The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 513: Four evil forces (please subscribe!)

  Chapter 513 Four Evil Forces (please subscribe!)

After a few people were seated, Daoxuan looked at the curious people below, and briefly introduced the identities of Qingye and others.

  Of course, the main person introduced is Aoba. As for Tiandi and Linglong, he directly said that they were Aoba’s friends, without much explanation.

  In fact, it is mainly because he doesn't understand the two of them, even if he wants to explain, he has nothing to say.

  After everyone heard about Aoba sitting at the top, their expressions suddenly became excited. You must know that this person has overwhelmed an era.

The return of    now indicates that the Great Tribulation will no longer be so terrible.

  As for everyone's expectations, Aoba did not explain.

  If this is the case, then things are simple.

  He can completely use the long sword in his hand to directly destroy the beast gods and others, without having to stay with the emperor.

  After all, after spending so many years with the Emperor of Heaven, it is natural to know that this man is yin and ruthless.

  If it weren’t for being unable to deal with the four monsters at the same time, he wouldn’t form an alliance with the Emperor of Heaven.

   Qingye looked at Daoxuan who was in front of the saddle beside him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Dao Xuan, the three of us came here mainly to integrate the people with lofty ideals in the world through Qingyun and form a righteous alliance.

  At present, all the masters of the east, west, north, south, and the Quartet have entered the world and began to conquer the world. In order to survive this catastrophe, you need to form a righteous way alliance as soon as possible.

  Only then can they perform their duties and play a more powerful role.

  Now I will introduce the two masters beside you. "

   After finishing speaking, Aoba pointed to the emperor, and introduced to Daoxuan and others: "This person's identity is not simple. If he were to say his name, it would definitely surprise you.

  And his fame has spread throughout the cultivation world.

  Now you have a mental preparation. I solemnly introduce his identity. He is the Lord Emperor of Megatron, and the owner of the five heavenly books. He is also the owner of the Emperor’s Treasury.

  His power is rare in the world. "


  Dao Xuan was shocked when he heard the words, and the Qingyun people behind him were also surprised.

  They never dared to think that the dragon has always seen the head but not the end. Only the legendary emperor still survives in the world, and it still appears in front of everyone alive.

  Too illusory!

   is incredible!

  Just now, Aoba’s identity has already shocked everyone. For example, the identity of the emperor today has shocked everyone even more. At the same time, he is a little curious that the young girl will.

  After a period of time, Daoxuan's gaze turned, and he looked at Linglong's body, revealing an inquiring look.

  Qingye glanced at Linglong, and said softly: "This person's identity is also not simple. She came to Southern Xinjiang and was once the saint of the Wu Clan in Southern Xinjiang, and that is the Linglong who sacrificed herself to seal the beast god.

  It must be that she is young outside, she is rare in the world of witchcraft. Don't provoke her, otherwise I didn't remind you today! "

  Dao Xuan’s eyes flashed a touch of surprise. This girl turned out to be the existence of a sealed beast god. After a while, she hurriedly stepped forward and said hello: "It turns out to be a lady of Linglong, lucky meeting, lucky meeting!"

"You're welcome!"

   Linglong humbled a bit.

  Everyone in the hall heard Linglong's introduction, and naturally there was an uproar.

  However, it calmed down soon.

  After all, the emperor has come out, and Linglong will be no big deal again!

After introducing Tiandi and Linglong, Aoba glanced around for a week, and finally looked at Daoxuan, and said in a deep voice: "Today, I am waiting for three people to show up and ask you to form a righteous way alliance is just one of them. Second, I want to tell you about the world. The formation of these four evil forces."

  Speaking of this, Aoba looked around, saw everyone's eyes looking here, and slowly said, "When it comes to the four evil forces, they are actually related to one alliance, the Longevity Alliance.

  The original intention of this organization was to live long, but over time, people’s hearts will inevitably change.

  Some people could not bear the distress in the alliance and wanted to intervene in human affairs. Over time, differences appeared, leading to the disintegration of the longevity alliance.

  Finally, two factions were formed. One faction was simply stationed in the Longevity Alliance and did not intervene in human affairs, and the other faction wanted to leave the Longevity Alliance.

  Because of this matter for a long time.

  Finally the battle broke out.

  As a result, neither side took advantage of it, and it was a loss for both sides. Some people even lost their lives for this! "

  Speaking of this, Qingye glanced at the Emperor of Heaven, and it was this guy who jumped up that caused the collapse of the Longevity Alliance, but this cannot be said in front of everyone.

   "Patriarch, who are the members of the Longevity Alliance?"

   Daoxuan asked, which is also the question everyone wants to ask.

   Qingye retracted her gaze, pondered slightly, and said: "The members of the Longevity Alliance at the time were Heavenly Emperor, Linglong, I, Sorcerer God, Living Buddha, Beast God, Shura, Demon Lord, Bloodthirsty Yama and others.

  Among them, the Beast God, Shura, Lord Demon Lord, and Bloodthirsty Yama are the leaders of the four forces in the world, and they are also the existences we will face in the future. "

   "Patriarch, didn't you just say that someone sacrificed? Was it the wizard god?"

   Daoxuan asked again.

   "In fact, it was not only Shura who sacrificed at that time, but Linglong also sacrificed, and in the end only the four were sealed.

  You may ask, since Linglong has disappeared, why she is still here now.

  In fact, it is very simple. Today's Linglong is not the Linglong of thousands of years ago, but the Linglong reincarnated and returned. "

   Aoba gave a faint explanation.

"Oh I got it!"

  Dao Xuan suddenly said.

The people around    also had a lot of doubts in their hearts, but they were not qualified enough to talk to Aoba and others, so they could only listen in silence.

   "By the way, Patriarch, you should first talk about the four evil forces now!"

Daoxuan asked after digesting what was in his mind.

   "Then talk about Shura first, after all, you know what he did recently!"

   Qingye turned his gaze to the distance, which is the direction of Huqi Mountain, and whispered softly: "Sura has cultivated blood and evil spirits, and his strength has already reached the peak of the earth immortal.

  His weapon is called Fulongding, which belongs to the category of artifacts. At the same time, there is a four-spirit blood formation that can be comparable to the Zhuxian sword formation. Even if the emperor encounters it, he will have a headache.

  Furthermore, he can use the ability of Fulongding to swallow to continuously improve his strength.

  So, the strength of Shura's leadership is extremely difficult to deal with! "

   Thinking of the previous battle, Aoba's complexion looked a little solemn. At that time, Shura was already very strong. If it weren't for the living Buddha to attack him from behind and reinstall it, the Emperor of Heaven would really not be able to seal him in the Shura secret realm.

   "Then they are invincible in the world?"

  Dao Xuan heard that, his face became extremely ugly, as did everyone around him.

   "Don't worry, they will naturally be dealt with. You are right, God!"

   Aoba turned his eyes to the emperor, and said with a smile.

   "Don't worry! I will deal with him then!"

  The emperor nodded with inconvenience when seeing Aoba point the spear at him.

   "The remaining three forces, beast gods, don't worry, Linglong will deal with it in the past!"

   Aoba continued.


   Daoxuan asked.

  "You will know about this in the future, in short, you don't have to worry about the beast gods!"

   Qingye shook his head, did not explain the principle, but said faintly: "The next two forces, I will personally intercept the Lord Demon Lord, and prevent them from entering the Central Plains.

  So the remaining bloodthirsty Yan Luo needs the righteous alliance formed by you to deal with it. "

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  (End of this chapter)