The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 501: Before the disaster

  Chapter 501 The Eve of the Disaster

  At the same time, as time goes by, people from the two realms of righteousness and demons have come to continue around Jianmu.

  After seeing the group of Ghost King Zong, the people of Zhengdao frowned and showed solemn expressions.

  And everyone in Demon Dao showed joy.

  True Demons are indifferent, and now the Ghost King Sect’s brigade is here, and the righteous way dare not presumptuous.

  Ghost King saw that the people of Zhengdao looked a little uncomfortable, but did not turn their faces on the spot. Now surrendering to the yellow bird is the key point, and the rest is not important.

  "Notify the people below, if there is no order from me, you are not allowed to conflict with the right way privately, and those who violate the order will be cut!"

   pointed to a black-clad man next to him, and ordered.

   "Yes, overlord!"

  The man in black turned and went down to inform the troops of the King of Ghosts. Although the people inside did not understand, they heard the order from the King of Ghosts and no one dared to object.

Tianyin Temple’s new wording and human law meets the ghost king restraining the ghost king sect, and he hastened to speak to the people around him and reminded: "Everyone, the demons are many and powerful, we should not directly conflict with them, otherwise, they will face mine. unfavorable.

  Now they are planning something, we just need to figure it out, you know? "


  Everyone replied, now that the Faxiang represents Tianyin Temple, they naturally want to save face.

  When everyone in Vanxiang Valley saw this situation, they had already retreated to a safe distance in advance.

  When it comes to life-saving, it is still the most powerful of Fanxianggu.

  Think about what Vanxianggu did when the Beast God attacked the Central Plains in the original book. If there is no means of life-saving, how could it be as simple as destroying the sect.

  For the behavior of Fanxianggu, the Dharma Xiang said nothing, and led the people of Tianyin Temple to slowly retreat.

  The three major sects of the Right Path today have experienced what happened ten years ago, and their relationship has reached the point where they exist in name only. They seem to be harmonious, but in fact they are secretly in the same situation, without the love of the past.

  Now it’s good to meet someone who can talk to each other peacefully.

  At this moment, Qinglong had already dealt with the matter over there, and when he returned, he just saw the direction of the evacuation of the people on the right path. Because he did not know the order of the ghost king, his body flashed and quickly stopped on the way of retreat.

   Glowing in his hands, with a hint of coldness on his face, he said, "Yeah, aren't these people from Tianyin Temple?

  It’s fate to meet you in this place now..."

  Looking at the blue dragon in front of him, the facial expressions of Dharma people became a little ugly. If there was a conflict at this time, their Tianyin Temple would definitely suffer.

  However, there is no good way right now. If you want to take the people from Tianyin Temple and leave as soon as possible, you can only repel the Qinglong who is blocking everyone's path in front of you.

  Otherwise, you will be entangled by the people of the Ghost King Sect, and it will be difficult to leave!

   "I stop him, you guys go!"

  Faxiang yelled, raising the whisk in his hand and hitting the Qinglong.

  Everyone in Tianyin Temple heard the words, without hesitation, taking advantage of the Qinglong being intercepted by the Faxiang, they went to the distance one after another, and the magic weapons under each other's feet appeared one after another, and the colorful rays of light shone.

  For the battle between Qinglong and Faxiang, the ghost king did not pay attention, his eyes still stayed on the yellow bird.

  In ten years, with the help of that mysterious man, three strange beasts have been caught. Now only the yellow bird needs to be caught in the hands, and the Four Spirits Blood Array can be completed!

   Thinking of this, a faint blood appeared on the elegant face, which made people look incredibly evil!

  At the same time, in the one hundred thousand mountains in southern Xinjiang, in an ancient cave, no one made a slight low groan, like a tiger roar, like a dragon, like a phoenix.

   makes people unable to hear thoroughly.


  No black air waves rushed out from it, as if a sleeping force was exploding in the vast.

  As time goes by, waves of air like this are getting bigger and bigger, one after another, and in the end it turns out to be like a raging dragon looking out over the sky.

  At the same time, countless dark air rushed into the cave crazily, as if something was absorbing these dark air.

  The weird scene naturally affected the changes in the surrounding scenery. The sky was gloomy, with dark clouds, and whirlwinds would blow from time to time, extremely gloomy.

  At the same time, standing at the entrance of the cave was a man wrapped in a black hat. At this moment, he saw the outside scene with a grinning laugh: "Hahaha~ you are finally waking up, the plans for these years are not in vain"

   Immediately, the man glanced at the cave and turned towards the distance.

  In the depths of the North Sea, on an unknown trail, in a strange palace, a huge stone statue looks terrifying.

   is surrounded by black mist, and it makes noises from time to time, as if it has a strong corrosiveness.

  Especially when the black mist hits the stone statue, the sound is louder.

  If someone is watching here, you will find that the stone statue will be hit by black energy once, and the surface will change a bit, and a layer of weird blood will appear. The aura is extremely evil, like a demon awakened in hell, extremely gloomy.

  As time goes by, those black ghosts are getting more and more weird, hitting the stone statue faster and faster, and the blood glow from the stone statue is getting stronger and stronger.

  At the end, the stone statue was completely illuminated by the **** light, surrounded by black air, and from time to time there would be strange runes dancing with it, which was extremely strange.

  At this moment, a blood-colored figure appeared at the gate of the palace, looking at the scene that appeared in front of him, the corner of his mouth showed excitement.

  Without any hesitation, his hands quickly made a weird mark. With him as the center, a scary pillar of blood suddenly formed, and it shot towards the stone statue in the distance in an instant.


  An invisible wave appeared instantaneously, suddenly blowing away the surrounding black mist, forming a **** enchantment.

  The blood-colored figure continued to make weird gestures, the blood-colored beam of light began to shrink slowly, gradually forming a blood-colored pattern, like a blood-red gossip, rotating and flying towards the top of the stone statue.

  Everything looks very slow, but it is actually very fast!

  With the appearance of the **** gossip, the blood around the stone statue suddenly flourished, and an extremely powerful aura burst into the sky, shaking the whole world.

  At that moment, the sky and the earth shook, and countless seas tumbling up, forming countless huge waves, wave after wave, rushing into the distance.

Looking at the momentum of the stone statue, the blood-colored figure quickly turned his hands and kept interlacing the seals. A weird light flew out from Baihui above his head. When passing near his hands, he was caught on the top of the stone statue's head. His **** gossip was absorbed.

  At the same time, a blood-colored ball of light slowly emerged in the hands of the blood-colored figure, like the blood-colored sun, exuding a powerful and dazzling brilliance.

  When the ball of light became strong to a certain extent, it directly pushed it towards the stone statue not far away.

  The stone statue seemed to be alive the next moment, and it opened its mouth to take off the blood-colored ball of light, which was extremely weird.


   Suddenly, the stone statue completely turned blood red, and the light burst out from the whole body, like a fierce arrow, invincible.

  The powerful aura emanating from the whole body rushed straight into the sky, shaking for nine days, and countless ear-shaking thunders rang through the sky.

  The strong air current billowed like thunder, centered on the main hall, madly spreading towards the surroundings, wherever it went, the sea transpired and the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked like the sun.

  Scene like this lasted for a long time, countless cultivators in the world, all felt the horror of this breath!

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  (End of this chapter)