The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

v4 Chapter 808: Deadpool's big plan (1)

"Deadpool! Be careful!" Spiderman rushed over. The first thing was to protect the deadpool with a spiderweb. Spiderman's spiderweb is completely insulated. Although the power of the Cyborg is strong, it can't be done in a short time. Injured to death.

Spider-Man then took advantage of the Cyborg's carelessness. He also wrapped the Cyborg with a spider web from behind. When the Cyborg struggled to tear the sticky spider web, Spider-Man flew over the Deadpool again and fell a few times. A drop of dissolving liquid has dissolved the spider web on the deadpool.

Deadpool recovered from a paralyzed condition, he shook his shoulder and flew to Spider-Man's side, "Little Spider, don't you fight this guy often? What is his weakness?"

"He is most afraid that the surface of the body is destroyed. As soon as the energy to destroy him will be released, the Cyborg will become very weak. I used to do this before." Not many, but every battle is very dangerous. Cyborg is an absolute alien among super criminals. He doesn’t love money or sex. His biggest hobby except for Spider-Man is usually Eating electricity, he once attacked a power station, causing a major blackout in half of New York City.

The economic losses caused by the attack were more than a hundred times more than the money lost from robbing ten banks.

"That didn't work. I stabbed him before. He was discharged, but he recovered quickly. Are there any other weaknesses?" Deadpool asked again in a low voice.

This most direct and effective method was useless. Spider-Man thought about it again. He suddenly remembered another thing, "The Cyborg is still afraid of water. He is full of electrical energy. It will happen violently when he encounters water. The discharge will cause him considerable damage, but this requires a lot of water, preferably the kind that can soak him, otherwise he will not hurt him."

"Water? Isn't all water here?" Deadpool pointed to the ocean below. "We'll find a way to drag him into the water. Isn't that enough? With such a simple method, why didn't you say it early?" "

Spider-Man hesitated and said to him, "Actually, this is the next strategy, because if you want to pull him into the water here, someone must control him and fall into the water with the Cyborg, otherwise we can't beat him. , Not to mention pulling the Cyborg into the water he is most afraid of, but once he enters the water with the Cyborg, he will be electrocuted by the powerful current on his body."

"This is not a problem, because my cool and invincible Deadpool Master will never die. Hurry to kneel in front of the great Deadpool Master, hahaha..." The most fearless thing about Deadpool is death, If he could enter the kingdom of death, it would still be a blessing for him.

Spider-Man just forgot this, and he scratched his head and smiled, "I am really a pig brain, then I will make a plan, you hold my spider web..." He took it from his wrist Take off a spider web device and hand it to the deadpool. This is the secret source that Spider-Man can spin. He points to the pressure device on the spider web wrist. This is a small device that activates the spider web. "Just press this to spray. A lot of spider silk came out, do you understand?"

"It's such a simple thing, don't tell me the second time, you'll wait to watch a good show," Deadpool patted his chest hard. He picked up the spider web and lifted it in the air, said excitedly, "Actually I I just wanted a play for this. I didn’t expect that my dream would come true today. This is a Christmas gift for me."

"Thinking beauty, this spider web is so expensive, I don't have that spare money to make another one," Spider-Man snatched the spider web angrily and put it on the wrists of the deadpool. "When you succeed, I'll shoot and throw the two of you into the sea. Are you sure you want to do this? Although you claim to be immortal, I want to warn you for the last time that you might really die."

"Oh, my little spider, haven't I agreed? I don't have to seduce me like that anymore." Deadpool patted on Spider-Man's face with a smile.

Deadpool's attitude of not caring about life and death, but instead fooled Spider-Man. In fact, this can't blame Spider-Man. In this world, I am afraid that few people know why Deadpool treats death like this, because he really wants to enter the kingdom of death. After the second meeting with the goddess of death, he prefers to seek death, and now Spider-Man has asked him to make sacrifices, he is looking for it.

Although the Cyborg also used a strong current to charge the Deadpool to death, but the Cyborg's power is still insufficient. He can only maintain the paralysis of the Deadpool, but he can't keep the Deadpool in a dead state. The effect is that Deadpool just had a fight with the goddess of death, and the deadpool came to life again, and then hugged the waist with the goddess of death, and came back again, just to hit a chest.... came alive again, It made the dead waiters burn, but nowhere to vent, but the opportunity finally came.

Deadpool rubbed his hands with anticipation. Sure enough, the opportunity was prepared for the prepared. He waited for the Cyborg with a smirk.

After removing the powerful electricity, the cyborg's ability is only a little stronger than that of ordinary people. He even burned it and finally broke free from the spider web. These **** spider webs can only be Spider-Man. Thinking of the idol who regarded himself as a donkey liver and lungs, the eyes of the cyborg released a spark.

"Spider-Man, I didn't expect you to dare to appear in front of me! If you were willing to make me a partner of justice, I am definitely not like this now! I became a wicked man, it's your fault , I must kill you today!" When Cyborg was human, he was a big fan of Spider-Man. His dream was to punish and eliminate evil with Spider-Man, but Spider-Man could not share his secret identity with others. This incident severely hurt the cyborg's heart, causing him to be negligent at work, fell into the pool filled with mutant electric eels, and became the current cyborg. He took all his misfortunes. The blame is on Spider-Man's head, and every time he meets, he must make this history clear.

Spider-Man can only sigh for a long time. The Cyborg is unreasonable. He is too lazy to say, but the Deadpool is curious.

"Why? There is such an unknown past between you and this power bank? Tell me about what is going on?" Although the deadpool is a big man, it has something more powerful than a girl. Gossip heart.

For this sinful relationship between himself and Spider-Man also arrived very helpless, Cyborg is always blaming him unilaterally, but Spider-Man still does not know who the Cyborg is , Only know that there was such a person, after fighting with the green goblin, he ran and said what he wanted to form a team, but Spider-Man could not tell his identity to a stranger first, and second he could not put an ordinary person Involved in, so categorically refused, this is not his fault at all.

So, Spider-Man told the Deadpool this black history.

"I said little spider, that's your fault!" Deadpool immediately began to accuse Spiderman, "How can you treat a person who admires you like this? You selfish guy, completely hurt the Cyborg That poor little heart, this is simply your fault!"

At this moment, Deadpool resolutely overturned Spider-Man's previous plan, and he was about to carry out his big plan.

Spider-Man couldn't help but roll his eyes. Sure enough, he told these to Deadpool, hoping that Deadpool could understand him, which was a mistake in itself.

"You...can you understand me? I heard it right!" Unexpectedly, the Cyborg was impressed.