The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 562: Lu Yun, your business has been exposed!

   Chapter 562 Lu Yun, your business has been exposed!

  Yu Wushuang glanced at the crowd, sighed in his heart, remembering Fairy Caifeng’s explanation, stepped forward, and said: "I agree with the proposal of the Seven Profound Daoists. What do you think the Jian Wuchen Young Hero of Tianjian Academy is more like?"

   Immediately afterwards, people from the Confucian Garden and the Bodhi Academy also stood up one after another, saying that the recommended candidate was Jian Wuchen.

  The remaining Tianjianyuan and Yiyuan did not stand up to choose, but in this case, it is no longer necessary to choose or not!

   Jian Wuchen's mouth smiled, as if he had known it would be such a result, his expression was a little triumphant, and his eyes were full of contempt for Lu Yun.

   Zhenjun Fenglei looked for a while, and found that no one had come forward to recommend a new candidate, so he stood up and shouted:

   "Now the fourth house of the six houses has chosen Jian Wuchen. According to the principle of the minority obeying the majority, I am now declaring that Jian Wuchen of the Tianjian Academy is the leader of the six houses alliance."

  After speaking, slowly raised the golden token in his hand, and motioned Jian Wuchen to come over and take the token in his hand.

   Jian Wuchen smiled slightly, the Da Ma Jindao walked to Zhenjun Fenglei, gently took a golden token, raised his head with his right hand, and said loudly:

  "Today, my Jian Wuchen can become the lord of the alliance of the six houses. Everything is loved by the seniors. Without your choice, there would be no where I am today.

  Here, I swear to everyone: In the days to come, Wuchen will make every effort to make its greatest contribution to the Sixth Institute and the world.

   Slay demons and slay demons, defend the world.

  However, Wuchen is young after all. If there is anything wrong in the future, I hope you can give more advice, Wuchen will study with an humility, and serve the people of the world wholeheartedly. "

  "Leader of the sword, rest assured, we will definitely support you!"

   "Yes, with a young talent like you leading us, we can definitely put down the time rebellion!"

  "Leader of the sword, you are our pride"

  There was cheers all around, except for Yi Yuan’s children who looked a little lost, the other masters of all schools and schools all cheered, obviously very support Jian Wuchen.

  On stage.

  The head teacher of the Sixth Academy and the underlings all stepped forward to congratulate Jian Wuchen, and the three masters also congratulated him. For a while, the scene was very lively.

In   Yiyuan, except for the gentle "Congratulations" from Master Xuan Yu, all the people under the door looked cold and very unhappy.

  Looking at Jian Wuchen's successful election as the leader of the Sixth Academy, Lu Yun felt uncomfortable, his expression gloomy, and frowned.

  When Zhang Aoxue saw Lu Yun's appearance, she frowned slightly, and asked softly, "Lu Yun, what's the matter?"

  Lu Yun shook his head slightly, with a worried expression, and said, "Jian Wuchen looked at me with a faint look just now. I think if I continue to stay here, bad things will definitely happen.

  In addition, he has the Dharma Realm of Clouds behind his back, so it is best to avoid him. "


  Zhang Aoxue nodded slightly. She knew that Lu Yun was right. After all, the relationship between Lu Yun and Jian Wuchen was a bit delicate. If an accident happened, it would really not end well.

  On stage.

   has been observing Lu Yun’s Jian Wuchen, with a mysterious and weird smile on the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand to suppress the cheers of the crowd, and suddenly said:

   "Lu Yun, today the league has just been established, and you are the champion of the Sixth Academy. Do you also come on stage to say a few words, so that you can also play a good incentive in the future against the monsters!"

   "No, I have something to do, goodbye!"

  Lu Yun gave a chuckle in his heart, Jian Wuchen is indeed not bad good intentions, he is not the head of the Sixth Institute, what will he do on stage?

  It is completely unnecessary.

  Now that Jian Wuchen wants him to come to power, there must be an unspeakable secret.

  He is not stupid, so naturally he will not be fooled.

  "Today is the big day of the Sixth Institute Alliance. It’s fine if you don’t celebrate. Why do you want to leave? Have you done anything shameful, afraid of being discovered?"

   Jian Wuchen suddenly spoke, and instantly attracted everyone's attention. He couldn't help but turn his eyes to Lu Yun who was about to leave, and his eyes showed curiosity to each other.


Lu Yun frowned, stopped involuntarily, turned around and looked at the arrogant Jian Wuchen on the high platform, sighed in his heart, and said loudly: "What you said is a bit serious. I have something to leave. That's me. Personally, don’t you mean to do shameful things if you don’t come to power?

  Since this is the case, then you just point it out so that everyone can make a judgment."

"Yeah, Jian Wuchen, Lu Yun is not the kind of person you are talking about. Don't think that you will be troubled by Lu Yun when you become the leader. Who doesn't know that your kid is going to avenge your personal revenge. I will say that to you!"

  After Lu Yun finished speaking, Lin Yunfeng, who had been in a good relationship with him, directly cursed, without giving Jian Wuchen a good face.


  Everyone saw Jian Wuchen's trouble at Lu Yun, and couldn't help but remember the words Wuxin said yesterday, and for a time there was a complex look on their faces.

  However, the people who had experienced ghosts together with Lu Yun at the scene seemed to know something faintly, and their expressions changed involuntarily.

  At this time.

   Daoyuan Qixuan could not help but ask: "Wu Chen, what shameful things Lu Yun has done? Now everyone is here. Wouldn't it be better for everyone to judge."

  Hearing the words of the Qixuan real person, Li Li, who was hiding in the dark, showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He was indeed a group of hypocritical people.

  If you make an excuse, you can't find a better one. Obviously, it's very collusive at first glance.

  However, Li Qiye didn't mean to show up. It's not the time yet.

   Besides, this is Lu Yun's own business, it has nothing to do with him!


   Jian Wuchen nodded, his gaze swept across the crowd, and finally his gaze fell on Lu Yun, loudly saying:

   "Lu Yun, you should know what I'm talking about, right?"

   Hearing the words, Lu Yun's expression changed, his eyes gloomily looked at Jian Wuchen on the stage, and he was silent.

  However, Lu Yun secretly sighed in his heart that he couldn't think of everything coming so fast.

   Aoxue's face also changed drastically when she heard that, she suddenly realized something, grabbed Lu Yun's hand, and Aoxue said worriedly: "Be careful, no matter what, I will always support you."

  Lu Yun looked at her, and whispered softly: "It should come, after all, it is coming. Escape cannot solve the problem.

  Remember to look at Yun Feng and forbid him to take action. "

  After speaking, he took a look at the familiar people, and found that everyone who had returned from the ghost domain with him at this moment was a big change in expression, with endless worry in his eyes.

  Among them, Yun Feng and Ziyang were the most excited, their eyes were very anxious, and they could not wait to rush forward and kick the sword Wuchen down.

True person Xuanyu frowned, as if he understood why he said so affirmatively yesterday. It turned out that Jian Wuchen really wanted to be unkind to Lu Yun. He furiously said on the spot: "Jian Wuchen, don't forget what we said yesterday. Things, if you design to frame Lu Yun, don't blame us Yiyuan for being rude to you!"

  "Teacher Xuanyu, I can't wrong Lu Yun on this point. He knows his own affairs by himself. If you don't believe me, ask him."

  Jian Wuchen looks extremely confident, as if he had a successful heart.

  This is the case. He knew exactly what happened, because the Heavenly Swordsman had already produced definite evidence yesterday.

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  (End of this chapter)