The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

v6 Chapter 62: Total War

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The eyes of the bully were spitting fire, and the teeth were biting too hard, bleeding blood along the gums.

Li Kang hurriedly took the first two steps and persuaded in a low voice, "What they said makes sense. If the lord of Malta can defeat even the goddess of death, we will face him, I am afraid that we have no chance of half points, we are not in the infinite pool Have you seen it? The goddess of death still has time. It is not so easy to kill such a powerful god. The ancient gods need to recharge the sacrifice dagger. Before the recharge is completed, we must gather six gems. Whether he is an ancient **** or not, he will die!"

The fierce light in the eyes of the bully dissipated, "Yes, now is not the time to get angry, our time is very urgent, witch, send us out of the black hole!"

The infinite witches left a string of sharp laughter and disappeared.

The annoyed bully lifted a huge stone and threw it at the place where the infinite witch was originally.

Li Kang and Da Pa flew out of the black hole and returned to the starship. The cancerous Space Hounds, who had been staring at them from a distance, had returned, and the mission of the cancerous Captain Marvel had been completed. She wanted to attack the earth with her companions. Kill as much as you want.

Just as cancer cells kill healthy cells, she now kills people in the normal world, and that energy will flow to her, the goddess of death has been captured, and the next time is carnival time.

Attacks are carried out in all universes and in all directions, and there is an order in chaos.

In the universe, each race can only deal with the corresponding world. For example, people on the earth can only shoot on the earth. The people of the Kerry Empire can only shoot on the Kerry Empire. The rest of the landless Let them plunder.

This is to prevent disputes when competing for the hunting energy field. During the first few devouring other universes, similar infighting occurred. In order to prevent such things from happening again, the Maltese lord deliberately required everyone to observe the corresponding order. .

When the cancerous space hound team finally came to the earth, the earth was already in full invasion. Those people who were riding a strange shape and transformed from the abandoned tentacles of the ancient gods were flying everywhere. The cancerous universe of earth people resembled a group of zombies. The same rushed to the street, killing people when they saw people, and began to nibble in a more extreme embrace.

The cancerous universe is not heaven. The energy is exhausted. It is not just humans, but also animals, plants, and germs. Sick or seriously injured, they can’t die. They can only hide and endure the pain and slowly turn into a living fossil.

Those who can maintain a certain level of reason, and people have become inhuman, ghosts and ghosts, still insist on living for the next time, that is, they must insist on the next invasion of other universes, when they burn and loot, then they will suffer hundreds of thousands of times. Multiple times applied to prey.

All superhuman beings on the earth are united, no matter whether they are in a life-and-death state before each other. Under this level of crisis, let go of each other's grudges.

The Avengers can unite with all kinds of former enemies, Spider-Man also cooperates with the sinister six-man group, Daredevil can also unite with the target, everyone unites and cooperates to share the crisis.

I am afraid that the only difference is the punisher. Although the crisis of the demise of the universe is in sight, the punisher still abides by his duty. The guilty person must die. He breaks into the gang forbidden land, slaughters the gang members and burns the drugs.

Nine Realms were not spared. The defense of the God Realm was defeated by the cancerous Xiangong people, and the two waves of the same martial arts were killed together.

Originally still watching the frost giants and dark elves, they soon found that their cancerous counterparts also came to the door...

The flames of war spread like raging fires quickly throughout the universe, and even the elders and venerable cosmos who stood high on weekdays were not panic-stricken.

The collector’s territory was attacked, and Gao Tianzun’s territory was not spared.

It's just that Gao Tianzun has a group of gladiators who can fight for good fights, and the losses suffered are much smaller than those of his brother collector.

But this situation is not sustainable, and the life of the cancerous universe will not be killed. Now the energy of the universe has begun to share with them, and they can also absorb the energy of the universe, becoming much more powerful than usual.

Total space war broke out completely, and no one was spared.

Captain Marvel and her men quickly found the Avengers and fought with their counterparts.

All people in this universe feel as if they have fallen into schizophrenia, and they are chased and killed just like their own, just a crazy version of themselves, which always makes people feel a sense of panic that is difficult to eliminate.

The Flying Carrier of the SHIELD Secret Service was sunk again, and the cancerous Agents of SHIELD, under the leadership of the cancerous Nick Fury, rushed to the Flying Carrier, but were quickly driven out by Nick and Fury of the universe.

In New York City, Captain America commanded the group heroes to attack the enemy with tacit cooperation.

Although the people in the cancerous universe are almost never killed, their brains have been confused and there is no cooperation at all, that is, a group of people together.

Saying that they are a group of people in the world has already been lifted up. They are a group of wild dogs who are hungry and do not know how long. They finally saw the meat, their eyes are green, their hearts are hungry, and their souls are burned.

Latvinia also suffered the same attack. Dr. Destruction released the Destruction Robot, fighting desperately. He cooperated with his old neighbor Dracula to cope with the enemies of the cancerous universe.

Seeing that the battle was stalemate, Dr. Destruction thought for a while and directed the Destruction Robot to lead the enemy into the mountains, and the vampires were defeated.

Dracula watched his men fall down one by one and was eaten and wiped away by cancerous vampires. He questioned impatiently what Dr. Destruction wanted to do. Did he give up resistance and admit defeat? He must win at all costs for victory.

Dr. Destruction did not answer, but sent a special robot to destroy. When the robot was brought into the battle group, accompanied by a sound similar to glass shattering, the anti-matter bomb inside the robot was detonated, and a huge black hole appeared out of thin air. Everything was sucked in, leaving only a mountain cut into a semi-arc shape.

Are you determined to win at all costs? Dr. Destruction said, I am the same!

Dracula looked at the blood **** guard, which was painstakingly managed, and lost nearly 70%, not knowing what expression he should use to deal with this tragic victory.

The tears fell as soon as I spoke, nothing else, so cruel.

Dr. Doom's eyes stared at the sky with fear. The expression of fearlessness and true fearlessness are two different things. Dr. Destruction once said that only drunkards and fools are truly fearless. Another kind of invasion from the universe is the kind that is worth fearing.

Ignoring Dracula's complaint, Dr. Doom returned to Doom Castle to hurry up to study the enemy's data. This time the enemy came so suddenly, although various winds have previously indicated that another universe is indeed invading.

But there are also situations that show that this invasion has been well contained, and the universe’s own defense mechanisms are at play. This type of invasion is nothing, and the great gods in the multiverse will stop the invasion. .....

Don't have too much information like this, it seems to be farting now!

The invasion was not prevented at all, and the defense system of the universe must have failed!

The intruder's reading is completely different from that of this universe. It looks very special. It won't die even if it is injured. Even if it turns into fragments, the brain will open a few big holes, and the consciousness will not disappear. It seems that everyone has become a dead waiter. But there is no self-healing factor.

The cancerous universe... originally thought it was a group of dross, but I did not expect it to be so difficult to deal with. Dr. Destruction decided to go to the Avengers and proposed a strategy to jointly deal with the enemy, otherwise it would definitely be broken by each, as for Dracula...

Dr. Destruction finished cleaning up the cancerous universe invaders, and immediately ordered the king of the blood to chase away.

When the gate of the ruined castle was banged, and after Dracula was closed behind him, Dracula remembered, wasn’t this just killing the donkey? Immediately scolded.