The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 511: Gather in Qingyun for the great calamity

   Chapter 511 Eternal Tribulation, Gather in Qingyun!

  The next day, early morning.

  Golden Umbrella rises in the east, and the sun shines on the earth, shining all things into a golden yellow.

  The site of Tianyin Temple, you can no longer see what it used to be, and it has completely formed a new look.

  The surroundings are extremely silent, full of dead silence.

At the foot of the mountain, two figures appeared, Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu who had attacked Tianyin Temple before.

  After they left Tianyin Temple, they did not leave too far.

  Although it is not too clear what is happening here, they still feel it.

For this reason, the two rushed over in a hurry in the morning, looking at the ruins of the Tianyin Temple ruins, Lin Jingyu said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, Tianyin Temple will be destroyed by other people's hands. I'm really disappointed. what!"

   "Yeah, really disappointed!"

  Zhang Xiaofan said with emotion.

   Although he wants to destroy Tianyin Temple, he does not want it to be destroyed in the hands of others.

  However, the two of them are a little puzzled, who is so capable of destroying Tianyin Temple?

  You should know that the strength of the old man of the Living Buddha is not simple, even if the two of them can jointly fight.

  The Tianyin Temple that existed like this was actually destroyed by someone, and I saw the powerful strength of the person who shot it.

   "Xiao Fan, who do you think came from?"

Lin Jingyu asked.

   "I don't know!"

  Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

  Lin Jingyu frowned, looked at the mountain peaks that were already flat, thought for a moment, and said: "Let’s go, let’s go up and take a look, maybe we can find some clues!"

"it is good!"

  Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

   Immediately, the two turned into two streamers and rushed towards the ‘mountain’ of Tianyin Temple!

  Not long after the two left, many people who went to the Tianyin Temple on the mountain to pray for blessings appeared at the foot of the mountain, looking at the scene on the mountain, all were shocked.

  One by one, they showed an unbelievable look.

  Is this still the sacred Tianyin Temple?

  Why did it become like this? Did it fail to be attacked by ghosts and gods?

  Although there are different opinions, no one dared to take the initiative to check it out.

  The morning fog will not dissipate, linger outside the mountain, and the air will feel a little moist.

   Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu, who appeared at the top, were stunned by the scene in front of them. They couldn't see the appearance of Tianyin Temple at all. They were all blackened all around, not even a single one.

  From here, we can see how powerful the person who destroys Tianyin Temple is.

  However, the two of them soon discovered a trace of anomaly. There was a faint blood of evil spirit in the air. Although the evil aura had almost disappeared, the two of them still felt his power.

  It can be seen from this that the person who shot must be a member of the evil faction.

  Thinking of the people in the evil sect, Zhang Xiaofan was a little confused. Those people in the demon sect, and he knew it, it was impossible for such a talented person to appear.

  Who would it be?

  Moreover, it can still destroy the existence of Tianyin Temple. Could it be possible that there are still powerful people in the Demon Sect?

   Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t help but look towards the back mountain of Tianyin Temple. If he didn’t feel wrong, there was something attracting him.

  Lin Jingyu noticed Zhang Xiaofan’s abnormality, and asked in surprise: "What's wrong with Xiaofan, have you found anything?"

  Zhang Xiaofan retracted his gaze, looked at Lin Jingyu in front of him, and slowly said: “Something in the back mountain is calling me, maybe there is the answer we want!”

  Lin Jingyu nodded thoughtfully, and said: "Let's go, then go to the back mountain of Tianyin Temple and see what is calling you!"

   "Go to the back mountain?"

  Zhang Xiaofan was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn't expect Lin Jingyu to be so simple, but he soon reacted and said, "Let's go!"

  After finishing speaking, step towards the back-up direction.

  Lin Jingyu did not speak, but silently followed.

  Looking at the sights he saw along the way, Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t help but think of a sentence: “The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog.”

  This sentence is what the book said at the beginning.

   When it comes to the book of heaven, no one knows better than him except a few people.

  In addition to the heavenly book in the treasure house of heaven and earth, he has already obtained two copies, one is from Necropolis and the other is from Ghost King Zong.

  If the techniques of Tianyin Temple and Qingyun were counted, he had already obtained four.

  I have to say that his luck is really strong. Even with the participation of Lizhong, which changed most of his plots, it still did not stop him from obtaining so many celestial books.

   Lin Jingyu heard this, his expression changed, and he didn't say anything, and continued to walk forward.

  Perhaps what Zhang Xiaofan said was right, but he did not agree.

  As long as you are strong, you can change everything in the world.

  In this way, the two walked along the unobvious mountain road for half an hour.

  Walking forward between the lofty mountains and ridges, unknowingly, he has moved away from the ruins of Tianyin Temple and entered the back mountain.

  The scenery here is pretty good, with lofty mountains, magnificent forests and bamboos, and the breeze in the mountains, slowly coming out and hitting the face, it immediately makes people feel refreshed and energetic;

  Along the way, strange rocks are abrupt, all kinds of strange, or there are cliffs and waterfalls, falling from the sky, roaring like a jade belt.

  After passing the downhill path, there is an uphill in front. The mountain road is winding, with dense woods on one side and weeds and thorns on the other side. Three feet away is a cliff.

  Flying to the edge of the cliff, standing on the cliff, looking up, I saw the mist under the cliff, like the waves rolling and surging, like a valley.

   And in the distance, there are vague mountain shadows, but they are all very far away.

  Lin Jingyu came to Zhang Xiaofan, looked at the bottom of the cliff, and said, "Where is the thing that summoned you?"

   Zhang Xiaofan heard the words, looked down the cliff, and said: "It should be right below!"

   "Let's go!"

Seeing this, Lin Jingyu didn't hesitate at all, got up and jumped down.

  Zhang Xiaofan also followed.

  Beneath the cliff, there was a lot of fog. When the two of them fell, they felt that the fog seemed a little strange, thick or thick, but entangled like silk. No matter the mountain breeze, it did not appear to be half scattered.

After    fell on the ground, the two began to observe the mist.

  I saw the dense fog finally drifting away, and the brilliance shone down, and the world was so dazzling that people couldn’t even see it.

  Suddenly, a person exactly like him appeared in the fog, looking at them with amazement.

   Just when the two were stunned, suddenly there was a Sanskrit singing from outside the sky.

  Shen bell sounded like a big drum.

  Following this Sanskrit singing, a solemn force instantly rises from the unknown land boundary beneath the feet, like a huge stream of Hongtao rushing through the sky.

   And the surrounding mist suddenly swept over, swallowing the two figures and disappeared.

  The two looked at each other, but they didn't expect such changes here.

Without waiting for the words of the two of them, the fog in front of them disappeared strangely, and there appeared a cliff like a mirror, hanging straight down, more than seven feet high and more than four feet wide. The material of the mountain wall is like jade but not jade, and it is extremely smooth, reflecting the beauty of the world. Mountains far and near are actually in this jade wall.

"what is this?"

  Lin Jingyu questioned.

"do not know!"

  Zhang Xiaofan stared at the wordless jade with piercing eyes, but after a long time, he didn't even notice it.

   "Did you find anything?"

Lin Jingyu asked.


  Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

   "Are you sure it's inside?"

  Lin Jingyu asked again.


  Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

  "Then you try to use the facts of Tianyin Temple's exercises and see if you can get relevant tips!"

  Thinking for a moment, Lin Jingyu reminded.

"it is good!"

  Zhang Xiaofan had no choice but to get the Tianyin Temple exercises in his body, and at the same time put his palm on the wordless jade bi, slowly using the Buddha's power to arouse the cliff.

  Lin Jingyu stood aside silently without interruption.

  Following Zhang Xiaofan's continuous stimulus, words gleaming with golden light slowly appeared on the stone wall.

  Every word seemed to come alive, flashing constantly, exuding a sharp luster, even Lin Jingyu, who was calm on the side, widened his eyes when he saw it.

  Seeing this situation, Zhang Xiaofan was overjoyed, knowing that this was the inheritance of Tianyin Temple.

   Immediately, increase the operation of the Great Brahma Prajna, and constantly make the writing on the wordless jade appear.

  Time goes by, so quietly passed!

  One day later, the handwriting was finally no longer displayed on the stone wall. Wang Zhang Xiaofan knew that all the above content had been obtained by himself, and it was only time to integrate and comprehend it.

  At the same time, he also knew that this is another book of the heavenly book.

   Throughout the ages, the five books of the heavens have been obtained only by the emperor of heaven, and none of the others.

  Now that we have obtained four books from the heavens, I wonder how it will develop in the future? .

  After all, there are very few people who can get the four books of heaven. Maybe they can get a glimpse of the secret of longevity.

  Lin Jingyu also benefited a lot. Some things that he didn't understand before were all connected, and his cultivation base had a faint breakthrough posture.

   "Unexpectedly, this stone wall turned out to be the heritage of Tianyin Temple!"

  Lin Jingyu sighed with emotion.

  Zhang Xiaofan heard the words, nodded and said: "Yes, the inheritance of Tianyin Temple actually comes from the book of heaven. It seems that all the cultivation methods in the world come from here!"


  Lin Jingyu shook his head, looked into the distance, and slowly said: "Where are you going next, are you going back to the Ghost King Sect or back to Qingyun?"

   "Back to Qingyun!".

  Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while, and decided that Qingyun would take a look, where after all there are people he cherishes.

  "It's time to go back and have a look, after all"

  Lin Jingyu sighed.

   "Let's go!"

  Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

  Then, the two turned into two streamers and disappeared on the back mountain of Tianyin Temple, and flew towards the blue clouds.

  At the same time, the chaos of the world is just beginning.

  The Beast God led the Southern Border Monster Beasts to destroy the Fanxiang Valley and officially marched towards the Central Plains.

  No one can do it all the way.

  The magic kiln of West Desert also appeared in the world, coming towards the Central Plains.

  Pursue the death of those who block their advance.

  Beihai Ghost Town is not to be outdone, countless ghost tribes madly crossed the North Sea and marched towards the Central Plains.

  Fox Qishan Ghost King Zong was naturally unwilling to show weakness, and under Shura's iron-blooded wrists, he began to fight for hegemony in the Central Plains.

  In this way, the whole world is in chaos.

  At the same time, people with lofty ideals all over the world are marching toward Qingyun, forming a righteous alliance, and starting to block the army of ideas in an orderly manner.

  But the situation is still not optimistic, and it is in a state of retreat.

  If there is no top master, the four-way army will soon appear within the Qingyun range.

  At that time, Qingyun will face the most dangerous moment in the millennium.

  Different from before, now Qingyun has lost the Zhuxian Sword, unable to activate the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and cannot withstand the attack of the Fourth Route Army at all.

  Fortunately, with the continuous joining of people with lofty ideals, Qingyun's strength has become stronger, but it is still not easy to face the army of ideas at the same time.

  Qingyun Mountain, Tongtian Peak, Yuqing Palace.

  There were many people standing at this time, among them were Jueyuan three from Tianyin Temple, everyone from Fanxianggu, and Zhang Xiaofan and others.

  Everyone has been discussing here for three days, and still did not think of a solution.

  Now the only one who can resist the army of ideas is the sword formation, but Daoxuan can’t tell.

The fairy sword of   诛 was destroyed by Mo Li, it was impossible to use it.

  Plus Li doesn’t know where he went, so far no news has come out.

   Even Xiao Bai who has the best relationship with him doesn't know.

   "Everyone, the situation is not optimistic now. In my opinion, we should provoke the relationship between the four and let them internalize each other, so that we have a chance to win~!"

   Just when everyone was talking about it, Cang Song spoke first.


  Everyone looked at Cangsong, with a puzzled look.

   "This is a good way! But how can we provoke their relationship?"

Shangguance frowned.

   Jueyuan glanced at Shangguan Ce, then turned his eyes to Yun Yilan who was aside, and asked, "What is the wisdom of the Lord Yungu?"

  Yun Yilan's face changed slightly, she looked far away in surprise, and slowly said, "Daoist Cangsong is right. This is the most appropriate method at present.

  Of course, if there is a decision-making expert, naturally you don’t need to do this! "

   Daoxuan frowned, and then smiled and said, "My old friend, isn't you the ultimate master! After so many years, with your aspirations and talents, I think I have reached the realm of ‘Yuyang’!"

Yun Yilan's face changed slightly, and her heart shook. The Fenxiang Valley Taoist method has always been known as a secret in the right way, and it is far less famous than the Qingyunmen and Tianyin Temple two major schools. When she mentions "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao" or "Great Dao" "Brahma Prajna", no one knows that no one knows.

  However, when he entered the Central Plains this time, he did not expect that Daoxuan would see his realm of Taoism, and he was secretly suspicious: "Could it be possible that there is a spy under my sect who does it?"

  Although he thought so in his heart, he still had a composure on his face and smiled and said, "My old friend has eyes like torches, and the old man is so mediocre, not enough!"

   After a pause, Yun Yilan looked slightly serious and said, "However, the current situation is still not optimistic.

  It is a disaster that has never been seen before in the ages, as if the next life was overwhelmed, the evildoers were rampant. I hope that old friends can lead the world in the right way. Apart from this calamity, it is so good. "

   "My old friend is humble. This time is really a great disaster. If you don't work together, I'm afraid that Qingyun faction alone will have more than enough heart and insufficient strength!

  The two known powerful Asuras and Beast Gods are not something we can resist. Unless Patriarch Aoba is alive, the situation is not optimistic! "

Daoxuan said with a sad expression on Yun Yilan's compliments.


  Hearing Daoxuan like this, everyone sighed.

  This is indeed the case. There are two Xeons that are known, and the two unknowns are not bad in comparison.

  The person who has the highest cultivation level in the right way is only Tianyin Temple Jueyuan.

  When facing Shura, there was still no backhand strength, and he was still seriously injured.

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  (End of this chapter)