The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 585: The ancient temple is about to begin

  Chapter 585 The ancient palace is about to begin


  The sound of breaking through the air is endless.

  Soon, dozens of divine rainbows appeared in the sky.

  After they landed, everyone discovered that these people were wearing uniform clothes and exuding a powerful atmosphere. At first glance, they came from a super power.



  The clouds and mists rolled in the distance, and the brilliance was everywhere. A huge divine boat made from the sacred jade also broke through the air and quickly approached the scene.

   makes the human and monsters who were on the scene changed one after another, revealing a look of horror.

  I am really afraid of something.

  I originally wanted to secretly obtain the things of the ancient temple, but in the end, it attracted a super group.

  However, these are just appetizers, and the rest of it shocks them even more.


  The tsunami-like waves of terror continue to spread from afar.

   heralds that some powerful characters are coming.

  Soon, dozens of divine rainbows appeared in Donggang, and nine barbarous beasts resembling unicorns behind them were pulling a jade ring surrounded by divine clouds.

  The clouds are flying through the fog, making thunder and thunder, shaking the world.

  This is definitely a terrifying big shot.

  Otherwise, there would not be such a big show.

   "Which big man arrived?"

  Kirin, a legendary existence, stands alongside the dragon.

  The unicorn has no real body in the world, only the blood left by the ancient times has been passed down to this day.

  The strange beasts that appear today are just similar in appearance, not real unicorns.

  This kind of wild and ancient strange animal with impure bloodliness, although the blood of the gods is already thin, it is still extremely powerful, and its strength is comparable to that of the big monster.

  Incoming people are pulled by nine unicorn beasts.

  The extravagance is so big that people have to be shocked.

  "In the wild ancient family, when a big man from the Wang family traveled, he used Jiujiao to pull a cart.

  Now this person is pulling a cart with nine unicorn beasts, and his identity is definitely unusual. "

   The strong man on the ancient chariot of the Wang family heard the words and shook his head with a wry smile and said: "The man who pulled the cart with the Jiu Jiao is an uncle of our Patriarch.

  The person in front of him is so big, even if he is not the head of a certain wild ancient family, it is almost the same. "

  Many monks were awe-inspiring, and they looked sideways, wanting to see who came?

  After the nine unicorn beasts stopped, there was no movement in Yuyan, and the big figures inside did not come out, as if they were waiting quietly for something?

the other side.

  The huge divine boat made from the sacred jade sacrifice was horizontal in the air, and it did not come close. It seemed that he was afraid of this jade.

   Obviously, these are just preludes, and more schools are coming after them.

  Don’t even think about it. There will definitely be thousands of people gathered before dawn.

  When the news is completely spread, it will inevitably boil here.

The birth of the ancient place where the powerful residence was born is too significant. If those holy places far away in the sky get news, they will definitely put a'dao pattern' in the field, condense the'heavenly power', open the'old road', and quickly cross the space. Come to the swallow land.

  After all, the brilliance here has soared to the sky, and it is difficult not to know.

  There are more and more people around, and there are more and more discussions.

  Even though they know that there are only monks who can only enter the four-polar secret realm, there are always people who want to break the restriction and take this magical palace as their own.


  Although this palace is not as powerful as the Bronze Immortal Palace, it is more practical. Any palace inside corresponds to a secret realm full of various treasures.

  This is why, after many forces know that the palace is present, so many big people will come.

  At the same time, some casual cultivators rushed here, just wanting to witness a major event that shook the Eastern Famine with their own eyes.

the other side.

  囡囡 and Luo Shu's faces were a little ugly, and they felt a sense of distress in their hearts as they watched the big figures appearing in the distance.

   "So many big people are here, are we still there?

  No, let’s go.”

   Luo Shu squatted.

  It is obvious that there are so many big people here, it is useless for us to stay here, and even our lives are in danger.

   "Look and talk."

  囡囡 also knows that it is not good to stay here, and none of the big figures above can deal with them.

   But letting her leave, it is indeed impossible.


Luo Shu gritted his teeth and nodded with an ugly expression.

   "Boom Rumble"

  The sky trembled.

An ancient chariot filled with murderous air, made of gold, engraved with dense "Dao patterns", was pulled by nine powerful green dragons, making gusts of wind and thunder, rolling across the sky, rolling Then, a powerful war intent came surging like a tsunami.

  Beside the abyss, many cultivators took a breath, and another big figure arrived. Many people changed their colors, but only those who had turned to the gods showed joy.

  The nine-headed blue dragon pulled the golden ancient chariot, soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, rushing to it quickly, and stopped in front of the Yuhua Shen Chao, and then there was no sound.

  Originally, the Wang family wanted to go over and say hello, but found out that it was not their family's frame, so they stopped here.

  囡囡's expression changed a little after seeing the incoming person, the killing intent slowly overflowed, her eyes were cold and merciless, and she stared at the frame.


  Luo Shu frowned, and noticed the changes in the nuns, and looked along his frame, and found that he was a man of the feathered gods, his face changed drastically.

  He knows many things, and the relationship between 囡囡 and Yuhua Shenchao.

  Nowadays, the sisters are showing killing intent. If they are discovered by that person, their situation would be dangerous.

   "Naughty, quickly curb your killing intent, those people are not you and I can provoke"

  Thinking of this, Luo Shu quickly reminded,

  Unfortunately, his reminder was still a little late, how could the characters in the frame not notice the killing intent of the girl.


   Suddenly, a pair of cold and merciless eyes came directly through the car window, and the whole body of Luo Shu he was looking at was cold, feeling like a cold winter.

  囡囡 is also stiff, forgetting the ability to think.

  "Grimace mask?"

  Seeing the copy of the 囡囡 in the frame, the man said coldly, his eyes burst with endless killing intent.

  If he remembered correctly, a little girl with a bronze mask appeared in Kunlun Chengxian Land that day.

   "You guys, take those two down in the past, regardless of life or death!"

  The man in the car is Yu Daoqi, the big man who came to Jinxing City today.

  He came here to investigate the matter of Chengxiandi, by the way, to see what happened to the Abyss Palace.

  I didn’t expect to meet 囡囡 and others, which is really a surprise.


  Luo Shu's face changed drastically. He watched the people flying towards this side of the Yuhua Goddess. Without even thinking about it, he took her arm, turned and ran.

  It's a pity.

  Luoshu's idea is very good, but unfortunately the strength is not enough.

  Faced with the powerful monks of the Emerging God Dynasty, they were quickly stopped.

"How to do?"

  Looking at the enemies that appeared around him, Luo Shu's expression changed drastically.

  "Fight with them"

  囡囡's face is ugly.

  She doesn’t know what to do?

  Although they haven't played against each other yet, looking at the blood and power radiating from the opponent, the two of them are definitely not the opponents of this person.


  Luo Shu's face was dumbfounded, he glanced at her with a strange expression, and kept wailing in her heart.

  This is for you to think of a solution, not for you to faint!

   "Can you contact your uncle?"

A gleam of light flashed in Luo Shu's eyes, so he asked quickly.


  囡囡's words directly caused Luo Shu's heart to sink into the bottom.

   "There is no way, I block them, you first withdraw."

   Luo Shu whispered, and rushed towards the people of the Yuhua God Dynasty, playing all the mysterious and mysterious methods in his hand, completely desperate.

"you come back"

Before the voice of   囡囡 fell, she saw Luo Shu flying back upside down, hitting the ground severely, and vomiting a mouthful of blood.

   "Hmph, a child in the four-pole Secret Realm dare to shoot at me, it's really overwhelming."

  An old man said with contempt in his eyes.

  囡囡 guarded Luo Shu behind her, looked at the people around her with guard, holding the silver-white long sword in her hand, making an attack at any time.

   "I advise you to give up resistance, otherwise don't blame me for waiting for the ruthlessness of my men"

  The old man said arrogantly, without paying attention to the two of them at all.

   "Don't think about it!"

  囡囡 said coldly.

   "Since she is so ignorant of good and bad, the sixth child, you will take her down in the past and hand it over to the ancestor!"

  The old man faced a slightly younger middle-aged man beside him.


  Yuhuashen walked towards the middle-aged man slowly towards the nun and nun, a powerful momentum rose from the whole body, and he wanted to press down on the surroundings.


   Accepting this breath head-on, like a sledgehammer hitting her body, made her groan painfully.


   Yuhua Shen Chao suddenly vomited blood to the middle-aged man and flew out, slamming on the ground far away severely.

"who is it?"

  The Feathering God uttered an angry roar at the old man, glaring at the surroundings, trying to find the person who sneaked in.


  The rickety figure of the Void Great Sage appeared out of thin air, standing on the void, looking coldly at the few people Yuhua Shenchao.

  "Nothingness, there is nothing for you here, please leave"

  Feather Dodge walked out of the frame, his old eyes twinkling.

  "Nothingness? Is he the Great Sage of Nothingness?"

  Yuhua God heard the words from several other people, and looked at the rickety old man in front of him with a wary expression.

  You must know that they have a long history of evolving gods, so they naturally know the horror of the old man in front of them.

  There are only a handful of people who can compare with him, but they are not nervous.

  Even their ancestor Yu Dodge is extremely nervous.

   "Hehe, Yu Daoqi, I advise you to leave her alone, or you can blame the old for being rude to you."

   Pointing to the two girls behind him, the Void Great Sage coldly said to Yu Daoqi:

   "You know that I want to clean up you, just a few tricks."

  The Void Great Sage looked at Yu Daoqi with a smile, just like a kind grandfather.

  However, no one would really think that he was a kind old man with the smile of the Void Great Sage.

  The character who existed six thousand years ago is still alive, which has fully proved his horror!

The movement of    also aroused the attention of others.

  Patriarchs or head teachers of many forces, as well as some Tianjiao, all looked sideways. Seeing the figure of the Void Great Sage, my heart was shocked.

  For them, this old man has an absolute taboo. Even if the major sacred places have to deal with it, they have to use their background, and even hurt their muscles and bones.

   Therefore, no one wants to provoke him unless necessary, even if it is a powerful holy place.

   "Are you going to protect her?

  Give me a reason. "

  Yu Dodge said, his tone was a bit cold, his eyes fixed on the Void King, without any fear.

"What do you think?"

  The Void Great Sage still smiled, kind eyebrows and good-looking, with no explanation at all.


  Yu Dodge frowned, and a hint of clarity appeared in his heart. It seemed that the Void Great Sage was the protector of this little girl.

  "Do you know that this little girl must be removed from my Yuhua Shenchao, and you protect her like this, do you want to offend the majesty of our Yuhua Shenchao?"

  Yu Dodge said coldly.

   "Haha, Yu Daoqi, don't use the Yuhua Shenzhao to press me down, I am not afraid of others who are afraid of you Yuhua Shenzhao.

  Again, you'd better speak politely to me, otherwise don't blame me for not giving you the face of Lao Tzu."

  The Void Great Sage straightened his waist, his expression was slightly cold, and a trace of Ruo Ruo Wu's killing intent rose from his body, and looked at Yu Daoqi with cold and ruthless eyes, as if he was about to do it at any time.


  Yu Dodge looked at the Void Great Sage coldly, he didn't do anything.

  Although he is not afraid of the Great Sage of Nothingness, he believes that his strength can fight the Great Sage of Nothingness, but there are countless giants here after all, if he is really injured, some people are willing to beat down the dog.

for a long time,

  Yu Dodge slowly retracted his gaze, and said to the person beside him:


  The words fall,

  When he moved his figure, he flashed back to the Yuhua Shenchao station, not looking here.

  The onlookers all showed disappointed expressions. Originally, they thought that the two would fight.

  The result was a standoff for a while, and finally one came and went nothing.

   Regarding the disappointed gaze of the surroundings, the Void Great Sage didn’t pay attention to it, turned and landed in front of the two of them, smiling and saying:

  "Your uncle asked me to tell you that after you two enter the ancient temple, no matter what you encounter, everything depends on yourself. He will not help!"

  The words fell, the Void Great Sage glanced at Luo Shu, then sent out a soft brilliance, directly wrapped Luo Shu, and constantly repaired his internal injuries.

  Without waiting for the two to thank you, the Void Great Sage appeared directly above the sky, staring at the ancient temple in the abyss.

the other side.

   Feathering God Dynasty and other major strengths, at first they wanted to unite together and forcibly attack the prohibition outside the ancient temple.

  In this way, after the ancient temple's prohibition is broken, they will equally divide the treasures in the ancient temple.

  But now the appearance of the Void Great Sage suddenly broke everyone's plan, and they had to stop their actions.

  They also want to bring the Void Great Sage into the group, but unfortunately the confrontation between the Void Great Sage and the Yuhua Divine Dynasty just now made the relationship between the two a little bit wonderful.

  If everyone wants to continue planning, the only way is to abandon one of them.

  The Feathering God Dynasty is currently the world's largest power, and they naturally dare not abandon it.

  And, the Void King is the most powerful person here, if he really takes a shot, even if everyone unites, it is not necessarily the Void King’s opponent.

  In the face of such a situation, it is better to postpone the plan once everyone discusses it.

  In this way, no matter whether it is the Feathering God Dynasty or the Void Great Sage, they will not be guilty.

  So, you can only send monks in the four-polar secret realm to find the treasure.

  This is the best way so far, and it's the best way for each other.

  Yu Dodge naturally knows that the emptiness is here, and they don’t want to get any benefits.


   Six thousand years ago, the Void King was a shit-cutter.

  He will be there no matter where big things happen.



  The ancient hall of the abyss soon made another loud noise, shaking the entire void.

   Soon, densely packed ancient texts appeared around, including dragon-shaped inscriptions, phoenix-shaped inscriptions, and mysterious tortoise-shaped inscriptions, all of which seemed to be alive, exuding colorful colors.

  The ancient breath, like a billowing smoke, rushes straight into the sky, and the powerful force is undulating like a vast ocean.

  For such a change, it naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

  But no one took the initiative to step forward at this time, so as not to be shocked by the terrifying power of God.

  "This is the prelude to the opening of the ancient temple, everyone prepares, after the ancient temple is opened, take the lead in entering!"

  Before the abyss.

  Such a cold voice came from the jade garland pulled by the nine-headed unicorn beast.

  The voice is not very loud, even a little low, but it spreads clearly in every corner, making many monks shiver.

  Of course, there is more than one such scene.

  Many ridiculous ancient families are also telling the young people under the door to get them ready and enter at any time.




  There are dull noises from time to time in the ancient temple, and people with strength exceeding the four-polar secret realm have retreated, even if it is a few big monsters and Yu Daoqi and others of the Yu Sheng Dynasty.

  I can't bear it at such a close distance, and his face is not very good.

  Looking at the palace that is constantly shining in the abyss, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

  Even if they are unwilling, they will retreat.

  Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

  Because that voice is only useful for monks above the four-pole mystery realm.

  The monks under the four-polar secret realm have no influence at all,

  The ancient temple suddenly flew up from the abyss, revealing its crystal brilliance.

  There are many ancient characters inscribed on its foundation, some of which resemble dragons and phoenixes, some resemble black tortoises and unicorns, and some humanoid characters.

   are all pre-ancient scripts, including monster scripts, ancient scripts, and even human scripts.

   "Humans, what else do you have to say, there is clearly my monster character written on it, do you dare to say that this belongs to your human race?"

  The big man with his arms covered with scales shouted at the Patriarch of an ancient family.

   "Huh, what about your monster script? Isn't it our human script?"

  This ridiculous ancient family is very powerful, even if he knows that there is a demon text on it, he does not want to let the demon clan enter.

  His words instantly aroused the approval of the surrounding human race monks, and they spoke out against the monster race people.

  For a time, the scene formed a confrontation again.

  However, it is clear that the human race is occupying the top.

  "The monsters can enter, those who disagree come to ask me"

  In the air.

  Looking at the quarreling people of the two races, the Void Great Sage suddenly spoke, directly making the scene quiet.

  The human race is puzzled, but the demon race is pleasantly surprised.


   The Void Great Sage snorted coldly, a breathtaking breath, which directly caused some dissatisfied people to put their hearts in their stomachs.

   Several great monsters showed extremely excited expressions, and thanked the Void Great Sage:

   "Thank you, Great Sage!"

   "You don't need to do this, someone specially explained that you should enter, I naturally have to comply!"

   The Void Great Sage slowly said.


  Several monsters and the people present just heard this statement, and they didn't change their color.

  They are not difficult to hear a lot of information from the words of the Void Great Sage, but looking at the Void Great Sage who closed their eyes and calmed down, they didn't have the guts to ask.

  One by one, with doubts in their hearts, who is constantly thinking about the person in the words of the Void Great Sage?

To know.

  The Great Sage of Nothingness has been famous for a long time, and is one of the top figures in the Eastern Wilderness.

  The person who can make him speak with peace of mind is certainly not a simple character.

   may even exist above the emperor level.

  As for the supremacy of the restricted area, everyone is directly excluded.

  Who doesn’t know, the Void Lord has an enmity with the restricted area.

  The sect where the Void Great Sage was located was destroyed by the Supreme of the Forbidden Zone. If he hadn't been strong enough, he would have entered the Forbidden Zone long ago.


  The ancient temple built by the five-color sacred jade once again made a dull sound, and the power of the seal was fast fading.

  Xiahui of the ancient temple circulates, and the five-color light flickers, obviously this ancient temple is about to open.

far away,

  The major forces once again reminded the monks in the four-polar secret realm to prepare them, and when they are opened, enter directly.

  The Void Great Sage, sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the palace below, pondered slightly, and said to the two of them:

   "You two are also ready, ready to enter at any time! However, after you enter, do not separate, and calm down in case of trouble." After finishing speaking, he glanced vaguely at the direction of Yuhua God.

  He knew that according to Yuhua Shenchaoyu Dodge's temperament, he would never let go, he couldn't do it here.

  After the two enter the ancient temple, Yu Daoqi will definitely send a large number of monks in the quadrupole secret realm to chase and kill the two.

  However, before he came here, Li Qiye had specifically instructed him that as long as the two of them entered the ancient temple, they didn't need to worry about him.

  Although this is the case, the Void King still kindly reminds me.

  He didn't know the specific relationship between Li Qi and Nun Nun, but judging from the fact that he let himself be the guardian of Nun Nun, the relationship between the two was by no means as simple as the surface.


  Li Li who was drinking tea in the restaurant suddenly sneezed.

   "Hey, who counts Laozi?"

   Then began to figure it out.


  Mo Li frowned, his face was a little weird, and said in a strange tone:

"Oh it's you!"

   glanced at the direction of the abyss, Li You picked up his teacup and drank.

  Mo Li didn't drink ordinary tea, but he went to Undead Mountain to pick it.

  These are all good teas for enlightenment, long-lasting and awakening.

  Although its effects are useless to Li, it tastes good.

  If someone knows about Li Zhan Enlightenment Tea, but thinks that the taste is good, there will definitely be countless people carrying a forty-meter knife and chasing him.

  (End of this chapter)