The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 90: Purple zombie royal family? Heartbroken

  Chapter 90 Purple Zombie Royal Family? Heartbroken


  Royal zombie arms raised naturally, watching the thousands of cranes on the ground fighting in the distance, revealing two long fangs and let out a roar of hatred.

   Seeing the purple-black face of the royal zombie, Dao Chang Qianhe suddenly changed his face, his body trembled, and his tone was a little panicked. He couldn't help but exclaimed, "I have become a fine.

  When the royal zombie himself suppressed it, although his strength was not low, it was not as terrible as it is now. After being struck by thunder, it mutated and turned into a powerful purple zombie.

  Looking at the royal zombies exuding a thick black corpse, Qianhe Daochang’s heart has sunk to the bottom, knowing that today I am afraid that I will explain here.

  Meeting such a powerful zombie, Qianhe, as the leader of Maoshan Road, would never choose to leave alone, leaving the royal zombie alone.

   Although his face was a little panic, he was determined to die with the zombies in his heart, and said decisively: "Are you afraid of things, north and south?"

   "Don't be afraid!" the four of them said in unison to express their determination.

   "Well, since you are not afraid, then we will fight this zombie today!" Qianhe looked at the four people in the south, east, north and west with relief, and said firmly.

   Hearing the words, Dong glanced at Qianhe Daochang's face with a trace of determination, smiled at him and took out his mahogany sword, and quickly rushed towards the royal zombie with a low growl.

   "East, don't go over, wait for us to act together!"

   Qianzuru hurriedly yelled eastward when he saw this, but realized that it was too late.

  The royal zombie jumped directly out of the broken copper horn golden coffin.

  After a few big jumps, he rushed directly in front of Dong, ignoring the peach wood sword she had attacked. When she did not react, the nails on both hands were like sharp knives, and they pierced Dong's chest instantly.

"Ah" Suddenly a look of pain appeared on Dong's face, his eyes blankly looked at the royal zombie in front of him, and he let out an unwilling roar, exhausted his last strength and swung the peach wood sword in his hand, and went straight to the royal zombie's head. .

  The royal zombies were just as they were just now, without any intention of dodge, using a strong head to hard-handed the mahogany sword that was swung east.


   A sound of metal impact suddenly came out, and the peach wood sword in Dong's hand could not bear the distance, and the shocked section fell to the ground in two sections.

  The royal zombie looked at Dong this delicious food and even dared to attack him, his face was slightly angry and let out a beast-like roar, took Dong's body in the air, and bit his neck.


   Feeling like his neck had been pierced by a sharp weapon, Dong suddenly let out a painful scream.

  Blood kept flowing from his body. Dong knew that his own was out of help, so he hugged the royal zombie and shouted loudly, "Master, do it!"

  The royal zombie **** so hard that it doesn’t care about what it’s holding him.

   Qianhe's complexion became extremely ugly, knowing that this was an opportunity created by the apprentice Donglin's death, and hurriedly shouted: "South and Northwest, prepare to tie the corpse."

  Hearing this, the south and northwest immediately took the corpse cords on their respective bodies, surrounded the royal zombies in a triangle shape, and began to shrink the distance continuously.

  The royal zombie discarded Dong, who had already drained his blood, gave a mocking roar at the surrounding three people, and jumped in the direction of the south.

  What happened to the south was not good, and quickly raised the corpse cord and hit the royal zombie directly, and bounced it back to its original position.

  Seeing that the royal zombie was surrounded by three apprentices with a corpse rope, Qianhe Daochang took out two handfuls of glutinous rice while the royal zombie’s attention was not here.

  In an instant, he rushed in front of the royal zombie, and put two glutinous rice on the zombie’s eyes.

  "Zi La"

  "Zi La"

   Accompanied by two sizzling sounds, the eyes of the royal zombie began to emit a strong black corpse.

  The royal zombies were suddenly attacked by the chief Chizuru. His eyes were severely damaged and he could not see the surrounding scene. He could only distinguish the surrounding things by hearing and smell.

  South and Northwest, watching the zombie’s eyes hurt, he shook the three clearing bells of Maoshan's magical artifact hanging on the corpse rope.

   Suddenly, the sound of bells rang around, successfully disrupting the hearing of the royal zombie.

  Qianhedao Chang saw the zombie temporarily trapped by the corpse rope, and his eyes were hit hard by himself. He quickly raised the lightning strike mahogany sword and pierced the royal zombie's eyes.

  Chizuru wants to completely destroy the eyes of the royal zombies, so it will be much easier to deal with!

  Looking at Qianhe Daochang’s insidious attack, remembering the scene when he was suppressed at the time, the imperial zombie’s weak intelligence was a burst of anger, and his hands were grabbed in the direction of Qianhe Daochang’s attack.

  Unfortunately, when the body of the royal zombie touched the corpse cord, it was instantly bounced back into the distance, a black smoke appeared on the body, and his expression was a little worried.

  In addition, the line of sight is a little unclear, and there are nasty ringtones all around, the royal zombie becomes very impatient but helpless for a while, only turning around in the same place and making bursts of roars from time to time.

  Qianhe saw the royal zombie bounced back by the corpse cord, and the peach wood sword pierced into the zombie’s left eye without any obstruction.


  After the sword body submerged in the eyes, there was a clear sound, Daoist Qianhe used his force to make the sword body sink deeper!

  The place where the sword body meets the zombie suddenly makes a sizzling sound, and a lot of black smoke emerges.


  The painful royal zombie let out a painful roar, and the sharp claws grabbed Qianzuru’s two arms.

  The sharp nails pierced directly into the arms of Qianzuru Daochang, and pulled him in front of him, opening his canine teeth and big mouth to bite him.

   Qianzuru was surprised at this, and immediately leaned back and pressed his foot firmly against the chin of the royal zombie.

  The royal zombie is almost overwhelmed by Chizuru.

  Seeing this, Northwest and North realized that things were not good, and immediately turned the rope on their hands and began to shrink the space for the corpse ropes.

  At the same time, he pulled the royal zombie back vigorously, and then bit the royal zombie to the chief Qianzuru.

  The three dared not take any care, otherwise it would be themselves that the zombies went crazy to suffer.

  Although I am determined to die, if I can live, who would choose to die!

  After all, a few of them are only in their twenties, and there are plenty of years to enjoy, right?

  The royal zombies felt the obstacles of the three behind them, and angrily abandoned Chief Qianzuru and threw them away.

   turned around and grabbed the corpse rope regardless, and shook it vigorously with a roar.

  The three people in the south and northwest suddenly felt an unstoppable force coming, and their bodies involuntarily rotated in the air with the corpse ropes.

  The speed is getting faster and faster, and the centrifugal force is getting bigger and bigger.

  Finally, the three of them could no longer grasp the corpse rope in their hands and had to let go.

  (End of this chapter)