The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 583: Bronze Temple

  Chapter 583 Bronze Immortal Palace

  In the field.

  The old man had a bruised neck and a flushed face. He squatted on the ground, coughing for a long time before he eased.

  The little girl was very nervous, sobbing, while gently beating the old man's back, crying: "Grandpa, are you okay, don't scare Lili, Lili is very worried, Lili is very scared..."

  Seeing all this, the anger in the girl's heart became more intense, her eyes gradually became cold, and she stared at the strong man, and said: "You are such a big person, are you old enough to live on a dog?!"

   "Fuck, where's Ye Zhong, dare to talk to our boss like this, I think you don't want to live anymore, brothers, get on me and kill him!"

  The yellow-faced middle-aged man hadn't expressed his opinion himself, and a guy with a full face rushed over next to him. He slapped his face and pulled his face toward the girl.


   A scream screamed, and the person screamed on the spot.

  Because the 囡囡 was the first to make a move, she pinched his bandaged arm, causing the man to be in pain.

  Everyone at the scene thought that the nun touched that guy's wound, and that's why he screamed so heartbreakingly.

  In fact, it was not the case, it was the nun who directly crushed the man's arm.

   "Boy, I'm so courageous, I dare to take action against my people."

  The brawny man was furious and stretched out his hand to pat the nun's face. His movements were not fast, but he exerted a lot of force. He wanted to humiliate the nun.


The nun slapped out, the speed was extremely fast, and with a "slap", he flew the brawny man out sideways, hitting the table of the Eight Immortals behind him all at once, and a bunch of blood sprayed out of his mouth across three or four meters. far.

  He got up laboriously, and opened his mouth to spit out seven or eight big teeth.

   "He/Mom/, killed this little girl for me!"

  The brawny man was angry, his yellow face was almost distorted, and his eyes burst into flames.

  These people didn't realize that Nun Nu was a monk at all, and they all surrounded them with a "hoola".

  Your eyes were cold, and you pinched their bandaged wounds one by one, and suddenly there was a scream.





   Immediately afterwards, a dozen slaps sounded one after another, and her left and right hands were lifted separately, and her mouth was severely drawn at them.

   "You bastards, even such a lonely old man and such a cute child have the heart to bully. It's damned."

  How powerful is your strength, if it is not for controlling strength, she can directly split the heads of these people.

  In spite of this, several people also fly around the posterior molars.

  These bandaged people were sprayed with blood from his mouth and nose, their teeth fell off, and they rolled all over the floor.


   "Girl Ono, you dare to hit us?"

   "I must make you look good."

   "It hurts me, my wound..."

  These people were screamed and screamed all over the floor with their big mouths.

  "Excuse me, old man, I forgot, this is in the restaurant, I will find my uncle when I break something, and let him reimburse you"

After   囡囡 finished speaking, they grabbed these big guys one by one and threw them all out.

  The old man's mood fluctuates a bit violently, the suffocation in his heart seems to be spit out all at once, and his body is shaking.

  He covered the little girl's eyes with his hands, and didn't let her see such a **** side, for fear of frightening her.

  The little girl was very anxious, and asked in a crying voice: "Grandpa, what's wrong with her, are the bad guys bullying her?!"

   "Lili don't worry, your eldest sister is okay, and she knocked all the bad guys to the ground."

  The old man said comfortingly.

After the man threw these people into the street, he didn't let them go.

   They kicked them and rolled around like a ball, crying again and again, as if they had been skinned, and screamed like a pig.

  The brawny man who takes the lead is naturally the object of nuance.

  The strong man's cheeks were swollen, and he didn't know how many big mouths he had suffered. Almost all the teeth in his mouth were pulled out.



  These people screamed again and again and called for help.

   did attract a lot of onlookers, but no one persuaded them, and even many people were eager to try, and wanted to take a few kicks in the past.

Seeing this, there was a slight expression of 囡囡's expression, and she said loudly: "Guys, what are you waiting for? These people look like **** in the fish and meat village. Now that they have been interrupted, there is nothing to worry about. Come up and beat them. Teach them harshly!"

  When this remark came out, it exceeded the man’s expectations.

   "Hula", everyone surrounded them, men and women, young and old tore and tear, beating these people on the ground.

   "I heard it this morning. Because of the beast dynasty, the entire cottage was destroyed. They appear here now. It seems to be true."

   "No wonder this girl is beating them badly. It turns out that they are covered with wounds. They have just experienced the beast dynasty. Otherwise, this girl has to suffer a big loss today."

   "Fight, kill these beasts!"

   "Usually these beasts do bad things!"


  The group was angry, rushing forward and beating a few people on the ground.

  It’s not hard to guess how **** these people usually are.

  Now the group is angry, and all the anger has erupted.

  The few people on the ground kept rolling, and the screams were no longer like people's screams, screaming, crying, crying for father and mother, being beaten by everyone, incontinence, and smelly.

  囡囡 was going to take advantage of the chaos to take the initiative and squeeze some of their bones, leaving them disabled for life, but now I find that she doesn't need to do anything.

  Those folks from the village, they are ruthless.

  The arms and legs of several people were all broken. I am afraid they will be disabled for the rest of their lives. One can imagine how much public outrage they have caused.

  Bold men were beaten with less air intake and more air, lying on the street like dead dogs. In the past, their behavior was too excessive, which has long aroused public outrage.

  If it weren’t for some steady old people to persuade them, they would have to be beaten alive and killed.

   However, even if they escaped the danger of their lives, they would never think about a normal life in the future, and could only lie in bed softly from then on.

  Finally, the crowd threw them into the smelly ditch outside the city like dead dogs, letting them fend for themselves.

   Judging from the current situation, the chance of them surviving is very small.

  In short, this incident is so pleasing that countless people who have been hijacked by strong men clapped and praised it.

  At noon, there was laughter in the restaurant, and the little girl’s smile was very bright, no longer worrying and afraid.

  The suffocation in the old man's heart also spit out, the wrinkles on his face seemed to have disappeared a lot, and he started the service work happily.

  囡囡 also returned to the seats of Mo Li and others. No one mentioned what happened just now, as if nothing happened.

  However, in the following time, several dishes were added to the table of Li Qi's people, such as red rabbit meat, rabbit meatballs in clear soup, sweet and sour rabbit ribs, bi-leaf roll chicken, and spicy chicken.

  In addition, there are some vegetable dishes made from green vegetables and wild fruits.

  This meal has been eaten for a long time, with laughter from time to time. This harmonious atmosphere gives the nun an illusion that it feels like returning to the time when his parents were still alive.

After   , the three of them booked three rooms in the restaurant, rested again for one night, and left tomorrow morning.


  Time goes by, three minutes in the middle of the night.

  The sky and the earth are quiet, the dark curtain covers the earth, the bright mirror hangs high, and the night is as cool as water...

   Ten miles away from Jinxing City, a small mountain greeted a figure.

   is Li Li.

   "It should be here?"

  Mo Li looked around and murmured softly.

  He came here because he sensed a strange breath here.

   "Look at what it is?"

  Mo Li observed the terrain and said softly while looking at the valley ahead.

  He stretched out his left hand and slowly raised it.

A    shout broke through the air, and the bright beam of light dangled in the palm of the hand and fell down.


  A palm fell, the mountains and ridges were trembling, the troubled times hit the air, and the gold cracked the stone.

  The vast and reckless land of mountains and rivers was overturned in an instant, boulders, soil and rocks were overturned, the earth was cracking, not only the valleys were collapsing, but dozens of mountain peaks all exploded.

  The distant Jinxing City trembles constantly, cracks spread in the city wall one after another, after years of invading the always strong city wall, but under the shaking, damage appeared and the buildings in the city shook.

"what happened?!"


   "Someone attacked the city?"


  The silent night became noisy, and the voices of people rang.

  For Li Li who did all this, his face was a little different.

   made him look different because of the bottomless abyss that appeared in front of him, and there was something in the abyss.

  That is a huge bronze hall, extremely magnificent.

  The bronze hall is hidden deep in the earth, and its scale is terribly huge, comparable to a small city.

  Majestic and magnificent, with green rust mottled on its surface, it looks simple and atmospheric, giving people an extremely desolate feeling.

  "Bronze Immortal Palace?"

  Mo Li recognized this thing at a glance.

  How does this thing appear here?

He remembered that he had already refined a bronze immortal palace for her, although there was still rice for her, now there is another one. Could it be that the bronze immortal palace after her was not made by herself, but the chaos and even the immortal left behind A fairy artifact?

  In an instant, a series of stories appeared in Li Li's mind, and many doubts appeared.

   "Take it away before talking,"

   Seeing this, Li shook his head.

   Immediately he lifted his head and looked at the immortal palace that rose up and was about to leave.

  His legs flexed, and the ground under his feet instantly turned into dust, sinking into a frightening deep pit.

  "Bronze Immortal Palace?!"

   "The fairy palace that has the opportunity to become a fairy in the legend has appeared again?

   "Oh my god, what happened these days? The immortal land fluctuates, the emperor Yuhua is killed, and the immortal palace reappears. Is the immortal domain opened?!"

  One after another, the strong vacated, their expressions shocked and inexplicable.

  "Hurry up and notify the chief elder who is investigating nearby, hurry up."

   "No need to notify, the fairy palace is born, the brilliance is shining in the world, the immortal majesty is in the sky, the strong have already been watching, look over there."

  There are people from holy places in the city exclaiming, and some people point to the dark sky.

  There is a rainbow there;

  There is a fairy **** with fairy mist;

  Huge golden warship;

  Even, there are powerful bronze chariots

  Without exception, they are all standing figures with superb power, including old people, middle-aged people, and old women.

  They are all strong in the major sacred places, and the weakest have half-step powerful cultivation bases, and some are even stronger.

  This group of strong men appeared in all directions, their pupils flickering and excited.

   "Amitabha, the immortal temple of calamity has wiped out life again."

  An old monk sitting in a lotus flower with his hands folded, his precious face is dignified, like a living Buddha, illuminating all living beings.

   "Xiandian, those who have a gradual lifespan are going to fight for their lives."

  To the east of the sky, the dark night sky disappeared, a purple qi rose, Rui Cai shining, there were three figures on that magical land, and three white-haired elders rode the magic rainbow and stood upright in the sky.

  "The ancient Buddha of Baolan Temple in West Desert!"

  "The three mighty men of the Purple Mansion Holy Land!"

  For a time, many people took a cold breath, and they recognized the identities of these people.

  And there are many people around Tianyu standing next to them. At a glance, you can see that these people are absolutely equal to them.

  At the same moment, an old road with this decadent aura appeared from the city of Jinxing.

  He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, but his body is with dry skin, rickety, like an old tree at dusk, and looks extremely weird.

   "He is not dead yet?"

   "That was the Void King six thousand years ago."

   "He was the existence of the saint king back then, should he be the quasi emperor now?"

  The Great Sage of Void, known as the most outstanding genius after the emperor, is known as the most likely to become the emperor.

   "But, don’t I remember the legend that he has fallen? When he attacked the Emperor Zhun, other enemies joined forces and besieged him. Finally, he was still alive in the starry sky."

"who knows?"

   "Look, he rushed towards the fairy hall, is this going to enter the fairy hall?!"

  The Void Great Sage dragged the body full of rotten aura, and slowly walked towards the fairy hall.

  The seemingly slow pace, but one step thousands of meters, shrinking into an inch!

  This scene has attracted the attention of countless people.

  The ancient Buddha in West Desert, the power of the sacred place in the Purple Mansion, and even the ancestors of the Shen Dynasty in Zhongzhou paid close attention one by one.

   Five thousand years of immortality and has survived to this day, how could they not pay attention to the emptiness of the realm of the ancient saint.



  The Void Great Sage vomited blood, his figure flew out as if he had suffered a severe injury.


  Everyone found that there was an illusory figure next to the Bronze Immortal Palace, and it was him who slapped the Void Great Sage into the air.

   "I said!!!"

   "That person is so powerful?"

  The monk on Jinxing City shouted, his chin almost dropped to the ground.

"Who is he?"

  The powerful person in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion said, with doubts.

  However, no one could answer his question. Everyone shook their heads and looked at each other. They didn’t know at first glance.

  This figure is Li Li.

   Just now, Li Li was about to put the Bronze Immortal Palace away, just to see the Void Great Sage rushing up, but he was directly slapped and flew out.

  For this, Li Qi didn't take it seriously, not to mention a small half-step quasi emperor, even the emperor couldn't see enough in front of it.

   did not kill him on the spot, it is already the greatest gift to the Void King!

   "Fluctuating without supernatural power."

   "Who is that person? Why can I knock the void into the air loudly, is the Void Lord too old?"

  At this moment, many people were surprised. They looked at Li Li, frowning deeply, and they were puzzled by the matter.

  At this moment of effort, Li Li was already close to the Bronze Immortal Temple, his palm was raised high, and he grabbed it towards the Immortal Temple, looking ordinary.


  Thousands of miles of clouds broke apart in an instant, and a loud sound like a bell rang, deafening, the earth exploded, and countless beasts couldn't stand the sound and instantly turned into blood fog.

  A circle of ripples visible to the naked eye.


  Some of the nearest powerful people vomited immortal blood, the vigorous blood wilted instantly, and the divine power fluctuated violently.

   "Catch the Immortal Palace with the flesh, he is a monster and cannot be made."

  Everyone was horrified, and the Buddhist beads in the hands of the ancient Buddha in West Desert were almost crushed. This scene was too frightening.

  That is the bronze fairy palace! !

   Existence stronger than Ji Dao Emperor Weapon, just ask who would touch the Ji Dao Emperor Weapon with a physical body, that is purely seeking death.

   "Is he an emperor who can't succeed?"

  Some monks saw this scene and said absurdly.

  The first person to shake the emperor's soldiers with his bare hands was the emperor.

   "Boom boom boom..."

  The sky in the distance suddenly shone, bright as daylight, and the fairy light lingered on Li, and it began to grow stronger and brighter.


  The Buddhist beads in the hands of the ancient Buddha in West Desert were crushed, and he looked into the distance as if he had seen a ghost.

  The mysterious figure, like a god, directly pinched the fairy hall in his hand, as if it was not a fairy hall, but a toy.

   seemed to be aware of his overreaction, and the ancient Buddha of West Desert put his hands together and said a Zen saying.

  "Amitabha, this person is the reincarnation of the immeasurable vajra arhat of my Buddhist path. I will extradite him to the embrace of the Buddha later."

  Hear the words.

  Many powerful people looked at the ancient Buddha contemptuously.

  It’s all your Buddhist family...


  They slandered in their hearts.

the other side.

  The fairy light radiating from Mo Li's body, rippled waves.

   wherever he went, in a moment, everything was destroyed.

  The earth shattered, the chaotic times pierced through the sky, countless mountain peaks and large veins turned into the dust of history, in the distant mountains and forests, a head of monsters trembled in awe.

  They were trembling, and the fluctuations from that circle made them breathless, as if they had encountered the great monster.

  Jinxing City.

  At this time, the cracks in the city wall are gradually increasing. If it weren't for the protection of the powerful, the city wall would be turned into ruins.

  Xiandian kept struggling, as if trying to escape.


  Mo Li bombarded the Bronze Immortal Palace with a punch, looking extremely passionate.

   Just after this punch, the fairy palace was flooded and magnificent, and the brilliance penetrated the sky.

  The spirit of the bronze immortal temple seemed to wake up, and suddenly became awe-inspiring.

  In an instant.

  Eastern Wilderness shakes.

  Those powerful people hanging in the sky are falling one after another, and the immortal palace is showing their power. They are not qualified to stand in the sky.

  In other words, it is impossible to stop the powerful energy emitted by the fairy palace.


  Mo Li raised his fist and collided again!


  A ray of glowing light soared into the sky, until the curtain fell down nine days, the blazing light was dazzling, as if an immortal king was coming to the world.

  Xiandian is actually magnificent, like the same heavenly emperor, traversing the sky.

   Exploded infinite rays of light, and the Bronze Immortal Palace began to crazily hit Li's right hand, trying to break free from the shackles of his palm.

  This is the instinct of the fairy palace, and it is also the counterattack of the spirit.

  It is a fairy hall, which cannot be desecrated.


   Mo Li grinned: "Then put more effort to see if you can stand it?"

   is another punch.

  He threw his fist and burst into endless light.

this moment.

  The sky is divided into two colors.

  One is the light from Mo Li's fist, and the other is the dazzling light from Xiandian.

  Heaven and earth.

  Only both of them.

  The dazzling light makes it impossible to look directly at it.

  People who watched the battle closed their eyes to relieve the pain in their eyes.

  People cannot watch, but can hear.

  The earth-shaking sound kept ringing, the void was distorted and collapsed, and countless mountains and rivers were shattered and turned into desolation.


  Xiandian received a punch from Li Li, and there was a trace of cracks unexpectedly, and there was a feeling of cracking.


  The fairy hall was shaking, as if severely injured.


  Bronze Immortal Palace flashed with brilliance and began to shrink slowly, turning into a small slap and laugh.


  Bronze Immortal Palace stopped trembling, emitting a faint radiance, surrendering to Li Li.

  Qi Ling felt the terrible Li Qi, and decisively persuaded.

   Directly recognize Li Qiye as the master, willing to be his weapon.


   Seeing this, Li Qi grinned.

  The spirit of the Immortal Palace was unscrupulous, and resolutely recognized it, which really surprised him.

  Looking at the palm-sized bronze immortal temple, Li Li's eyes flashed, and he put it away directly, without letting him recognize the Lord directly.

  Mainly, he doesn’t need it.

  While Li Li put away the bronze fairy palace, the dazzling light of heaven and earth gradually dissipated.

"what happened?"

   "Where is the fairy palace?"


  As soon as the light dissipated, everyone looked in the direction of the fairy hall and found that the fairy hall had disappeared.

In the    field, there was only one illusory figure standing there, her entire body covered by colorful fairy lights, and her face was completely invisible.

  He stands for nine days, like the emperor of heaven, who is unparalleled in the world.

   "The fairy palace is gone, did you fly away again?"

  No trace of the Bronze Immortal Palace was seen, a monk shook his head and sighed.

  As soon as his words came out, many people nodded and agreed.

  In the past history, the fairy palace has appeared many times, and finally disappeared like a miraculous.

  Therefore, at the moment when the Immortal Palace appeared, everyone was like a bee smelling honey, without wasting a second, they came one after another.

  As for Mo Li's idea of ​​subduing the Immortal Palace, no one had thought about it.

  An ancient text records that when the fairy palace was born, several families and holy places that held the ultimate magic weapon together took action, wanting to leave the fairy palace.

   However, the result was heavy losses, and it was still impossible.

  Even, a supreme emperor has made a shot at the Immortal Palace, but they all ended in failure.


  Everyone did not ignore the feat of Li Li's physical body to resist the Immortal Palace, and every one of them looked at him with a trace of awe.

  Yes, it's awe.

  A person who can resist the Immortal Palace with a physical body is definitely the existence that stands at the pinnacle of the Big Dipper.

Even if people like    are not the emperor, they definitely exist at the quasi-emperor level.

  As long as it is not in the seven restricted areas, he can go to them.


  For everyone's awe-inspiring gaze, Li Li did not pay any attention to it. He prepared to leave, but was stopped by an old voice.


  Mo Li frowned and looked along the voice, and found that a decadent aura was coming towards him.

   "Senior, I didn't intentionally collided with you just now. Please don't blame it."

  The Void Great Sage said cautiously.

  He didn’t come to Li Qiye for revenge, nor was he to see an expert, but purely to resolve misunderstandings.

  As an old monster who can live for thousands of years without dying, how can he let himself provoke an enemy for no reason, seeing the warmth and coldness of the world.

  Regardless of whether Li Li was malicious towards him, he must come over to explain clearly.

  After all, you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

   "Hey, it turned out to be a half-step quasi emperor!"

  Mo Li's eyes flashed a little surprised, is Zhundi now so cheap, and how can it be seen everywhere?


  He has a wound on his body.

  This injury should be a product of the war, and it will continue to devour his vitality. "

   glanced briefly, and the situation of the Void Great Sage was clearly revealed in front of Li Qi's eyes.

  "Do you want to help him?"

   Mo Li thought about it, after all, a half-step quasi-emperor realm master is also a good combat power.


  Looking at Li Li's eyes staring sharply at him, the Void Great Sage couldn't help but feel a little hairy in his heart, a little frightened.

  He hasn't forgotten the scene where he was shot flying at random by Li Li.

   See Li Li did not show the slightest.


  The Void Great Sage spoke, and tentatively asked about Li's thoughts.

  Mo Li retracted his gaze.

  Looking at the somewhat anxious Void Great Sage, he smiled mysteriously.

   Raising his right hand slowly, a fascinating brilliance suddenly rose, the colorful colors were dazzling, and the endless divine might spread from the brilliance, and instantly swallowed the emptiness.

   "What's the matter, he wants to kill the Void King?"

  The powerful person in the Purple Mansion Holy Land stared, and said dumbly.


  Others heard the words, their expressions changed, and their hearts shuddered.

   looked at Li Li's gaze, mixed with intense panic.

  They felt that Li Qi's temper was too weird, and they had silently classified him as an incurable existence.

   "It's over!"

  The Void Great Sage, who was shrouded in the brilliance, looked terrified, and said in anguish.

   "Will you follow me?"

  He trembled thinking that he was going to be cut and killed, and before he was frightened for a second, a word came from his ear.

  In the next instant, the old face of the Void Great Sage seemed to be hit with hormones.

  "Willing, willing, willing..."

  He repeated three times, his old face flushed, and happiness came so suddenly, which surprised him too much.

  Others don’t know how powerful Li is, but he does.

  The man in front of him can be a monster that can hardly shake the Immortal Palace, and his cultivation is even more powerful, and it can be said that he is invincible.

  I can follow this kind of existence, and the future is absolutely promising.

  Even a long life may be obtained,

  For a dying old man, nothing makes him more excited than being alive.

  "You go to Jinxingcheng Yuelai Restaurant and wait for me. I will come to you when the time comes."

  Mo Li said a word, and then magically disappeared in the air, leaving no trace.

  The colorful rays of light covering the Void Great Sage's body slowly merged into the Void Great Sage's body at the moment Li Li left, and repaired his ruined body.

   Soon, the figure of the Void Great Sage slowly appeared in everyone's eyes.

   "The man left!"

   "Huh? The Void Lord is not dead."

   "Do you really want him to die?"

   "Of course not, don't wrong me."

  Several voices sounded, which obviously argued that the emptiness was not dead.

  Looking at the dissipated figure of Li Li, the Void Lord seemed to think of something?

  At the moment he showed his figure, his face was miserable, with an expression of being robbed, and he bowed to the far away Li Li.

   "Thank you senior for not killing."

   "Huh? The Void Lord has a bitter expression on his face, can it be..."

   "Hey, he should have paid a certain price to save his life."

   "The strong can't be humiliated."

   Noting the bitter face of the Void Great Sage, many small comments sounded.

  Everyone is speculating that the Void Great Sage definitely used some precious treasure to redeem his life, otherwise he would not have the same suffering as a dead wife.

   Regarding everyone's discussion, the Void Great Sage didn't care at all, he lowered his head slightly, and there was joy in the depths of his eyes.

  As an old monster who has lived for six thousand years, when he heard Li Qiye's sentence that he asked him to go to Jinxing City to wait, he knew that this strong man probably didn't want to reveal his identity.

   After all, all signs indicate that this person has been hiding his identity.

  The Void Great Sage naturally follows the meaning of Li Li and deliberately pretends that Li Li is on the opposite level.

  In this way, others will never think that he has actually followed the strong man.

   glanced coldly, the Void Great Sage flashed away directly under the eyes of everyone.

  When everyone saw this, they looked at each other, and they all left.

the other side.

  Jinxing City, Yuelai Inn.

  A dying old man appeared in it, and he walked towards a room with a slight tremor.

  This person is just the emptiness.

   "Come in, the door is unlocked!"

   was about to knock on the door, suddenly there was a deep voice inside, and the rickety figure of the Void Great Sage suddenly shocked.


   Pushing the door and entering, watching Li Li leisurely eating fruit, the pupils of Void Great Sage shrink.

   looked around, there was only Li Li in the house, nothing else.

  Is it the senior who is testing me?

   The Void Great Sage looked a little hesitant, he didn't regard Mo Li as the superior senior.

  Mo Li looks a bit young on the outside.

"You came."

   A voice full of magnetism, from Li Li's mouth


  The eyes of the Great Sage of Void shrank again.

  Is the young man in front of him the senior?

  The Void Great Sage was a little uncertain, he tentatively asked: "Are you that senior?"

   "Why, didn't you know me just after we separated?"

  Mo Li smiled slightly, his expression full of playfulness.

   " really are that senior!!!"

  In the quiet room, there was a strange cry of the Void Great Sage in an instant.

  He is a little messy!

  The senior senior in the suburbs is actually a senior?

  Is it because I slept for too long?

  Or the world has changed?

this moment.

  The world view of the Void Great Sage is collapsing, and Dao Xin has become unstable. He has the feeling of saying husky.

  He desperately tried to overlap the shining supreme existence with the young man in front of him. However, no matter what reason he used, he could not convince himself.

   make him believe that the person in front of him is the supreme existence, he can’t do it, really can’t do it

   However, the Void Great Sage is someone who has seen the world after all. Although his thoughts are a bit messy, he soon calmed down.

  Although there is unbelief in his heart, the strong can stay young forever. Perhaps the one in front of him is an old monster who looks young.

  After all, the strong have weird tempers.

  And the one in front of you should do the same.

   "You don't need to call me senior, you can call me Li Li when people are away."

   Mo Li said lightly, he knew that the Void Great Sage didn’t believe that he was that one, but that’s okay, it’s still a long time!

  "Don't know what the seniors have ordered? As long as the young man can do it, he must do it, and try to do it if he can't do it."

  The dust-free old way respectfully said.

  He gradually calmed down. Although he still didn't believe it in his heart and had doubts about Li's identity, the senior's arrangement for him to come here must have a deep meaning.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

  Mo Li nodded, her eyes flickered inexplicably, and she said in a deep voice, "From now on I want you to guard someone."


   Hearing this, the Void Great Saint's figure was shocked, and he quickly reacted, and quickly straightened his waist, his expression solemnly and respectfully said: "Senior, please tell me, who needs the little old man to guard?"

   "Her name is 囡囡, she is a 14-five-year-old girl, dressed in white and wearing a bronze mask, and now lives in the next room."

   Mo Li said softly.

  (End of this chapter)