The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 523: Mo Li's ancestors? (happy mid-Autumn Fes

  Chapter 523 Mo Li Ancestor? (happy mid-Autumn Festival!)

  "God, if you insist on intervening, then you and I will have a battle today"

  Witch God was a bit angry, but facing the emperor, he did not lose his mind.

  Two moves to destroy the body of the beast god, that is because he has an incomparable understanding of the beast **** and knows how to deal with him.

  But the Emperor is different. This is a long-standing existence. No one knows his true strength?

  If you attack rashly, you will definitely turn your situation into a disadvantage.


   Li Mo Li saw the Emperor suddenly intervened, and there was a trace of clarity between his brows. As expected, the old man, the Emperor, couldn’t watch his grandson-in-law die unexpectedly.

   Yin smiled, and mocked: "God, you are really too lenient. You even choose to intervene in other people's grievances. It's really a drop in price."

   Regarding Li's ridicule, the emperor didn’t care at all, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and a strange expression in his eyes, saying: “I have my reason to save him naturally, and I don’t understand it after telling you!”

  "Qie Tiandi, you are really hypocritical. You clearly want to gain the power of the beast god, so you can further improve yourself. Otherwise, how would you plan so much after so many years?

  Others don’t know your system, don’t I know? "

  Mo Li smiled mysteriously. In the battle with the Emperor just now, he had already seen what the Emperor wanted to do. In addition, he learned some ulterior secrets of the Emperor through the system, so he naturally felt disgusted with his behavior.

  Now he saves the beast **** not from his sincerity, but wants to swallow the power of the beast god's soul, so that his soul can be sublimated and his spirit can break through to a higher level.

  Of course, if it were not for the lack of heaven and earth and unable to break through a higher identity, heaven and earth would not take risks and plan such things.

   To be honest, the world of Zhu Xian now becomes what it is now, all due to the plan of the emperor.

  Otherwise, there cannot be only a few schools in the world.

  Even the law of longevity has disappeared, and the highest realm is nothing more than Taiqing.

  After hearing this, the emperor shook his head and said, "What do you know, don't they know?

  Of course they know, but no one actively announced it. Do you know why?

  Because they also want to break through to a higher realm, so that they can leave this cage-like world and enter a higher level.

   Therefore, these years will remain latent.

  But it’s a pity that some people have forgotten a lot of things because of the age, and eventually launched a lot of changes, which led to my plan to fail.

  As a last resort, I had no choice but to focus on a few of them.

   are all masters of the same realm. If they swallow their primordial power, don’t break through, it’s easy to break this cage world, isn’t it? "

  Looking at the heavenly emperor’s sneer, Li Li showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and said:

"I have to say, the Emperor of Heaven, your plan is really good, but you shouldn't calculate me, otherwise I might approve of your approach. After all, cultivation is going against the sky. Whatever method you use, as long as you can get a powerful force. proper method.

do you think so? "

  Heavenly emperor heard the words, first was taken aback, then frowned at Li Li, and said in a weird tone: "I calculated you, also for your own good, otherwise, how could your cultivation level improve so fast?

  You need to know that the place I used to live has very good things in it. Now he has been absorbed by you, shouldn’t you give me a good thank you? "

   Mo Li's eyes narrowed slightly, always feeling that there was something in the words of the Emperor of Heaven, but if I didn't understand the problem, I had to say gloomily: "I really should thank you. Without you, I really can't improve my cultivation so fast.

  However, I’m very curious, why do you want to fund a person who is calculated by you, is it also for my soul? "

  The emperor shook his head, and said in a flat tone: "Naturally not, if I really do it for this, I will control you when you are weak and will not let you grow up to now.

  As for why we should train you?

  Hehe you can ask Aoba, he will tell you, and I am not your enemy, so you should work together to solve them now! "

   "What do you mean?"

  Mo Li frowned, a little confused about the meaning of Emperor Tian, ​​could it be that Aoba and Emperor Tian did everything.

  But the prompt of the system will never go wrong, the emperor is his enemy.

  But why does he say that?

   Aoba lowered her head, she didn't know what she was thinking, but she had no words.

  The witch's expression changed, and he coldly snorted: "Mo Li, don't listen to him anymore. This guy is just letting you relax your vigilance against him, and he will suddenly attack you."

  A red light flashed in Shura's blood eyes, and suddenly he said, "No, you are not the real emperor, who are you?

  Why do you want to pretend to be the emperor of heaven? "

   "He is not the emperor of heaven, who is that?"

  Bloodthirsty Yan Luo frowned, revealing a puzzled look.

   "Yes, Shura, isn't he the emperor of heaven? Why do you suddenly say that he is not!"

   Lord Demon Sha is also puzzled.

Hearing the words, the witch **** frowned, his eyes fixed on the emperor, showing a contemplative look.

   Shaoyu smiled slightly, and said, "Of course he is not the real emperor, but the ancestor of Li Li.

  As for the real Emperor, I think he should be mentioned by him after the war.

Right? ! "

  After finishing speaking, Shao Yu looked at Aoba with a look of doubt.

   Qing Ye slowly raised her head, noticed Shaoyu's gaze, sighed, and said: "Yes, he is not the emperor of heaven, but my junior brother, Qing Xuan, that is, the ancestor of Li Qi.

  The two of us were apprentice Qingyun together, but his temperament was relatively indifferent and he never valued fame and wealth, so almost no one knew of his existence.

After that, we practiced together and finally achieved the status of Earth Immortal Fruit. Soon after I joined the Longevity Alliance, he approached the door and said that there would be a problem tomorrow, saying that he planned the common people for his own selfish desires, so he joined forces with me to kill the true Emperor of Heaven. .

  From then on, he played the emperor, and I pretended not to know anything, waiting for you to appear

The purpose of    is to bring a way out for this world.

  Of course, you may ask, since you are pretending to be, why should you save the beast god?

  In fact, he is not really saving the beast gods, but just trying to confuse these people.

  It’s just that, in the end, the bloodthirsty Yama saw the flaw

  In fact, it doesn’t matter. Now, at this time, it doesn’t matter if his identity is broken. Anyway, at the final moment of the battle, it is impossible to let him or leave. "

  Aoba did not say everything, but everyone understood the meaning.

  The true Emperor of Heaven is dead, and it is Qingxuan, who is the ancestor of Mo Li, who plans a few of them.

   "No, there is a loophole in this, if you say so, the time will not be right at all"

   Lord Demon Lord raised an objection, he did not believe what Aoba said.

  Witch God also did not believe it.

   Shaoyu was silent and did not speak.

   Li Mo Li showed a pensive color, and kept communicating with the system about the ‘Divine Emperor’ in his mind, only to find that he was really the ancestor of his own world.

  And the real emperor is dead!

   "Hehe, there is no need to tell you about this. Since I can kill the emperor, naturally there is a way to make these, otherwise you will soon find out that I am a fake!"

  The corner of Tiandi’s mouth showed an inscrutable smile, and the few people around him were shuddered.

  Among them, the most ugly faces are the bloodthirsty Yama, Lord of the Devil, and Shura, because they are all enemies of the emperor.

  If what the Emperor said is true, then their situation will be very passive.

  Aoba, Tiandi, Mo Li, Shaoyu, if these four attack them together, the final result will be that the three of them are defeated, and there is no chance of surviving.

  As for the attitude of the witch gods, they are not clear and it is difficult to make judgments.

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  (End of this chapter)