianyin Temple kill Xiaoli? How could it be blamed on tens of thousands of people.”

   "Hmph, if it weren't for the 10,000 people to keep his subordinates, how could they leave Xiaoli, mother and child, and eventually lead to the death of the two in Kongsang Mountain."

  Xiaobai hummed coldly, his tone was extremely cold.

  Li Mo Li did not explain for the 10,000 people. The facts are as Xiaobai said. If it weren't for the ghost king to protect the congregation, such a situation would indeed not happen.

   sighed: "Since things have happened, if you feel jealous towards him, I can go back and kill him now and relieve your breath, how about?"

  After finishing speaking, Li Li put away his smiling face, and a faint chill radiated from his body. As long as Xiaobai nodded, he would definitely kill thousands of people and would never hesitate.

  Xiao Bai looked at Li Li silently, an impulse rose in his heart, and he felt like he wanted to embrace Li Li.

  How many years have it been!

  No one has ever treated her so sincerely, and for a while, she was a little moved.

   A teardrop appeared in her eyes, and she silently fell down her face, turning it into the most unforgettable memory in her heart.

  At this moment, Li Li stretched out his hands for the first time and hugged Xiao Bai deeply into his arms.

   Without opening, everything continued silently in the hug.

  The coolness in the night breeze, the surrounding flowers and trees swayed slightly with the majestic wind, the scent of the fragrance refreshed the heart and the mind, making people indulge.

  The two hugged each other for a long time, separated from each other, and walked towards the front.

  On the desolate ancient road, Li Li and Xiaobai walked side by side, looking at the surrounding flowers and plants, they seemed extremely harmonious for a while.

   Suddenly, Xiao Bai smiled lightly: "Mo Li, have you thought about where the two of us are going?"

  Mo Li smiled slightly, took her hand and walked towards the front slowly, looked at the dark mountains on the left and right, and said calmly:

"In fact, the place I want to go now is the Treasure Treasury of the Emperor of Heaven. I heard that there are many good things in it, but that guy must have left behind somewhere. Some people, that's not good!"

  The calm tone is like telling a story, making people think he knows everything.

  Xiaobai heard Li Li mentioning the matter of the Emperor's Treasury, his eyes changed slightly, and he reminded: "The Emperor of Heaven is not easy. Don't provoke him if you don't have to."


  Mo Li looked at Xiaobai for a while, then looked away and looked at the mountain in the distance, and said in a calm tone:

   "I understand what you mean, and I will pay attention to the old man.

  However, for now, as long as he doesn’t take the initiative to find me, I don’t want to have any intersection with him for now.

  Wait until the time is right, let’s talk"

  Speaking of this, Li Li's face suddenly became gloomy, and a strong chill radiated from all over his body.

  From this, it can be seen that the relationship between Li Li and the Emperor of Heaven is not identity-friendly.

   Perceiving the abnormality in Li Li's expression, Xiao Bai's heart moved slightly, and just as he wanted to speak, he realized that there was something in front of him.

   Embroidered eyebrows, looked at the abnormal place in the distance, and whispered: "There are two powerful breaths in front of you, have you found them?"

   "Well, the cultivation of these two is really good, and they both carry an evil aura. If they don't guess wrong, they should be masters of evil ways.

  Go, let's go over and see the situation!

  Remember not to make a sound, so as not to be noticed by it. "

  Mo Li hesitated for a moment and decided to go and take a look.

   These two breaths are not weak. After recalling the original work, there is no description of the two. It seems that they are hidden masters.

"it is good!"

  Xiao Bai nodded, and then a silver light flashed all over her body, casting a secret method and disappearing in place.


  Looking at Xiao Bai's sudden disappearance, Li Qi was a little surprised. I didn't expect Xiao Bai to have such a secret method. It was really admirable!

In front of   , on a relatively flat ground, stood two existences dressed in black.

  The two of them kept a distance from each other, stood together, and were talking quietly.

  The faces of the two men in black were all shrouded in the cloak on their bodies, and their faces were completely invisible.

  Only listen to the black man on the left whispered: "Night soul, this time my lord's meaning is very simple, it is to molest the grievances of the good and evil factions again, so that they will continue to fight each other.

  This will be more beneficial to our two families. What do you think? "

  The tall man in black on the right heard the words and hummed lightly: "Zhanyu, I have conveyed the meaning of noble lord, and my lord has no objection.

  It’s just that the current situation in the world is stable. The people of the Longevity Alliance have been staring at you and my family, so it is not suitable for them to confront them directly.

  My lord means that after the beast monster is resurrected and Shura is born, it will not be too late for us to do it again. "

  Zhanyu heard the words, smiled and said: "Your lord is the same as my lord thinks, but now it is the right reason to continue to instigate the grievances of right and evil, which can consume human power.

  Wait until the beast monster and Shura are born, I will be able to enjoy the benefits of the fisherman and enjoy the great world. "

Night Soul heard the words and whispered softly: "Recently, I found an unusual thing, that is, where a mysterious mysterious gate appeared in the Wu Clan of Southern Xinjiang. They were so strange that they prevented the black tiger from planning and made the beasts pay. It was delayed for a long time.

  How much do you know about this so-called Xuanfengmen? "

Zhanyu lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and was a little surprised at the Xuanfeng Sect that the night soul said, and said: "I don't know much about the so-called Xuanfeng Sect you are talking about. I just heard that there is such a sect in Southern Xinjiang. As for their specificity. I don't know the information.

  However, since this mysterious door appeared to prevent the resurrection of the beast monster, I guess it might have the handwriting of the old fellow of the wizard god.

  It’s better to report this matter back to their respective masters, and let them decide whether they need to take this so-called Xuanfengmen seriously! "

  Night Soul nodded when he heard the words, and agreed with Zhanyu's words. If the Profound Wind Gate was really made by the Wizard of God, things would obviously be a little difficult to handle, and at the same time, it would not be the two of them that can be the master.

  Only go back and ask each boss to do it.

  To be continued~

  【PS: No one has written a lot of content in Zhuxian. Xiaobai has added some original things of his own here. I hope you can like it and support Xiaobai more.

  Writing is not easy and needs support!

  Your support is Xiaobai’s motivation! 】

  (End of this chapter)