The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 584: Shemale arguing

  Chapter 584 Shemale Controversy

  The next day, early morning.

  Jinxingcheng, which was supposed to be quiet, has long since become agitated and talked about what happened last night.

  People come and go in an endless stream.

   "Lao Ma, what's going on, why are so many people coming out of the city one after another?"

  A simple middle-aged hunter walked into the city of Jinxing and came to a grocery store in the city to deliver goods. He saw monks coming out of the city constantly, many times more than usual.


  The owner of the grocery store heard this, with a wry smile on his face, watching the people coming and going in the distance, and slowly said:

  "You don’t know, a terrible thing happened here last night. I heard that a supreme fairy was unearthed. There was a lot of noise, and finally the fairy flew away!

  I heard that there was an abyss in the place where it was. It was suspected that a certain strong man returned to the west, and now these monks are heading there. "

   speaks vividly, as if he had seen it.


  The hunter's eyes showed a hint of eagerness, as if he wanted to go over and take a look.

   "Pharaoh, I advise you not to be distracted, where is it that ordinary people like us can go, it is better to stop a little bit"

  Although Lao Ma is the owner of a grocery store, but in his old age, he can naturally see the eagerness in the heart of the Hunter Pharaoh.

"I know"

  The old hunter king responded, holding the settled silver money, bowed his head and walked out.

  "Pharaoh, don't be stupid, nowhere can you go"

  Looking at the back of Old Hunter Wang, the grocery store owner murmured to himself, with a little worry in his eyes.

  The two of them have worked together for many years and have become "old friends".

  He really doesn’t want Pharaoh to have an accident.

  Otherwise, you have to find a supplier again!

  Trouble! ! !

  On the lively streets of the city, luxury carriages come and go. There are animals pulling carts and ordinary horses.

  Among them, the more spectacular is the frame pulled by the eight-headed alien beast that is the most dazzling.

  There is a picture of God printed under the car window, which is the symbol of Yuhua Shenchao.

  Seeing this picture of God, everyone turned away.

   "The eventful autumn!"

  Somewhere in the attic, there was a sigh.

  It was a young man with extraordinary craftsmanship in a black brocade robe.

  "Everything that happened in the past few days can be recorded in the annals of history."

  Another young man said.

   "Yes, Kunlun became immortal land, the death of the quasi emperor, the birth of the immortal palace, the power of the peerless figure to shake the immortal palace, the arrival of the feathered sacred dynasty, etc., these things took less than five days.

  Everything can make people tremble and excited. "

  Another young man said.


  The other two shook their heads and sighed.

the other side.

  Yuelai Restaurant.

  Mo Li and the three people are enjoying breakfast.

   "Nun, Xiao Luo, do you know what those people are doing out?"

  Mo Li pointed at those who were walking outside the city, and asked with a smile.

"do not know!"

  囡囡 took the fried dough sticks, took a bite, and muttered.

   "Isn't something happening outside, right?"

  Luoshu didn't know why, but these people hurriedly walked outside, obviously there was something outside the city that attracted them.


  Mo Li nodded, staring at the two of them, and slowly said: "Last night, an abyss appeared outside the city, which is said to be a place where someone can live.

  After eating in a while, the two of you will go and explore to see if you can get a chance. "

  The situation that Mo Li thought of was a little dangerous, but there was a great sage of emptiness to protect him in secret, and the two children would not be in danger.

  Furthermore, because of the appearance of the Immortal Palace, there must be a lot of people of the same generation gathered there, just enough to let the two go out for experience.

  When I came back last night, Li had this idea.

   "I heard that the abyss is the cemetery of an ancient sage, or a more powerful person. This time, with the help of the ground breaking of the fairy hall, the cemetery was exposed."

  A middle-aged man explained to a young man in a black robe and reluctant to speak.

  The young man has always been taciturn. Although he listens, he rarely speaks. Generally speaking, it is a middle-aged person.

  Listening to his words, everyone around looked at the black-robed boy.

  Seeing the clothes on the black robe boy, everyone's expressions changed.

  That is the costume of the Underworld Temple.

  It seems that these two people are from the Temple of Underworld.

  The Temple of Underworld, it is rumored that it has been part of the inheritance of the ancient underworld before it has risen.

Although    is only part of the inheritance of the underworld, the background of the Temple of Underworld is very terrifying.

  Their greatest ability is the study of ancient tombs, because part of their heritage is specialized in ancient tombs.

   "The Temple of Underworld?"

   Hearing these three words, Li some eyes cast attention.

  The name of the Temple of Underworld is a bit familiar. Where did Mo Li think he had heard it?

  After thinking for a while, Li finally thought about it.

  The Temple of Underworld.

   Holy Land, also known as Nether Palace.

  Inheritance comes from one of the underworld. The founder has the underworld inheritance. He remembers that the future generations have been destroyed and were destroyed by the Jiang family **** king with the ultimate weapon.

  It seems that the Temple of Underworld in this era is alive and well, and it hasn't provoke the Jiang family.

  Seeing the middle-aged people’s question, the descendants of the Hades Palace rarely spoke, and their voices were a little green, and they seemed to seldom speak.

  "There is a record in my Temple of Underworld, which is said to have been discovered by a senior, but it is too old to know.

   However, it is recorded in the ancient books that inside the abyss is an underground palace, not a big tomb.

  There are strong restrictions in that palace, and only people in the Quadruple Realm can enter. Once someone else enters, it will trigger a restriction and attack. "

   "It seems that there is a place where young people are the masters!"

  A master in the realm of Dragon Transformation at the next table shook his head and sighed, as if he had lost a precious baby.

  There is a feeling of despair.

  "Stop complaining!

  Although you cannot enter, you can wait outside, right? "

   said a treacherous person.

  Although he didn't say it clearly, everyone was what he meant.

   "You can do it slowly, I can't keep up!"

  Luo Shu exaggerated.

   "Are you funny?"

  Looking at the strange beast sitting down in Luo Shu, her brows frowned, revealing a trace of displeasure.

"Ha ha!"

  Aware of the dissatisfaction of her daughter and daughter, Luo Shu was so scared that she hurried to accompany a smiling face:

   "Well, let's go, it's getting late."

  The words fell, picked up the whip, drew the strange beast fiercely, and ran forward quickly.


  囡囡 gave a cold snort and followed.

  As we move forward, the road becomes bumpy and not smooth.

  The two of them had to slow down.

en route.

   met many monks who went to the abyss, including martial arts and civilian monks.

  They are without exception, they all want to slam chance.


  The two went to the abyss.

  Not far from the abyss, there are many magical treasures and immortal palaces, among which there are swaying figures. At first glance, they are the temporary residences of major sacred sites and aristocratic families.

  Obviously, they arrived earlier, so the resettlement is a temporary foothold.

   "It's terrible, I don't know what great power is needed to strike out such a world."

  Luo Shu came down from the strange beast and looked at the surrounding environment, shocked.


  囡囡 slightly nodded, also shocked by the scene in front of her.

   "It seems that the time to enter has not yet started, let's find a place to stay first!"

  Looking at everyone waiting, Luo Shu's expression became clear, and he slowly said to her.

"it is good!"


  The two found a place with a better sight line and a relatively quiet place as their foothold.

  They don’t have the magic weapon of those big power palaces, so they can only sit there.

  At this time, there was a noise of people discussing in the distance.

   "This place is full of resentment, bones are like mountains, blood is flowing into rivers, when can I enter?"

   "It can't be this way all the time. Wait a while. Sooner or later the time for entry will be opened."

   "This is also true, otherwise it won't be born again because of the fairy palace."

  "I will come out after a while"

  The two voices of discussion were heard clearly in the ears of the two, letting them understand the situation here.


  The dull sound appeared, it was actually from the bottom of the abyss, or to be precise, from the ancient temple floating at the bottom of the abyss.

  It is shining and crystal clear, there is a breath of time flowing, and at the same time, there are sacred clouds flowing.

  In the ancient building complex under the abyss, a vision suddenly appeared. A five-meter-long divine bird was shining with golden light, and there were arcs lingering on the body.

   "Lightning Bird?"

  Someone exclaimed, apparently recognizing the bird in the vision.

   "It's really a lightning bird, it can be a real fierce bird, it is said to be a descendant of the phoenix, it is very powerful!"

  Someone started to introduce the origin of the lightning bird.

  Of course, the lightning bird is not the only existence.

  In other building complexes, there are also nearly twenty fierce birds and savage beasts.

  These phenomena are all different species, most of which are unheard of and unseen, each of which is incomparable.

   Such as: a centipede with silver wings, as thick as an arm, two meters long, shiny, like cast silver, lying quietly among the ruins, other creatures dare not go beyond half a step.

  There is also a fierce beast that looks like a bull, bears a lion head, and is covered with blue scales. It is more than ten meters high. It stands in the ruins like a hill, and it also occupies an area.

  The vision of nearly twenty such terrifying creatures is enough to explain the terrible palace of the abyss.

  At this moment, these visions surrounded the palaces, as if guarding the palaces below.

"That is."

  Suddenly there was a vision in the Abyss Palace. A strange creature, more than two meters high, covered with scales on its arms, shined brightly under the radiance.

   And there is a young girl beside him.

  The girl has no arms, only a pair of golden wings. In addition, her head is as long as golden silk, shining.

  There is a giant snake beside them.

  The giant snake has horns on its head and powerful claws under its abdomen. It is completely out of the category of snakes, and it is already a legendary dragon.

  囡囡 saw the vision, and her heart shook, she immediately thought that this should be the legendary big monster.

"and also……"

  Luo Shu was also surprised. He saw three suspected big monsters on the other side of the palace.

   Among them is a giant man who is extremely burly, three meters tall. Although he is a complete body, he has two horns on his head.

this moment.

  The vision of the palace seems to be evolving its past.

  As time goes by, a human being who cannot see his face appears in a vision.

  As soon as he appeared, all the visions around him disappeared.

  The man was dressed in white, and his whole body exuded colorful light, which seemed extremely mysterious.

  Standing in front of the palace for a long time, the man shook his head and sighed, turning into a radiance and dissipating in the air.

After   , all the visions around the palace disappeared, revealing the original appearance.

  "Who is that person? Why did all the visions disappear after he appeared? Is he the master of this palace?."

  Zhu Qiang exclaimed, but no one answered.

  Don’t know what’s going on?

  囡囡 There is a feeling that the person is Lie.

  Although she couldn't see the person's face clearly, and the breath exuding all over her body was different, she just felt that the person was indistinguishable.

   Suddenly, the silent palace suddenly flickered, as if the power of time was circulating, making people feel a breath of ancient times.


  A dull sound came from the palace again.

  A wave of invisible fluctuations suddenly centered on the palace, spreading towards the surroundings.




   Three more muffled sounds in succession.

  The interval was very short, and the blazing rays of light at the bottom of the abyss rushed into the high sky, turning the dark bottom into daylight.

this moment.

  The glorious ancient temple slowly floated up, revealing a powerful and strange aura.

  Above the abyss, many powerful spirits burst into brilliance, slowly approaching forward.

at this time.

  Several powerful rays of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and they landed on the ground in an instant, turning out to be a few big monsters transformed into human forms.

  As soon as they appeared, they turned towards the palace ditch, and stared at the ancient temple unblinkingly, until they reached the edge of the abyss, and then swept towards a few human monks.

  The ancient desolate family and many powerful men quickly encircled them after seeing the monsters coming.

  Among them, a gray-headed old man walked out and shouted loudly: "Yozu, this is not the place you should come to, now go back immediately, otherwise you won’t blame me for being ruthless."

  Everyone from the Monster Race, a big man with his arms covered with scales, shouted at the old man: "Humans, don't go too far. Don't forget that this place belongs to the foot of Kunlun Mountain and does not belong to your human management at all.

  Now that you come out to drive us, do you want to provoke a dispute? "

  Not far away, the giant man with a height of three meters and a pair of horns on his head also made a strong voice and shouted:

   "If you want to go to war, you can try it and see if I will be afraid of you!"

  The old man was very strong and was not afraid. He strode forward and said:

   "Demon race, you must know that this palace is left by my human race, how can you get involved!"

  "Who said this was left by your human race, obviously it was left by our demon ancestors?"

  A young girl with a pair of wings and a long golden head shouted coldly:

   "Besides, now that the palace is open, I am naturally eligible to enter. If you have to stop, don't blame us for being rude!"

   "You want to enter that is wishful thinking. If I wait again, how can you wait for it to be presumptuous?"

  An old man from an ancient family walked out with no fear in his expression, and there was a terrifying aura in his words.

  "My Jiao tribe ancestors have a last word, this is not owned by your human race, we naturally have the right to enter."

  The old bird with a single horn and sharp claws on its belly.

  Although it hasn't turned into a human form, it can speak out. Its strength is not weaker than other people, but it is not good at transforming beasts.

   "Impossible, all the buildings here are in the style of the human race, and will not have anything to do with your demons at all?"

  The head of a great teacher immediately questioned.


  The two sides are fighting for each other.

  Everything is for the ancient temple in the abyss.

  (End of this chapter)