The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 626: The sorrow of the kings of the fairyland

  Chapter 626 The sorrow of the kings of the fairyland!

  "Everyone, darkness is coming, members of the realm of the fairyland and the real celestial and above are ready to face the dark creatures."

Just when the creatures of the immortal realms were panicking, a loud voice suddenly sounded from above the nine heavens, and it spread across the entire fairy realm in an instant, clearly in the ears of every creature, letting people know the situation on the side of the sea. .

   "Emperor Yan?"

   "Is this Emperor Yan?"

   "The Emperor Yan has not forgotten us, warriors of the wolf world, follow me to the sea, whispering to the dark creatures."

   "Friends of the ancient world, follow me!"

Such words sounded in the ancient world one after another, and countless people’s emotions seemed to have ignited Mo Yan’s words, and they rushed towards the sea. Some masters of the fairy king level directly broke through the space, entered the space channel built, and moved towards the world. The sea feels.

  The masters at the next level of the fairy kings cannot do this, they can only rush to the border city, step on the ancient teleportation formation, and enter the sea of ​​bounds.

  The **** is located on the edge of the boundary sea, which belongs to the distortion of the ancient world of the heavens. All the masters of the fairy king level and below want to reach the boundary sea, only through the teleportation array.

  Otherwise, you cannot pass the formation barrier outside the dam.

  "Born to be a man, not to fight for my hometown, to be the son of man!"

   "War, the monks of my generation, should not be afraid of the threat of heaven and earth, worthy of their own heart, fighting for the fairyland, even if they give their lives, why are they afraid?"

   "Kill, the ancestors of the fairy king have already rushed to the sea. Although I don't have the ability to reach the sky, I also have a passion and cannot be left behind."

In an ancient world in the east of Xianyu, a strong man in the pinnacle of true immortality stood in front of a group of warriors, pulled out the long sword slung around his waist, pointed at the sky, and let out a sky-shaking scream. Feeling, let those who started to hear the words, all moved by it, showing that they feel like death is at home.

  Actually, for them, even without this true fairy’s long howling to boost their morale, they would still make the decision to join the war.

  Because, when darkness descends, the ancient realm of the immortal realm cannot be spared, and only death fights can protect their respective ancient realms.


  After that, under the leadership of the master of the true immortal peak realm, this ancient realm resolutely walked towards the border city, planning to use the teleportation array and the sea in front to participate in the resistance to the dark turmoil.

  "My sons and daughters of the dragon clan, how can I be left behind when I wait for one of the ten evil spirits?

  Now that darkness is approaching, I can't wait for the sky or the earth, just to fight the majesty of the ten fierce.

   Say I will go, head to the sea, and kill the dark creatures"

  East of the fairyland, in a huge ancient world, hundreds of huge dragons snake and stay on a huge mountain.

  In front of them, there was a huge cyan dragon hundreds of meters long flying, and the whole body exuded a strong and extremely powerful aura. The huge dragon voice shook the world and issued a declaration of fighting against the dark creatures.

  Compared with other human race powerhouses, their dragon race is more direct and pure.

  "Kill the dark creatures and play the majesty of the dragon!"

  "Kill the dark creatures and play the majesty of the dragon!"

  "Kill the dark creatures and play the majesty of the dragon!"

  Hundreds of huge dragons on the high mountains screamed and shook the earth. The terrifying sound was like a terrifying attack from an immortal king. The entire mountain trembled violently, and there was a faint feeling of collapse and collapse.

  However, such a thing obviously did not change the roar of the dragons.

  In other words, such mountain peaks are not unusual in the ancient world of the dragon clan, because they usually live in the sea.

   "My sons, come with me!"

  This blue dragon stepped on the white clouds, and two huge dragon breaths were emitted from the nose. The terrifying voice sounded again, leading hundreds of dragons to the border city.

  However, before these dragons left the ancient world, they turned around and looked at every inch of the land in the ancient world of the dragon clan, with a hint of reluctance in their eyes.

  They know that this time they set off in darkness and chaos, most people may not be able to return.

  So, before leaving, they must take a good look at this land and leave a thought in their hearts.

  After that, they turned their heads and left, immersed in the vast illusory passage.

  For a time, such scenes appeared in the various ancient realms of the entire fairyland. After the immortal king giant left, from the real immortal to the strong, the real immortal-level powerhouse of the ancient world rushed towards the sea.

One of the worlds is extremely exceptional. This place is also one of the ten evil spirits. Although the true immortal level is also gathered in the ancient world, they have not made any bold words, as if they did not take the dark creatures seriously. Weird.

  However, this scene did not last long, and soon a tall man exuding a strong aura appeared in front of everyone.

  From the perspective of breath, this person should be a fairy king-level existence.

  If there are outsiders watching, you will find that this person's face is 90% similar to the immortal emperor in the world of the sky, as if the two have a direct relationship.

  Not only that, after this person came out, his gaze did not look at the people standing below, but looked in the direction of the sea, as if paying attention to the dark creatures in the sea.

  However, he quickly retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at the first person on the left, his expression a little hesitant, as if he was thinking about something?

   "Tianli, did Huang'er deliver to the designated location?"

  After a while, this person asked slowly, although his voice was very soft, but it was full of endless majesty, like an ancient emperor, which made people feel convincing and convincing.

  "It has been sent to Nine Heavens and Ten Realms, I personally sent it over."

  The person being asked respectfully replied.


  The man nodded, and a faint smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and said: "My son, the hope of the fairy phoenix family has been sent away by me, and there is no more worries.

  Now I have only one purpose, to kill the dark creatures and bring light to the fairy phoenix clan! "

   "Kill the dark creatures and bring light to the fairy Phoenix clan!"

   "Kill the dark creatures and bring light to the fairy Phoenix clan!"

   "Kill the dark creatures and bring light to the fairy Phoenix clan!"

  As the man’s voice landed, members of the Xianhuang clan declared war one after another. The momentum was like a rainbow, shaking the whole world, and the terrifying sound was like the thunder falling on the nine heavens, magnificent and shocking.

   "If you want to kill the darkness, let me kill you first!"

   At this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly rang from the sky. The violent killing intent made countless Xianhuang clan fearful, as if they had encountered the northwest wind of the cold winter, which made people feel bitterly cold.


  As soon as the voice fell, a loud noise suddenly rang from the sky of the fairy and phoenix clan, as if an unsurpassed creature had descended.

  After that, a huge hand that covered the sky exuding pitch black and ink slammed down, with the aura of suppressing the world and sweeping all directions, and pressed towards the people of the fairy phoenix clan.

  Such a terrifying giant palm covering the sky, if it hits everyone, the consequences will be disastrous!

   "Hmph! With this emperor again, how can you allow you to be so presumptuous!"

The strong immortal king of the   Xianhuang clan saw the giant palm covering the sky, frowned and snorted, his right hand slowly stretched out, turning into a finger, and pierced towards the giant palm covering the sky.


  The finger attack suddenly changed, turning into an extremely sharp sword, with the momentum of tearing everything apart, everyone penetrated the huge sky above the sky.


  The pierced palm suddenly exploded violently, turning into countless black energy and dissipating above the fairy phoenix world.

  "Damn, immortal emperor, I remember you"

  Next, Tian Yuzhi heard an irritable voice, as if he was angry at his attack and betrayal.

   "Huh! Rats."

  The Immortal Emperor snorted coldly, not caring about the threat of that person at all.

  After that, with a big wave of his hand, he took the Xianhuang clan and embarked on the journey resolutely.


  Some powerhouses passing by saw the immortal emperor's please fight, and they all breathed in cold air, and their eyes showed horror and worldliness.

  However, this situation obviously did not cause much disturbance, because everyone's attention was on the boundary of the sea.

   Soon, strong people from all walks of life rushed to the dam and violently collided with the dark creatures in the sea of ​​bounds!

  The people of Xianyu are the enemies of life and death with the dark creatures. Although some people face the dark creatures for the first time, their ancestors have definitely participated.

  So, when the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous!


  However, the true fairy-level battle did not last long, and was quickly attracted by a loud noise above the sky.

   "No, there are dark creatures attacking the barrier of the dyke!"

   "Never let them break the barrier, otherwise the dam will not be able to withstand the invasion of the dark creatures, and then the entire fairyland will be invaded by the dark creatures."

  "Master of the fairy king, let me take action to prevent the dark creatures from attacking the enchantment!"

  Dongfang Immortal King saw that not only were immortal king powerhouses rushing around, but before the joy in his heart exploded on his face, his happy mood was broken by a loud noise from the sky.

   After he discovered that it was a dark creature attacking the barrier of the barrier, he immediately let out a scream, and at the same time led the fairy king beside him, rushing directly towards the barrier that was attacking the barrier.

  As an immortal king who has guarded the sea dam for many years, he knows the priorities.


  The other immortal kings heard the words, burst into a shout, and rushed towards the dark immortal king.

   "Block them, you can't let the kings of the fairyland destroy and kill"

  The fairy king of the dark creatures was not to be outdone. Seeing that the kings of the fairyland wanted to prevent the dark fairy king from destroying, they all screamed and flew up one by one to stop the eastern fairy king and others.

  The number of the Dark Immortal King was originally more than that of the Immortal King, so it was easy to resist the Eastern Immortal King and others.

  At the same time, the dark creatures in the sea of ​​bounds kept coming from the end of the sea of ​​bounds, joining the battle team far and wide, causing great pressure on everyone in the fairyland.

   However, compared to the strong in the fairyland, the combat power of the dark creatures is obviously much weaker.

  It often takes several strong people of the same level to block an existence of the same level in the fairyland.

  But for Xianyu, it is still not optimistic, because there are too many dark creatures.

  Too much makes them feel very helpless.

   often kills one, and then rushes up to another one, which feels like you can't finish it.


  At this moment, a giant hand covering the sky suddenly appeared above Tianyu, carrying the aura of destruction of the world, and smashed countless creatures in the sea to death, splashing countless black blood like ink, which was very weird.

  At the same time, that big hand was not destroyed. After smashing countless dark creatures, he directly turned around and shot towards the dark fairy king attacking the enchantment above the sky.

  The effect is the same as the dark creature on the sea just now, without the slightest block, it directly smashed its body into countless black blood, and landed from the sky.

  It is amazing that that huge palm is not stained with a trace of blood, as if there is a layer of energy protection on the outside.

  Unfortunately, just when this big hand was raised again and wanted to shoot towards Jiehai's body, a **** palm suddenly appeared above the nine heavens, and it was directly shot out.

   "Emperor Yan, since you don't abide by the rules, then I can't wait any longer than abide by the rules."

  This sound is like thunder, the powerful sound shook the real immortal-level strong person with a feeling of deaf ears.

  In the ancient world of Immortal Territory, some masters below the real immortal level were directly shocked to death by this voice.

  It can be seen how terrifying this sound is!

   "Emperor Cang, wait for me in the Dark Continent, I will come and look for you later."

   Mo Yan's figure suddenly appeared above the void, looking at the end of the sea, a strange light flashed in his sharp eyes, and the breath of the whole body was like the sea, which made people feel like worshipping strangely.

   "Very good!"

After    Cangdi made a loud noise, he disappeared without a trace.


   Mo Yan gave a cold snort, slowly retracted his sharp gaze, turned to look at the dark creature in the direction of Jiehai, directly waved a huge palm, and instantly wiped out the dark creature on the Jiehai without even screaming.

  After doing all this, Mo Yan looked at the Eastern Immortal King and the others, gently exhaled a suffocating breath, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, this emperor will go to the end of the sea later to face the Dark Emperor.

  If you win, the root of darkness will be completely destroyed and the immortal domain crisis will be lifted;

  If you lose, the task of guarding the fairyland and resisting the dark creatures will be given to you in the future. "

  After finishing speaking, without waiting for the Eastern Immortal King to speak, with a wave of his right hand, a portal appeared in the space, revealing the scene of the dark continent.

  After that, he stepped into the door and disappeared on the dam.

  This scene shocked everyone.

  Especially the Eastern Immortal King and others who knew the situation of the Dark Continent, all showed sadness.

  They knew that what Mo Yan said just now was not a blow to public morale, but an explanation of his last words.

  Because, there is no dark emperor on the dark continent.

  Mo Yan left ten dead and no life.

  Unless there is a miracle, Mo Yan will die.

  Because of this, Dongfang Immortal King and other talents will feel sad.

  Because, Li Li is the real barrier of the fairyland. With him, although the dark creatures are making a lot of trouble, they dare not really enter the fairyland every time, but just fight on the edge of the ancient realms of the heavens.

  But this situation will never happen again!

  If Mo Yan really fights the end of the dead sea, that fairyland will be plunged into endless darkness and will live a life that is not as good as a dog.

   "Damn it!"

   "Why is my strength so weak, the fairy king who has never been able to break through?"

this moment.

  All the strong immortal kings who knew the situation screamed, and there was a kind of eagerness to improve their strength.

  To be continued, so stay tuned!

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  (End of this chapter)