The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 502: Xeon is present, before the storm

  Chapter 502 The Xeon Appears, Before the Storm

  In the depths of West Desert, in a huge magic kiln, on a weird stone platform, a hexagonal magic circle emits this dark and wild devilish energy.

   was not strong at the beginning, but with the appearance of a few atmospheres outside, it doubled in a moment, and the entire six-pointed star's circle was enveloped by a dark and strange devilish energy.

  The surrounding breath became extremely terrifying.

  With the weird environment of the magic kiln, it becomes even more eerie and terrifying.

   Soon, a roar that shook the sky appeared from the magic circle, and it was spread all over the fields with a cynical belief, making the originally frantic demonic energy like the waves of anger.

   Layer by layer, waves continue to extend outward, with a wide range of tens of miles.

  In the blink of an eye, the magic kiln was enveloped and it became pitch black, and it was impossible to see the situation inside.

  As the devil qi continues to explode, a powerful aura of destruction emerges from the magic kiln, the aura rushes upwards, and directly rushes towards the weird nine days.

  At the same time, an illusory shadow slowly appeared over the magic kiln, and its body exuded a powerful magic power, and the power that shook everything instantly dissipated the surrounding clouds.

Heaven and earth appeared in the magic shadow for a moment, causing a slight shock, and the magic kiln at the foot made strange changes. The boundless magic energy quickly gathered together to form a black sun, which appeared in front of the magic shadow three feet away. .

  This weird vision is terrifying!

  If it weren't for this deserted place, you would definitely be scared to speak by the sight in front of you.

I don’t know if it’s the appearance of the magic light ball or the appearance of the illusory shadow. The aura around the West Desert has undergone subtle changes. As if attracted, it is slowly drawn to one piece, continuously moving towards the sky above. The black sun transports energy to maintain his powerful energy fluctuations.

  This vision only lasted for a moment, all the sights in the sky drifted away, revealing an extremely strange dazzling scorching sun, and the West Desert was bright.

  And the black sun and the illusory magical shadow did not disappear. Both of them still stayed above the magic kiln, constantly exuding powerful and strange magic power, absorbing the magical energy and infinite aura between heaven and earth.

  At the same time, an even more weird scene appeared above the magic kiln, and the black sun composed of magic qi was approaching the illusory magic shadow a little bit.

As it moves, a magical energy that changes the color of the heavens and the earth is rapidly generated, and it starts to rotate around the illusory shadow, setting off the illusory shadow like a demon from hell. If anyone watched this scene It will definitely change in color.

  Who would have thought that such a weird scene would happen in this magic kiln in West Desert.

  In an unknown mountain in the east, in a weird temple, the same weird vision occurred.

  Compared with the horrible aura before, the aura here seems to be a little insignificant, and it did not cause much fluctuation.

  However, this breath is still not to be underestimated, especially the weird energy that appears around the temple is extremely evil, even worse than the previous breath.

  Especially the moment this energy appeared, the entire valley became completely black, and the surrounding creatures or plants all turned to ashes in an instant, which was extremely terrifying.

  I saw that the black gossip in mid-air was getting closer and closer to the sun, causing some areas to sink into dimness.

Afterwards, a pitch-black light ball slowly floated in the air, and nine black whirlwinds suddenly appeared around the valley, starting from nine different directions, with a cold and evil air, flooding the originally warm and harmonious valley. , Making the earth sigh for it, and the mountains and rivers eclipsed it.

  However, this vision did not last long, and soon disappeared!

  With the appearance of the four visions, several extremely powerful auras came from all over the world, among which five auras were the most terrifying.

  The four breaths are very strange, and they are also distributed in the four directions of southeast, northwest.

  Among them, the eastern aura and sword intent are shaking the sky, as if it could cut the sky;

  In the south, there is a sacred breath, and from time to time, bursts of Sanskrit sounds are heard;

  An extremely feminine force in the West, just like a woman;

  The north is a domineering aura, as if it could suppress the heavens and the earth.

  The last one is located in the Central Plains, with a faint aura that resembles a monster race.

  No one knows who these five auras are, only that their auras are extremely powerful, and each of them is the best person in the world.

  As for which of the five breaths is the most powerful, no one knows.

Qingyunmen Daoxuan and Wan Jianyi, Puhong of Tianyin Temple, Valley Lord of Fanxiang Valley, Southern Xinjiang Great Elder Wuzhe, Ghost King Wanxiang, as well as some evil people and hermits are the strongest in the world, all face at this moment. The drastic changes are all dumbfounded, and my mind is blank.

   "Disaster is coming!"

Wan Jianyi looked extremely shocked, and let out an exclamation in his mouth.

  Looking at the scenery in front of him, he finally understood why Li Li had to make various plans in advance. It turned out that everything was to face such things.

   Hearing this, Daoxuan suddenly woke up, looking at the weird scenes that appeared between the heavens and the earth, his expression became solemn: "A disaster!"

  I once heard from Li Li that there will be a major change in the world in the future, and this change will affect the operation of the entire world.

  If you can’t face it, everything in Qingyun will be ruined.

   didn't take this matter seriously at the time, thinking it was Li Qi's alarmist talk. Now that he sees such a thing happening, he understands Li Li's good intentions.

  No wonder he has to cultivate desperately, and reminds Qingyun everyone to hurry up and cultivate.

  It turns out that the problem is here

  At this time, Daoxuan finally understood everything!

   "Okay, prepare in advance!"

  Wan Jianyi seemed more calm than Daoxuan.


Daoxuan nodded, then turned and left.

  Tianyin Temple, in an ancient Buddhist cave.

  Several figures sat opposite each other.

  One of the old monks, who exudes golden light from time to time, looked at Puzhi's masters Jueyuan and Puhong, and said lightly: "If you have a stool today, you should not be careless, you need to be careful.

  Otherwise, the ancestral business of Tianyin Temple will be destroyed. "

   "Patriarch, what is going on?"

   Jueyuan asked in a puzzled manner.

  "The ancient characters between heaven and earth have appeared in the world, and they are premeditated to fight for the dominance of heaven and earth. This is the most dangerous time in a thousand years."

  The old monk explained with a gentle expression.

   "It turned out to be like this"

  Puhong nodded, and immediately thought of the current situation, he couldn't help but ask: "Master, what will happen to Tianyin Temple next?"

  "Close the temple for now!"

  The old monk said calmly.

  Anonymous valley, an old man fiddled with the wooden sword in his hand, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth: "It's time to end this dispute. I wonder what happened to that little guy?!"

  After that, his body moved and disappeared without a trace. If it weren't for a thatched hut next to it, no one would have known that someone had ever lived here.

  Central Plains, beside a big river, stood a soft woman with a black snake lying on her feet.

  At this moment, the woman is looking into the distance, her face is full of worry.

The eyes of the big snake under his feet also showed a solemn expression.

To the north, two beautiful girls are dignifiedly looking into the distance. One of them keeps squeezing something and murmurs: "Little demon, I hope you don’t do anything wrong this time, otherwise I really don’t. I know what to do to you!"

  The woman in yellow clothes next to her heard the words, frowned and looked at the muttering girl, without saying anything!

  Ghost Kingzong residence, in an underground secret room.

  A man dressed in black, feeling the breath from outside the sky, showing a gloomy smile.

   "It's finally started, now only one Shura is missing, it's complete!"

  "Whoever controls ups and downs this time depends on each other's methods"

   Immediately, the entire secret room fell into calm again, as if the man in black did not exist.

  In the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven.

  Li Li is still in a state of meditation, he doesn't know what is happening outside, otherwise he would never meditate quietly here.

  With the fragrance entering the nasal cavity, Li Li felt that an extremely powerful force was invisibly produced in the body, and immediately controlled the exercises in the body and began to practice.

  Use Fei Xianjue's movement route to slowly guide this sudden energy into the meridians, run the sun, and then refine it.

  In this way, these sudden longevity forces slowly flowed in the direction of the movement of the law, and little by little was transformed into true essence. At the same time, these energies continued to nourish Li Qi’s body and strengthen his bones.

  In short, the magic is endless!

  While he was practicing, he didn't know that his body was gradually strengthening, and he was still slowly meditating on the book of heaven in his mind.

  With the practice, the energy in the body is continuously transformed into the true essence or merged into the muscles. The true essence in Li Moli's body is continuously refined, and the muscles and bones are constantly transformed.

  When the true essence is refined to a certain extent, after the change, it starts to strengthen the physical body with all its strength.

time flies!

  Li Li's strength is growing rapidly!

  The outside world is also changing.

  Because of Zhang Xiaofan's arrival, Qinglong is not entangled with the people of Tianyin Temple, and is going round with the ghost king.

  The last few people shot together, plus all the efforts of the Ghost King Sect, finally caught the seriously injured yellow bird.

  However, Ghost King Sect also paid a heavy price for this.

The ghost king sect elite brought by    lost half of it, which can be described as traumatic.

  But what makes everyone strange is that the treasure trove of heaven and earth that should have been present in this world has mysteriously disappeared.

  Whether it is the righteous people or the magical people, they are surprised by this.

  People who follow this secretly also find it strange.

  Why does this happen? !

  Unfortunately, this matter was out of the emperor, no one can answer them.

  Wait for a long time, still no trace of the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven was found, everyone had no choice but to return.

  Relatively speaking, only the Ghost King Zong got the benefit this time, and the others got nothing.

  There is no way, whoever makes the two sides run with different goals will naturally get different things.

  After a while, Fanxianggu Li Xun and the others departed after seeing the King of Ghosts, flying to the side of Tianyin Temple, and asked with a surprised look: "Brother Faxiang, did you say that the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury really disappeared?"

Hearing this, he couldn't help but wrinkle. He glanced at Li Xun with a deep meaning, shook his head and said: "Little monk doesn't know, if Brother Li wants to know, you can wait here, maybe the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury will come out again, maybe! "

  Li Xun's expression was stagnant, and he was muttering speechless.

  Don’t be kidding, this is the swamp of death, it’s not a good place. If there is an accident here alone, it’s not good!

  Treasures are tempting, but compared with Xiaoming, you still have to choose Xiaoming.

   "Brother Li, I will retire first!"

   Faxiang said lightly, turned around and led the people of Tianyin Temple, and walked outside.

  Li Xun frowned, turned around and looked at the Jianmu unwillingly, finally sighed, and left with everyone in Vanxiang Valley!

  Time is like flowing water, a month has passed by.

  Everything on the rivers and lakes is in a state of calm, without the slightest wave of waves, and the two ways of being incompatible with water and fire in the past are also in peace, just like the eve of a storm.

  Central Earth, Huqishan, the main hall of the Demon Kings.

  At this time, countless disciples of the Ghost King Sect were frantically busy, constantly coming in and out of a hidden place, making them mysterious.

  This hidden place is the deepest part of Huqi Mountain. It is a naturally formed cave space. The King of Ghosts stands expressionlessly on a platform.

  There is a huge blood pool in front of him, and four ancient ancient beasts are placed above the blood pool.

  Some have caught Kui Niu before, and there are also yellow birds that have just been caught.

  At this time, whether it was the strange beast that was caught first or the strange beast caught later, at this time, they were all listlessly soaked in blood, motionless, and even the expression in their eyes looked dimmed.

  A huge blood-red cauldron hung above the four alien beasts, which is the supreme treasure Fulong cauldron of the Ghost King Sect.

  The Fulong Ding, which hung alone in the air, flashed red light from time to time, slowly turning, projecting a red light curtain, covering the four strange beasts below.

  There is a strong **** atmosphere all around, filling this cave.

  The ghost king standing on the platform, looking at the blood above the Fulong Ding, a look of excitement appeared in his eyes.

  Suddenly, a black shadow flashed suddenly and appeared beside the ghost king.

  Seeing the incoming person, the ghost king put away his smiling face, became extremely serious, and slowly said, "What's the matter?"

  The black shadow was dressed in black and covered with black gauze. He couldn't see the specific appearance. He heard the question of the ghost king, slowly speaking, his voice was a little hoarse, and said:

   "Now the Four Spirits Blood Array will be completed soon, I hope Lord Ghost King will not forget what he promised my Lord!"

  Ghost Wang Meiyu wrinkled first, then stretched out, a faint smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, nodded and said: "Don't worry, this seat is not guilty!"

  Black Shadow nodded, and smiled likewise: "Then wait for the good news from Lord Ghost King!"

  Ghost King glanced at him, then smiled lightly: "Tongxi, Tongxi!"

  Black Shadow nodded and said: "Master Ghost King has something to say to my master, if I don't have one, I will retire first!"

  "Not for the time being. If something happens, I will go to him personally!"

  Ghost King said lightly.

   "Then I will leave first!"

  The black shadow turned around and disappeared in front of the ghost king.

  Ghost King watched the figure gradually walk away, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking?

After a while, he turned around and flew towards the pool of blood below.

  Planning to complete the handover of the Four Spirits Blood Array!

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  (End of this chapter)