The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1058: Mother Cynthia

"You did a good job in the previous battle. It was because you suppressed the Empire Commander named Denton, the great Knossolis tribe, that you could easily defeat the Imperial Vanguard." Mother Cynthia said with a smile.

"It's a pity to let Denton run away." Carmela-or Carmel, not easily.

"Don't blame it, it's because I didn't take the shot. I have a longer-term plan. The death of Count Denton in the hands of the aristocracy of Bethlehem is more valuable than that of yours. That's why. You're very obedient. This is what I like about you. "

Mother Cynthia smiled mildly.

Although the hostess released goodwill, Camille did not relax at all. Seeing the gentle smile of the hostess, she even had a chill in her heart.

Camille's cut-in status this time is the Underworld Drow Elf Empire, a noble member of the Knossolis tribe.

If available, Class 129 of Shenting Training Camp would not give such a key position to the indigenous Camille of the earth. In fact, it is an open secret that the Star Alliance students discriminated against the indigenous people of the earth in the Shenting training camp.

The reason for all lies in two words: gender.

The drow elf empire is a matriarchal society, and the status of men is extremely low, even lower than that of women in the feudal society where ancient Chinese men were superior to women. And the Star Alliance students in the training camp, those hero occupations, are all male.

For the Star Alliance students to cut into the drow elf empire, even with ten times the effort, it is impossible to gain any authority.

After Carmel entered, she made great efforts to complete the trial of the priestess of the queen rose, and finally achieved her current status-the high-level of the Knossolis tribe.

The trial task of the priestess is very difficult, and the cost of failure is very serious. She will be transformed into a half-human and half-spider monster by the abnormal nerve spider Rose and lose her identity as an awakening.

In other words, if Carmel fails, she must escape from the Kane plane, which means that she will lose the opportunity to participate in this unification, which will be costly.

Fortunately, she succeeded. As a new priest, she has a very heavy voice in the tribe. This time the invasion of the surface world, such a positive assembly of the tribe of Knossoris, emerged from her efforts to persuade.

Even so, Carmel was still cautious in front of her mother. These days spent in the brutal society of the Drow elf empire have made Camille clearly aware of the terrible aspects of this group. What kind of affection, friendship, love ... in this cruel race are all luxury goods, or all shit, no one has this kind of thing, and no one cares about it.

All the drow elves are thinking about conspiracy and deceit, how to harm others to live better in society.

The drow elves and nobles who have been passed down for a long time with "good" education are even experts who play with conspiracy and tricks, and civilians can't play them. As the top of the entire tribe, the main mother Cynthia is undoubtedly the master of conspiracy.

Facing the compliment of his mother, Camille could only lower her posture: "This is the command of the great Lord Cynthia, Carmela just obeys your orders."

"Don't be humble, you are qualified for pride."

I believe you a ghost, Camille thought.

Mother Cynthia said with a smile: "So what do you think we should do next?"

Camille thought, thinking of the monitor's instructions.

"Master, now we have defeated the Imperial Vanguard, but this is only the beginning. The army led by Nicholas IV has set off in Xisha Province. Only by defeating them can we truly rule the surface world."

Mother Cynthia said faintly, "Carmela, what I want to hear are specific steps of action, not something that these three-year-olds know."

Camille trembled and whispered, "It's news from the Bethlehem Territory that they have mastered the marching route of Nicholas IV and have found a suitable place for an ambush."

With that said, Camille handed in a sketch with a thick red pen surrounding a place name: "This is the place called 'Greedale Canyon'. I've seen it and it really suits our darkness Elves and underground races carry out raids. "

"So what's your opinion?" Mother Cynthia asked, seemingly inquiring.

Camille just wanted to speak, and instinctively noticed something wrong. She paused, and suddenly changed her voice: "Master, Carmela thinks this is a conspiracy of Lord Bethlehem. His purpose is to let us and Nicholas IV lose each other, and then take the opportunity to jump out and clean up the mess.

"Well, you're right."

Mother Cynthia nodded with satisfaction: "You have not disappointed me, proving your worth, Carmilla. If you can't see this, it is impossible to pass the trial of the Queen and become her priest."

Camille felt cold. If she had just continued to encourage Mother Cynthia to ambush Nicholas in accordance with Andre's orders, it would be difficult to say what the final outcome would be. Maybe the mother-in-law Cynthia will not move her for a while, but losing her mother's trust is also a very serious crisis for a newly-arrived queen priest.

Mother Cynthia didn't know about Camille's psychological activities, she said with a sneer: "The nobles of Xisha Province are far from wanting to use our drow. Camilla, reply to them, the drow empire's The Legion has not yet assembled, it will take at least ten days to be able to fight against Nicholas IV! If they are in a hurry, go to Nicholas first and try the strength of your opponent. "

"The strength of the aristocracy in the province of Xisha can only be used to strike the stone against Nicholas IV. They would not agree to do so." Camille said.

"No, they will!" Said Mother Cynthia sneer. "Because Nicholas IV's first goal must be them-do you really think that the escape of the vanguard commander named Denton was accidental? No Just because I did n’t do it on purpose! "

"The moment the private forces of Bethlehem slaughtered Denton ~ ~, they were destined to be the first hate target of Nicholas IV—Look, as long as there are no obstacles along the way, King The Western Army of the Sparrow Empire will inevitably go straight into the manor and castle of the Duke of Bethlehem! In order to protect their foundation, the nobles of Xisha can only fight to death. We are the drow elf empire. Hunter! "

Camille understood: "As long as we lurk near the Bethune Manor and wait for the opportunity to join the battlefield, we can clean up the mess."

"Yes. Although Bethlehem's private army is very weak, they rely on the castle defense, and they can certainly cause a lot of casualties to the Imperial Army of Nicholas IV. We only have to wait until the Imperial Army breaks through the castle and enters the city, and then If you kill them, you will be able to defeat the normal forces of surface humans and gain a foothold in Xisha Province! "

Mother Cynthia said with a smile, "Then based on the province of Xisha, we can enjoy the rich surface world resources and grow rapidly. As for the underground world, let the other two tribes compete with the abnormal monsters in the plague territory. We don't need it. "

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