The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 560: I want to be the leader, without my cons

  Chapter 560 Want to be the leader, without my consent, okay?

   "You guys, do you want to give us an explanation to Yi Yuan, why do you want to target our disciples?"

  True person Xuanyu's face was gloomy, his eyes were cold and he stared at True Monarch Fenglei and others, and his voice was extremely cold.

   "Friend Xuanyu, you have misunderstood, Wuxin is joking with everyone, he is like this, our Sixth Academy is in the same spirit, how can we do such a thing!"

  Li Changchun saw that things were going to happen, and he quickly came forward to be a peacemaker. He wanted to fool the matter. Unintentionally, it was his son. He didn't come forward. Who would come forward?

   "Yes, Brother Xuanyu Dao, there can be no such insidious and cunning person in the sixth academy. Furthermore, my master is currently practicing in the Yunzhi Dharma realm and has not returned."

  Yu Wushuang also stood up and spoke, and Fairy Caifeng was involved just now, she, as an apprentice, naturally needs to come out and clarify.

Lay Haoyun from Confucian Garden also stood up to persuade him and said: "Old Xuanyu friend, calm down, this kind of thing is probably a joke unintentionally, as Li Zhangjiao said just now."

  Qixuan Zhenren frowned, staring straight at the calm and unintentional, and fell into contemplation.

In fact, it is not just him staring at Li, Jian Wuchen and Yu Xiaosheng, their eyes are full of resentment. If it is not for the identity of each other, and now in Yiyuan, it is not easy to do it, or it will definitely be. Let Li Li give an explanation.

The gazes of the few experts in the realm of Cloud Dharma Realm have never left Li Li, and their expressions are not to mention ugly. The matter of Li Wei was ruined by Li Li, and the anger in his heart has reached the point where he was about to explode. There was some resentment against the Heavenly Sword Academy.

  Unexpectedly, at a critical moment, the people of Tianjian Academy would stand up and disrupt the situation.

  However, they are all long-established figures. The Scheming City Mansion is not comparable to ordinary people. Although they are angry now, their complexion is normal, as if nothing happened.

  Everyone's expressions, Li Qi naturally saw clearly, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he kept playing with the fruits in his hands, not caring about the emotions of the people.

  “It’s best if this thing is not true, otherwise don’t blame us Yiyuan for recklessness”

  Real man Xuanyu snorted coldly, his eyes turned to Li, not speaking.

that's all.

  Because the real person Xuanyu did not speak, the whole hall became cold and the atmosphere became extremely embarrassing.

  No one spoke, even Li Changchun did not speak, his eyes were straight at Li, full of sadness.

"Ahem, the atmosphere is a bit embarrassing, is it because of what I just said, it is completely unnecessary, even if Jian Wuchen does not design Lu Yun, someone else will design it, so don’t take it too seriously, after all, Lu Yun. The background is also very hard"

  Mo Li coughed slightly, put down the fruit in his hand, slowly got up from his seat, and walked to the center of the hall, his eyes were only Zhenjun Fenglei, and said:

  "The alliance of the six houses is the general trend and it cannot be avoided. I still agree with this point. However, I do not approve of the fact that you are the leader of Jian Wuchen, because he is not qualified enough.

  Of course, I know this matter is not yours, so I passed the word to the Heavenly Swordsman, saying that I didn’t want the leader of the Sixth House Alliance. If he didn’t agree, I would be the first to destroy this so-called Sixth House Alliance.

  Don’t look at me that way, I’m telling the truth. "

  "Do you think you have that strength?"

   Seeing Li Qixuan's rude words, especially his attitude towards Zhenjun Fenglei was even worse, he was very angry.

  "Hehe, I don’t have this strength. The Heavenly Swordsman knows that if he doesn’t know who I am, you can tell him that he has met in the life and death of a ghost."

Mo Li shook his head, did not look at True Person Qixuan, his eyes were still at True Lord Fenglei, and found that his eyes were full of coldness, and said: "Anymore, don't think about designing me like Lu Yun, because you don't have that strength. , Even if you add all of you in the cloud world, it won't work.

  Of course, if you find the White Light Protector of Nine Heavens Void and Ling Tian, ​​I am not their opponent at the moment, but it won’t be the same after time.

  Okay, I’ve told you enough today. Let’s study the Alliance of the Sixth House carefully. Remember, if you still choose Jian Wuchen as the leader, then don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

   After finishing speaking, Li Li's body flashed with a gloomy light, and his whole person had disappeared in the hall, but when he left, the words kept echoing in the hall, and they did not disperse for a long time.

  The scene was upset again, Zhenjun Fenglei and the others frowned, and they couldn't help thinking about what Li Qi said when he left, as if they knew many things.

Li Changchun's complexion is the richest, embarrassing, helpless, and inexplicable. The same is true for Jian Wuchen and others. His complexion is extremely gloomy, and he keeps cursing Mo Li, not knowing where I am sorry, why he is so bad. Good thing.

  Finally, Master Faguo saw that the atmosphere was embarrassing. He thought a little and broke the deadlock by saying: "Everyone, it's not good for us to stay in such a deadlock. Let me talk about the current situation in the world!

  Actually, I don’t say anything, everyone knows in their hearts that the legendary ‘overcast sun’ will come soon. This is definitely a rare ominous omen in a thousand years.

  At that time, the power of the Taiyin will reappear, and the catastrophe of the world is inevitable. No one knows how bad it will be.

  Thinking in a good direction, the three realms of the domain appear in the world, when the right way will unite together, and the Dharma realm of the cloud will destroy them;

  Thinking in the bad direction, when the seven realms will be in chaos, there will be countless demons and ghosts in the world, and the right way will be scattered and eventually defeated.

  At that time, the whole world fell into darkness, what would it be like?

  No one dares to imagine this.

  Xuanyu Dao brother carefully considers the foundation of Yiyuan Millennium. It is necessary, but the premise is peace on earth.

  Once the world is in chaos, which school can never fail?

  Do you think I’m right? Brother Xuan Yu Dao! "

   "You are right, the human situation is indeed like this"

  True person Xuanyu replied unsatisfactorily.

  The Haoyun layman of the Confucian Garden saw the appearance of True Person Xuanyu, he must be still a little bit hesitated because of the atmosphere of the matter just now, and said:

  "The human situation really brooks no delay, but I think I can give Xuanyu a little time to think about the affairs of the Sixth Institute Alliance."

  Shenzhen Qixuan understood what he meant, and hurriedly said, "Because the matter is of great importance this time, I really want to give Master Xuanyu some time to think about it."

   Lay Haoyun frowned. He didn't expect that Madam Qixuan would agree with him. He was a little surprised. His eyes swept across the crowd. Seeing all the masters of the three factions were silent, he seemed very calm. He didn't even mean to speak. He couldn't help but feel a little weird.

  "Actually, I also think that the unintentional young man is right. If we Yiyuan really agree to join the alliance, the position of the leader must be jointly elected by the six houses, not the default of an individual, so that it can appear fair"

  Real man Xuanyu remembered what Li said when he left, and he couldn't help but put forward this condition. The meaning was obvious. If you agree, just agree, and if you don't agree, forget it!

  Everyone's complexion changed after hearing this. No one thought that Xuanyu would propose such a heavenly sword, but this just echoed everyone's meaning, and immediately turned their eyes to Zhenjun Fenglei, wanting to see what he said?

   Zhenjun Fenglei frowned slightly, but he did not expect that Reality Xuanyu would still struggle with this question. He pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, I promise you this condition for the time being."

   "What? I promised"

  The words of True Monarch Fenglei caused an uproar in an instant, and no one would agree to fight him. Didn’t this deprive Jian Wuchen of his position as the leader?

  However, this is also in line with everyone's meaning.

  In the Great Hall of Yiyuan, the expressions of everyone are strange, spectacular and anxious.

  The matter of the Sixth Chamber Alliance was completely beyond everyone's expectations. Who would have thought that Li Qiye would come out to disrupt the situation, and it would be very unpleasant in the end.

   Zhenjun Fenglei, several masters of the Cloud Dharma Realm looked at each other, and they all saw the joy on the faces of outstanding people.

  "Since the predecessors agreed to this condition, it would seem a bit unreasonable if I didn't agree to the Sixth House Alliance.

  For the sake of peace on earth and peace in the world, I announce that Yiyuan is here to sign an alliance with the other five houses to form an alliance of six houses to deal with the catastrophe on earth. "

  In the hall, Zhenjun Fenglei was immediately pleased when he heard the words, he quickly got up, and said loudly: "Okay, now Yiyuan has agreed, and the other head teachers will come together. Everyone will give a high-five to swear, and fight for peace on earth.

  After that, Master Fa Guo, Qixuan Zhenren, Yu Wushuang, Li Changchun, and Lay Haoyun walked to the center of the hall at the same time, and they were about to give a high five.

"and many more!"

Just when everyone was about to give a high-five, Master Xuanyu suddenly stopped him and said, "Although I agreed with the Sixth Court Alliance, it's better to make things clear about the position of the leader. Otherwise, don't blame me for turning my face when something goes wrong. Recognize people."

  The complexion of everyone suddenly changed, and no one thought that True Person Xuan Yu would transfer the problem to the position of the leader, and could not help but turn his attention to True Lord Fenglei.

   Zhenjun Fenglei looked at Xuanyu with sharp eyes, and said in a low tone: "I have already said about this. The election of the leader will be fair and there will never be anything wrong."

   "Okay, I'm relieved with your words"

  Real man Xuanyu said with a smile.

   Zhenjun Fenglei frowned, and couldn't help but glance at the other two masters of the Cloud Dharma Realm, and exchanged faintly.

   Seeing this, Zhenjun Fenglei smiled and stood up and said loudly: "Okay, now everyone comes and swears by high-five, swear to death and work hard for peace on earth."

  After the words fell, Master Faguo, Master Xuanyu, Master Qixuan, Yu Wushuang, Li Changchun, and Lay Haoyun walked to the center of the hall at the same time, and in front of everyone, they reached out and took an oath together.

  Looking at the Sworn Alliance of the Head Teachers of the Sixth Academy, everyone in the hall stood up to congratulate. For a time, the joy of the alliance filled the hall of Yiyuan.

  Sitting quietly in the corner, Aoxue looked at the opposite Cang Yue, and the same worries flashed in their eyes.

  The Sixth Court Alliance was established, but it is a pity that Lu Yun is not here at this moment. When he comes back in the future, what will it be like?

  At that time, what will be waiting for him?

   However, thinking of the Li Li that had appeared before, their worried hearts relaxed a little.


   A loud laugh suppressed the voices of everyone, only to hear Fenglei Zhenjun said: "Now that Yiyuan has agreed to the alliance, then we will now discuss when the alliance ceremony will be held."

  Hearing this, everyone returned to their original positions and sat down, and everyone's eyes stayed on Zhenjun Fenglei.

  Li Changchun said with a gloomy face: "At present, the monsters in the world are everywhere. In order to end this matter earlier, I think the alliance should be held immediately.

  Once the alliance, we have more time to deploy, how to deal with those masters of the demon domain, in order to defend the peace on earth.

  Now, please ask seniors to host the alliance ceremony for the Sixth Institute. I believe this is also everyone's wish. "

  Looking at Li Changchun in surprise, Zhenjun Fenglei smiled and said: "At this moment, no matter how eager it is at this moment.

  Now, let’s ask everyone what you mean. When is the best time to choose this alliance day? "

Lay Haoyun kept silent, and Master Fa Guo didn't say a word, only Yu Wushuang and Qixuan Zhenren were left.

  As for the real person Xuanyu, after agreeing to the Sixth Academy Alliance, he sat on the sidelines and closed his eyes to calm his mind. Obviously, he did not want to participate in the discussion of this matter.

   glanced at everyone indifferently, and saw that there was no word from the crowd. As the apprentice of Zhenjun Fenglei, the real person Qixuan could not let the things that the master presided over, and quickly spoke:

  "Now that the matter has been settled, I think it will not be easy to delay for a long time. It is better to hold it in two days. What do you think?

  In the middle two days, everyone can deal with some things individually, and after everything is done, the alliance will be held. It would be better to think about it. "

  All the master teachers felt good after listening, and they all agreed with Qixuan Zhenren's proposal.

  Because of the two-day buffer, it is good for everyone to deal with some private affairs of the hospital beforehand.

  Gentleman Fenglei saw that the head teachers nodded in agreement, and smiled: "So according to Qixuan's words, the alliance ceremony will be held in Yiyuan two days later, so that everyone will not run around.

  At this very moment, we have kept everything simple, so we won’t be able to hold it in the Heavenly Sword Academy.

  This is the case, let’s talk about the details of this alliance.

As far as my arrangement is concerned, when the alliance is established, in addition to your six-house masters who have to be there, the three factions of the alliance will also be led by its leader to congratulate each other in order to cooperate with each other in the future and work together to save this human catastrophe. .

  At the same time, in order to show that I attach importance to this matter, I will participate with a few other people, and everyone will know who is going to attend. "

  "Now that the general matter has been discussed, the leader of the alliance is left to choose. Will it be necessary to choose the position of the leader at that time?

  After knowing the candidate, we can start other things immediately. "

  Looking at the real person Fenglei, Haoyun asked softly.

  For Haoyun's proposal, Zhenjun Fenglei very much agrees, but now that there is such a barrier between Wuxin, where is it so easy to choose the leader?

  At the same time, I thought that it would be better to let the Heavenly Swordsman appear.


  Seeing that Zhenjun Fenglei did not speak, they couldn't help but turn their gazes to Xuanyu who was aside, and immediately seemed to understand something, so they did not continue to ask.

  "I will care about the matter of the leader later.

  Now that the affairs of the alliance have been settled, everyone will prepare for themselves. Two days later, the ceremony of the six-house alliance will be held in Yiyuan.

  As for this alliance, the Sixth Court has declared the world at the same time in the past two days, with a righteous prestige.

  In the future, there will be many righteous masters to join.

  Now everyone is gone. "

  After speaking, Zhenjun Fenglei left the hall and walked outside.

  Real man Xuanyu saw this, got up and ordered the masters in the hall under the door to go down to rest, and at the same time prepare accommodation for them.

  After everything was handled, Master Xuanyu looked at everyone under the door and sighed lightly: "The order is to recall Yun Feng and Hongfei, and at the same time, he will also notify Junior Brother Ziyang and let him come back.

  The disaster in the world has already occurred, so please remember to be careful, go. "

   Soon, people in the hall were evacuated.

  The scorching sun in the afternoon seemed a bit hot, and there were not many pedestrians on the Xishu Ancient Road.

  Lu Yun walked slowly on the ancient road, his expression a bit disappointed.

  This place is not far from Yi Garden, but at this time, Lu Yun was thinking of Bai Ling, thinking of the little things he spent with her.

  I didn't feel anything when getting along. After we separated, Lu Yun realized that he was alone, and he was a little uncomfortable.

  Without her laughter and her sweet language, everything seems to lose its color.

  Looking up, Lu Yun looked at the mountain in the distance, knowing in his heart that as long as he climbed over that mountain, he could see Yi Garden.

  At this time, Lu Yun suddenly thought of Aoxue, Yun Feng, and everything in the past.

  A smile appeared on his face, those fond memories, at this moment, awakened the deep memories in his heart.

   looked at the sky slightly, the dazzling sunlight did not make him close his eyes, he just stood still for a while before moving on.

  The distance unknowingly pulled her feet closer, and when Lu Yun climbed over the mountain and looked at Yi Garden on the plain, there was a strange smile on his face. Today, he came back again.

  Thinking of seeing Yun Feng again, and seeing Aoxue, Lu Yun couldn't help but feel joy.

  No matter what the future will be, at least the meeting at this moment is what he is eagerly looking forward to.

Standing proudly on the top of the mountain, Lu Yun exuded a sense of self-confidence. The former gentle and unyielding Lu Yun returned to him.

"Ha ha"

  Lu Yun smiled indifferently, and walked step by step towards Yi Garden.

  He didn’t know, if it weren’t for Li Qi’s sudden disruption, the face of him would be endless chase.

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  (End of this chapter)