The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 524: Demon Lord Yan Luoqi shot

  Chapter 524 Demon evil Yan Luoqi shots

   Just when the faces of the three Demon Dao people in Shura changed drastically and were at a loss, the wizard god's face changed extremely, and his eyes shifted back and forth between the Emperor and Mo Li, revealing extremely fierce eyes.

  For a long time, he took a long breath, pointed his right finger at Li, and asked: "You instructed him to go to Southern Xinjiang?"

   Now thinking of Li Li's sudden appearance on his territory in Southern Xinjiang, it must be the plan of the Emperor of Heaven, and the purpose of it is self-evident.

  At first, Li Li appeared in Southern Xinjiang. He had already calculated his identity by relying on the calculations in his heart, that is, the savior at this time.

  Now it seems that all this is the plan of the emperor and others.

That's ridiculous!

  It turns out that I also have a day of becoming a pawn.

   "No, I haven't paid attention to him since he left Qingyun. All the roads are his own."

  The Emperor shook his head.

   "Hehe, that's it!"

  The wizard **** showed a faint smile.

   "You two don't need to be like this. Now that reincarnation is inevitable, it is better to solve these three first!"

   Seeing that the conversation between the wizard **** and the emperor was going in a bad direction, Shaoyu quickly persuaded him.

  Now as long as these three people directly, everything is over.

  At that time, Li can use the Fengdu Ling he gave to build reincarnation, add reincarnation to the world, and give all those who have passed away a chance of rebirth.

  Of course, before the rebirth of Linglong and others is different from reincarnation. They did not die completely, but fell into a serious sleep.

  Otherwise, there is a lack of heaven and earth, there is no place in reincarnation, and it is impossible for the dead to die.

   "Leave it to Li Li to solve this matter, I believe he will take care of it!"

  The Emperor of Heaven was right to think about it, and leave the rest to Li, the son of destiny, to solve it. It would be better for them to stand by and watch the excitement.

   "God, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

   just now.

   Linglong flashed directly to the front of the emperor, with suffocation between her eyebrows, her anger was wide and her voice was cold and cold.

   "What's the explanation? You mean beast god?

   shouldn't exist in this world, and now the death of the body is a return to nature. "

  The emperor shook his head. He didn't want to explain more about the beast god, especially in front of Linglong, because the original spirit of the beast **** was very useful.

  Only Aoba knows this.

   "If I want you to ask for the soul of the beast god?"

  Linglong looked straight at the emperor, and said coldly.


  The emperor frowned, looked at the somewhat stubborn Linglong in front of him for a long time, shook his head and sighed: "Linglong, there was a mistake between you and the beast god, so just enough!"

  For Linglong, he can't say harsh words, after all, he is still Linglong's grandfather in name!

   "Impossible, I only want him. If you can agree, Linglong is grateful. If you don't agree, I will grab it.

  I also know that the consequences of doing so are undoubtedly very serious.

  But, the beast **** is my lover, and I can’t just watch him die. "

   Linglong spoke word by word, her voice lonely and weak, and she had a determination to never give up unless she reached her goal.

  The emperor looked around and sighed: "If you want to save him, then stand aside and wait. I will give you a satisfactory answer later, how about?"

  Faced with Linglong, he was finally cruel.

"it is good!"

   Linglong knew that this was the biggest concession the Emperor had said. If she was trying to force her, she would definitely not want to see it in the end.

  Looking at Linglong who stood quietly, the Emperor nodded, then turned his eyes to Li Li, and said with a smile: "I will leave the three of them to you, I know you can!"

   Hearing such irresponsible words from the ancestors, Li Qi rolled his eyes twice. It is really crushing!

  However, he did not refuse. For Shura and the others, he had long wanted to go out, and these were definitely factors of instability for him.

   "Where did Xiao Bai go?"

  As soon as he wanted to come forward to solve the three people, Li Li suddenly remembered Xiao Bai, stopped his footsteps, and asked back.

  "She, don't worry, she is where she should be!"

  The Emperor of Heaven smiled slightly.

  Mo Li frowned, his answer was a bit unsatisfactory, but facing this nominal ancestor, he couldn't say too much.

   Hesitating, he turned his eyes to the three of Shura and said with a chuckle: "The ancestors have fate, so I have to do it."

  The evil spirit and Yan Luo frowned when they heard the words, showing fierce eyes, and both roared: "Do you think one person can deal with us at the same time?"

   Mo Li glanced at Mo Sha and Yan Luo lightly, and ignored them. He turned to Shura, who was calm and calm, and said in surprise: "Don't you want to say something?"

  Xura smiled calmly and said: "What to say? Begging for mercy, or ruthless? Stop making trouble. At this time, it is useless to say other things, or you can see the truth in your hand, right?"

   "Indeed, I didn't expect you to watch it so openly. Now there is really nothing to say. In this case, will you fight with them or fight with me alone?"

  Mo Li nodded indifferently, Shura was indeed good, but he didn't expect that these demons were the ones he saw most thoroughly.

   "I'm not in a hurry, you should solve the two of them first!"

  Shura smiled weirdly, without worrying at all.

  Mo Li didn't say anything. For him, no matter how much Shura relies on, the final result will not change.

   turned his eyes to Mo Sha and Yan Luo, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Which one of you will die first, or you two can go together, I don’t care."

   "Boy, you are too rampant, today the Lord will let you know the cost of arrogance"

Who is the devil, how could he be able to withstand Li's contempt? It was like launching a fierce attack, but unfortunately he was stopped by Yan Luo: "Don’t be careless, since this kid can be favored by the old guy from the Emperor of Heaven, naturally there is He is outstanding, you and I should deal with it carefully!"

  The evil spirit was taken aback, looked at Yan Luo in amazement, saw his solemn expression, nodded slightly and said: "Okay!"

   "Yeah, looking at you like this, are you afraid of me?"

   Mo Li asked with a smile.

   "Joke, all over the world, who can make us afraid?"

  Masha and Yan Luo look like civet cats with blown hair, their eyes become fierce.

   "Really? Since you are not afraid, why are you two so excited?"

  Mo Li chuckled twice, looking at the two with a mocking expression.

   Yan Luo was so excited by Li Li, his eyes were gloomy, and his whole body exuded a gloomy aura, and said: "Boy, since you are looking for death by yourself, then we will let the two of us end your life today."

   After finishing speaking, the whole person took a big step forward suddenly, and the whole body exuded a strong aura, like a surging wave, with a terrifying aura.

  Firmly locks Li Qi's body breath.

  At the same time, Lord Demon Shaman also moved, his body disappeared in a flash, disappearing before Li Li's eyes.

  However, in the next second, he appeared behind Li Li, raising his hand with a palm.

  The goal is the back of Li Li's heart.

  This palm seems ordinary, like a casual blow.

  But no one dares to underestimate the palm of Lord Demon, even the Emperor of Heaven.

   "The price is too low!"

   Mo Li didn't dare to be careless, a gloomy light flashed on his right hand, and instantly raised his right hand to face the devastating blow of Lord Demon Sha.


  Two palms collided.

  The air wave instantly centered on the two of them, and suddenly spread to the surroundings.

   Horror anomaly.

   blew the surrounding dust, causing several people who watched the game to retreat, for fear of being affected.

   "Go away!"

The evil spirit roared and wanted to retreat Li Qi with his powerful palm power. Unfortunately, he was disappointed. Not only did Li Li not move, but stood still and looked at him indifferently, saying: "Mo Li, you are too I overestimated myself and underestimated my ability. Since you want to get out, then I will fulfill you!"

As soon as   's voice fell, Li's body's breath changed, like a raging fire, the waves of air continued to rise, and countless whirlwinds rose.

  Such an anomaly, immediately shocked the evil spirits. Just about to increase the output of his skill, he suddenly noticed a strange force coming from his right hand.


  Masha's face changed drastically, and the whole person flew upside down in an instant, hitting the ground heavily, splashing countless dust.

   "Damn it, I want you to die"

  The evil spirit hitting the ground suddenly bounced, the whole body's breath turned cold, and a black magic cloud shot directly into the air.

   Horror anomaly.

  The sizzling sound is even more like a non-stop, obviously with a strong corrosiveness.

  Mo Li did not expect that the evil spirit would react so fast, and his body suddenly shook, and a black light appeared, forming a layer of light to cover the body firmly.

  This black mask actually exudes black arrogance, just like a burning black flame, extremely weird.

  No one knows why Li Li chose this way at this time.


  All those who watched the battle showed shocked expressions.

  It's too late to say, then soon!

  The attack of Lord Demon Sword is violently known, splashing countless sparks, giving people a gorgeous feeling.

   "Mosha, if you say you have only this ability, don't be ashamed of it!"

   Mo Li laughed.

  The evil spirit was furious when he heard the words, and said: "Boy, today I will make you pay the price!"

   After finishing speaking, the whole person was suddenly wrapped in a cloud of black mist, and the atmosphere around him began to change.

  Compared with before, it has skyrocketed several times.


  All the black mist disappeared, revealing the appearance of Lord Demon.

  At this time, the Lord of the Demon Lord is very different from before, completely transformed into the form of a monster.

   has double wings and tail on his back, first-born feet, eyes with six eyes, and looks very strange.

  However, his breath is extremely terrifying, wild, domineering, and arrogant

  The air flow formed by the momentum whizzes and turns, making the surrounding wind gusts, full of boundless magic energy.

this moment.

  The Lord Demon Sha completely transformed.


  The flickering light was instantly suppressed. In the pure black space, the evil spirit was like a dominating demon, with the agitating wings and the tail behind him reflecting each other, showing a perfect and shocking power.

  Seeing that Lord Demon Lord has shown the most powerful state, the bloodthirsty Yan Luo standing still moved, and his figure flashed in front of him, and the strange soul-refining power was spreading all over his body.

   Perfectly combines with the demon energy emitted by Lord Demon Lord, forming a force of yin and yang that combines strength and softness, instantly covering a distance of five miles, firmly locking Li Qi's body.

   "Boy, you will pay the price arrogantly!"

  Bloodthirsty Yan Luoyin smiled.

   "Huh, it depends on whether you have that ability, but it is a good choice for the two of you to join forces."

  Mo Li smiled slightly, his expression was very indifferent, and he was not surprised by the siege of the two.

Lord Demon Lord looked indifferent, his breath was cold, and his devilish energy enveloped him, saying: "Boy, I have to say, your cultivation is indeed amazing, but under my joint attack with Yama, even the emperor will rush to the street. .

  Today is your death date, let's say the last words! ! "

   "Haha, it's not necessarily me who said the last words"

   Mo Li laughed, his body suddenly became too wasteful and stayed in the air, and a king's air suddenly rose up and down his body.

  With him as the center, it turned into a black light, shaking the whole world.

  To be honest, he was also shocked by the two hands.

  The momentum is too strong.

  If there is no breakthrough in the cultivation base, it is definitely not the opponent of the two.


  Now he is naturally not afraid.

   Standing proudly in the void, with his hands transformed, a dark figure leaned behind him, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura, just like an ancient emperor.

   "It's not so called!"

  Looking at Mo Li's pretending appearance, Mo Sha was angry and snorted coldly.

   With a wave of his wings on his back, the black magic cloud surging out like two light wings, sandwiching the evil spirits and forcing him towards Li Li.


  Two diametrically opposite suckers instantly hit the strangeness, the whistling airflow hits at a high speed, and the power of good and evil intersects and intersects, producing countless sparks and dense thunderbolts, hovering between the two.

Seeing this situation, the bloodthirsty Yan Luoyin laughed, and the bloodthirsty battle axe swung in the air, spurring the powerful true essence in the body, turning into two rotating light wheels, while flying towards Mo Li, while swallowing the surrounding power to grow stronger itself.

in this way.

  Blink for a while.

  The two light wheels approached Li Li, and began to fuse with him as the center, forming a dazzling vortex, which immediately swallowed him.

   Facing the attack of the two masters, Li Li did not panic, his expression was stern, and the hands he carried on his shoulders raised the top of his head, forming a seal.

  In the palm of the hand, black and white light flickered, and the power of yin and yang merged and merged to form an eight-pattern of Tai Chi, hovering over his head, turning the brilliance, forming a yin and yang barrier from top to bottom, protecting him.

  After completing this, his thoughts turned, the surface of the enchantment flashed with phantoms, and the lights of various colors formed different patterns, including a series of things such as spells, seals, golden Buddha, golden immortals, sword lights, whirlpools and so on.

  These patterns diverge automatically, like ghosts, flying towards Tiansha and Yindi spiritually.

  Looking far away.

  The attacks of the three masters of decision-making were strangely integrated, without causing any waves.

  At this moment.

When the evil spirit black cloud sent by the evil spirit slowly approached Li Qi with destructive power, it was absorbed by the whirlpool attack from the bloodthirsty Yan Luo, forming a more terrifying force, which directly turned into a huge Li's blood axe acted on Li's defensive enchantment, causing him a great threat.


   Mo Li snorted, the surrounding Yin-Yang enchantment cooperated with various techniques, exerting amazing offensive and defensive power, and he resisted the attack of the two and gradually counterattacked.

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

   [Sorry book friends, yesterday I had a physical condition, and I am currently in a bottle, so the update is not timely, I hope you can understand! 】

  (End of this chapter)