The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 625: Is the dark scourge about to begin?

  Chapter 625 Is the Dark Disaster about to begin?

   "Okay, there is nothing to say about this matter.

  One thing, you should know that if this dark disaster is not serious, it is impossible for Emperor Yan to place me on the dam at the same time.

  Think about it, in the past dark and turmoil, there were only three or four immortal kings stationed on the dam."

  Dongfang Immortal King's words are all here, and he didn't say it further, because he knew that none of the immortal kings present was a fool, and he would naturally understand the meaning of his words.

   "It's reasonable!"

  The other nine immortal kings all nodded and said yes.

To be honest, the strong public of Emperor Yan knows that the previous dark turmoil rarely takes action, but every time the corresponding personnel are placed to guard the dam, but the situation now is somewhat unusual, and directly sent ten powerful immortals. The place where the king was stationed was obviously more serious than what the kings saw.

   Before the Eastern Immortal King clarified the relationship inside, everyone just thought it was the reason why there were more dark creatures than before, and there was nothing else.

  Thinking about it now, I found that it was easier for me and others to think about it!

  After all, these were arranged by the emperor, not the existence that these fairy kings could understand.

   "Look at the dark creatures are approaching"

  Suddenly, an unnamed fairy king just happened to look at the sea of ​​bounds, and suddenly found that there were already dark creatures outcropping inside, and the number was very alarming, densely packed, and black and overwhelming, making people see the scalp bursting, and it feels like the end is coming.

  "Would not be an immortal king, you immediately go to the Immortal Palace, tell the truth about the situation here, and ask his opinion!"

  The Eastern Immortal King saw the dark creatures emerging in the sea of ​​bounds, his complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly ordered the Immortal King Wudang beside him.


  The Immortal King Wudang did not dare to neglect. After hearing the words of the Eastern Immortal King, he waved his hand and broke through the space directly, stepped into it, and disappeared in front of everyone.

  When you reach the realm of the fairy king, you can break the space between your hands and feet, step into the passage, and go where you want to go.

  Describe in one sentence, you can reach the place of reading!

   "Everyone, the dark creatures are about to arrive, ready to fight!"

  The Eastern Immortal King is the leader among the remaining eight immortal kings, and his words are like a decree, even the two immortal kings who argued with him before must obey.

  This is not the fear of the Eastern Immortal King, but the effect of unity.

  If they did not obey the command when facing the dark creatures, then the fairyland would be wiped out by these dark creatures sooner or later.


  Xianyu, the center.

  Xiandian, in front of the steps outside, a ripple suddenly appeared in the space.

  Next, the figure of Wudang Immortal King walked out of it, and only after he informed the guard about his name, he entered it smoothly.

  To be honest, don’t think Wudang Immortal King is a giant of the immortal king level, but he really dare not make a mistake in front of the Immortal Palace, he must abide by the rules here, otherwise it will be difficult to move in the immortal domain.

  Because the immortal palace is not someone else, it is the Emperor Yan in their mouth.

   is also the only emperor in the fairyland.

Although the difference between the emperor and the king is only one word, the meaning contained in it is extraordinary.

  The difference between the two is thought of in one sky and one underground, which is completely incomparable.

  So, when the Wudang Immortal King arrived here, he looked a little daunted and did not dare to have the slightest presumptuous.

  In this way, he stepped forward, first stepped onto the ninety-nine steps, and then smoothly entered the gate of the fairy hall.

The   Xiangdian is very large, and there are many magnificent palaces inside. If someone who is not familiar with it comes here, it is easy to get lost.

   However, it is obviously not a problem for Wudang Immortal King.

  He came here more than once, naturally, he is very familiar.

  Along the way, walking fast.

   Soon, I arrived in front of the main hall of the fairy hall and found that there were many fairy kings sitting inside, many of whom were old acquaintances.

  Unexpectedly, I would meet here.

  It feels both unexpected and normal.

  The accident is because the vast majority of the fairy kings in the fairyland have gathered here. This is something that has never happened for thousands of years.

  Normal because darkness is approaching, and it is normal for the kings to come here to discuss countermeasures.

  However, there was one thing that surprised him. The direction of these fairy kings' eyes was the northern boundary sea, as if they were paying attention to the things of the dark creatures!

   Thinking of this, the Wudang Immortal King silently walked into it, did not say hello to the Immortal King he was doing, but silently looked for Mo Yan's figure.

  He didn't come here to tell the old story with the fairy king, but to inform Mo Yan of the situation here and ask his opinion.

  However, he is after all the fairy king who has participated in the dark catastrophe, and is the predecessor of many fairy kings in the fairy palace, even if he does not say hello, someone will greet him.

  No, after seeing him come in, many fairy kings stepped forward to greet him: "I have seen no current generation."

Words like    are not rare. In order to show closeness, many people directly add a suffix to the Wudang Immortal King, deliberately showing their own posture to show respect.

   "It's polite!."

  Wudang Immortal King responded one by one, did not show the predecessor's airs, and seemed very amiable.

that's all!

   One to two, basically everyone in the Immortal Palace came over to meet Wudang Immortal King, which made him a little helpless.

   "Wudang, how is the situation on Jiehai's side?!"

  Fortunately, Mo Yan spoke at this moment, which relieved his embarrassment.

Hearing Mo Yan's questioning, Immortal King Wudang did not dare to neglect, and quickly passed over the crowd, walked to Mo Yan, and said respectfully: "Emperor Huiyan, there are already a large number of dark creatures on the boundary of the sea. Within a moment, you will be close to the dam,

  Furthermore, according to Dongfang Immortal King, there are more than ten immortal king-level dark creatures standing behind the dark creatures this time, so let me come back and ask Emperor Yan if I send some immortal kings to support it? "

   "You go back to the **** first, tell the Eastern Immortal King, and say I know this!"

  Mo Yan looked at Jiehai, paying attention to every move in Jiehai, and did not say whether to send the fairy king.

  Wudang Immortal King heard the words, turned around and walked outside without hesitation.

  For the departure of Wudang Immortal King, the kings watched him one after another. After his figure disappeared in the Immortal Palace, the kings looked at Mo Yan and waited for his command.

  After a while, Mo Yan withdrew his gaze, noticed the expressions of the kings in the fairy palace, hesitated slightly, and said: "Everyone, you have heard the situation reported by the undeserved fairy king just now!

  Now the dark creatures in the direction of the sea have begun to cross the sea, and they will attack the dam soon, leaving us with little time for the fairyland! "

  Speaking of this, Mo Yan paused, because he felt a terrifying gaze on the dark continent at the end of the boundary sea was visiting the fairyland.


  He suddenly gave a cold snort, waved his right hand, and an invisible force suddenly broke through the space, grabbing towards that gaze.


  The cold and ruthless eyes noticed Mo Yan's attack, his eyes were cold to the extreme, and two bright eyes burst instantly, and they attacked Mo Yan's big-handed attack.


  The two attacks of different attributes collided in the void instantly, sending out a violent explosion, directly blasting the surrounding space channels and dissipating invisible.

  All the fairy kings saw Mo Yan suddenly attacking the void, and their expressions changed drastically, revealing horrified eyes.

   Judging from Mo Yan's attack, the existence that can make the emperor attack is definitely the existence of the same level.

  Thinking of this, everyone's hearts trembled suddenly, and a bad premonition appeared.

  Will the emperor participate in this dark disaster?

  They dare not think about it anymore.

  If an emperor really participated, it would undoubtedly be a disaster for Xianyu.

  Because, as long as the emperor on the dark continent restrains Emperor Yan, the kings of their fairyland will be besieged by countless dark creatures, and will not stop until most of them are killed.

  So, the immortal kings in the immortal palace looked at Mo Yan one after another, waiting for his reply.

  Mo Yan's gaze still looked towards the direction of Jiehai, in other words, he was looking at the end of Jiehai, searching for which one of the dark continent the gaze was just now.

  Because the light cannot be seen from the eyes.

  So, he wants to see if the Dark Emperor shot him.

  Unfortunately, what disappointed him was that when his gaze looked past, the emperor’s gaze was hidden, and he was not given any time to explore.


  He had to look away.

  It's not that he doesn't want to continue to explore, mainly the same emperor. If that person wants to hide, even Mo Yan will be difficult to find.

  Instead of this, it is better to look back to prevent the other people from being alarmed.

  Compared to the kings, he knew much more about the Dark Continent.

  There are not only countless immortal kings but also four emperors.

  Everyone is no worse than himself.

  In other words, everyone is the emperor. If an emperor war occurs, the consequences will be unimaginable.

  Because they can destroy countless ancient realms with a single blow.

  So, as a last resort, ordinary emperor-level powerhouses will not engage in emperor wars!

  But the current dark catastrophe is obviously different from the previous ones, and the meaning contained in it may have something to do with the four emperors on the dark continent. Maybe so many dark creatures are sent to make oneself express.

  If he is standing on the sidelines, it shows that his heart is cold, just like the four of them;

  If he chooses to participate in the battle, it proves that he and the four emperors of the Dark Continent are not of the same mind, and will definitely besiege when he takes action.

  So, facing this situation, Mo Yan was stumped for a while.

"What should I do?"

  Now, Mo Yan is completely caught in a dilemma, no matter whether he can make a move, it is a disadvantageous situation for him.

  To be honest, if he chooses not to take action, or turns a blind eye, when nothing happens, he can completely be alone.

  But the consequences of doing so would make Xianyu fall into endless darkness, and make countless creatures become the nourishment of the dark continent, which was not what he wanted to see.

  If you participate in the war, you can naturally kill countless dark creatures, but it will also anger the emperor on the dark road, and it is easy to cause an emperor war.

  At that time, whether Xianyu can keep it will be a problem.

  Even if he himself, he might lose his life.

   Facing four emperors of the same level, even if his strength is too strong, he is only a quasi immortal emperor, not a true emperor.

  So, for Mo Yan, it is difficult now.

   is far more difficult than the fairy kings of the fairyland.

  At the same time, he could not tell the people of Xianyu this information, otherwise, they would lose their fighting spirit and would not dare to attack the dark creatures.

  For a while, Mo Yan, a quasi-immortal emperor-level powerhouse, didn’t know how to choose~!

  Forget it, the boat will be straight at the end of the bridge, so there is no need to worry about it now.

  Mo Yan dispelled the distracting thoughts in his heart, slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, looked at the expectant fairy kings in front of him, and said firmly:

  "Everyone, it is not easy for the dark creatures to come this time. You need to inform the ancient realms as soon as possible to make them take precautions, and at the same time protect some genius disciples so that they cannot be assimilated by the dark creatures!"

  Mo Yan’s words are very simple, that is, let the ancient realms protect the seeds. After the dark and misfortunes pass, at least the inheritance of the ancient realms will not be cut off.

  All the fairy kings are human spirits, how can they not understand the meaning of Mo Yan's words?

  At the same time, they also felt an unusual breath.

  That's not easy this dark catastrophe!

  Otherwise, as the emperor, Mo Yan would not let the ancient realms protect the seeds in advance.

  This has never happened before.

   "Okay, time is waiting for no one, so go and prepare!"

  Mo Yan waved a big hand, motioning everyone to retreat.

   "I'll wait to retire!"

  After hearing this, the kings withdrew from the fairy palace one after another without any hesitation.

  After that, Mo Yan's figure also disappeared in the fairy palace, and no one knew where he went.


  On this day, with the departure of the kings, soon all the ancient realms learned about the preservation of seeds.

Not only that!

  At the same time, all circles in the fairyland trembled violently, looking for the root cause, and finally determined that the source of the shock was from the sea of ​​bounds.

  Because of too much power, it spread to all ancient realms.

  After finding out the truth, countless powerful men turned their eyes to the direction of the northern boundary sea, with unconcealable worries in their eyes: "Are you going to start?"

  Actually, these people all understand.

  The occurrence of such a movement on the sea must be caused by dark creatures.

  Because, every time the darkness and chaos come, there will be such a sound on the dam.

  However, this time the sound is louder and stronger than before.

Because many immortal king experts have already seen what happened on the dam, where the sky is full of black air, countless black energy erodes from the boundary sea towards the dam, and all the places that are eroded by the black energy turn black. It's like being Tonghua.

  If it weren’t for the special dam, these black energies of horror had already dyed it black!

  Moreover, in these black energies, countless dark creatures are lurking, and each of them exudes a powerful and incomparable aura, which makes people shudder.

  Especially those tall figures behind the black energy, they are extremely powerful, none of them is lower than the realm of the fairy king.

  And the number is amazing.

  However, these people looked at the state a little wrong, as if there were no feelings, they were full of strong killing intent, and their eyes were red, like a killing machine, which made people extremely strange.

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

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  (End of this chapter)