The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 608: Fight against the Heavenly Swordsman!

  Chapter 608 Showdown against Heavenly Swordsman!

"it is good!"

  Seeing Lu'e curiously, Li Li did not refuse, and with a light tap, he hurried towards the direction where the breath came with Lu'e.

   Soon, the two came to the breath.

  Mo Li took a closer look, then whispered:

   "Here is where the strange aura is, but now I have left!"

   "Well, the breath of a large number of monsters remains, it seems that a big battle has occurred."

   Lu'e looked at the marks left by the surrounding fight, frowning, revealing a trace of solemnity.

   Judging from these traces, there must have been a large-scale battle here not long ago, and many powerful masters have been killed, otherwise, the breath will not be so strong.

   "Well, it should be!"

  Mo Li nodded, if it hadn’t been for the laws of this world to be different from the world of Zhetian, he would have entered the long river of time to see what happened just now?

   "Let's go, let's walk around, maybe we will find some clues here."

  In this way, Li Li took Lu'e and walked in the unnamed valley, looking at the traces left by the surrounding war after the war, she sighed in her heart.

  Suddenly, Tianyu turned into a stream of light, and in the blink of an eye, it landed three feet away in front of Li and Lu'e.

  This person is the Heavenly Swordsman that Li Qi has always wanted to teach, and he never thought he would show up in this place.

   Mo Li's eyes suddenly turned gloomy, and a murderous intent burst out from his body, and he said in a cold voice:

   "It's really a narrow road!"

"he is?"

   Lu'e felt the breath radiating from Li Li's body, looked straight at the Heavenly Swordsman, and slowly spoke.

  "Heavenly Swordsman!"

   Mo Li said indifferently, and did not put his "Master" in his eyes at all.

"It's him!"

   Lu'e was startled, and she didn't think that the person in front of her was a Heavenly Swordsman. She knew about the relationship between Li Li and him.

  The Heavenly Swordsman felt Li's scornful gaze, and looked at him glaringly. His anger suddenly erupted and asked:

   "Wuxin, you were not born in the Heavenly Sword Academy to practice, and you went astray. Now, do you know that you are wrong?"

  Heavenly Swordsman showed a lofty figure, hating iron but not steel, as if he was very sad about Li Xian's miscellaneous situation.

  If seen by someone who doesn’t know, he will definitely think that the Heavenly Swordsman is right.

  Unfortunately, for Mo Li, the appearance of the Heavenly Swordsman was too low, and he was completely indifferent. He smiled coldly and said:

   "Yeah, these words make you say as if you are so great!

   Have you forgotten that the people of Nine Heavens Void will attack me?

  Also, when you instructed Jian Wuchen to deal with Lu Yun from behind, did you think you were right?

   Now showing a high-level look to teach me, do you think you are really a green onion? "

  The words Li Li said were like needles, and the pain in the deep heart of the piercing Heavenly Swordsman made him furious, and said: "Shut up, I am your master, what qualifications do you have to say to me.

  Now, I will give you a chance to turn back, and immediately do your best to live in seclusion in the Heavenly Sword Academy, and not to manifest in front of the world.

  If you are obsessed with not understanding and do not obey my sword intent, don’t blame me, the master, for being rude to you! "

  Heavenly Swordsman said sonorously and powerfully, he looked very stylish, completely like an elder's eldest junior, making people feel funny.

   Mo Li laughed loudly after listening, his look was full of irony, his eyes were full of teasing, as if he was looking at a fool, and said:

   "Oh, hey, Heavenly Swordsman, what you said is really lofty, and it makes me feel ashamed!

   However, if you say that I am obsessed with not understanding, I don’t agree with that.

  Compared with you and Jian Wuchen, I am not obsessed with understanding, am I?

   Again, if you say that I have gone on an evil path, I don’t agree with it any more. What kind of evil things I have done?

   Again, which point violated the rules of the Heavenly Sword Academy? "

  For the shamelessness of the Sky Swordsman, Li Li has a deep understanding. If it weren't for his shamelessness, how could the Sixth Court in the back be ruined!

  Heavenly Swordsman heard the words, staring at Li with cold eyes, the anger in his heart has been completely ignited, completely disregarding his own image, looking fierce and violent, and roared:

   "Niezha, it seems that you have truly fallen into the devil's way, and you don't know how to repent.

  In this case, today, as my master, I will let you settle an account with your evil obstacle! "

   After finishing speaking, the Heavenly Swordsman waved his hands quickly, and "Purple Flower Swallowing Sun" was directly displayed. The whole body was full of purple clouds, the breath became powerful and extraordinary, and the surrounding air became thick and viscous as if it were compressed.

  At the same time, a powerful swallowing force suddenly erupted, and numerous tiny nebulae gleamed in the purple clouds all over the sky, which was extremely powerful.

   "You go aside and wait for me first, and watch me kill him!"

Li Li patted Lu'e's little hand lightly, and then looked at the Heavenly Swordsman with cold eyes, and sneered: "It's not a big talk. If that's the case, then I'll give you a chance and save that I don't respect me. Teacher."

  After finishing speaking, the whole body flickered with black brilliance, and the shadow streamer technique was instantly displayed. An incomparable evil and enchanting aura burst out, powerful and extraordinary, and instantly overwhelming the Heavenly Swordsman’s Purple Flower Swallowing Sun Dafa.

   Now that Li Li has obtained Lu'e's red pill, the shadow streamer has become a big success, and his whole body strength has reached the peak of Xuanxian. It is obviously a trivial matter to deal with the Heavenly Swordsman who only has the strength of Tianxian.

  However, he didn't want to kill the Sky Swordsman so quickly, because he had to play well for a while.


  Mo Li smiled indifferently. Under his deliberate control, the evil and enchanting shadow streamer power of his body slowly formed a black barrier, completely enveloping the body, and at the same time launched a real air current, rushing towards the purple cloud of light.

   Zi Zi Zi~!

  Two powers of different attributes met in an instant, and a split confrontation occurred. Sparks splashed, accompanied by sound, and the terrifying air wave burst wildly toward the surroundings, forming a terrifying storm, constantly hovering around the two of them.

  There is no real confrontation between the two of them now, but the surrounding momentum has begun to break and fight, and the scene is extremely enthusiastic.

   Seeing that the purple cloud of Zihua swallowing the sun could not cause any substantial damage to Li, the Heavenly Swordsman's expression became a bit heavy. Although he wanted to crush Li in his words, he actually attached great importance to Li's strength.

He had already paid attention to Li Li when he was between the life and death of the ghost, but Li Li’s whereabouts have been erratic, and he often disappeared. If it weren’t for the help of the masters of the Nine Heavens Void, he could not find Mo Li at all. From the exact location.

  At the same time, he had never figured out Li's true strength once, so now that he saw that the purple cloud he sent out did not affect Li, his heart was somewhat solemn.

  Therefore, he began to frantically increase the true essence in his body, urging Zihua to swallow the sun, in order to be able to use the power of Zihua's devouring to cause substantial damage to the power of the shadow streamer outside Li Li's body.

  Mo Li noticed the behavior of the Sky Swordsman, and a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes. You can raise your true essence, can't I?

   smiled slightly, the whole body's True Essence ran frantically, and the power of the shadow streamer burst out like an energy supplement, and the terrifying real air current shot everywhere, completely spontaneous attacks, which made people horrified.

  In this way, the purple light cloud emitted by the Heavenly Swordsman and the true air current emitted by Li Qi began to clash, changing from less to more, and gradually deepening.

  However, the two forces with different attributes always have a degree, and they do not exceed each other's limits, forming a look of evenly matched power.

The   Heavenly Swordsman's heart sank, his complexion on the lunar calendar, his eyes burst out with two cold glows, his hands began to wave, and he directly transformed into a long sword of true essence, and began to use the heavenly swordsmanship "Sword of Destruction".

  For a time, all the purple clouds outside her body turned into purple sword auras, distributed after the death of the Heavenly Swordsman, forming a thousand purple swords, madly shooting towards Mo Li.

  The horrible purple sword aura is like a storm, dense and powerful, with a feeling that the sword is facing the world, and the surrounding is completely enveloped by the purple sword aura, blocking all the way out of Li Li.

  His purpose is very simple, that is to make Li Li go head-to-head with him.

  Because, the most powerful aspect of "Heaven Destruction Sword Art" is its attack power, otherwise the Heavenly Sword Academy would not always be the top of the Sixth Academy.

   "Swordsmanship is good!"

  Looking at the fierce sword aura that attacked, Li Xiaoqi smiled slightly, caring about it. Such an attack was not powerful for him, and it could not hurt him at all.

  But he still changed his body aura, his whole body was full of extremely cold and cold aura, and white mist appeared faintly around him, which formed a sharp contrast with the power of the black shadow streamer, which was strange.

  These white mists are not simple water vapor, but a powerful barrier created by the Mo Li Gong method. The purpose is to resist the fierce sword light emitted by the Heavenly Swordsman.

  The mist seems to be extremely weak and unstoppable, but no one dares to underestimate his power, not even the Heavenly Swordsman.


  The next moment, a horrible purple sword aura suddenly descended, frantically attacking the white mist outside Li Qi, trying to kill Li Li inside.

  It's a pity that all these purple sword auras were frozen in the void by the white mist, and they couldn't move forward, as if there was some kind of power in them, that could restrain everything.

The sky swordsman saw that the sharp sword aura he issued had no effect, his complexion changed instantly, and the purple true essence long sword in his right hand quickly swung up, sending out a stronger sword aura, sandwiching the momentum of tearing the world, crazy. Going towards Li's attack,

  It's too late to say, it's fast then.

  This incomparably powerful sword aura appeared in front of Li Li as if cutting through the space, even if the white mist outside did not stop him.

   Seeing the strength of the sword aura, Li Li shot two black divine lights in his eyes, and suddenly attacked on the purple sword aura, making a wonderful soul-shaking sound, which was extremely ear-piercing and made people feel dizzy and swollen.

  This polishing is exactly the method of the eye-light attack that Mo Li obtained in the world of obscuring the sky. It is good for the heavenly eye, and the divine light emitted can easily eliminate powerful attacks.

  At the same time, there is a strange sound in the eyes of the heavenly gods, just like the magical sounds of the heavenly way, with the function of shaking souls and souls, and with the terrifying sound of gold and iron cracking.

  If you look closely, the black divine light is constantly changing, making it impossible to explore his true laws.

  Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that Shenmang can get rid of all attacks!

  The Heavenly Swordsman realized that his attack failed again, his brows frowned, and at the same time his heart became extremely cautious. He swung the purple long sword and continuously displayed his sword skills to attack Li Qi, thus paying attention to his every move.

   Noting the cautiousness of the Heavenly Swordsman, Li Li smiled proudly and said loudly, "Heavenly Swordsman, how does the power of my shadow streamer compare to your purple flower swallowing the sun?"

  His voice was so loud that it easily spread to the ears of the Heavenly Swordsman, causing the latter's expression to change drastically, revealing an extremely lunar expression, pointing to Li and shouting:

   "You have to be proud of you, I will let you experience my strength!"

  After finishing, the whole body's true essence rose crazily, the powerful purple brilliance skyrocketed, and countless purple divine lights appeared, like the real air current of the shadow streamer, madly shooting towards the surroundings.

  The extremely powerful momentum forms a bright purple light ball in mid-air, like a purple sun, exuding a powerful brilliance, which makes people feel like worshipping strangely.

  It is precisely because of the appearance of this purple ball of light that the aura of the Heavenly Swordsman's body soars crazily, and the symptom of crushing the aura appears faintly.

   Mo Li frowned and his expression was a little surprised. He didn't expect the Heavenly Swordsman to have such a method. Liang Mang waved his hands and began to raise his true essence, and once again confronted the Heavenly Swordsman's momentum.

  At the same time, the body began to rotate, forming a black tornado. The powerful rotating force crazily destroyed the colored sun in the sky, which was very strange.


  The momentum competition begins again.

  Different from before, this time the scene is more spectacular, the momentum is more majestic, and the compelling atmosphere makes Lu'e who is watching the game have to choose to retreat, so that it feels better.

   "Damn, why is this kid so strong?"

A haze flashed in the eyes of the Sky Swordsman, his hands were raised high, and he made a gesture of lifting the purple sun. After that, he silently recited the formula, and immediately took the purple sun in the sky into his hands, bursting out an extremely powerful swallowing force. .

  The horrible breath made the surrounding air sizzle, and there were faint signs of cracking.

  At the same time, the Heavenly Swordsman's eyes were cold, and he looked at Li Li coldly, and shouted: "Nie barrier, take me a trick, Zihua swallows the sun!"

  After finishing speaking, he suddenly pushed the purple sun in his hand towards Li Li.


  The purple sun flashed across each other in an instant, absorbing the surrounding power to strengthen oneself, and slowly approaching towards the top of Li Li's head.

  The horror aura is getting heavier and heavier. When I get close to Li, there is a feeling that the mountain is overwhelming, giving people a feeling of depression.

   "Nice move!"

  Mo Li put away his smiling face, crossed his hands and echoed, the tornado around his body seemed to have been ordered, and he attacked directly towards the purple sun, his momentum was not weak at all.


  Said it was too late, it was fast, two terrifying attacks met in mid-air in the blink of an eye, and there was a fierce confrontation.

  The purple sun continues to grow, and the rotating power of the black tornadoes increases rapidly, and they do not give way to each other, forming a dragon spitting beads.

   Seeing that the purple sun could not move forward, the heavenly swordsman's gaze condensed, and the true essence of his body burst out again, controlling the power in the purple sun and hitting the tornado crazily.

  Similarly, Li Li constantly used his strength to bless the tornado and form a sharp confrontation with the purple sun, without giving up!

  Here, the unintentional strange flower was swallowed, but he didn't panic. He still urged the true essence with all his strength, remotely controlling the power submerged in the purple sun, and fighting against the heavenly swordsman.

  Time passed by one minute and one second, and the two combatants were completely in a stalemate.

  However, all this only lasted for a while.

  The purple sun burst out suddenly under the control of the Sky Swordsman, swelling into an extremely huge, and finally, it exploded, completely shattering the tornado sent by Li Qi.

  At the same time, the terrifying air current also drowned him and Li Li.


  The ear-shaking thunder was continuous, with lightning and thunderbolts in it, as if the sky was angry and shocked the world.

  Lü'e looked at Li Li, who was enveloped by the storm, with worry in her heart. His delicate face became pale and his fingers were a little pale because of excessive force.

   "You will be fine!"

  Looking at the terrifying air currents around, Lu'e began to pray silently for Mo Li in her heart.

  (End of this chapter)