The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 9: In power

  Chapter 9 Taking Power and Government

  After Jiu Shu left, Li Li looked a little envious when he looked at Jiu Shu's master and disciple's happy appearance. But he just took a look at these. After all, his name is Shi Shaojian, and he is destined to be the villain.

  You can’t play with the decent ones like Uncle Jiu, and the circles are different, so you can’t get together.

   Then, seeing that nothing happened, I meditated on the chair in the hall. After all, if you promised Ren Tingting to watch the night, you have to do it, so that you can be seen by others.

  Vertical sun, early morning.

  Ren Tingting got up very early. Seeing that Li Li was "asleep" sitting in a chair, he reached out to wake Li Li and let him go to the bedroom to rest.

  Suddenly, Li Li looked like a conditioned reflex, opened his eyes instantly, grabbed Ren Tingting's arm, and looked at her with indifference.

Ren Tingting suddenly yelled in fright. She wanted to care about Li Qi, but she didn’t expect Li Li to react so timidly, “Big Brother Shi, what’s the matter with you? I’m Tingting. My arm hurts so much. You Will you let me go?"

  In the impression of Ren Tingting, Li Li has always been a gentle, elegant, and knowledgeable gentleman.

  But now, Li Li is just like a different person, making her feel very strange.

  Actually, this situation is really not complaining. It is a double break of Taoism and Wushu itself, and the body's reaction is more sensitive than usual.

  What's more, he is practicing meditation. At this moment, it’s not bad to be photographed by Ren Tingting.

   Just grabbed Ren Tingting's arm, completely out of the instinctive reaction of a warrior. Just now, Li Li had been pacifying the chaotic mana in his body, only to lose consciousness for a while.

Hearing Ren Tingting's shout, Li Qiye reacted. Looking at the innocent Ren Tingting in front of him, he realized that he was rude. He quickly let go of Ren Tingting and apologized to him: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Tingting, I didn't mean it, just lost my mind for a while, you Are you okay!"

  Ren Tingting rubbed her arms, and when she saw Mo Li’s sincere apology, she forgave her, and said, “It’s okay, Brother Shi, what happened to you just now? You look scary?”

   Thinking of Li, who looked fierce and evil just now, Ren Tingting was still a little scared now, a little frightened.

   "I'm so sorry, Tingting, I didn't mean it, it was purely conditioned just now." Then, Li Moli explained to Ren Tingting that he was a warrior.

  When the martial artist is practicing martial arts and meditating, his mind will enter a state of fantasy, which is conducive to improvement.

  However, after entering the meditation state, the body is only left with instinct. When touched by the outside, the body will react, and what just happened.

  Ren Tingting also understood that Mo Li was unintentional, so she forgave him.

  Looking at the empathetic Ren Tingting, a hint of guilt suddenly appeared amidst his eccentricity. However, soon this trace of guilt was thrown aside by Mo Li.

  At this time, looking at Li Qiye returning to normal, Ren Tingting breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and said softly, “Big Brother Shi, you haven’t rested all night. Let’s take a rest first. I'll let the kitchen get you something to eat.”

  Mo Li nodded when he heard the words, and said, “Nat Tingting, I’ll take a rest first. If I have anything to do, just call me.” After that, he walked to his bedroom.

  In fact, Li Li does not need to rest at all. After all, I meditate and practice in Maoshan all the year round, instead of sleeping. How could it be tired? It's just that what happened just now, to avoid the embarrassment of the two of them, they left.

  In the next few days, there was no abnormality.

During the    period, Jiu Shu came several times and asked if there was any abnormality in Ren's residence at night.

  The answers I got from Ren Tingting and Wang Yu are nothing unusual. The final conclusion of Uncle Jiu was: "The zombies are no longer here!"

  The cause of the death of Master Ren was also closed after the security captain Ah Wei announced.

  During this period, Li Li was all sorting out all the big and small things in Renfu, including business dealings outside, and at the same time supporting his own people. In the middle, there are some disobedient people, but after being cleaned up by Li Qiye, they are also obedient.

  Of course, in addition to dealing with these things, Li Qi also ate Ren Tingting these days. Because of the death of Master Ren, Ren Tingting had to keep his filial piety for three years and could not get married. However, this is not a problem at all for Li Qiye of modern people.

  The day after directly eating Ren Tingting, Li Li lived with Ren Tingting. Said beautifully, "Although we cannot get married now, it will not affect the two people being together."

  This is Ren Tingting, who was educated in the West, and with the help of Mo Li's Infatuation Mantra, it was natural.

  If it were any other woman, it would be impossible to agree to Li Qi’s request. After all, during the period of the Republic of China, the mind was not as open as it is now. Don't even think about such things as living together before marriage.

  Seeing that the Ren family's business was on the right track, Ren Tingting, accompanied by Li Li, gradually walked out of the shadow of his father's death, with a smile on her face.

  On the other side, Yizhuang.

  Since the zombie incident he experienced, Qiusheng seemed to have matured overnight and began to earnestly learn Taoism. Jiu Shu saw this, of course he was happy, and felt that his apprentice had finally gotten to the point.

  One day, Qiu Sheng contacted the expelling object again, "He sinks his dantian, abandons distracting thoughts, puts his mind on his hands, blesses the object through the seal, and uses the sword as a medium to drive the object..." according to the method of expelling objects.

  Unexpectedly, it really made Qiusheng succeed, and then repeated experiments. In the end, Timing could really drive things by himself.

   With excitement, Qiu Sheng tried several Maoshan spells that he usually learned by himself. As a result, they all successfully displayed them.

He quickly informed Jiu Shu of the news. Jiu Shu didn’t believe it at first. After so many years of understanding Qiu Sheng, he didn’t care if he had another bad idea, and said, “Now that you have learned it, let’s use it. Let me see!"

  Qiusheng also noticed Jiu Shu's unbelief, and immediately set up his posture, and soon cast several spells in front of Jiu Shu one by one. Looking at the shocked Uncle Jiu, Qiu Sheng was full of pride.

  Uncle Nine at first thought that Qiusheng was practicing sorcery, which led to a quick commission for his cultivation, so he quickly pulled Qiusheng and began to check. Realizing that there is no wicked aura, he finally smiled and said happily: "Good, good!"

  Uncle Jiu feels that Qiusheng is finally getting started. Immediately, he took out a slightly yellowed book from his arms, handed it to Qiu Sheng, and said, "Let's take a look first. If you don't know anything, just ask me!"

  Qiusheng looked at the book in his hand, which read a few big words: "Maoshan Magic Encyclopedia!" Excitedly said to Uncle Ji: "Thank you, Master, I will practice seriously!"

  Qiu Sheng wanted to read this book of Maoshan spells a long time ago, but Jiu Shu hadn't given it to him before, and now he has broken through his cultivation base, and finally got this secret book. I am very excited.

  After all, it records most of the spells in Maoshan, this is the treasure of learning Tao.

  (End of this chapter)