The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

v6 Chapter 68: Separate action

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The point of the problem is that Gao Tianzun is a person who dodges the talent. The last time he forced Gao Tianzun back, played with the guy for a long time. If it is calculated according to the earth time, it took about seventy hours. , Less than three punches...

These are all superficial plans, and the actual situation may change, which requires adaptability.

About this point, I don’t worry much about bullying. Both Li Kang and Rocky are random masters. The only thing that is easy to cause trouble is the deadpool. Now think about it. It is still necessary to beat him hard before. I estimate this There will be no more trouble in a short time.

The starship quickly landed on the Colosseum. After landing, it was discovered that there was a planet hidden below...

The planet is quite small, and there are cities on it, but the environment is very chaotic. Gao Tianzun handed over the management of the city to Ms. Kunda, the deputy, but Ms. Kunda has considerable skills in training gladiators, but in managing cities , She has no rules at all.

Except for a large city, that is, the city circle centered on the Colosseum, the rest of the planet is a huge dump.

The city has a very strict security system, and those who live outside by picking up trash are unable to enter here.

The surroundings of the planet are protected by a layer of gravitational energy cover, which can generate gravity, otherwise such a small planet cannot generate enough gravity at all, and the air and the matter above will fly to the universe space.

Picking up trash here and selling it outside have always been a very profitable business. Most people want to pick up trash. It is not enough. The people who pick up trash have their own organization.

The people who can come to the Colosseum to watch the gladiatorial show are either rich or expensive, and the food they use is top-notch. Even the garbage thrown out, they can also find a lot of good treasures.

But overall, just like the bottom people in other civilizations in the universe, the bottom people here have to endure serious problems, such as pollution, food and water shortages.

However, although it is very hard, there are still many wanderers in the universe who come here to pick up garbage to survive, at least there is a chance to survive here. If you are lucky, you will find a valuable baby and change a large sum of money. Neng Yijin returns home.

There is another reason why Gao Tianzun chose such a place. This planet originally did not exist. It was originally an outlet of an energy field. From time to time, some garbage in the universe spewed out from here, like Gao Tianzun. A kind of cosmic elder, staying in such a cosmic place is as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring every day, and can also make his own energy stronger.

Gao Tianzun’s younger brother collector chose the skull wreckage of a cosmic **** group as the oldest nest, also because of the strong power of the universe, but the energy level is much worse than that of Gao Tianzun’s Colosseum, so the collector has been stabilized by Gao Tianzun One end is not unreasonable.

It’s impossible for the starship to land directly in the Colosseum, it’s not a mess anymore. The first one is to land at the stop airport. Ms. Kunda’s security guards surrounded the starship regiment. Before that, Ms. Kunda had already been destroyed. Ba talks through video, she has always been very interested in tyrants.

The most important thing is that Gao Tianzun is not generally interested in tyrants. Gao Tianzun has proposed more than once that if he can arrange a fight between the Hulk and the tyrants, it is worthwhile to die.

Ms. Kunda has always poured cold water on this idea of ​​Gao Tianzun, and it is not easy to get rid of the bully!

However, when Gao Tianzun heard that the bully was coming, he became very excited. Although Ms. Kunda disagreed with 10,000, Gao Tianzun said that he would see the bully, so Ms. Kunda had to take her men to the court. The enemy is waiting for the bully to come out.

Li Kang and Loki used illusion to stealth, followed the Deadpool behind the tyrant, and arrived in the hangar. They separated and acted according to plan.

Rocky is still familiar with the Colosseum. He once came here once, and had a good interaction with Gao Tianzun, which is still a familiar face here.

Rocky has a characteristic, and is very capable of making some bad friends, that is, those who are not very capable and like to take advantage of others. He is most in love with this kind of people.

It happened that the Colosseum in the universe is all this kind of villain. Rocky went to one of the scalpers working in the Colosseum. The goods were called Jabba, a Nite, and the Nite evolved from a giant worm. The ethical appearance of the people out there is naturally needless to say, but they are naturally capable of commanding and breeding ferocious giant worms, so although Gao Tianzun does not like the Nites, gladiator wars against giant worms have always been very popular Traditional programs, so Gao Tianzun hired them.

Rocky once helped Jabba win a lot of money. Jabba said he owed him a favor, but the Nites are known for being shameless and shameless. They have never heard that they still have the habit of gratitude, so Loki estimates this trip Still get some blood.

On the other hand, Li Kang and Deadpool used their ability to collect intelligence on the earth. The first stop went straight to the most high-end bar here. There are still many Tira coins on them. Now the universe is so uneven. Although destruction is a big event, but now in the universe, civilization is disappearing every day, no one cares about that.

I thought I would encounter some difficulties, but after actual contact, I found out that the people here didn't have even a little respect for Gao Tianzun.

After a few glasses of alcohol, there is really something to say, but unfortunately, among these things, there are almost no people who can actually come into contact with Gao Tianzun's secret. To succeed, you must find the right person.

They acted separately, and the tyrants alone faced Gao Tianzun's elite troops. Ms. Kunda, headed by a rude woman, had stronger muscles than the average man, and it was easy to be misunderstood as a healthy man just by looking at the back. Shuo man.

Ms. Kunda gave Kunda a beautiful nickname, not because she was so beautiful. In fact, she was thrown into the pile of men, and she would be considered the most masculine one, with black lips. Fluff, the difference between her and a man, only one difference.

The more people are missing something, the more they care about it. Ms. Kunda's burly figure likes to wear that Victorian-style lady with a pair of ponytails and heavy makeup on her face. The overall effect is more scary than ghosts.

She likes to ask when she meets people: do you think I am beautiful?

Answering the beauty will be slapped because of hypocrisy! My Kunda still has self-knowledge, I am not a beauty at all! How dare you lie to your face! Time to fight!

If the answer is not beautiful or ugly, Ms. Kunda will pull out the particle beam saw on the spot and cut the man in the middle to dry.

So people call her beautiful Kunda, also in order to prevent herself from being asked that question one day, if the mouth is Wrong answer is miserable, it is better to hypnotize yourself, This effect is better.

This nickname is very famous, even people in the dark quadrant know it.

Everyone is in a hostile relationship with each other. Fighting the hegemony has never fought unprepared battles. The nature of Gao Tianzun’s strong enemies must be investigated in detail. He has the currency of the universe, and he has bought some spy spies.

Ms. Kunda led the way in front of her. She originally hated bullying. Now she seizes the opportunity and attacks fiercely with words. At first, she attacked the dark quadrant.

At first, the Bully didn’t want to take care of it, but Ms. Kunda continued to chatter, so the Bully interrupted her, “Kunda, I know you like people to answer the question whether you are beautiful, I will give you a standard answer today. , The **** pulled by the giant worm you raise is more beautiful than your face!"

Ms. Kunda stiffened and stopped, staring at the bully with dangerous eyes for a while, and then said one word at a time, "Sooner or later, I will mince you and feed it to the giant worm. After you become a wormy feces, what other cool words are there to talk about!"

"Even in that way, the feces that I have turned out are still more beautiful than you." Baha haha ​​smiled.