The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 592: Things are not

   Chapter 592

  Time passed unconsciously, and ten springs and autumns passed in a blink of an eye.

  The ignorant and ignorant urchin Hong Xuanji who followed Mo Li back then has become a handsome and extraordinary boy.

  In the past ten years, many things have happened. Among them, Hong’s mother finally passed away three years ago because of her frailty and frailty.

   Regarding Hong’s mother’s situation, Li Li did not receive medical treatment after leaving. He felt that birth, old age, sickness and death belonged to the world, and there was no need to change.

  Of course, if Hong Xuanji speaks, Li Qi will definitely not refuse.

  Unfortunately, although Hong Xuanji was sad, he did not let Mo Li intervene in the life and death of his mother. In his words, if one day he could put an end to life and death, he would definitely change this situation.

  In the next time, Hong Xuanji basically spent his spare time learning knowledge and martial arts. I have to say that this era belongs to Hong Xuanji's era, and his luck is really abundant.

  Whether it is teaching knowledge or martial arts concepts, he will soon be easily familiar with him, and people have to sigh his aptitude and clouds.

  Even if there is a system, Li Qi is slightly inferior to him in cultivation speed.

  Today's Hong Xuanji's martial art realm has reached the realm of the master, and the actual combat power is much stronger. After all, he has been trained by Li Qi personally over the years. If the combat power is low, wouldn't it be a waste of training?

  Because of this, Hong Xuanji would become a little frightened after seeing Li Li. This was an instinctive reaction from the depths of his soul, and there was no way.

  For example, Hong Xuanji, who had just finished his boxing technique, was about to realize what he had just gained, when he heard a sound that made him feel frightened physically and mentally.

   "Mystery, get up early!"

  Hong Xuanji didn't dare to neglect, and quickly walked to Mo Li, respectfully made a disciple salute, and whispered, "Mr., early!"


   Mo Li looked at the polite Hong Xuanji, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the scene of the past ten years appeared in his mind.

  It can be said that after experiencing these worlds, Hong Xuanji is the only student who satisfies him.

  It's not that the previous encounters were bad, but that it was a little worse than Hong Xuanji.

   "Mystery, now that you have been following me for ten years, it’s time to go out and do something"

  Mo Li directly said his meaning, clearly letting Hong Xuanji go out and make trouble.

   "Sir, me?"

  Hong Xuanji's head is a little confused, I don't know what Li Qi means, is it impossible to get rid of him?

   "A good man is in every direction. Don't be a little girl. After breakfast, go out and do something."

  Mo Li didn't explain too much, he had stayed here long enough, it was time to go out and stroll around the world of Yangshen.

  This is conducive to his injury.

   "Sir, I feel there are still a lot of things to learn."

  Hong Xuanji thought for a while, and felt that it would be better to stay with Li Li and study for a while, but his wish was rejected by Li Li directly:

   "Okay, go out and explore, you can learn a lot with me, but it is not good for your achievements."

  How could Mo Li fail to see Hong Xuanji's careful thoughts, and just click to break the road.


   Hong Xuanji smirked, his face was not embarrassing at all.


  Mo left his mouth and said.


  Hong Xuanji nodded.

  In this way, the master and apprentice who had been together for ten years were separated, and Mo Li also left after Hong Xuanji left Hongjia Village.

  No one knows where he went, only that he disappeared.

  Twenty-five years later, Yujingcheng.

  It was late autumn at this time, but there was no snow, and there was no white scenery outside.

  However, the cold northwest wind is blowing, bringing endless chill, letting people know that winter is not far away.

  Now a young man dressed in white is standing at the gate of Yujing City, looking at this long-awaited capital.

  Unexpectedly, I have left here for more than 20 years, and now I have come back. I don’t know how Xuanji has been over the years. Will it become like the original work and become a great master over the same generation?

  It should be!

  Otherwise, wouldn’t you let yourself be trained for nothing!

  Mo Li decided to go in and have a look. By the way, I saw Hong Xuanji, his lover.

  Thinking of this, he took a step forward, his movements were unhurried, or a little soft, and he kept looking at the streetscape of Yujing City along the way, feeling the changes.

  Not to mention, Yujing City has not changed much since more than 20 years ago. It is still the same, as if it was deliberately reserved for such decoration.

  In this way, without knowing it, I walked to the front of the "Wuwenhou" mansion.

   Looking at the pair of red lacquered stone unicorns with a height of three people in front of the door, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Emperor Qian paid much attention to Hong Xuanji and even erected such a high stone sculpture.

  With the extremely tall vermilion gate, it fully demonstrates his dignity.

   However, looking at the higher-ranking people at the door, it really made Li Li frowned. This attitude was a bit arrogant, as if he didn't put everyone in his eyes.

   "Hope Hong Xuanji is still the same Hong Xuanji back then!"

   Mo Li sighed faintly, slowly stepped forward, and told the next person that he wanted to see Hong Xuanji, please let me know.

  Unfortunately, I was finally rejected by the subordinate who had the eyes above the top.

  On this, Li Li didn't say anything, turned around and left silently!

  For such a result, he had expected it a long time ago, and there was no surprise.

  After that, under the ridiculous eyes of the subordinates of Hong Mansion, he slowly walked towards the west.

   Soon, he came to Xishan.

  This is the place where Hong Yi’s mother is buried.

  Because of his humble status, he could not enter the ancestral hall of the Hong family.

  So after his death, Hong Yi was buried in this location.

   Speaking of the identity of Hong Yi’s mother, it’s actually not humble, but also very powerful.

After all,    is the sister of the Taoist Master, who belongs to the princess.

  Unfortunately, it eventually became a victim of the struggle between the two sides.

  The West Mountain is very large, and it belongs to the range of the West Mountain. Although it is not particularly majestic, it is also a relatively large mountain range.

  There are many treasures and games in it, and it is one of the main venues for the nobles and nobles to hunt.

  Go west all the way, without stopping because of the difficulty of the mountain road.

  That’s it, I didn’t stop until the sky was dark.

  Looking at the small temple in the distance, don’t fly away.

  This ruined temple is called Qiuyue Temple, and it is the place Hong Yi visits every year.

   One is to keep the grave for the mother, and the other is to keep the grave clean.

  Because there is only one old monk, it saves a lot of trouble.

  As for the basil and withered grass on the ground in the temple, Li Li did not pay any attention to it. After showing his intention to the old monk, he gave some incense money and lived there.

  His purpose here is very simple, is to wait for the arrival of Hong Yi, so that he can earn luck by teaching this son of destiny, so as to repair the remaining injuries.

  It can be said that in these years, he has been looking for opportunities everywhere, constantly using the resources of this world to repair his injuries.

   Now that his injuries have been repaired, he can completely repair his injuries as long as he gets a little luck.

  (End of this chapter)