The Evil Way of the Heavens

Chapter 93: Testimonials on the shelves! ! !

  Chapter 93 is on the shelves! ! !

  Comments on shelves: Guiqiu subscribe! ! !

  Work: "Evil Way of the Heavens"

  Author: Albino bone

  From the creation of this work to the present, it took two months and it took a long time! (Mainly the small white codewords are slow!)

  First, let’s talk about the people who are grateful:

  First of all, I want to thank my editor: the bigger the son, thank you for giving me the opportunity to sign, so that I have a determination to write down. (Signing is motivation, haha!)

  Again, I usually thank you for your many times of guidance to Xiaobai and tell me the writing skills. I really thank my editors for being bigger.

  Secondly, I would like to thank you, readers who have always supported Xiaobai, thank you for the recommendation votes you voted every day, and thank you for your comments and guidance. (I look at the good and the bad, and I reply to the normal ones.)

  Finally, thanks to myself, thanks for the attitude of not forgetting the original intention!

  Next is when Xiaobai is selling badly!

  Xiaobai first introduce himself:

At first, Xiaobai was also an ordinary reader (Old Bookworm) among all living beings, because he read too many novels, and finally there was no work that could attract Xiaobai’s interest, so that Xiao Tiantian didn’t know what to do. Up.

  Thinking about it is a terrible thing.

  When chatting with a friend once, the friend said to me: "You like reading novels so much, why don't you write a book yourself!"

  My friend’s words awakened me in an instant, so Xiaobai stepped into the ranks of authors, and wanted to write a work according to his own ideas.

  Joining an author is very simple, as long as you apply for a writer account.

  But when it comes to writing, I really don’t know how to start.

  There are thousands of dead ends in my mind, but none of them can be written.

  Thinking about giving up, but not reconciled.

  So I write a little every day, check information online, buy books and look at writing skills and so on.

  Finally, when creating this work, it took a whole month to finally figure out tens of thousands of words.

  I have uploaded three chapters with confidence, which is the golden three chapters often referred to by writers, and I am waiting for review with expectation.

  After waiting for two days, a writer message finally came to the writer's backstage. After opening it with joy, it turned out that the review failed.

  At this time, don’t worry how cold your heart is!

  I was so ruthlessly hit when I wrote for the first time, so I didn’t modify and upload it, and returned to the same way.

  Every day, I look for new books in the bookstore, but there is always something hanging in Xiao Bai's heart.

  One week later, Xiaobai felt that he shouldn’t give up like this, so he revised and uploaded the chapters that had not been approved before.

  One day later, the news of the successful upload was sent to the author’s backend, and I was so happy at that time

  From then on, Xiaobai started writing.

  Here Xiaobai wants to say, Xiaobai is not a full-time author, and there is still a job in reality.

  Xiaobai usually starts codewords at night after get off work. It can be said that since writing, Xiaobai has no other entertainment time outside of work.

  This is sometimes the case, when you choose to do one thing, you have to give up some other things.

  Xiaobai sacrifices his entertainment time to create novels.

  Because Xiaobai has just started to create, and typing is not as powerful as some tentacle monsters. It takes more than two hours to write a chapter with two thousand words. With the modification of the content, every night is late at night.

  The next morning, Xiaobai needs to get up at six o'clock and catch the bus to go to work. It can be said that he sleeps less than six hours a day.

  It is normal to take a nap at noon during work in the company.

  But since starting to write, Xiaobai has not taken a break at noon, and the noon time is basically used for codewords.

how to say?

  In short, there is a little free time, so Xiaobai spends it in codewords.

  Many times the lunch break codeword was discovered by the boss. Therefore, Xiaobai was also personally interviewed by the boss many times.

  In the words of the boss: I just don’t do business!

  Ah, don’t say it! Only Xiaobai knows the bitterness of this

  Xiaobai also dreamed of becoming a full-time writer, so that he could devote all his energy to codewords and write more chapters and richer plots.

  However, now Xiaobai needs to make money to live, so this listing needs everyone to be able to support Xiaobai, and give him a first order.

  It will be on the shelves tomorrow at 12 noon.

After    was put on the shelves, Xiaobai had only one request for herself.

  That is not supervised, two chapters every day, 4000+ words.

  I hope everyone can support Xiaobai.

  Every sentence of your encouragement is the driving force for Xiaobai to move forward.

After    was on the shelves, Xiaobai knew that there would be some readers who would not read the paid chapters.

  This is something that Xiaobai can understand, after all, it is not easy for everyone.

  However, Xiaobai still hopes that readers can greatly support it!

  Xiaobai, thank you all!

  (End of this chapter)