The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 457: Longevity Alliance?

  Chapter 457 Longevity Alliance?

  Night Soul pondered for a long while, looked up at Zhan Yu on the opposite side, and said:

  "Your analysis is indeed reasonable. If it is really a force created by the witch god, we really need to go back and report to the master to see if he has any instructions?

  However, I think this thing is a bit impossible. The Sorcerer God has been dead for thousands of years. If it were really his power, it wouldn’t be strong. "

   After finishing speaking, Night Soul thought for a while, then suddenly said: "You also go back and investigate this matter, after all, it is about the future of the world.

  Okay, let’s stop talking, now I’ll take a step ahead. "

  The words fell and the black light flashed, and the whole figure disappeared in place.

  Looking at the night soul's leaving back, Zhanyu stared at him closely. The figure remained motionless. After standing still for a while, he smiled:

  "Netherworld Yama wants to reap the benefits of the fisherman, but it is a pity that Lord Demon Lord is smarter than you.

  The future depends on who of us takes advantage, who can become the last ruler of the world, hehe"

  The cold laughter floated in the wind, and the black light flashed, and the figure immediately disappeared in place.

   Soon after Zhanyu disappeared, Guanghua flashed, and the figures of Li and Xiao Bai appeared where they had just come to stand.

  Looking at the direction where the two of them disappeared, Li Li frowned and said:

  "Who are the Lords of Netherworld Yama and Demon Sha that these two people just mentioned?

  It can be seen from their dialogue that it is for hegemony in the world, but the two are not really cooperative, full of intrigue. "

  "Are you two people, Nether Yama and Lord Demon?"

  Xiaobai frowned and thought for a moment, and said in an uncertain tone: "If I remember correctly, they should come from the ghost realm and the devil realm."

  Ghost Realm Demon Realm? What the hell, do these two places exist in Zhu Xian?

  And what happened to the Longevity Alliance that the two men in black just talked about?

  Add the witch god?

  Three irrelevant characters have appeared!

  Xianxian world has been changed by demons?

   Li Li was very puzzled.

  Perhaps, this is the gap between the real world and the novel world!

   "Xiao Bai, what's the matter with that longevity alliance, why have you never heard of it?"

   Mo Li wondered.


  This time it was Xiaobai’s turn to be surprised. He looked at Li Li who was a little confused and frowned, "Don’t you claim to know everything? Why don’t you even know about the Longevity Alliance?"

   "Ahem, this is not important!"

   Mo Li coughed slightly to conceal his embarrassment, knowing that Xiaobai and others had read the original work more than once, but these contents were not introduced in the original work, so naturally I don’t know.

  Of course, these things can't be told to Xiaobai, they can only be kept in the bones.

   "Let me introduce this so-called Longevity Alliance. I have a hunch that I will confront these people in the future!"

  Mo Li was a little curious.

   "Well, since you want to know, then I will tell you about the Longevity Alliance!"

   Seeing Li Li, Xiaobai wanted to know very much. Naturally, there is no reason to hide. He pondered for a moment to organize the language and said: "The Longevity Alliance, as the name suggests, is to prevent the establishment of longevity.

  The original founders of this organization were the Emperor of Heaven and the Sorcerer God, and no one knew the relationship between the two.

   Later, people such as Beast God, Shura, Aoba, and Linglong were successively added.

  At first, everyone’s wish was simple, it was for longevity.

  Unfortunately, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes.

  As people continue to join in, their respective camps are slowly formed, and they slowly start to fight against each other.

  This situation lasted for hundreds of years, and finally broke out completely in a dark night, and they shot each other without leaving any affection.

  In this way, the ancient war in the legend of the world appeared.

  This battle has spread widely, whether it is the Central Plains or Southern Xinjiang, or the Western Desert and Northern Wilderness.

  In the end, no one took advantage, and it was a situation of almost losing.

  As for the remaining people in the war, I don’t know, because I didn’t participate at that time. "

  After finishing talking, Xiao Bai looked a little sad. Who could have thought that a good longevity alliance would become like this, it was really pitiful.


   Li Moli nodded thoughtfully. Although Xiaobai didn’t describe it in detail, he still understood what the Longevity Alliance was all about.

   also understands why the Southern Xinjiang Wizard God turned into a stone statue. It turned out that everything was caused by the war that year.

  Perhaps, the Netherworld Yama and Demon Lord mentioned just now are the characters who went out of this so-called longevity alliance, and then formed the strength to start to replace the longevity alliance, thus commanding the entire world.

   However, judging from their invisible means, it is really an existence that cannot be seen on the stage.

  In order to accomplish their respective goals, any means can be used.

  Take the example of the two people together just now. Before the cooperation, the two sides have understood that such cooperation is just mutual use.

   will end up being hostile and incompatible.

  But when the Beast God and Shura were not born, they would definitely not be hostile.

After pondering for a moment, Li Li looked at Xiaobai in front of him, smiled and said: "The old saying is true, there is an old man in the family, like a treasure!

  This is really true! "

  Xiaobai's face straightened up when he heard the words, and her soft cheeks rose up with a hint of unpleasantness, and said: "So I am an old man in your body and mind. Alas, men are really big pig hooves. There is no good one.

  Mo was suddenly bitter in his eccentricity. Knowing that he had said something wrong, he hurriedly said: "I'm just a description, I didn't say you are old, hehe, don't think too much."

   "Huh, do you think I will believe it?"

  Looking at Li Li, Xiao Bai disdainfully said.

   Mo Li nodded desperately, with a smile on his face, and said: "I should believe it, I should believe it, how could I be joking with you about this thing!

  My Xiaobai is the cutest, how could he be old? You absolutely heard it wrong just now, I definitely won’t say this! "

   After finishing speaking, he aggressively pulled Xiao Bai into his arms and kissed him.

  To treat women, Li Li still adopted the most violent method, which is also the most direct and effective method.

  Sure enough, Xiaobai, who was kissed by Li overbearing, was still struggling at first, but after feeling the strong embrace of Li Li, the dissatisfaction in his heart instantly became invisible and became a mass of melted water.

for a long time.

  The two talents end their long-term tenderness.

  Looking at Xiao Bai, whose face was like a red apple, Li Qi could not help but kiss him, causing Xiao Bai to scream.

   "Okay, stop making trouble!"

  Xiao Bai pushed Mo Li away, his tone a little angry and shy.

   "Hey, listen to you!"

  Mo Li added his lips, with a white fragrance faintly remaining on them, and a look of intoxication appeared.

  Looking at Xiaobai rolled his eyes at him!

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  【PS: Xiaobai will try to add more chapters in the future, I hope everyone can support and like it.

  If you want to watch any type of plot, you can discuss it in the comment area, Xiaobai will pay attention.

  Finally, ask for votes, ask for subscription, and ask for all kinds of things! 】

  (End of this chapter)