The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 561: The Sage of Yaochi, the Sixth Courtyard

  Chapter 561 The Sage of the Jade Lake, the Alliance of the Sixth Court

A new day, a new beginning.

  For some people, this day is the biggest turning point in his life.

  Similarly, for some people, it is also an extremely important day in his life.

  In the original work, these two days are related to the fate of Lu Yun and Jian Wuchen, and they will all change as a result, and they will eventually become opposites.

   However, now with the participation of Li Li, I just don’t know if there will be such friction as the original development.

  At the beginning of Chen.

  Easy Garden, square.

  On the high platform that was set up in advance, people who have already been there at this time.

  Respectively are Haoyun Jushi, Danqing Swordsman, and Bi Tian from the Confucian Garden;

  The Qixuan Zhenren and Wuwang in Daoyuan;

  Dharma master, Dharma master, Benyi of Bodhi Academy;

  Yu Wushuang, Cang Yue and Xu Jie from Phoenix Academy;

  Li Changchun, Liu Xinghun, and Jun Bugui from Tianjian Academy;

  The real person Xuanyu, the real person Qianyuan, Master Jingyue, the real person Xuanyin, the real person Ziyang, Fengfeiyang, Li Hongfei, Aoxue, Yunfeng, Lu Yun and so on in Yiyuan.

  In addition to their wishes, there are also members of the three factions, the Venerable Zhanxin from the Fairy Sword Gate, the King Kong Sacred Buddha of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect, and the Taoist Master of the Wuwei Dao Sect, who have all attended the high platform.

  At present, Jian Wuchen and Fenglei have not come, so I don’t know what they are studying?

  Of course, he was not the only one who came here, as well as the leader of the three factions of the alliance, and Li, the spoiler member.

  And Yu Xiaosheng, who designed Lu Yun, is no longer, as if Lu Yun didn't dare to show up after coming back.

  At this time, the atmosphere in the field is relatively depressing, and no one has the meaning to talk, because some people have already felt a little abnormal, as if something was going to happen.

   And Qixuan Zhenren behaved very urgently. Now the time to meet in the Sixth Academy Alliance is getting closer and closer, none of the imaginable members have called, which really made him, the ‘eunuch’ a little anxious.

  Looking at the sky, Qixuan Zhenren frowned and murmured: "It's getting late, why haven't they come here yet? Could something happen midway?"

  Thinking of Li Qixuan who came out to disrupt the situation yesterday, Madam Qixuan couldn't help being a little worried.


   "Maybe something is delayed, right?"

   "Wait a little longer!"

  Although everyone was puzzled when they heard the words, no one said much, but in each other's minds they were thinking about why they did not appear at this time.


   just now.

  The sky suddenly flashed brightly, and several figures appeared out of thin air.

   Immediately, bursts of glow emerged, and five figures appeared on the high platform, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

However, everyone did not notice that there was a cloud of transparent light and shadow in the air that seemed to exist or nothing. Between the quietly standing and proud sky, a pair of bright eyes were staring at the ring below, and from time to time they would look around. Look, it's like looking for something.

  However, he watched for a while, and did not see anything, so he turned his gaze to the ring.

  At this time, among the five figures that suddenly appeared on the ring, Zhenjun Fenglei and Jian Wuchen were known to everyone, and the remaining three had not seen them.

  However, after the introduction of the corresponding personnel, everyone understands who is among them!

  Among the three members are Master Xuanmu from Bodhi Academy and Fairy Caifeng from Phoenix Academy, and the remaining one is a girl in yellow clothes, about twenty years old, no one is rare.

   However, that exquisite and graceful figure, coupled with the sacred and majestic beauty, is like a fairy Lingbo, very dazzling.

  The girl is wearing a yellow ribbon, holding a small jade order in her left hand, and a glowing glow appears all over her body, which is very mysterious.


   just now.

  There was a shock in the clouds, I don't know who was surprised.

  However, this voice did not come out, as if it was wrapped in a barrier.

  This is exactly what happened. It was Li Li who made this sound. He had been hidden in the clouds for a long time, and a layer of hermit formation was arranged to prevent the Heavenly Swordsman and others from discovering.

   And when he saw Jian Wuchen, he found that the opponent's strength had increased several times compared to yesterday, and there was a strong **** air in his body, which was extremely strange.

   However, thinking of the Heavenly Swordsman hidden in the clouds, Li Li no longer struggled.

  Don’t even think about it, it must be caused by this product.

  As for why it is necessary to forcibly raise the realm of Jian Wuchen, the purpose is very simple, use him to deal with Lu Yun.

  Is there any idea to deal with him? This is not clear!

  As for the other people who did not attract his attention, after all, the cultivation of the people in the Cloud Dharma Realm was not worthy of his attention.

   However, when he saw the girl in the yellow dress, Li Li showed a weird smile on the corner of his mouth and muttered, "Yaochi, Ye Xinyi, interesting."

  At this moment, Zhenjun Fenglei smiled two steps forward, with a deep smile on his face, and said: "Everyone, please be quiet, let me introduce you to the people around me.

   Jian Wuchen, even if I don’t introduce everyone, I know who he is?

  Secondly, the master and fairy on my left are all from the Dharma Realm of Cloud. They are Master Xuanmu and Fairy Caifeng. They came from Bodhi Academy and Phoenix Academy.

  Just now, two head teachers have introduced me. As for the last girl, everyone must be curious about her identity, so I won’t sell it here.

  She is Ye Xinyi, the lord of the three factions alliance, from Yaochi, and a contemporary saint.

  I’ve specially invited her to come over this time. The purpose is to assist everyone in this human catastrophe. I hope that the disciples of the three factions will help vigorously in the future and defend the righteous way of the world together with the League of Six Institutes.

  Now that the time is just right, we will hold the alliance ceremony first, and then we will proceed with the election of the leader. "

   "Sage of Yaochi, Ye Xinyi?"

   "Wow, it's so stylish, you can only invite three masters from the cloud world at the same time. It's amazing!"

   "This Jade Lake Saintess as the leader of the three factions, isn't it also made?"

   "I have been told, it is not good for people to hear it. Why do you need to talk about such things? It must be!"

   There was an exclamation all around, saying everything, but after being surprised, most of the masters showed joy.

  Because of the appearance of the saint of Yaochi, it means that Yaochi will also participate in the future. Facing the future catastrophe, the Righteous Alliance will fight.

  When the world is in danger, the foundations of all factions will have greater protection.

   Soon, everyone recovered from the surprise.

  Among them, Master Faguo, Qixuan Zhenren, Yu Wushuang, Haoyun Jushi, Li Changchun, and Xuanyu Zhenren walked into the field together, formed a circle, and prepared to swear an alliance.

  At the same time, Jian Wuchen, as a junior, naturally couldn't stand inside. He walked to the edge of the ring with a smile on his mouth, nodded slightly to the six palm teachers, and stood quietly aside, not speaking.

   Zhenjun Fenglei saw the head of the Sixth Institute standing in it, with joy on his face, he stepped forward two steps, and said loudly:

   "As we are facing the imminent catastrophe today, this time the Sixth Court has formed an alliance, and everyone must be firm in their hearts.

  So, everything is simple in this form of alliance, I hope you don’t mind. "

  After finishing speaking, I scanned my eyes for a week, and found that no one stood up to object, and continued: "Now everyone swear an oath!

  For the peace of the world, for the people of Li people, the Sixth Institute today concluded an agreement to fight against the invasion of demons and ghosts and restore peace to the world.

  At the same time, in order to unify the dispatch, the members of the Sixth Court must obey the arrangement of the "leader elected later" and try their best to contribute to the world.

  You have no opinion, right? "


   Hearing the words, the six headmasters looked at each other, and at the same time began to swear to read the words of Zhenjun Fenglei together.

  When the oath was over, the face of Fenglei Zhenjun became very serious, and he said loudly: "Okay, the Sixth Chamber Alliance is formally established, then let us start electing the leader!"

   After finishing speaking, he winked at the apprentice Qixuan Zhenren.

  The latter readily understood, and stood up and said: "Choose the leader, there will definitely be an ideal candidate. Here, on behalf of Dao Yuan, I recommend Jian Wuchen as the leader. He is young and promising and is more suitable for the leader."

  After speaking, he quietly stepped aside, not speaking.

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  (End of this chapter)