The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 73: Difficult to distinguish between true an

  Chapter 73 True and false are difficult to distinguish, superior skills

   After assuming a very enchanting posture, the fox glared like a silk spit out pandan and begged for mercy at Li Li's charm: "Master, the slave family knows that it is wrong, so you can spare the slave family!

  As long as the son can let go of the Nujia, the Nujia will listen to you.

  In the future, the son, you say one, the slave family absolutely dare not say two; if you let the slave family go east, the slave family will never go west!

  Just ask the son to let the slaves go! "

  I have to admit that the fox's charm is not something ordinary people can resist!

  With her angel-like face and devil-like figure, as long as she is a man, she can’t stand the enchantment of a fox.

  However, Li Li is a cultivator after all, and a strong man in the realm of Earth Master, so his concentration is naturally much stronger than ordinary people.

  Knowing that this is the vixen who is casting her charm to seduce/seduce herself.

   But knowing that Gui knows, the afterlight of Li's eyes still can't help but glance at the fox spirit.

  This shows how attractive the vixen is.

  The looming ** could not help but keep Li's eyes on, and an unquenchable impulse rose in his heart, wanting to rectify the fox on the spot.

  That firm mind is being eroded by the ** in my heart a little bit.

   "Go, do what you want, don't hesitate!

  She is just a low-powered vixen, who can pose no threat to you.

  Let go of the worries in your heart and liberate yourself!

  " A seductive/confused voice appeared in Mo Li's mind, persuading him non-stop.

  Finally, Li Li did not block the magical voice, his eyes became straight, and all the talismanic instruments in his hand were thrown on the ground, and he walked slowly towards the vixen.

Seeing Li, who was bewildered by his own success, the fox was overjoyed with care, with a smile on his face, muttering to himself: "I'll just say, there is no man in this world that can resist my charm, wait a minute Come here and see how my old lady cleans up you!"

  Just now, he had no power to fight back, but once his ‘big move’ was released, the man with his strength was not still confused by himself.

  A proud smile hung on the white jade-like face of the fox, constantly dreaming about how to clean up.

   "Beauty, fairy, I am coming!" Li Li said with a dazed expression on his face.

   Seeing that silly look of Li Li, the vixen made a chatter/chat: "My son, come here quickly, the slave house is a bit cold.

  Go faster, the slave house is waiting for you here! "

The    chatter/chat sound is like the sound of charm, constantly inducing Li's nerves, making him even more foolish.

  "I'm here, the fairy, I'm here" Li Li really seemed to be bewildered by the vixen, completely lost his mind, with a silly smile on his face, his pace could not help but speed up by two points.

  When Li Li arrived in front of him, the vixen showed a triumphant expression, his hands quickly turned into sharp claws and grabbed Li's throat.

  The shimmering claws, like a sharp weapon of a magic weapon, exudes bursts of cold light.

  If Mo Li is caught by a sharp claw, he will definitely die.

  The throat is the key, how can you resist the claws of the magic weapon.

  Looking at Li Li who didn't respond, a cruel smile appeared on the vixen's face.

   Just when the fox thought succeeded, a fist that was as fast as lightning struck her xiong/mouth first, and the fox flew out with one punch.

  Looking at the vixen with a look of disbelief, Li Yin and Yang said strangely: "Is it a surprise? Is it a surprise?"

  At this time, Li Qiye has clear eyes and normal thinking, where can he lose his mind!

  "You" looked at Li, who was extremely normal, and the vixen didn’t know that he had been played by Li Li again.

   "What are you doing? I told you just now, don't play with those little tricks in front of me.

  It’s a pity, you just take my words as if you’re not listening at all!

  I still want to use your inferior charming technique on me. This is not because the old birthday star hangs and lives impatiently.

  Look at the final result. Is it because I hit the ground and couldn’t get up?

  Alas, you vixen, you just can’t understand what I’m saying, you will suffer in the end! "

Seeing the vixen staring at himself without saying anything, Li Li continued, "Don’t look at me like that. I know I’m very handsome and I’m very fond of girls, but don’t think about it. I won’t give Your chance!

  Because, I already have someone I like.

  However, if you want to be with me by all means, I am not unable to agree.

  As long as you beg me, I can let you be a maid serving tea and water by my side, and you can still **" Li Qiyi solemnly mocked/sneered at the vixen.


  Suddenly, the vixen spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was red and white, and I didn't know if it was Qi Li's anger.

   "Oh, vomiting blood!" A trace of embarrassment appeared on Li Li's face, and he quickly stepped back a few steps, and said: "You talked about you, but I just said you. As for vomiting blood?

  If you don’t want to listen, tell me, don’t I just talk?

  But why don’t you tell me?

  If you don’t tell me, how do I know that you don’t want to listen?

  So, you have to tell me this kind of thing in advance so that I can know it!

dont you agree? "

   "Shut up to the old lady!" Before Li Li finished speaking, the vixen gave out a burst of shouts.

   "Ah, I really don't want to listen! Then I won't say it."

  Looking at the vixen burning with anger, Li Li smiled and said calmly: "But, why should I listen to you?"

  If the eyes can kill, Li Qiqi doesn't know how many times he will be killed by the fox!

  Hateful eyes stared at Li Li.

  She couldn't figure it out. How could Li Li, who was fascinated by herself just now, wake up all at once!

  "Isn’t it that you don’t understand, why am I not confused by you?"

  Looking at the vixen who looked a little puzzled, Li Li smiled and explained: "Didn't I just tell you? I have a bodyguard on my body, which can protect my mind from being corroded by evil things.

  Have you forgotten this? "

   After hearing this, the vixen realized that his charming skills had not diminished, and it was not that he could not be confused.

  It turns out that all the reasons are in the body of the body protector.

   showed a self-deprecating smile: "That's it!"

   "Any last words to say?"

  Looking at the desolate vixen, Li Li was not taunting her but asked her to say her last words.

   Hearing this, the vixen raised his head and took a deep look at Li Li, and said in a sad tone: "Could you not kill me and let me follow you as your subordinate?"

  In the face of life and death, the vixen chose Li Li to beg for mercy.

  She has lived for hundreds of years and knows the value of life.

  There is a chance to survive, and she will not let it go.

   Facing the powerful Li Li, she now has no thought of resisting.

  (End of this chapter)