The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 607: Mysterious golden fairy master!

  Chapter 607 Mysterious Golden Fairy Master!

  Mo Li smiled slightly. He didn't expect the residual **** formula to be so easily obtained. To his surprise, he originally thought there would be a wave of waves, but in the end there was nothing.


  Just as Li smiled, Lu'e's closed eyes slowly opened, and two golden glows were shot from it, giving people a feeling of a queen coming.

  The whole body is full of majesty, which makes people feel like worshipping strangely.

   "This technique is so powerful, it has the power to kill the gods."

  After a while, the golden light in Lu'e's eyes dissipated, and the majesty of the whole body retracted into his body, with a smile in his eyes, and said in surprise.

   "Don't be surprised, this is a powerful law in itself, and you will know it when you confront the enemy in the future."

  Mo Li glanced at the Temple of Destruction inside, smiled, holding Lu'e's little hand, and stepped towards the inside.

  He didn't come here solely for the Remnant God Technique, but also for the Deshen God Technique.

   Soon, the two of them entered the Temple of Destruction. Compared with the Temple of Remnants outside, the atmosphere here has changed. Even the sky outside is of other colors, as if there is no cave in the sky.

   Things are the same. There is a mysterious formation in the Temple of Destruction, which can change everything around it, but it does not have much influence on the inheritance inside.


   Suddenly, there was a blast of thunder outside, and the sound was as magnificent as a bell, and it was extremely loud, making Lu'e walked with a clever brow.

  At this time, she found that the weather outside began to change drastically, and there was a pouring rain, which was very weird.

"How is this going?"

  Lv'e found that the rain was very weird, only around the Remnant Temple, and nothing else. It seemed that after the Remnant God decided to take it away, the Remnant Temple had no value to exist!

  For such a change, Lu'e didn't know why, so she turned her gaze to the side and stood still, staring at Li Li outside.

  He found that since entering the Temple of Destruction, Li Li looked a little abnormal, as if his attention was attracted by something, and he felt a little absent-minded.

  In fact, Li Li's mind was indeed attracted.

  His eyes are always staring outside, exploring the mystery in the Temple of Destruction. Compared with the Temple of Remnant, he cares more about this place.

  Because in the original work, Lu Yun got the magic from this place. When the strength was not as good as the Tiansha, he even turned the Tiansha into a dizzy direction, which can be described as a powerful anomaly.


  Suddenly, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky, illuminating the entire Temple of Destruction.

  And Li Li also recovered from this terrifying thunder, a pair of extremely sharp eyes burst out astonishing eyes, but if he watched carefully, his mind did not return to himself.

  It seemed that the thunder that shook the sky did not change his mind, it was very weird.

  Lu'e didn't know why Li Li was like this, but she was cleverly not disturbed, but stood by and watched silently.

  She knew that Li Li must have discovered something, otherwise such a thing would not happen.

  In this way, time passed by, and the Temple of Mie Shen was slowly changing. The wooden plaque with the three fonts of Mie Shen Temple suddenly exploded out of three fonts with weird lights.

  Under Lu'e's horrified gaze, he directly sank into Li's heavenly spirit in the shape of a character, but Li Li seemed to be unaware, standing still on the spot, without dodge at all.

  Very weird!


   Just when Lu'e wanted to ask Li's luck about the reason, she suddenly discovered that a golden vortex appeared behind Li's, and inside it were the three big golden characters that had just disappeared.

   Immediately stopped, and stood still in place, waiting for Li Qi to wake up naturally.

  She secretly rejoiced in her heart, but fortunately she didn't step forward, otherwise Li Qi's chances would be ruined.

  Sure enough, not long after she stopped, the weird idol in the Temple of Destruction suddenly burst out with a bright light, and directly found Li Qi's whole body.

   Then, countless words appeared in the light, crazily piercing into Li's mind, and Lu'e was a little dumbfounded when she saw it.

  Unexpectedly, the inheritance of this God Destruction Technique would be so violent, which makes people look a little unacceptable.

  Fortunately, she is not the person who accepts the inheritance, otherwise there may be some moths!

  And Li Li gave up resisting precisely because of the aura of the God Extinguishing Technique, otherwise she would never be enveloped by the Light of Extinguishing God.

  In this way, as time went by, every minute and every second passed, and Li Li showed no signs of waking up, and Lu'e who was waiting was a little anxious.

  After all, the rain outside stopped, and it turned out that Li Qiye hadn't awakened yet, which was really weird.

  However, she knows that this kind of inheritance cannot be urged, but she can only wait.


  After a while, when the sun shone on Li's cheeks, he finally opened his closed eyes, and a deep smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

  Because the inheritance is over.

  Not only that, even the strength of Xuanxian Peak has also improved a lot, half of the foot has reached the level of the golden immortal.

   "Let's go, Lu'e!"

  The first time he opened his eyes, Li Li pulled up Lu'e's little hand, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in the Temple of Destruction.

  However, before leaving, he looked deeply into the depths of the Temple of Mie, because there was an old white-browed monk there, holding a wooden fish in his hand, looking at them.

  It is for this reason that he left in a hurry.

  Because he couldn't see through the strength of that old monk.

  There is such an existence in the Seven Realms, and there will be no other people except the master Jinxian.

  For the real identity of the old monk, Li Qiye didn't want to guess, because he didn't want to have too much contact with the master Jinxian yet.

  After Li Li left, the old monk sighed: “The wheel of fortune is about to start to turn. The savior hopes that you can expose the people of the seven realms.”

  The words fell, and the old white-browed monk sat back in the corner and turned into a silent person.

   Standing in the clouds, Lu'e looked at the fast-moving mountains and rivers under her feet, with a sweet smile on her face, she wondered:

   "Heart, why did we leave so suddenly?"

   Thinking of the strange situation that Li Li had just left, she couldn't help but wonder. Although she had not stayed with Li Li for a long time, she had a very thorough understanding of Li Li and what kind of person he was.

  It can be said that I have never seen Li Li in such a panic.

   Mo Li heard the words, frowned slightly, looked at Lu'e who looked curious, and said calmly:

   "There is a powerful mysterious person in the Temple of Destruction. His strength is far beyond me. If he didn't guess wrong, he should be a master of the golden immortal level."

  Mo Li's voice was very low, obviously because of what had just made him feel a little bad.

  Green E's brows frowned, her expression solemnly said:

   "You said there are masters of golden immortals in there?"

   "Not bad!"

  Mo Li nodded and said:

   "Let’s go down and talk about it!"

  After finishing speaking, he flew down with Lu'e and landed on an unknown mountain, but his expression showed a slight abnormality, and his handsome face wrinkled with sword brows, and said:

   "Huh? It's a bit weird here, there seems to be a strange aura."

   "Magic breath? Shall we go see it?"

   Lu'e was startled, looked around, and whispered.

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

  (End of this chapter)