The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 478: Burning with anger (please subscribe!!)

  Chapter 478 Fury (seeking subscription!!)

   Looking at the outstanding disciple of Qingyun who knelt down in the main hall, the onlookers eating melon Qingyun disciple suddenly broke out in a commotion.

  A moment.

  Except for Tongtian Peak, the six peaks disciples ran out one after another, knelt in front of the main hall, and pleaded for Zhang Xiaofan.

The content of    is: "The disciples are also willing to guarantee Junior Brother Zhang with their lives!"

   Looking around, the scene is very spectacular.

  However, such a scene fell into the eyes of Tian Buyi and waited for the first seat but turned into starvation and horror. They stood up from their sitting positions one by one, looking extremely shocked.

  Tao Xuan Zhenren looked down at his disciple, begging for his disciple, his expression became ugly and ugly, as if he had been stimulated.

  At this moment, his heart was full of anger. When it was erupting, Xiao Yi suddenly stood up and said, "Master, should you take a break first and deal with it later?"


  The real Taoxuan immediately woke up when he heard the words, stared fiercely at the outstanding Qingyun disciple who was kneeling on the ground and begged him, and snorted, the chaotic Qingyun disciple fell silent, his eyes all looked here.

   "You guys are really good!"

   Daoxuan screamed, turned around and strode towards the inner hall.

  Seeing this situation, everyone looked at each other and became a little at a loss.

  They could see that Daoxuan was angry.

  In Qingyun for so long, I have never seen Daoxuan angry.

  Now that I saw it, my expression became terrified. I don’t know where I was wrong?

  Looking at the people below, Xiao Yi slowly stood up and said loudly: "Everyone, wait a moment, there is an urgent matter in Hou Shan just now, and I need a teacher to deal with it. Please wait a moment."

  Shangguan Ce heard the words, his face showed sarcasm, and said contemptuously: "Senior Nephew Xiao, I have long heard that your Qingyunmen have great rules, but now I look at it, it's really extraordinary!"

Xiao Yicai heard the words, and a hint of anger flashed in his heart, but his good qualities prevented him from showing it. He still looked at Shangguance with a smile on his face, and explained lightly: "Senior joked, every school has every school. The rules, such as your Fanxiang Valley, aren’t they the same!”

Without waiting for Shangguan Ce's reply, he turned to look at Qingyun's first seat on the side, coughed slightly, and said in a low voice: "Master, let you get up first. not good."

  Cangsong and the others immediately reacted upon hearing this, and hurriedly stepped forward to call back their respective disciples, so as not to make a big deal.

  Of course, education is inevitable!

  On the side of Dazhufeng, Tian Ling'er was the first one among them. She was dragged back by Su Ru directly by the collar, without saving any face.

  Although he did not rant like the other firsts, it also made Tian Ling'er extremely wronged.

  You must know that there are all the high-level Qingyun inside. She is so old, and she is taken back by her mother, which is indeed a shame.

  The aggrieved eyes were faintly with tears, and she looked at Su Ru with tears, and whispered: "Mother..."


  Su Ru gave a long sigh, shook her head, motioned her not to say anything, and sat quietly.

  Tian Ling'er was puzzled, and turned her gaze to Tian Buyi aside, but found that Tian Buyi at this time, his complexion was blue, his brows furrowed, and his aura was gloomy and terrifying.

  Sit on the chair in a muffled voice without saying a word.


   Tian Ling'er is forced, what is going on, why is it like this?

  Su Ru saw Tian Ling'er like this, sighed softly, pulled Tian Ling'er aside, and whispered what he had cut.

Naturally, such a scene can’t just happen here. Xiaozhufeng Lu Xueqi was forcibly removed from Yuqing Temple by her senior sister Wen Min, and Zeng Shushu was beaten severely by Uncle Zeng. Perhaps the only one who was not blamed was Long Shoufeng Qihao. .

  Because in the eyes of Cang Song, Qi Hao is prudent and will not make such low-level mistakes.

  When the people around saw this scene, their eyes were full of strange expressions, until the disciples who had knelt down and begged for mercy all walked to the Yuqing Hall, these melon-eating people slowly turned their gazes back.

  Outside, in a secluded corner, looking at Lu Xueqi with a low expression, Wen Min sighed and slowly persuaded her.

  After a while, Master Shuiyue slowly appeared in front of the two, looking at Lu Xueqi, as if thinking of herself back then.

   sighed, his voice was rather helpless, as if it was still a little bit sad.

   looked into the distance, as if returning to the scene of the year.

  At that time, Shuiyue was not Qingyun’s first seat, but like Lu Xueqi, an outstanding disciple of Xiaozhufeng.

  Back then, that person made the same mistake and was crushed on the hall just like Zhang Xiaofan.

  They also begged, but in the end they forced the man to death.

  Now Lu Xueqi and others are like this, just like they did in the past.

  In the end, not only could he not save Zhang Xiaofan, but he would also force Daoxuan to execute Zhang Xiaofan, because Daoxuan couldn’t see such a scene the most.

  "You young people, you really don’t know how high the world is, you know how to brave for a while.

  Doing this will not only not save Zhang Xiaofan in the end, but will push him to death! "

  The tone was filled with helplessness.

   "Why is this? Master!"

  Lu Xueqi's face suddenly turned pale, and she asked silently.

  Shuiyue did not look at Lu Xueqi, she lowered her head, as if she had seen the past buried deep in her memory again, her low voice sounded: "

  You don’t even know that the same thing happened hundreds of years ago.

  Back then, there was also someone who made a big mistake like Zhang Xiaofan. At that time, we pleaded for Brother Daoxuan like you are now, but the final result was..."

  Speaking of this, Shuiyue stopped talking, slowly turned her head, looked at Wen Min and Lu Xueqi’s horrified eyes, and sighed: "The situation of that person back then was different from that of Zhang Xiaofan today, but the situation is extremely similar.

  But that person is the person your head teacher hates most!

  Now that you begged Daoxuan brother so much, you completely forced Zhang Xiaofan to death

  Because such a scene reminds him of the person he hated most back then

  Just now in the hall, you saw the look of Brother Daoxuan

  The final result of Zhang Xiaofan can be imagined"

  Finally, Shuiyue did not go on, she knew that Lu Xueqi could understand what she was going to say.

Sure enough, when Lu Xueqi heard Shui Yue’s account, her expression became a little stupid. She looked straight at the hall not far away, and muttered: "How could this be? Why? Is there really no way for Xiaofan to survive Yet?"

  Looking at Lu Xueqi like this, Shuiyue's heart was full of her own scenes back then, and her eyes became trance.

  Now Zhang Xiaofan's situation can be said to be big or small, and Daoxuan's final decision is left.


  The same scene happens not only here, but also in other veins, but the content of the story is different.

  But the ultimate goal is the same, don't let these disciples mess around anymore.

  If it weren’t, Zhang Xiaofan’s life would really not be saved.


   is the time to regret.

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  【Guiqiu subscription and tickets! 】

  (End of this chapter)