The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 624: Jiehai changes, the kings react!

  Chapter 624 Jiehai changes, the kings react!

  Looking at the leaving figure of Mo Yan, there was a faint dignity in Li Li's eyes. Couldn't it be changed in this life?

   "Hey, the force of this world is not in other worlds after all, and the gap between realms cannot be diffused by cultivation techniques!"

  Thinking of the gap between the fairy king and the quasi-immortal emperor, this person with a systemic existence felt a little helpless.

  Is it really impossible to change it?

  I'm so unwilling!


   Mo Li sighed and sighed, turned and sank into the depths of the Partial Hall, and entered a state of retreat, but there was an inexplicable word left in the Partial Hall: ""

  "There are nameless emperors in the fairyland, entering the sea, blocking the darkness, and fighting the four emperors. In the end, they died and died, leaving a ray of fire and a bone, proving that they had come.

   Is this the so-called destiny? "

  Unfortunately, no one heard these words, otherwise they would definitely understand the meaning.

  Perhaps, the only person who can hear this is the quasi-immortal emperor Mo Yan!

   But he is already in the main hall now, not here!


In fact, the origin of the dark continent is related to the corpse immortal emperor. He is the first emperor in this world to truly step into the immortal emperor realm. He is countless times stronger than a quasi-immortal emperor like Mo Yan. Truly invincible in the world.

  Unfortunately, when he was about to step into God, he was eroded by a drop of black blood dripping from the passage and turned into the source of darkness.

  A drop of black blood can erode a powerful immortal emperor, and you can imagine how terrifying there is in God.

In this way, when the corpse's consciousness has not been completely eroded, it directly cut off part of its own uncorroded soul, and sealed it in a wooden box with a peerless sword script, waiting for future generations to get his inheritance. Come and kill the source of darkness.

  I have to say that Immortal Corpse Emperor and Mo Yan are the same kind of people, and can give up everything for the common people, even life is not hesitating.

  However, when he cut out the soul, he also sealed a part of his body in the third copper coffin and exiled it in the endless universe.

  The purpose of this is very simple, that is to prevent the blackened corpse from being complete.

  The lack of emperor and the complete emperor are two concepts. He did this so that the members who stepped into the emperor of later generations can relax when slaying the corpse fairy emperor.

  Unfortunately, he forgot that even an incomplete emperor is an emperor, and it is not understandable by ordinary people.

After   , because the corpse fairy emperor was blackened, the place leading to the heavens also began to blacken, and finally became the current dark continent.

  And the members on the Dark Continent are no exception, all have become members of the Darkness.

After   , four more powerful quasi-immortal emperors were born in the fairyland. In order to be able to track the pace of the corpse immortal emperor, they passed through the sea and went to the dark continent to accept the enlightenment of the black immortal emperor.

   is actually the nourishment for the immortal emperor to blacken the corpse.

  Unfortunately, the four of them did not know the situation of the Immortal Corpse Emperor, and eventually became one of them.

  The four quasi-immortal emperors are: "The Dark Elder (Old Man of Destruction), Yu Emperor, Hong Emperor, and Cang Emperor”

   Unlike these four, Mo Yan resisted the temptation of the Immortal Emperor Corpse and insisted on practicing hard by himself to finally step into the realm of Immortal Emperor.

   Therefore, he has stayed in the fairyland all these years since he became the quasi immortal emperor, and he did not go to the dark continent.

   Soon, Mo Yan came to the main hall, sat on the seat that symbolized the throne of the emperor, and looked at the many immortal kings and some quasi-immortal kings and other members sitting below, his expression was as calm as water, without a trace.

  The members of the hall saw Mo Yan's arrival, and they all stood up to bow, their expressions showing reverence.

  For them, whether the fairyland can survive the darkness and chaos depends entirely on whether Mo Yan, the emperor, will take action.

  The previous dark turmoil was like this. The members of the fairyland fought to the end, and it was Mo Yan, the quasi-immortal emperor, who took the action to finally defeat the dark creatures.

  Unfortunately, the situation this time is different. Even Mo Yan, the emperor, has no bottom, because he has seen many pictures of the future through the long river of time, including fragments of his fall.

  Although it was short, he still saw clearly.

  That’s why he would ask Li for the first time to stop him from participating in this dark catastrophe.

  Among them, Li is the reason for the future of Xianyu, and there is also his own selfishness.

  However, now that many immortal kings have seen the courtesy, although he is the emperor, he has to return the gift.

  Unfortunately, his figure had just stood up, and when he hadn't responded to everyone, there was a loud noise outside the main hall. The terrifying sound shocked all the members to turn their heads, looking at the direction of the sound.

   "There is a problem with Boundary Sea."

  The worst members in the main hall are all of the quasi-immortal king level, so you can naturally see where the sound is coming from.

  Now seeing the situation in the direction of Jiehai, the faces of the giants have become extremely dignified, obviously seeing things that are very bad for Xianyu.

  Mo Yan was no exception. He looked over at the moment the sound came, and found that there were already dark creatures on the border of the sea that had begun to cross the sea.

   "Do you want to start?"

  His realm is the highest, and what he sees is clearer. Although his attention was on the boundary sea just now, he still looked at the dark continent at the end of the horizon sea when he retracted his gaze.

  Because he had already noticed the situation of the dark continent when he was in the side hall with Li Li just now. He originally thought that the dark creatures would gather for a while before crossing the sea, but now it seems that he is thinking too much.

  However, he knew that these dark creatures who had come over in the early stage were just the vanguard of the Dark Continent, not the real main force.

  So, he just stared faintly, then withdrew his gaze.

Of course, these first members are nothing in his eyes, but for the vast majority of the members of the fairyland, they are extremely powerful. After all, there are more than ten powerful dark fairy kings, and they are not inferior to the fairy kings on the embankment. Weak, even a few more in number.

   "Emperor Yan, now the dark creatures have fully invaded, shall I wait to support it in the past?"

  An immortal king with white hair of about a year stood up, looked at Mo Yan with a solemn expression in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and asked.

   Although his realm is not weak, he is still a lot worse than Mo Yan in terms of layout.

  So, seeing the dark creatures starting to cross the sea, they still proposed the idea of ​​past support.

  For this, he is not to blame.

  Because this fairy king participated in the dark turmoil thousands of years ago, and knew the horror of the dark creatures, he saw the dark creatures crossing the sea and immediately proposed the idea of ​​past support.

  After all, the lethality caused by those dark creatures after they successfully climbed the dam is still in the mind of the fairy king, and deep panic flashes deep in the depths of his eyes.

  It’s not that he is timid, but that what happened back then was so horrible that it makes him terrified to think of it now.

  To tell the truth, his realm back then was not a fairy king, but a small true fairy. If it weren't for the protection of the elders of the division, he would have died by now. Therefore, he will have such a deep impression of those dark creatures.

"Being not!"

  Mo Yan faintly replied, and then he was indifferent, sitting in the emperor’s seat, not knowing what he was thinking?

  As soon as everyone heard it, they looked at each other, showing surprise, but thought that this was the only emperor in the fairyland said, and finally closed their mouths, silently waiting for Mo Yan's order!

  Boundary sea, dyke.

  The ten strong immortal kings guarding here were the first to discover the abnormal movement in the sea of ​​bounds, each of them flickered, casting their attention and investigating what happened inside.

   Soon, the ten fairy king giants changed their colors.

  Because they saw countless dark creatures ferrying in the sea of ​​bounds. The scene, like locusts crossing the border, was densely packed, making people look at the scalp numb.

The strength of the strong immortal king who can be selected by Mo Yan is naturally not bad, absolutely belongs to the top strong in all aspects, not to mention one enemy three, at least one person can deal with two is not a problem, but you want to kill them at the same level. The powerhouse is very difficult, and can only hold it back, not allowing them to act on the existence of the Immortal King and below.

In fact, if the ten immortal kings lightly saw these dark creatures in the sea, they would not be discolored. The main reason is that there are more than a dozen tall figures with incomparable aura standing behind these dark creatures, each of them exuding a strong body. Darkness, like a powerhouse of the immortal king giant level.

   "Why does the Dark Fairy King cross the sea now?"

  "Does the dark creatures want to start a new round of Daqin?"

  "Don’t say it, darkness is approaching, and the dusk of the era has begun. No matter what their purpose is, we must guard the location of the dyke, and we cannot let them step over the dyke!"

   "Yes, even if I wait to give my life, I can't let the dark creatures successfully set foot on the dam!"

   Ten fairy kings spoke out and expressed their opinions, but in the end they all formed a unified front, all of which were to resist the dark creatures and could not let them successfully set foot on the dam!

  These people have existed for a long time, and every fairy king giant has participated in the dark catastrophe.

   Therefore, they understand the horror of dark creatures better than everyone in Xianyu.

  Now that darkness is approaching, the meaning of it is self-evident.

  I just don’t know how many fires can remain in the fairyland after this dark turmoil?


  There are few flames left!

  After all, the coming of darkness represents destruction. Not only will the immortal realms not exist, but other ancient realms will not be spared, and some will even be destroyed by terrifying dark creatures.

  Over the years, countless ancient realms have been destroyed by dark creatures.

   Therefore, as long as there is a dark disaster, the powerful immortal kings in the ancient world of the heavens will come to the dam to resist the dark creatures of the immortal king level.

  Perhaps it is precisely because of these immortal king levels that the immortal domain and the ancient realms did not perish!

  As for whether this is the case, perhaps only a few people know!

   "Well, everyone, don't be too pessimistic. You have to know that there is Emperor Yan behind us. It is impossible for him to watch the fairyland be destroyed by the dark creatures.

  So, I just have to resist these first dark creatures."

   One of the ten immortal kings, a majestic middle-aged immortal king walked out, looking at the dark creatures that were constantly ferrying towards the sea of ​​bounds, his whole body was full of vigor and vigor, comforting the depressed people.

   "Yes, we have the Emperor Yan in charge, there is no need to be afraid of these dark creatures."

  Another immortal king who is getting older also expressed his personal opinion, which inspires everyone.

   "Hahaha, why would I be afraid of dark creatures? The reason why I said that just now was just because I felt it.

  You must know that all of us have participated in the dark chaos, and some people have participated more than once, and eventually all the dark creatures have been driven out of the fairyland?

  So, I think the dark creatures on the opposite side are nothing but this! "

  A young fairy king walked out of it, his face was full of red light, his whole body breathed like a dragon, expressing his own opinions, and at the same time boosting everyone's morale.

  At this time, it is better to say some real words to say other things that are useless. This will not only boost everyone's morale, but also cheer yourself up.

  After all, they are all people who have participated in the dark catastrophe. Are there any people who don’t know the situation of dark creatures?

  That’s why he said that.

  In fact, the real remaining immortal kings who have not expressed their opinions are assured that there is an emperor Mo Yan, because in the hearts of all immortal kings, Li is synonymous with invincibility.

  Even if there are more dark members, it’s no use, as long as Emperor Yan is willing to take action, he will surely drive the dark creatures back to the other side of the sea!

  Because the previous dark turmoil was when everyone couldn't hold on, Mo Yan shot all the dark creatures back to the other side of the sea.

   Therefore, these immortal kings have no fear of the dark creatures in their hearts, and some are just helpless, because every time the dark disaster is launched, countless enemies will come over.

  Their strength is strong, they can be one enemy two, but they cannot be one enemy three.

  "Everyone, don't think of the dark creatures too simple. You must know that more than a dozen immortal king-level giants among the members of the dark pioneers this time have followed. This is something that has never happened before.

  So, we must not be careless! "

  A gray-haired old man with a cane walked out, and looked at the excited look of the fairy kings, and broke directly into the cold water.

  "Dongfang Immortal King, you shouldn't be aspiring to destroy your own prestige, okay? I admit that you are right, but at the moment we have to face it, there is no other way."

  A fairy king dressed in black stood up and slowly spoke.

  "Yes, the immortal King Ximen is right. I have waited for more than one time to participate in the battle of darkness and chaos. Although the situation is different from the past, there is no need to grow others' aspirations to destroy one's prestige."

  A fiery-haired fairy king stepped forward two steps, looking at the arguing faintly quarreling Dongfang fairy king and Ximen fairy king, quickly stepped up to persuade him and expressed his opinion.

   "Nangong Immortal King, Oriental Immortal King means to pay attention to the movement of dark creatures this time, and does not mean to destroy your own power!"

  A fairy king in cyan costume walked out of the team, looked at the three with a smile, and expressed his own opinion.

   "The Immortal King of Beitang is right. There is indeed a problem with the movement of the dark creatures this time. It is not like the past. Let's see if the Immortal King of the East has any good suggestions!"

  The other fairy king also spoke and expressed his opinion!

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

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  (End of this chapter)