The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 599: Return to the Seven Realms, mother-in-la

  Chapter 599 Return to the Seven Realms, Mother-in-law Comes to Settle Accounts

   "Huh? Here it is"

  Mo Li just felt a strong crisis in the world of Yangshen, and without thinking about it, he went straight through and returned to the Seven Realms.

  If the breath just now didn't feel wrong, it should belong to the enemy at the beginning.

  It is weird to think that the breath of that person will be left in the world of Tao Yang God!

  However, after he came back, he found that the surrounding environment was a bit familiar, as if he had been there before, but before he could see clearly, he was attracted by a mysterious white shadow.

  This person is surrounded by ice fog locks, and it is completely impossible to see whether he is a man or a woman. He is very powerful, even if compared with him.

   However, judging from the aura displayed by this person, this person should be a technique for cultivating the ice attribute, otherwise such a strong chill will not be formed around him.

  At this time, this mysterious person was staring at Li Li coldly, but his cold eyes were full of cold light, as if the two had a great hatred.

   "Boy, I didn't expect you to finally show up. It's been a long time for me to look for it."

  This person's tone is very cold, and there is a strong killing intent in his voice, which makes it somewhat inexplicable.

  "Who are you? Do we know each other?"

  Discovering that his aura was a bit wrong, Li Qiming asked, but unfortunately the trend in exchange for a storm attack formed by the air of ice, in the blink of an eye, all the areas around him were frozen for five miles.


   Li Li felt the person's strong offensive, coupled with the cold air, his face suddenly changed, and he whispered in his mouth, he quickly raised the whole body's true essence and told Mobile to avoid the cold current.

   "Who are you? Why are you attacking me?"

   Mo Li shouted.

  Unfortunately, it was the woman's cold snort and merciless attack in exchange. The movements on her hands have not weakened, as if the two had a feud.


   "Don't think I am afraid of you, just look at it."

  Mo Li's wrist moved, and a lightsaber of true essence was transformed into a lightsaber, which quickly displayed its sword skills.

   The sharp sword light and the chilling sword aura exploded rapidly from the true essence long sword, like a storm, madly rolling towards the mysterious person.

  The powerful power caused violent noises in the surrounding space, as if the next one was about to collapse, shocking the mysterious people on the opposite side.

However, the mysterious person's skill is not weak. Two dazzling divine lights burst out in his eyes, and his hands display the strange and powerful ice power, like an ice dragon flying, swallowing the world with energy, whistling toward the world. Rushed with Jianguang.

"I go!"

   Feeling the power of the mysterious man’s attack, Li Qi cursed inwardly, and quickly backed away. At the same time, he waved a black beam of light with his right hand.

  The strong real air current is like a spirit snake's message, extremely powerful and very strange, and it went through the ice dragon attack out of thin air and hit the mysterious person.


  The mysterious man was startled, and quickly waved out a white light, slowly forming an ice sword in the process of flying, carrying the supreme power, and rushing towards the shadow streamer attack.

  For a time, the strong sword aura, the ice-cold flying, the weird shadow streamer, and the powerful white sword aura collided in an instant, causing a bursting explosion.

  The extremely powerful air current rushed madly in all directions, rolling up the dust in the sky, blocking the sight of the surroundings.

  At the same time, countless lights flicker, like modern neon lights, dazzling people.

   Mo Li's body was directly targeted by the terrifying shock wave, spouting a mouthful of blood, if it weren't for physical injuries, how could it be like this.

  The fog outside the mysterious person was also dispersed by the strong shock wave, revealing his true colors, and surprised Li on the opposite side.

  This person turned out to be a middle-aged beautiful woman who thought she was about forty-five-six.

"you are."

   Seeing this person, Mo Qi faintly guessed her identity, except for the Nine Yin Mother.

  No wonder he came to attack himself, it turned out to be out of anger for the apprentice!

   "So what, are we a little misunderstood!"

  Mo Li hurriedly showed his favor, he didn't want to get too stiff with the one in front of him, after all, the purpose of meeting the Seven Realms this time was to get Lu'e.

  Nine Yin Mother glared at Mo Li, her expression was cold, her body was full of strong killing intent, and she snorted: "Boy, don't get close to me, no one can save you today!"

After    finished speaking, his figure moved again, rushing towards Li Li quickly.

"do not be like this"

  After knowing the identity of this person, Li Li naturally didn't want to entangle her, simply spotted one direction, and flew away quickly.

   Now he has injuries on his body, and his strength is unable to show all his strength. If he fights against the Mother of Nine Yin in the Heavenly Immortal realm, there will be absolutely no good fruit.

  Besides, this person is the master of the future wife, so naturally he can't do anything with her.

   "Boy, don't want to run away, no one can save you today"

  The Mother of Nine Yins saw Mo Li rushing towards the Jiuyin Cave Mansion, and hurriedly chased after her.

that's all.

  Before and after, the two quickly entered the Jiuyin Cave.

  Mo Li was relatively familiar with this place. After all, he had been here before, if it hadn't been for the people of Jiutian Wujietian to make trouble, he would have returned home with the beauty long ago.

  Revisiting the ancient places nowadays, naturally it has a special flavor.

   "Boy, there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, and there is no way to hell. It’s not good for you to escape wherever you want to. You have to enter my Jiuyin Cave Mansion. It seems that God’s will makes you perish here."

  The Mother of Nine Yins saw Li Li madly running towards the inside of the cave, a cold smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, as if she had already seen Li Li's end.

  Facts are similar. Jiuyin Cave Mansion was originally her place of cultivation, just like the base camp. Not to mention that Li is here, even the masters of the two heavenly immortal realms may not be able to beat her.

  Unfortunately, she didn't know that Li Qi escaped here deliberately.

  As long as Lu'e is captured at that time, Mother Jiuyin will be jealous, and she will not dare to attack him, and then come to persuade him with emotion and reason, and everything will come naturally.

  If the Mother of Nine Yin knew about Li's sinister intentions, she would definitely come forward to organize and would never let him fall into the cave.

  Unfortunately, she didn't know.

  Sure enough, after flying a certain distance, Li Li found the trail of Lu'e. Without even thinking about it, he turned into a light and shadow and appeared in front of Lu'e quickly.

   In Lu'e's shocked gaze, he hugged her directly into her arms, and directly sealed her cultivation.

   "Well, beauty, we meet again!"

   After finishing speaking, Lu'e flashed up in front of the Mother of Nine Yin with a stunned voice, and said loudly: "Mother of the Nine Yin, stop!"

  "Let go of Lu'e, I will let you go"

   Seeing that Lu'e was held hostage, the face of the Mother of the Nine Yins changed drastically, and finally understood why Li Li had to run towards Lie here. It turned out that she wanted to threaten her with Lu'e's safety.

   is really sinister!

  Unfortunately, she woke up too late!

  So that, now being threatened by Li Li!

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  (End of this chapter)